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Rise Of The Wool Ball :3 (v1.2 now GZDoom compatible)

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Just finished playing this! Just like my experience with SOTWB, I found this to be really cute and charming, and Episode 3 had the most amusing secret level by far. I love the combination of your toony art style (and the voice acting, and sound effects) with ROTT's staple level design elements, it made for a really unique experience.



I did do a little looking around during my playthrough, there's a left-over test area in E3's secret level with a bunch of indestructible enemies. It's cool to see (nearly) everything in one place like this, but you probably didn't intend for this to be seen!



Also, E1M2. I was able to jump up into the litter disposal's exit with ease, with no way to get back out.


Looking forward to seeing what you do next! (Don't let those social activities suffer, though! Take your time. 😎)

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Just finished, and it was awesome. The Ep3 secret level was phenomenal, and I would play more games like that. :D


The only real issue I ran into was in E3M3,


when I freed Scott before actually talking to him. Later I climbed the scratching post to peek into his (former) cell, and we had a conversation even though he was no longer there.


Edited by Salt-Man Z

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I am so incredibly relieved when reading all your comments... Thanks so much!! :D

Really glad that this game seems to be fine the way it is now. :D


The problems that you guys posted here will all be fixed in v1.2... funny to see what little quirks still managed to hide in the game. :D

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9 hours ago, Albertoni said:

I found a little bug, this guy won't ever land or stop spinning:

Encountered this same bug in a few levels, it happens whenever he's killed while hovering over a decorative object.

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11 minutes ago, Lollie said:

Encountered this same bug in a few levels, it happens whenever he's killed while hovering over a decorative object.

I was thinking it was either that, or killed while the center isn't touching the object but something else isn't (though a quick check on the wiki said the second hypothesis is probably wrong).


I didn't look too hard for a solution, but it worst comes to worst, make the character fall for 3 seconds or so and then if he hasn't hit the ground yet, just jump to that state. Don't think any levels are tall enough that 3 seconds won't make you hit the ground.

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The intro is quite impressive, it's just like watching some saturday morning cartoon in the 90s.


I enter the first map and am told to press F1 to see the help screen. I was curious to see if any game-specific things I need to know are on there, instead it's the typical "here are the function keys". Then, it goes to a blank thing because the credit pic lump is missing. I suggest either removing that from the help pic cycle somehow, or making a second help screen that describes the gameplay quirks unique to this game that might be helpful to know ahead of time.


The first game was excellent and without even having actually played too much of the game yet, I can already tell the quality and ambition was stepped up quite a bit. Very creative design, as always.


EDIT: A few things I noticed:


There's parts where the status bar turns blank, like game over or level end scenes. Also, the default ZDoom fullscreen HUD doesn't really seem to fit IMO, I could design a new one for you if you're interested.


It'd be nice to have a secondary attack as the foot, like Duke Nukem 3D. That way I don't have to keep switching to it every time I just want to save ammo.


Also, there are some layering issues when shooting the barrel on the dead flying guys.

Edited by Blastfrog

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I had no idea what Shadow of the Wool Ball was until now, I'd heard it mentioned but had no idea it was a TC complete with it's own art style and everything, and now here's a sequel! I fall so damn far behind sometimes on the "what wads are hot right now" front, but this looks zaney and interesting in all the right ways. Will have to give it a blast!

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Absolutely adorable, even more so than the already great part one. Great cutscenes (moshpit with hedgehogs, that's gonna hurt), funny dialogues, creative secret levels as it was already mentioned above, worth searching for sure - and of course that lovely visual style and admirable artistry.


A bunch more bugs aside from those already mentioned:

This fence can be passed through without jumping over it:



The dark blue dots in the sky:


Overall this is definitely a fantastic sequel to an already great and cute thingie, more of everything that was so cool there - and then even more on top of that. You really are some talented individual I must say, pulling something like this off - and doing it twice! - isn't an ordinary thing to do. Thank you very much for the fun, and keep up the good work!

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So heeyy, I just released v1.2!
This version should now be compatible with newest build of GzDoom... :D



  • fixed countless cosmetical things and rendering quirks in the maps and during cutscenes (things that looked fine in Software Mode, but were broken in OpenGL)
  • The helicopter kitty can not be stopped by decorative objects anymore (simply adding a NOCLIP flag to his death animation did the trick!)
  • added a credit screen in which I do nothing but toot my own horn
  • the exit of the littler hallway in E1M2 is not reachable by jumping anymore
  • the "Litter Disposal" sign which could be seen from inside the litter hallway is now removed
  • Scott`s dialogue at the hamster wheel in E3M3 won`t reappear if you return to his cell after pushing the switch
  • Added those missing spikes in E2M2
  • the little balcony in front of the green building southeast in E3M2 is not an inescapable place anymore
  • removed that leftover testing area in E3M6
  • the secrets in E3M6 are now marked!
  • Dying by lava won`t print "Player got spiked" anymore
  • got rid of the restricted menu (I will save those for standalone builds)

Thanks to you guys for finding these!!! :D

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Oops, I found a new project to play after I clear my IRL queue.


That "other recently released" Wolfenstein mod can wait a little bit longer, right? x3

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Took a look at the first levels of this and its prequel.  Wonderful stuff.  Proof, imo, that the Doom Community is the most talented and diverse of all modding communities, along with the Thief I & II boys and girls.  Long live Doomworld and its sub-realms!  I had scary error messages launching this from Doom Launcher though using the latest GZDoom.  Does it have to be launched from the included .exe for any kind of reliability?

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I've launched GZDoom with the 1.2 version of this mod from the command line with no issues. The included exe definitely isn't needed.

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1 hour ago, scifista42 said:

I've launched GZDoom with the 1.2 version of this mod from the command line with no issues. The included exe definitely isn't needed.

My problem is that I always get intimidated by all those red errors I see when using Doom Launcher (a truly great frontend for Doom wads that I've been waiting years for to manage my massive collection) to launch Rise or certain other wads that seem to play fine.  They're probably totally harmless errors but it's a psychological thing that makes me think I'll be raped by giant yellow exclamation points or question marks during gameplay or something. haha.

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Update on my Doom Launcher error woes:  the newest 1.2 non-standalone version of this launches fine now with no errors under Doom Launcher.  Also, might I suggest that if you play this with latest GZDoom in software mode, that you use the new 32-bit true color software renderer.  It just looks nicer to me, and with all that haze cleaned up because of the true color rendering, it's the cleanest way to enjoy this wad or any zdoom wad for me.  It also runs faster than zdoom in this mode.  In fact, it flies! Mouselook is disabled by default in this mod.

Edited by cacomonkey

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Just finished this! Very cool levels with some inventive little ideas: definitely dig all the bouncing around and hazards like the wool balls and ceiling anvils are nice additions.


I will say however that the boss fights were kind of iffy: I'm a big fan of boss fights and these ones have issues to work out:



-Oddly enough the first one was the hardest: the bouncing around can catch up with you at a frightening pace if you're not careful and it seemed to take a while for me to cut him down. Maybe a bit less health.


-The second boss seemed a tad too simple with his singular attack and the first time I faced him I actually speeded on ahead of him and desperately tried to lap him just so I could actually shoot at him. I'd say give him a speed boost for when the player gets too close and maybe have him warp ahead of the player and lay hazards when his health reaches certain levels to keep the fight interesting.


-The third boss is actually pretty cool on a technical level, although I tried hiding behind the pillars for his beam attack and got hit anyway: is that intentional? That aside though, he definitely doesn't have enough health and a second form wouldn't go amiss either, just to give the experience a nice sting in the tail. Apart from that though, a very cool boss: he's got a lot of atmosphere and the artwork looks excellent.



That aside though, excellent mapset! Are we gonna get a trilogy, perchance? :P

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On 6/15/2017 at 3:55 PM, scifista42 said:

I've launched GZDoom with the 1.2 version of this mod from the command line with no issues. The included exe definitely isn't needed.


The next version of GZDoom (3.2.0) will support Rise of the Wool Ball as an IWAD, so the .exe will definitely not be needed.



Edited by Master O

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Hm,i watched walkthrough of your WAD,Racoon,and i am impressed.Good story,good AI and your art is also good art even though it is cartoonish.I can make crap with classic textures,but you can make excelently decent designs.Congtatulations.

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I loved this sequel, (thanks for icaruslives, this was where i found it) and i'm really looking foward a next sequel, anyway i found few bugs, nothing so major so you can ignore if you want:

note: it seens to be random glitch, In e2mx, i dont remenber the slot, my charater after exiting the level, everything blowed up has usual, before the end screen her run back, it wont happened when i tried again it from least save file (maybe her forget his shoes :p).

e3m6 (secret one) in the mirror of old e1m2 from SOWB i actualy tiggered the chat screen in same possible spot of the old game (nice copy paste heh) it just showed the chat only (no sounds), i dont remenber if the old game has a chating screen in e1m1 so i just noticed this one.

Screenshot of the wall of i tigered it anyways:


Edited by Xindage

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I loved Shadow, and I loved this sequel as well.


Aside from some typos and some bits of dialog that seemed a tiny bit out-of-place, and an over-abundance of ammo that kept me from going back to other weapon types, everything was a blast from start to finish.



Awesome work!



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  • 4 months later...

This is amazing.  Blazed through Shadow and am early in the third episode of this, and it's great, cute fun.  Makes me think 'Wacky Wheels meets ROTT' (minus the obnoxious massive sets of nested secrets and ankh collection.)

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  • 1 month later...

Just finished this, a little late to the party as I didn't know this was a thing until I saw it in the cacowards and hot damn is it good. I was impressed with the first and even more so with this, probly some of the best stuff I've seen done through modding. The music was really great too. Hope to see another soon.


Also, I personally think this should have won a cacoward and not a runner-up.

Edited by Count651

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I am also a bit sad it didn't win again this year, especially after the sequel had improved compared to the first part in last pretty much every possible aspect. Guess it's still not for everyone, even though I really had a lot of fun with it and will completely support the development of a third volume. This needs to be a trilogy after all!

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  • 2 months later...

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