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Do you think a Doom 64 remaster is coming?

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I just thought about it because of the 20th Anniversary Soundtrack by Aubrey Hodges. Maybe? I dunno I never got to play Doom 64 so that's what I'm hoping for.

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If there was any chance whatsoever of a commercial remaster / rerelease, Bethesda would never have allowed Brutal Doom 64 to be released.

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I don't think the game ever had enough of a following to warrant a remaster. It's always been one of the underdogs of the series.

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8 hours ago, Voros said:

Download Doom 64 EX and play it then.

Or check out Doom 64: Retribution, which kinda sorta doesn't need an illegally dumped ROM.

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I'm admittedly bummed that it never got an official PC port so it could be up there with the likes of the originals and Quake. There's a lot of people who don't know the first two Turok games had PC versions, but there's even more who still think Doom 64 is/was exclusive to N64 consoles, completely unaware of all the different unofficial PC ports from the Doom community.

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I will get some bad responses here, but i liked Brutal Doom 64, its not over the top like Brutal Doom, The mod respect the original feeling of the game and bring beta content to the game. And the unmaker its more balaced in a way.

Also the level 24!!

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8 hours ago, GoatLord said:

I don't think the game ever had enough of a following to warrant a remaster. It's always been one of the underdogs of the series.

I'm hoping as time goes on my TC will be this in a sense. There's just a couple things missing from it to be up there, right now mainly the gradient lighting.

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I think given the continual advances with source ports, the endless creativity of the community and the increasing interest the modding scene has shown for Doom 64 over the years, we will probably, even if it's a decade from now, eventually see some sort of remaster, or at the very least the first Doom 64 megawad.

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IMO, finally seeing support for DOOM64.WAD in an engine like GZDoom would be a better idea than a remaster. And with the constant growth of sourceports like GZDoom, Eternity, etc. that may come true someday.

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16 hours ago, silentzorah said:

Or check out Doom 64: Retribution, which kinda sorta doesn't need an illegally dumped ROM.

Doesn't make it any more legal.

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22 minutes ago, Da Werecat said:

Doesn't make it any more legal.

Correct, but you're less likely to get busted for warez for a fan remake.  I kinda knew a guy.  Keyword is "knew."

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3 hours ago, GoatLord said:

Is there some sort of statue of limitations on emulation and ROM data? Like are Atari ROMs illegal?

First of all, IANAL, law across jurisdictions may vary, etc.


Emulation is fine, as long as it does not require a system bios or something, it must be 100% independent from the console.

ROMs are in a very clear-cut area. If you dump them yourself and never share them, they're fine (Archival exception to the DMCA). Playing your own copies is almost certainly illegal though, because most games come with a "only for use with Lintendo Polystation" warning. As it stands, you can only have ROMs if they're public domain (either the author released them, or 75+ years old) or if they're sold to you (the Sega classics collection on Steam uses ROMs SEGA downloaded off the internet, some had dumper info on them >_>).


With a bunch of luck and good lawyers on your side, you also might be able to get a judge to see you playing a ROM of a game you bought as fair use, if and only if the game and manual doesn't state "only for use with Super Nintendo" or something similar. There is a precedent for downloading MP3s while you own the CD.

But say you want to emulate King of Fighters 98 on your phone. SNK released a port for Android. Then it's not fair use anymore, you're harming their market. But for both cases, it's not a "drop the mic" scenario; you got a strong case behind you, but it's not an already-won case.


Same with abandonware. If you can't legally purchase a copy anymore, you can argue "I'm not hurting them!" just how they can say "We're pulling a Disney, keeping it in the vault to increase demand and get some free advertisement for 'reviving' the game."

The game being unavailable would help your case if you own a copy but it's damaged or otherwise unplayable. But every single of those cases isn't open-and-close.

Edited by Albertoni

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A lot of armchair lawyering in here. You should always preface such things by saying "IANAL" and "this is not legal advice."

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