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The DWIronman League dies to: Disturbia

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June, 2017



> Download Disturbia

> 2017 Season Standings



  1. # Survived [00:46:10] Bloodite Krypto - You were probably waiting for the bit where Krypto clean-sweeps the archvile cave with unparalleled precision. Instead, he uses an invulnerability sphere and runs through it unscathed. Stop embarrassing the MC!
  2. # 97% Ancalagon - Had his last remaining plasma ammo swallowed by the finale's intestinal tract. Essential viewing!
  3. # 96% Demon of the Well - Wrong Turn is a pretty bad horror film. For a true nightmare situation, tune in to DotW's untimely demise.
  4. # 55% RjY - RjY's The Art of The Deal. (DNF)
  5. # 31% Veinen - Had a scary run-in with Wilou's culprit. Took a rain check on the rockets.
  6. # 30% Beginner - After a very tense stand-off with the Big Fucking Cyberdemon, it's the other boss monster that gets the chocolates.
  7. # 28% WH-Wilou84 - Good effort. Cyberdemon lays the smackdown. *waggles mouse left and right*
  8. # 27% Ribbiks - Vanilla faceplant. I wonder which monster will be responsible for the most deaths this month?
  9. # 25% scotty - Once you've made The Deal of a Thousand Imps, your bags are packed and your ammo is fucked.
  10. # 25% NoisyVelvet - Allergic to plasma; he prefers the taste of rocket instead.

  11. # 24% ClonedPickle - Set a goal, surpassed it, then died in good time. A man of principles

  12. # 18% bonnie - Tried to book a ticket on the Thousand Imps cruise, but the revenants were having none of it.
  13. # 18% Roofi - Whittled to death by a bad situation. Imp has the honors.
  14. # 17% an_mutt - He does just enough! Let his guard down after defeating the spooky hallway.
  15. # 13% Suitepee - Bottled it quick in the room with the spooky cyberdemon.
  16. # 11% DoomLover234 - The Deal of a Thousand Imps. The mark of shame.
  17. # 11% ella guro - Died next to a berserk pack; punched out by its guardian revenant.
  18. # 10% Aquasa - Outmaneuvered by a... what's the collective noun for archviles? A storm? A laughter? He was roasted is what I'm trying to say.
  19. # 08% Eris Falling - No need to go back for health; he was walking with his feet ten feet off of Disturbia. The lost soul agrees.
  20. # 08% Anima Zero - "Archvile conductor," I like it! I also like the bit where you flipped the shiny switch for a second ride on the elevator.
  21. # 07% Alfonzo - Surrendered to a world of pain within an instant of opening the door to the RK building.
  22. # 06% elmle - After a close call on the BK elevator, elmle couldn't chainsaw the shootable switch to forge an escape. Lost souls win out.
  23. # 06% Dime - With Canada's demise, The Doorman ropes in a trilogy of kills and has his title capitalized for posterity.
  24. # 06% dobu gabu maru - the doorman strikes again. Ding dong!
  25. # 06% rodster - Got a bony tap on the shoulder by the doorman.
  26. # 05% dl_simc - Meticulously chewed through his reserves and then got slammed by the bony spawn-in.
  27. # 05% TMD - A performance born of hubris; a death decided by well-positioned computer terminals.
  28. # 05% SSGmaster - Finally, a bit of name-to-content correlation (yes, I know; but Mapgame doesn't count!).
  29. # 03% DaIcemann76 - Fires off a cannonball.
  30. # 03% cannonball - Was on a hiding to something until he got cute with an archvile.
  31. # 03% Cynical - Caught in a logjam and spat on with plasma.
  32. # 02% 4shockblast - Funneled into chaingun fire by a trio of spiders.
  33. # 02% Gordon - Oh no, Gordon. I'm so sorry. The health...
  34. # 02% JudgeDeadd - I've got to hand it to Judge; he's a stalwart of the league. It's a shame the demons don't recognise fidelity.  
  35. # 01% Crusader No Regret - Will regret not killing the hell knights en route to the medikit cache.
  36. # 01% Bashe - Just so you know, these results have to round down to the nearest percent.
  37. # 01% bzzrak - Got an earful from the entry-level cyberdemon. Ouch.
  38. # 01% Sparktimus - Welcome, Sparky, to the slaughterhouse.
  39. # 00% loveless - There's no love lost for the greatest demo in DWIronman history.


What is the Doomworld Ironman League?

The DWIronman League is a monthy competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given mapset, preferably in one sitting. Click the spoiler tag below for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome; it could change the way you play Doom!

In June 2017 the DWIronman League dies to Disturbia-complevel 9 (Boom (strict)), a.k.a The Mucus Flow++. For those not in the know, The Mucus Flow is the 24th map of Community Chest 2 and one of the two creations (the other being Grove) that earned B.P.R.D the title of Mapper of the Year back in 2004. It's known in equal parts for its music and unusual item placement, which sees the player scurry backwards and forwards through nests of nasty chaingunners to ensure they have enough ammo and health to make headway elsewhere in the level. It's a divisive style of play, and one quite unlike anything yet seen in Ironman; it's going to make this month's batch of runs very, very interesting. Assuming not everyone dies too soon, of course!


Death-Destiny's Disturbia sports a special chaingun and an increased bullet capacity of 800 w/ backpack. It has a 50% faster rate of fire and a 100% more irritating sound. Sorry about that! Have fun. Keep in mind that because of the different ways in which source ports handle in-game monster counts, any lost souls or resurrected monsters that increase the base number will have to be deducted from that total along with the kill count. It's not perfect, but assuming you kill whatever's been ressed/spat out you'll be on par with the prboom runners.

prboom-plus -file distrbia -complevel 9 -skill 4 -record my_demo




  • One attempt per month. Good luck!
  • Demos (PrBoom+ and GLBoom), stream highlights and single-take video recordings are the only accepted proofs.
  • UV only continous; no pistol-starting.
  • No auto-loaded wads unless they are purely cosmetic.
  • No hard-coded cheats or features that result in behaviour beyond what is possible in the intended source port (e.g. freelook, jumping and crouching in a boom set).
  • If streaming or recording videos using an advanced source port with compatability options, you must not enable any flags that result in behaviour beyond what is possible in the intended source port. In most cases, this will mean that you can comfortably use "Doom/Boom(strict)" behaviour in ZDoom, for example. You must also display these settings on-screen before your run.
  • If you choose to stream your run rather than provide a demo and you die before completing a single level, either on map01 of a set or because of a single level being selected for the month, you must display the number of monsters killed/remaining in the level before you quit. The number of kills registered will determine your ranking versus other players who died on that level.
  • You do not have to play the secret levels in order to register a complete run. However, a player who finishes the game having completed more secret levels will rank higher than his competitors.
  • You do not have to complete your run in a single sitting. Such runs are considered to be "hardcore" runs. For stream and video recording users, you need only load a savegame that has been shown to be set during the previous segment, and again displaying the same compatability options. For demo users, you may continue using the same recording using a save file linked in the thread alongside the demo, assuming the -complevel allows for this function (e.g. -cl 9). Otherwise, the run must be completed in a single sitting or in segments separated by forced pistol starts (mandatory death exits) and episodes.
  • You cannot load a game having progressed past the save point. This includes "scouting ahead" for map details "just to check on something."
  • You cannot consult Doom Builder during your run to check for map details. Your viewers may, however.
  • If you die for any reason, tough luck! Your little brother snuck into your room while you were paused and getting tea and walked your marine into an inescapable pit? Brilliant. You went to answer the doorbell but knocked over your mug of hot chocolate and a baron ripped your arm off? Walk it off, hot stuff! You're through.
  • If your operating system fails during the run such that the stream/recording becomes irretrievable, you are permitted a second or subsequent attempt offline. Technical difficulties during streams or recordings that present as merely an impediment (i.e. the run is still observable, in the case of a stream) do not count as system failures. In these instances, you should save the game, if possible, and resume when the issue has been resolved.
  • Death exits do not disqualify a run (duh!) but accidentally restarting the level before the tally screen appears will. Stay frosty!
  • In the event that the leaders are tied having died on the same map, the player to have arrived at the map of death in the fastest time will be deemed the winner.



Previous Threads

Jenesis (winner: Demon of the Well)
Crusades (winner: Ribbiks)
Nilla Doom (winner: Demon of the Well)
Khorus' Speedy Shit (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Perdition's Gate (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
UAC Ultra (winner: Bloodite Krypto)

Jade Earth (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Legacy of Heroes (winner: Bloodite Krypto)

Back to Saturn X E1 (winner: dew)

Mapgame (winner: Bloodite Krypto)

Vae Victus 1 & 2 (winner: Demon of the Well)

Edited by Alfonzo
I am an update.

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Please find attached my shitty run. I died with a measly 111 monsters killed. That's not good—not even in this level. It's small comfort to hope that the particular trap that killed me is going to catch a lot of people off-guard, so I guess I'll just have to hold onto my recent efforts in VV1 and 2 as tightly as I can.




The season standings will be updated when the 31st of May has ticked over in every corner of the planet.

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wow, really? This is actually my #1 favorite map. Definitely will attempt this one (though gg any attempt at coming close to anc's max time)


edit: also, I feel terrible for anyone going in without foreknowledge. my estimate is single-digit % completion :p



Edited by Ribbiks

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I did a shitty run too. xD , I have never played this map before. This is by far the hardest ironman I have ever participed. In fact , I died quickly because of really tricky traps and ammo/health problems. Honestly , I did not really like this map in its gameplay because I hate Pain Elementals , chaingunners and Arch-viles and also because the chaingun is really hard to use sometimes and its sound is really annoying. I would have liked to have at least a shotgun , this was really frustrating to play only with the plasma and the chaingun.


I killed 255 monsters and found 2 secrets.


This is a really challenging map !




Edited by Roofi

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Omg the best Doom 2 map


edit: also, I feel terrible for anyone going in without foreknowledge. my estimate is single-digit % completion :p

Yeah. Also this map has HMP as the intended difficult so GL everyone

Edited by Paul977

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15 minutes ago, Eris Falling said:

lol fuck this

There are many Cybies too. :D

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2 hours ago, Ancalagon said:


Please Anc, I expect you to beat this given that UV-Max of yours ;D


32 minutes ago, Roofi said:

Pain Elementals , chaingunners and Arch-viles

This map has exactly 161 Archviles and 29 Cyberdemons :D


5 minutes ago, Memfis said:

Can I play in the Hurt Me Plenty league?

I'm afraid the monster count is 1280 for HMP and 1415 for UV so it won't make much of a difference :<

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Heh seeing I didn't participate in the last one (had a demo but never actually uploaded it - for starters it was a MAP04 or 05 death in VV 1 and a very embarassing death on MAP07 of VV2 when I got surrounded by the Cybers) I'll definitely attempt this.

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272 kills total and only 1 secret found. i knew i had no chance so i just sat there and killed 200 teleporting imps for 14 minutes before accidentally walking into a trap and dying like a fucking idiot


wanted to get this one out quick so that for a short period, i could be number one :(



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Died wih around 50 monsters left (I don't remember lol), around 60 minutes of play time and died cause I ran out of ammo in the final section.


Just to give some context, I maxed this map 4 years ago and haven't played the map since then but still could remember a few parts and apparently all of the secrets. Nobody playing blind is going to get far, nobody is going to complete the map without practicing or at least watching a run, the final part is pretty precise in execution and there is no way someone can survive it blind (I was mostly blind there since I didn't remember what to do), not a good wad for ironman as it is not really a posibility for blind runners.


Edited by Ancalagon

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So I'm pretty good with Viles. 142 dead (not counting me), 2 secrets.


I didn't get to see anything super challenging, unfortunately. But the chaingun gimmick makes for an interesting change of pace, which kept me hooked for what little time I was alive in it.



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1 hour ago, Bloodite Krypto said:

This map has exactly 161 Archviles and 29 Cyberdemons :D


I'm afraid the monster count is 1280 for HMP and 1415 for UV so it won't make much of a difference :<

Well, now I know playing that map blind will be brutal! :]
Also does PRboom/Glboom have a monster count that I can show when I die? I'm not familiar with that port and I don't want to bother subtract lost souls and resurrected monsters from the GZdoom monster count.

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Hmm, wouldn't it be possible to have an additional WAD for ZDoom users that just contains a small DECORATE lump to stop lost souls and resurrected monsters counting towards the kill percentage? Lost souls I've done before, you just remove the countkill flag, but resurrected monsters I'm not sure about.

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2 hours ago, Ancalagon said:

Died wih around 50 monsters left (I don't remember lol), around 60 minutes of play time and died cause I ran out of ammo in the final section.


Damn, two more sections to go

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Oh. Dear. God. This looks absolutely insanely hideous. And my first Death-Destiny map to be played ever.....


Needless to say I'm not expecting a lot from my run this month, in which I'll have to go first on this occasion between myself and an_mutt.

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3 hours ago, Eris Falling said:

Hmm, wouldn't it be possible to have an additional WAD for ZDoom users that just contains a small DECORATE lump to stop lost souls and resurrected monsters counting towards the kill percentage? Lost souls I've done before, you just remove the countkill flag, but resurrected monsters I'm not sure about.

For sure. I use the -countkill flag for lost souls during casual zdoom play as well. If someone can explain how the proposed file can account for the resurrected mob then I'll happily lump that into the OP.


3 hours ago, SSGmaster said:

does PRboom/Glboom have a monster count that I can show when I die? I'm not familiar with that port and I don't want to bother subtract lost souls and resurrected monsters from the GZdoom monster count.

If you're recording a demo, there's no need to account for the kill tally in-game. Demos only preserve in-game movements and pointers and such, meaning that the viewer can change the HUD without infringing on anything. Just record it—I'll do the rest.


3 hours ago, Ancalagon said:

not a good wad for ironman as it is not really a posibility for blind runners.

But of course; it's the midsummer June special! This time, all the blind folks get an equal opportunity to die horribly within ten to fifteen minutes of play, and the speedrunners get to try something presumably not easy enough that they die incongruously within ten to fifteen minutes of boredom.


This is a selection for the diehards. All the rest will just have to roll the dice and scream into the abyss.

Edited by Alfonzo
I am an additional quote.

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The man has honor. A little more exploration at the start would have yielded the health cache, but hey; between eating up the rows of ammo boxes and getting me off the bottom of the leader board I think this is my favourite run yet! :)

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For the past few Ironmans, I've made sure to preview the first minutes of gameplay to get a feel for what i'm in for, and then play semi-blind for when I do my real run.  I just poked my head into Disturbia... well we're all fucked.  My personal goal is to beat 5%.


It sounds like Bashe went in dry and true-blind :p

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Yep, this one was absolutely blind. All I knew coming in was that this one was going to be a "Bloodite killer" so I already knew it wasn't going to be pretty. I ended up recording my demo as my friends watched which definitely made me far less attentive as well.



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*Sees map name, realizes it's a Death-Destiny map*


Oh. Crap.


Got into the triple digit enemy kills at least and got past the trap that I suspect is going to get a bunch of people killed early.


Shortly after that trap, an imp & vile didn't like my hiding spot while I was trying to snipe down a bunch of viles & chaingunners with my plasma gun (and wondering where the hell some damned armor was) and I took a ride on the death express courtesy of the archvile conductor in blue corner #5.


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