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Doom Soundtrack Rebuild

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Thoughts on some tracks while listening:  At Doom's Gate sounds sloppy.  Those programmed guitars are weird.  The Imp's Song sounds much better, but the kick drum is too quiet.  The guitars are pretty squeaky in Kitchen Ace.  Suspense is painful.  Why is Demons on the Prey missing the lead?  It makes it repetitive.  The Demons from Adrian's Pen is painful during some parts and is also missing some instruments.  Demons on the Prey v2 does have the lead, at least.  Nobody Told Me About id...ouch, those ear-piercing frequencies...and missing instruments.  E2M9/E3M1...more strange guitars.  The End of Doom...eh, it's okay.  Lead is a bit weird, but I do like the clean guitar.

Don't know if the creator will see this, but some of the tracks could certainly be improved.  I searched their name and found that they also did a "Doom 2 Soundtrack Rebuild" album, which I listened to on Bandcamp.  Their Doom 2 arrangements are better, in my opinion.  Opening to Hell, Evil Incarnate, and Endgame are pretty cool with their peaceful yet eerie guitars.

Edited by TheUltimateDoomer666
Fixed a stupid typo.

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