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Just an update, my recycle of "Water Treatment Plant" is coming along great.  Just letting you know I am not forgetting about this project.

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2 minutes ago, Tracer said:

Just letting you know I am not forgetting about this project.

it's only been 8 days and the deadline isn't for 6 months


i literally have no intentions of even beginning work on my map for this project for another 3 months

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I wish I could bring good news about my mapping progress for this project,but mapping block struck me hard and real life events took me away from Doom things. I'm literally sitting here,looking at "alapolgy" map and nothing interesting comes in my head. My brain says "give up",but I can't. I'm taking a small break(1-2 more weeks) from mapping and I promise, I'll get something interesting from this map. 

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10 minutes ago, MysteriousHaruko said:

I wish I could bring good news about my mapping progress for this project,but mapping block struck me hard and real life events took me away from Doom things. I'm literally sitting here,looking at "alapolgy" map and nothing interesting comes in my head.

Don't force yourself into it. It's supposed to be fun. If there's anything I can help you with, like doing some testing, feedback on what is there so far, don't hesitate to reach out to me. :-)

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21 minutes ago, MysteriousHaruko said:

I wish I could bring good news about my mapping progress for this project,but mapping block struck me hard and real life events took me away from Doom things. I'm literally sitting here,looking at "alapolgy" map and nothing interesting comes in my head. My brain says "give up",but I can't. I'm taking a small break(1-2 more weeks) from mapping and I promise, I'll get something interesting from this map. 

You have a lot of time for that...you'll come up with something. 

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6 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Don't force yourself into it. It's supposed to be fun. If there's anything I can help you with, like doing some testing, feedback on what is there so far, don't hesitate to reach out to me. :-)

Both maps are headache. I want keep main lines,but see some stuff that I don't really like in these maps. Only thing I managed to here is pretend that I drew cat.Maybe I should fix some stuff and add one conection between maps and leave it as way it should be. 


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6 minutes ago, MysteriousHaruko said:

I want keep main lines,but see some stuff that I don't really like in these maps.

Well then let's talk about the stuff you don't like. Maybe there's a good way to get rid of it.

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Just now, Nine Inch Heels said:

Well then let's talk about the stuff you don't like. Maybe there's a good way to get rid of it.


-Ceilings are too low

-Lift are way too close near corridor

-Some monster blocking lines

-Flat grounds

-Tight starting area


-Quite unfair things like : skill 1- gets invisibility,skill 2 - pain elemental,skill 3 - archvile where player must lower floor while he triggers lines. Also,you get one mancubus in skill 2 and 3.

-Switch hunt near end. Few switches let floor get up and kills player instantly. One switch is right,but player must be fast to realise some stuff.

- Same texture choice(grey walls), flat design. 

-Useless red key for blue armor.



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20 minutes ago, MysteriousHaruko said:


-Ceilings are too low

-Lift are way too close near corridor

-Some monster blocking lines

-Flat grounds

-Tight starting area

If map 1 was the tyson map then I would agree...


Ceilings can be risen easily, not a big deal.


Lifts can be relocated or pushed around relatively easily.


Unless the monster blocking lines serve a purpose: Remove them.


Flat grounds aren't necessarily bad, as long as the they don't look dull. Problem with tyson maps is that you kinda need good mobility, so having a mostly flat floor is kind of required in certain places, but some height variation usually doesn't hurt.


If tyson, then tight areas aren't necessarily bad. However, if they look bad, you can open them up visually, without actually increasing the size of the area in question dramatically.


24 minutes ago, MysteriousHaruko said:


-Quite unfair things like : skill 1- gets invisibility,skill 2 - pain elemental,skill 3 - archvile where player must lower floor while he triggers lines. Also,you get one mancubus in skill 2 and 3.

-Switch hunt near end. Few switches let floor get up and kills player instantly. One switch is right,but player must be fast to realise some stuff.

- Same texture choice(grey walls), flat design. 

-Useless red key for blue armor.

I think I need to play that one before I can say much about its gameplay.


Switch hunt isn't inherently bad, unless its trolling players deliberately. On the other hand switch hunts also allow for some creativity.


Textures can be changed relatively easily when there's only one predominant colour. in that area.


You can re-design the red-key blue armour, and add it in as a reward for killing more stuff. Make the key and the armour have meaning, if you want. ;-)

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21 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

If map 1 was the tyson map then I would agree...


Ceilings can be risen easily, not a big deal.


Lifts can be relocated or pushed around relatively easily.


Unless the monster blocking lines serve a purpose: Remove them.


Flat grounds aren't necessarily bad, as long as the they don't look dull. Problem with tyson maps is that you kinda need good mobility, so having a mostly flat floor is kind of required in certain places, but some height variation usually doesn't hurt.


If tyson, then tight areas aren't necessarily bad. However, if they look bad, you can open them up visually, without actually increasing the size of the area in question dramatically.


I think I need to play that one before I can say much about its gameplay.


Switch hunt isn't inherently bad, unless its trolling players deliberately. On the other hand switch hunts also allow for some creativity.


Textures can be changed relatively easily when there's only one predominant colour. in that area.


You can re-design the red-key blue armour, and add it in as a reward for killing more stuff. Make the key and the armour have meaning, if you want. ;-)

Well,I left map and demo in first pages. You can play for yourself and check if I'm right about these negative sides of map. I'm not fan of 64 wide corridors. I would really move main lines a bit without truly adding something new. 

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10 minutes ago, MysteriousHaruko said:

Well,I left map and demo in first pages. You can play for yourself and check if I'm right about these negative sides of map. I'm not fan of 64 wide corridors. I would really move main lines a bit without truly adding something new.

Sure, it's fine if it's less cramped. Use whatever you see fit if it's that annoying.

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6 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Sure, it's fine if it's less cramped. Use whatever you see fit if it's that annoying.

I understand. I need start small before I do something big. Should I leave multiplayer settings(author left 4 starts in starting area) for this map or other maps won't be compatible with multiplayer? 

Edited by MysteriousHaruko

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5 minutes ago, 42PercentHealth said:

@Nine Inch Heels, The rules don't say anything about multiplayer. Should our maps support co-op/deathmatch?


I'm a long ways from being ready to implement this... just your recent conversation here made me think to ask.

some maps may have multiplayer starts, others don't. If your map does not, then it's not intended for multiplayer to begin with

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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Here's another update on my work in progress. This time it's gameplay.


I slightly beefed up the opening, paced things up a lot by way of better firepower, added new encounters, tweaked "existing" ones a bit, and also some other (hopefully) fun stuff.


The dropbox link to the zip includes the map in its current state as well as a -complevel 9 demo that I hastily recorded, which shows what's new so far. Note that this is currently not designed for HMP or lower settings, I am still going to make some tweaks to UV anyway, and from there I'll try and work my way down the "difficulty-ladder". In the demo I had some bad luck and some good luck, maybe it's good for a laugh. It also shows the map's first secret in the starting room, in case you did not try to find it yet: There's a spoiler coming your way. ;-)




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Scrapped my idea of remaking feveswar.wad and will use short.wad instead.


Here's a layout of that map:





The current map has some flaws as teleporting lines that you can't make out, not sure yet how I will solve that. Teleporters? Corridors?


And on the left room, as you can see besides the pink line there's green ones, which are marked impassable. Not sure what the author originally intended with that, you're basically walking against an invisible wall and can only pass through a 64 unit gap.


Another idea I got is to break up the whole "enter room, face bunch of monsters, kill them, repeat" scheme by adding a few obstacles, like crushers or some platforming to advance. And I'll propably change up the way you're presented with the monsters, like have the mancubi on raised floors and lower them once you press a switch as an example.


As the current layout is also pretty square I thought about adding some more rooms inbetween, but I may just end up scaling the current ones up a bit. However then it's just 4 rooms with secrets which don't make much sense to me right now, specially the one in the starting area(it's accessible from the middle room with the blue key).

Edited by torekk

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2 minutes ago, 42PercentHealth said:

Can't wait to see what you have wrought upon us! ;-)

I highly advise watching the included demo before playing, unless you can do some quick thinking ;-)


Also, in case anybody tries playing this to the point where the demo ends, feedback would be greatly appreciated. The demo is merely there to show it can all be done, because I know for a fact some people may be tempted to crap over it because too difficult or so... It is reasonably well doable with a bit of practice for just about everybody who keep their cool is what I'm saying here.

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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8 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

I highly advise watching the included demo before playing, unless you can do some quick thinking ;-)

I can do some quick saving! :-P Probably not what you wanted to hear, but it's how I roll... Blind play is the best play!


9 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

Also, in case anybody tries playing this to the point where the demo ends, feedback would be greatly appreciated.

I'll give feedback after a few runs through. If it's not as long and hard as the fidelitas map, I might even record a demo.


BTW, you didn't answer my question: Is there a difference between the two links you posted? They both have the same name, but I'm wondering if one is more up-to-date or anything like that...

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Just now, 42PercentHealth said:

BTW, you didn't answer my question: Is there a difference between the two links you posted? They both have the same name, but I'm wondering if one is more up-to-date or anything like that...

both have the same content...


Also you will spend a good 5 minutes or so just on the opening.... that's not to say it has bad pacing... prior to my changes, the opening was boring and took potentially more than 10 minutes... It is a lot more visceral as well... so be careful in there...

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Alright,I managed move some linedefs without drawing new stuff. This is only the start,but I think,I'll manage everything without problems. Only "cat" section needs some rework.

alapolgy (2) at 2017.06.12 23-11-31.756 [R2979].jpg

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Sorry for double post,but what sky textures we're going to use?Plain vanilla skyboxes are boring and makes me nervous and some new touches could improve remade wads. 

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11 minutes ago, MysteriousHaruko said:

Sorry for double post,but what sky textures we're going to use?Plain vanilla skyboxes are boring and makes me nervous and some new touches could improve remade wads. 

If you use new sky textures, do not, under any circumstance, replace SKY1 or RSKY1, because some maps may need those (mine for instance uses RSKY1).

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3 minutes ago, Nine Inch Heels said:

If you use new sky textures, do not, under any circumstance, replace SKY1 or RSKY1, because some maps may need those (mine for instance uses RSKY1).

Well,sky transfers are not problem,but you didn't say anything about skybox textures, so it means we can use diferrent skies from random texture set under user's name prefix?

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11 minutes ago, MysteriousHaruko said:

Well,sky transfers are not problem,but you didn't say anything about skybox textures, so it means we can use diferrent skies from random texture set under user's name prefix?

I don't know how I feel about that to be honest. Would be nice to know if others would want to go for skyboxes with different skys as well... My primary concern is that it may conflict with the overall theme of a map if the skys are too different.

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Maybe you should add a sky rule which everyone uses a specific pack of skies, like the one that Mechadon did....just an idea. 

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Hey @Nine Inch Heels, I played your level (a little past where you did, 'cuz I played before I saw your demo). Here's my blind demo (with a bit of save-scumming, recorded on GZDoom 2.4.0).


I don't know if you intended for that last hallway trap to be skippable, but I managed to skip it. You might want to fix that, if possible. Otherwise really nice! The pacing was good, the encounters were intense enough -- like something you'd find in Scythe 2 or something. Balance was good. Got a little bit tired of looking at the same texture the whole time, but I expect you haven't finished purdying it up yet...


After seeing your demo, the secret chaingun woulda been really handy! :-P

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2 minutes ago, 42PercentHealth said:

I played your level (a little past where you did, 'cuz I played before I saw your demo). Here's my blind demo (with a bit of save-scumming, recorded on GZDoom 2.4.0).

These maps should be played in Boom exclusively. I'll give your demo a look in a while.

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