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DOOM BFA 1.2.7 (former Classic RBDOOM 3 BFG)

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Many thanks!

I have now a working executable. :)


Doom 3 plays fine.

Is there a reason, why the display of the classic  DooMs is messed up, like in the attached image!

I have the Final Doom and the master level wads and also the compatibility wads installed.

Here is the console content, if that helps:


(Console output deleted, because problem is solved.)




Edited by funduke

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On 6/2/2018 at 3:24 AM, funduke said:

Many thanks!

I have now a working executable. :)


Doom 3 plays fine.

Is there a reason, why the display of the classic  DooMs is messed up, like in the attached image!

I have the Final Doom and the master level wads and also the compatibility wads installed.

Good News a new update just released and fixes this issue along side many other issues on linux. The only thing you have to do is to download the source code of the latest release and compile it.

(NOTE 1: Just don't go crazy on loading ogg,mp3 or flac audio file on linux otherwise you will get serious memory leaks)

(NOTE 2: And don't try to load deh files if they are not inside wad,pk3 or zip files (at least for linux))

P.S.: I would suggest also to re-read the README.txt for some additional details

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Many thanks!

I can now play not only DooM3, but also Ultimate DooM, DooM2, Final DooM and the master levels with no problems.

I haven't fooled around with fan-made addons yet, but will give it a try.




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There is a problem with the master levels. I have stored them in that "master"-subfolder in the "wads" -directory.

When i launch the game initially and enter the "Master Levels" -entry in the DooM II menue, it builds the MASTERLEVELS.wad -file and enters the first master level. But when i leave the game and keep the MASTERLEVELS.wad before launching the game again, where it is, the game reacts with a "file not found" -message, when i choose the "Master Levels" -entry in the DooM II menue. But when i quit the game then again, and delete the MASTERLEVELS.wad -file and the launch the game again, i can play the master levels again. But this works only, when i delete the MASTERLEVELS.wad -file, before relaunching the game.




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On 6/9/2018 at 1:30 AM, funduke said:

There is a problem with the master levels. I have stored them in that "master"-subfolder in the "wads" -directory.

When i launch the game initially and enter the "Master Levels" -entry in the DooM II menue, it builds the MASTERLEVELS.wad -file and enters the first master level. But when i leave the game and keep the MASTERLEVELS.wad before launching the game again, where it is, the game reacts with a "file not found" -message, when i choose the "Master Levels" -entry in the DooM II menue. But when i quit the game then again, and delete the MASTERLEVELS.wad -file and the launch the game again, i can play the master levels again. But this works only, when i delete the MASTERLEVELS.wad -file, before relaunching the game.




And just fixed. Make sure to use git clone to get the update since it's not a new release.


BTW I forgot to mention that in order to load mods for classic DOOM games on linux the mod files must be on DOOM3BFG's base directory (I suggest to make a directory named mods and put them here)

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Many thanks again!

I compiled it and it works now as intended.





Edited by funduke

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6 hours ago, MadGuy said:

BTW I forgot to mention that in order to load mods for classic DOOM games on linux the mod files must be on DOOM3BFG's base directory (I suggest to make a directory named mods and put them here)


Okay i wanted to play vanilla DooM addons. But there is something wrong. Either i do it wrong or there is a bug.

I tried all these commandos with DANTE's Gate ( https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/d-f/dante666 ):

./RBDoom3BFG -classich +set com_game_mode 1 -file "base/mods/DANTE666.WAD"

./RBDoom3BFG -classich +set com_game_mode 1 -file "~/doomtest/Classic-RBDOOM-3-BFG_10_jun_2018/doom3bfg/base/mods/DANTE666.WAD"

./RBDoom3BFG -classich +set com_game_mode 1 -file "~/doomtest/Classic-RBDOOM-3-BFG_10_jun_2018/doom3bfg/base/mods/DANTE666.WAD"

./RBDoom3BFG -classich +set com_game_mode 1 -file base/wads/DANTE666.WAD

./RBDoom3BFG -file mods/DANT666.WAD

./RBDoom3BFG -file base/mods/DANT666.WAD

./RBDoom3BFG -file DANT666.WAD

./RBDoom3BFG -classich +set com_game_mode 1 -file DANTE666.WAD

But nothing works. When i enter the first episode of Ultimate doom, there is only the normal level.


Edited by funduke

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3 hours ago, funduke said:


Okay i wanted to play vanilla DooM addons. But there is something wrong. Either i do it wrong or there is a bug.

I tried all these commandos with DANTE's Gate ( https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom/d-f/dante666 ):

./RBDoom3BFG -classich +set com_game_mode 1 -file "base/mods/DANTE666.WAD"

./RBDoom3BFG -classich +set com_game_mode 1 -file "~/doomtest/Classic-RBDOOM-3-BFG_10_jun_2018/doom3bfg/base/mods/DANTE666.WAD"

./RBDoom3BFG -classich +set com_game_mode 1 -file "~/doomtest/Classic-RBDOOM-3-BFG_10_jun_2018/doom3bfg/base/mods/DANTE666.WAD"

./RBDoom3BFG -classich +set com_game_mode 1 -file base/wads/DANTE666.WAD

./RBDoom3BFG -file mods/DANT666.WAD

./RBDoom3BFG -file base/mods/DANT666.WAD

./RBDoom3BFG -file DANT666.WAD

./RBDoom3BFG -classich +set com_game_mode 1 -file DANTE666.WAD

But nothing works. When i enter the first episode of Ultimate doom, there is only the normal level.


Try -doom -file /mods/DANTE666.WAD

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Many thanks for your hint!
It's obvious, that i'm not a regular linux user so far. :/


./RBDoom3BFG -file /mods/DANTE666.WAD

launches now the game with DANTES's GATE, whitch is E1M1 as the first level of Ultimate DooM.
And the missing "E" in the pwad-file name in some of my commands was just stupid. Shame on me!

For those like me, this worked with DANTE666.WAD within the /mods -directory, that is a sub-folder of the /base -directory within the folder, where the executable RBDoom3BFG file is stored.

That means, the base-folder-name does not have to be in the path to the pwad in the command, although it's a subfolder of the working directory.


The following helps me, to surpass the menue, where i have to choose between Ultimate DooM, DooM3 and DooM II:
./RBDoom3BFG +set com_game_mode 1 -file /mods/DANTE666.WAD


The -doom -parameter will be relevant, when i start to use mutiple addons at the same time.


Adding the parameter  -episode 1 leads me even faster to E1M1, so i enter the first level of Ultimate DooM right after the Bethesda splashscreen without having to choose to play and the episode in the Ultimate Doom Menue:
./RBDoom3BFG +set com_game_mode 1 -file /mods/DANTE666.WAD -episode 1


It's great, that DooM gives me even after all those years the tension of discovering something new. This must be the experience of true love! :)



Edit: I googled and found the trick, how to avoid the Logo -videos here: http://steamfix.blogspot.com/2013/05/doom-3-bfg-edition-enable-console.html

Just open default.cfg, that is stored within the /base -directory, with a text-editor and add the line

com_skipintrovideos 1

at the end of the file.

Edited by funduke

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For the Linux users (mostly) I just updated some of the source code in order to been able to have Full Controller support (plug n' play anytime) like on windows.

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  • 2 weeks later...


You deserve some feedback.
I dusted off the controller, that came with my Playstation 3, that i bought in order to be able to test the PSN Classic DooM version (I didn't play that very much though).
I plugged the controller into an USB-Slot on the front of my Desktop-PC with Ubuntu.


The PS3-Controller is a product by the company SONY. There are on the front of the controller the words:


On it's under side it says:
DC 3.7 V - 300mA


When i launched the latest build, that i compiled after you made your latest Controller-fix, i was able to play the game with that controller. Even as somebody, who is anything but very used with that controller, i was able to play HANGAR in only one minute and 56 seconds. And i enjoyed it.


Many thanks once again for your work. Please keep it going.



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4 hours ago, funduke said:


You deserve some feedback.
I dusted off the controller, that came with my Playstation 3, that i bought in order to be able to test the PSN Classic DooM version (I didn't play that very much though).
I plugged the controller into an USB-Slot on the front of my Desktop-PC with Ubuntu.


The PS3-Controller is a product by the company SONY. There are on the front of the controller the words:


On it's under side it says:
DC 3.7 V - 300mA


When i launched the latest build, that i compiled after you made your latest Controller-fix, i was able to play the game with that controller. Even as somebody, who is anything but very used with that controller, i was able to play HANGAR in only one minute and 56 seconds. And i enjoyed it.


Many thanks once again for your work. Please keep it going.



Funny story I also have a ps3 controller which I used to test the full controller support on both Windows (with SCPtoolkit) and Linux

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And just updated it with PNG support for Classic Doom and a workaround fix for PS3 and SDL rumble

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9 hours ago, MadGuy said:

... a workaround fix for PS3 and SDL rumble


I tried that. It works. Weird feeling in the fingers! :)





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  • 1 month later...

A new version just released (I was hoping to put something BIG but it turn out to needed waaaaaaay more work than expected and I drop it)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally after toying around with classic Doom's light CONSTANTS I manage to make the lighting a lot better than before.


The First Image is with the BFG lighting and the second with the new lighting

DOOM 3_ BFG Edition 7_9_2018 3_16_37 μμ.png

DOOM 3_ BFG Edition 7_9_2018 3_16_21 μμ.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bump for the hotfix that fixes Doom 3's weapon cycle buttons (what can I say, trying to improve them resulted into breaking them)

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Bump Bump Buump for the new patch that add Hud on Third Person View on Doom 3


Edited by MadGuy

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Bump,Bump,Bump my head to the wall because I manage to fix the Z-Memory.

(Next time I copy source code from other source ports I will have to be more careful)

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Thanks for continuing your work. I re-installed in the meantime Linux (Ubuntu) in a dual-boot with Windows 10. The latest version of Classic RBDOoM 3 BFG works fine with the precompiled binaries under Windows 10, but then i tried to compile it under Linux and got this Error message:


(Console output deleted, because problem is solved.)


What is going wrong?




Edited by funduke

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Ok, just uploaded the fixed source code file. Just make sure to re-download the source code. (Jeez you try to toy around with VMs and then you forget one compile error on linux)

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  • 2 weeks later...

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