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Doom 1 or 2?

Guest Mariner

Which one is your favorite?  

440 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one is your favorite?

    • DOOM/The Ultimate DOOM
    • DOOM II: Hell on Earth

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Guest Mariner

I Give Doom II A 4/5
And Doom I 2/5

I Wish Doom I Had A Cool Gun Like Fists Of Baron

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Guest LRM

Huh? I give Doom 1 a 100\5 and Doom 2 a 99.99\5!

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No way! Doom 1 is alot better than Doom 2. Sure, Doom2 has more monsters and even a super shotgun!

But, Doom 1 is where our real memories lie. Walking down that dark hallway hearing the snicking and snorts of an imp right around the next corner.

The concept of being stranded on a moon-base is (IMO) more appealing as well. And let's not forget everyone's favorite...meeting the baron of hell on E1M8 and almost pissing your pants ( I know I almost did ).

So, stop and think about that just one more time. I still today perfer Doom 1 over Doom 2. But...thats just me.

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  • 7 months later...
Guest DoomSpaceMarine

hi marinez,

got kinda problem: i gonna buy doom but i dont know what kinda version (doom or hell on earth) i shall get...

i care about:
-which game has the better atmosphere/gameplay?
-which game has the better wads?

and 1 question at least: can you play doom II wads on ultimate doom (u know, thats the newest doom I version with one extra episode) ?

thanx 4 help

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Guest DoomSpaceMarine

or maybe..

is there any programm or tool that i can download which lets you play doom II wads on (ultimate) doom ??

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If you can only get one, get Doom2. The source port SMMU lets you play Ultimate Doom levels using Doom2. I don't know exactly how to do that though (I've never tried it). You might want to read the documentation that comes with it to find out how. You can get SMMU from the source port section here on Doomworld.

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Guest Cacodemon Leade

Go buy the Depths of DOOM Trilogy.

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Guest DoomSpaceMarine
Stphrz said:

If you can only get one, get Doom2. The source port SMMU lets you play Ultimate Doom levels using Doom2. I don't know exactly how to do that though (I've never tried it). You might want to read the documentation that comes with it to find out how. You can get SMMU from the source port section here on Doomworld.

i dont found this SMMU on this page.. so maybe anybody knows how i can play ultimate doom iwads on doom II or doom II iwads on ultimate doom?


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Stphrz said:

If you can only get one, get Doom2. The source port SMMU lets you play Ultimate Doom levels using Doom2. I don't know exactly how to do that though (I've never tried it). You might want to read the documentation that comes with it to find out how. You can get SMMU from the source port section here on Doomworld.

Ya all the best and newest stuff is for Doom 2 now. And I agree, get Depths of DOOM Trilogy.

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Guest DoomSpaceMarine

i dont know doom II ...has that game the same atmosphere (and everybody who has ever played doom I knows what i mean) like doom I ?? whats the better game?

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DoomSpaceMarine said:

i dont found this SMMU on this page.. so maybe anybody knows how i can play ultimate doom iwads on doom II or doom II iwads on ultimate doom?



You can download SMMU there.

Regarding which is the better game. In my opinion Ultimate Doom is better than Doom2. The atmosphere is better, the mapping is better and the all around playablilty is better. Still, the majority of new single player levels and practically all dm levels are made for Doom2. I would go with Doom 2 (get them both if you can though). It has better legs so to speak.

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Guest DoomSpaceMarine

so i downloaded that smmu but i have to get the doom I/untimate doom-iwads to play them havent i ?

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[Ultimate] Doom is the best in terms of everything. Most add-ons are for Doom2 because of it's map structure (32 maps in a row as opposed to separate episodes) and because it has twice as many enemies.

All that stuff you wanted; atmosphere, gameplay, fun, etc. is in Ultimate Doom. Doom2 has some OK points, but like most sequels, just couldn't cut it.

If you're talking about addon WADs however, almost all of them are for Doom2, so you're kinda stuck. Like everybody else said, find the Depths of Doom trilogy.

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DoomSpaceMarine said:

i dont know doom II ...has that game the same atmosphere (and everybody who has ever played doom I knows what i mean) like doom I ?? whats the better game?

ultimate doom is far better than doom2 BUT if you have the slightest interest in playing user made addons you'll need doom2.

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Guest fraggle`
DoomSpaceMarine said:

so i downloaded that smmu but i have to get the doom I/untimate doom-iwads to play them havent i ?

SMMU lets you play Doom I wads using the Doom 2 IWAD. All you need is the Doom 2 IWAD.

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  • 1 year later...

Depends. I prefer to talk about individual levels. There's excellent, good and not so good maps in both...

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The Ultimate Doom definitely. Personal taste suggests E1 ranks highest, followed by E4, then 2 & 3 respectively. I didn't favor any of the Doom2 maps. Just me I guess.

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ravage: Let me be the first to congratulate you on your 1000th post. However, DOOM Anomaly beat you to it by less than an hour.

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Doom2 was a pretty big drop-off level design wise from Doom/Ultimate Doom. The lack of realism is what really irked me.

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Definitely Doom. The majority of Doom2's level look like they were done in just under a day, while, IMO, Doom's look like they took far more time to complete.

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DooMBoy said:

The majority of Doom2's level look like they were done in just under a day, while, IMO, Doom's look like they took far more time to complete.

Funny: Romero recently stated that E4M2 took him just six hours to make.

EDIT: I was trying to find a link to that comment, but couldn't. I have a very clear recollection of reading it somewhere though.

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Grazza said:

ravage: Let me be the first to congratulate you on your 1000th post. However, DOOM Anomaly beat you to it by less than an hour.

Diddn't notice. I wasn't paying attention. I'm too tired for a party now. :(

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