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Doom 1 or 2?

Guest Mariner

Which one is your favorite?  

440 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one is your favorite?

    • DOOM/The Ultimate DOOM
    • DOOM II: Hell on Earth

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Doom1: Better atmosphere and better looks.

Doom2: More diversity in levels and fewer duds action-wise, but some of the levels look really bland.

Where the hell did all the tech go? Levels 1-11 were supposed to be set in a starport!

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Well, the added monsters and the SSG are great. But doom 1 really dose have a better atmosphere. Now, if someone made some doom 1 type maps for doom 2, well...

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I was of course forced to vote doom2... so I guess I choose doom2 over doom2... OH SNAP! I mean, doom2 over doom2... this is what happens when I'm forced to vote between one or the other...

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Epyo said:

I like DooM 2 better. There's just something about it, some higher level of ambience or something...[/b]


W00t! I said it first! see?:p…

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Actually, come to think of it, there really are only a couple of good reasons why I choose Doom2. There are more enemies (because I always felt there was waaaaaay to much shortage in the first) and the SSG - thats it.

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The DBSG keeps me playing Doom 2 exclusively these days, though I do admit the hell theme of Doom 1 is more to my liking. D64's hell theme owns it all anyway. Even the D64 tech stages kick ass. One play through Terraformer was enough to convince me.

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Doom2 is better than Doom2, so I voted for Doom2 (the second one) as it's much better.

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Shaviro said:

Doom2 IS better. Doom1 has levels which are more godawful than Doom2.

/Me blows Shaviro away with his shotgun.
Admitted, not all Doom1's levels are good, but not a single of Doom 2's levels (except for the wolfie levels) had good design whatsoever. In Doom 1 both E1 and E2 rocks (and most of the E3 maps are more fun than the majority of Doom 2's maps)

Doom 2's music also sucks balls compared to Doom 1's kickass soundtrack and the general atmosphere in Doom 1 represents what Doom REALLY is all about (which Doom 2's doesn't do nearly as well).

Admitted, the new monsters and the ssg in Doom 2 are cool, but they're all outweighed by the shitty levels and the crappy music, plus the fact that there are actually too many enemies thrown at you in droves in Doom 2, which imho degenerates the gameplay as it makes the game a lot more repetitive - whenever I play Doom 2, I slowly but steadily begin to grow tired of it because there are a lot of situations where you just shoot into a crowd, shoot into a crowd, repeats.

Gimme Doom 1 any day.

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Although Doom II's leveldesign is mostly absolutely weird, I still like the levels. The music is absolutely great, and I love the doublebarreled shotgun. I also think the coverart for Doom II is way better than Doom's.. This doesn't mean I don't like Doom at all, in fact, I love it, I just believe Doom II is a tad better.

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Romero already stated Doom 2 was made in a rush. It can easily be seen. The imperfections in the first Doom are rather a question of inexperience. All in all, I still prefer Doom over Doom2.

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User made mods made from D2 are not D2 - they're user made mods for D2 dammit.
Because in terms of mods, Doom 2 has spawned better mods than Doom 1, but with the original games' maps themselves, Doom 1 0wnz Doom 2 in any conceivable way.....at least in my world.
I forgot to mention before that Doom 1's maps have a higher level of immersion in them.

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dsm said:

User made mods made from D2 are not D2 - they're user made mods for D2 dammit.
Because in terms of mods, Doom 2 has spawned better mods than Doom 1, but with the original games' maps themselves, Doom 1 0wnz Doom 2 in any conceivable way.....at least in my world.

That's what I meant, I just didn't bother writing it more specific.

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dsm said:

/Me blows Shaviro away with his shotgun.
Admitted, not all Doom1's levels are good, but not a single of Doom 2's levels (except for the wolfie levels) had good design whatsoever. In Doom 1 both E1 and E2 rocks (and most of the E3 maps are more fun than the majority of Doom 2's maps)

Doom 2's music also sucks balls compared to Doom 1's kickass soundtrack and the general atmosphere in Doom 1 represents what Doom REALLY is all about (which Doom 2's doesn't do nearly as well).

Map02 has great, if not the best of Doom1 + 2, design. My main grudge against Doom1 levels and music is that there are little to no variation. The music consists of two types. Metal and Ambient strings. Doom2's music has much more variation. You need some decent Midi hardware to play it, tho.

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Doom 2's music? Eww.

Doom has two music styles, actionfully intense (e.g. E1M1, E1M4, E2M1...) and moodily tense (E1M2, E1M3, E1M5, E1M7, E2M6...).

Doom 2's music is mainly DULL.

Don't bother arguing with me about this, I'm a musician, therefore I am automatically and ultimately right.

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