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Doom 1 or 2?

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Which one is your favorite?  

440 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one is your favorite?

    • DOOM/The Ultimate DOOM
    • DOOM II: Hell on Earth

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2 hours ago, Zaxxon said:


Same here... I really like the Revenants, the Pain Elementals, the Arch-Viles (okay, not really), but they were used with measure in Doom 2. Seeing how some wad makers go completely bonkers with them, sometimes makes me wish they never existed... especially the Arch-Viles, having multiple of them in every single map can get old and tired very fast. Revenants are also best used with measure, and in combination with other enemy groups. Having two or three Revenants together with couple of Hell Knights and a few Chaingunners on screen, can make for an interesting scenario depending on the level layout. On the other hand, opening traps that spawn 20-30 Revenants at once is total bs. I'm eagerly waiting for the master himself, John Romero, to release Sigil 2 and show how these monster types are supposed to be used in a map.


As for the poll, i voted for Doom 1 as well, solely for the level design and setting. I much prefer the industrial facilities on Phobos and Deimos, over whatever these "suburban" levels in Doom 2 are supposed to be. The Hell levels are also ten times better in Doom 1. Thy Flesh Consumed is still my favorite out of all Doom, closely followed by Sigil. 

I actually agree with what you're saying flesh consumed was my fav episode but I also liked the last episode and the first. Doom1 almost every level was balanced and fun, and cryptic without being annoying like doom2. Seriously I had to look up video guides about 3 times for doom2 just to find a dumb switch. I don't agree that super cryptic is fun, especially if you're a fan of legit gaming like me. I never had to look up one guide for doom1. It was just a fun shooter you could play through and enjoy and not be to stumped. Games are suppose to be fun not a school project. Doom64 while it is my favorite was a little to cryptic at times, but not like doom2, where you're fighting loops, out of the way corner switches, shooting random doors, and explosive barrel paths which was just really dumb. What kinda strategy is that, the demons set up barrels like dominos? That's the demons strategy in doom2?

And I really strongly disagree that revenants or arch villes were cool they were stupid, they didn't even die cool. Hey I'm a skeleton from diablo, castlevania, final fantasy, and literally every single game in history. Was not a good addition I strongly disagree that those enemies were even slightly cool. The pain elementals were tho, but they were just variants of the cacodemon, much like the minigun soldier. The revenants and archs, they seem like they were ripped out of heretic a much better game than doom2.

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It’s definitely Doom II for me. I will admit to having more nostalgia for the first game (particularly the shareware episode) as I didn’t get a copy of Doom II as a kid until that “Depths of Doom Trilogy” set came out.


As many others have said, the expanded bestiary and addition of the SSG really elevate Doom II and make it very difficult to go back to the original. While the textures and levels in Doom II are perhaps not as aesthetically appealing as some of those in the first game, I personally really enjoy the more abstract level design and the expansion of the game’s possibilities that came with them.


Sometimes I think I prefer the level design in Doom, but when I go back and play through it again I find it really only applies to E1 (and to a lesser extent E4).

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I choose doom 2.


I want my revenants, archviles and SSG. They are some of my favorite elements of the sandbox and the Archvile is the best designed enemy in doom with the revenant just behind it.

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9 hours ago, Maes said:

OK, so which thread about Doom vs Doom II is your favourite?

I’ve considered pulling the power move: merge ALL “Doom 1 vs Doom 2” threads dating back for 22 years into one giga-thread.


I mean, it would be kinda entertaining to see 2+ decades of bickering on this topic in one unified place..

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6 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

This must be where I slipped up - I’m really big into illegitimate gaming. 

Is that like having an illegitimate child or what?

Edited by BigBoy91

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Doom in the terms of level design.

Doom II in the terms of moddability, new monsters, deathmatch, SSG.

I'd rather finish DOOM I five times than DOOM II once. I'm sorry Sandy.

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5 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

I’ve considered pulling the power move: merge ALL “Doom 1 vs Doom 2” threads dating back for 22 years into one giga-thread.


I mean, it would be kinda entertaining to see 2+ decades of bickering on this topic in one unified place..

Sure it would be entertaining. And a lot to read. And probably and interesting piece of Doomworld history.

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In terms of their placement in history, Doom 1 is one of, if not the, greatest videogame of all-time. The fact that it came first matters heavily in that context. It also has a more cohesive feel, a tighter design.


But in terms of personal preference, longevity, fun, potential, replayability. etc. Doom 2 is easily king. As others have said, the SSG and the dramatically improved bestiary make this an easy contest.

Also... Doom 1 is way too easy. I know I'm not looking at that from the 1993 perspective, where many players were keyboard turning and had never played a FPS before, so I know it's a bit unfair. But man, is it easy. I'm no Doomlord, but even on UV with pistol starts, I don't think I died once until those first 2 maps in the last act. What's bizarre is after those 2 maps, I never took significant damage again in Doom 1. Doom 2 wasn't backbreaking, but there were probably 7-8 maps harder than any in Doom, and the average map was on another level of difficulty

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Well, I think Doom 1 is better because maps are more coherent. Doom 2 has some bad very maps (I look at you, map12: Factoryand map13: Downtown).

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11 hours ago, Zaxxon said:

PS: Hate to break it to you, but the original Doom was never a horror game, you got your genres mixed up.


For me it was a scifi horror game when I first played it in the 1990s. That's why I also love Doom 3 because it emphasises on those aspects. 


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Between 1 and 2, strictly?


Yeah I won’t be choosing here lmao. I’m even on the fence with the Final Doom wads..!


1 minute ago, Tetzlaff said:


For me it was a scifi horror game when I first played it in the 1990s. That's why I also love Doom 3 because it emphasises on those aspects. 


There’s being a “horror game” and having “horror elements”, and the second one has always been important to the Doom series.

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Yeah of course it is highly subjective if you perceive it as a horror game or not. I think many newer Doom players see the now oldschool looking, cartoonish seeming monster sprites and the elements resembling Heavy Metal album cover art and interprete it as some sort of tongue-in-cheek colorful action game. And that's not completely wrong, but that "Aliens" game with demons that id Software wanted to make is also in there.

Edited by Tetzlaff

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My stance has always been Doom 1 for the layout and atmosphere 

Doom 2 for the gameplay and Monster Variety.

Also Skeletons and Archviles are valid 

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2 hours ago, Kute said:

Also... Doom 1 is way too easy. I know I'm not looking at that from the 1993 perspective, where many players were keyboard turning and had never played a FPS before, so I know it's a bit unfair. But man, is it easy. I'm no Doomlord, but even on UV with pistol starts, I don't think I died once until those first 2 maps in the last act. What's bizarre is after those 2 maps, I never took significant damage again in Doom 1. Doom 2 wasn't backbreaking, but there were probably 7-8 maps harder than any in Doom, and the average map was on another level of difficulty


What does this have to do with anything? Doom 1 is easy for you now, after you played it a million times, and you know the levels like the back of your hand, so it must be worse than Doom 2? Unless you suggest that you died only once or twice in the entire game on your very first blind run, which was probably not even on HMP or UV in the first place.


Doom 1 is not the hardest game in the genre, for sure, but it's not brokenly easy too. Give Doom 1 to anyone who's never played it before, and i guarantee you, they will find it challenging enough on UV and HMP. Oh, and by the way, Thy Flesh Consumed is harder than anything in Doom 2, so... I know many will argue this episode shouldn't be part of the equation, but i disagree. I think even SIGIL should be brought up, because it's never too late to update a game with new content, and if Romero says it's part of the game, then it doesn't matter what anyone else says. Besides, we're discussing and looking at both games from a modern perspective, not from a 1994 perspective, so you get my point.


On the other hand, Doom 2 offers a similar difficulty curve to the classic Doom 1 episodes, while having the most inconsistent level design that is only matched by TNT Evilution. And i love Doom 2, but there are few maps there that make it very hard for me to go back for a replay. Maps like Downtown are not just boring, they are game killers for me. Doom 1, i can replay anytime and have fun from start to finish... hard, easy, it doesn't matter.

Edited by Zaxxon

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Due to my personal nostalgia, The Ultimate Doom is definitely my choice. I'm torn since the super shotgun could tear the head off a horse and totally kicks all kinds of ass.

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On 6/14/2017 at 5:39 PM, CapnClever said:

As far as Doom1 and Doom2 are concerned: I think Doom1 holds up better as a first-time experience but grows weaker with replays, whereas Doom2 lacks a strong first impression but gets better over time.

That's my exact sentiment as well, I probably had to play Doom II all the way through upwards of 15+ times before it started to truly grow on me.  The cryptic map layouts, upped difficulty, and lowered ammo count is what really did me in on the first playthroughs.  Once you learn a few secrets, memorize the surreal puzzles, and generally get your groove down it becomes a far more rewarding game than Doom 1 IMO.  Since it's not Episodic like the original, it also makes it a better game to do a full-playthrough in one sitting, which is where the game really shines as the perfect game for turning your brain-off and going on auto-pilot on a nice summer weekend.

If I were to have someone play Doom for the first time I'd definitely start them off on Ultimate Doom.  Shorter/less confusing levels, easier monsters, and a generally better soundtrack to make the good impression.  A walkthrough for Doom II may be needed for most beginners to eliminate some of the initial frustration.

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DOOM 2 for me just because it has way more monsters for me to mes around with while mapping but the levels in DOOM 1 were so much better. 

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Just now, Zaxxon said:


What does this has to do with anything? Doom 1 is easy for you now, after you played it a million times, and you know the levels like the back of your hand, so it must be worse than Doom 2? Unless you suggest that you died only twice in the entire game on your very first blind run, which was probably not even on HMP or UV in the first place.


Doom 1 is not the hardest game in the genre, for sure, but it's not brokenly easy too. Give Doom 1 to anyone who's never played it before, and i guarantee you, they will find it challenging enough on UV and HMP. Oh, and by the way. Thy Flesh Consumed is harder than anything in Doom 2, so... I know many will argue this episode shouldn't be part of the equation, but i disagree. I think even SIGIL should be brought up, because it's never too late to update a game with new content, and if Romero says it's part of the game, then it doesn't matter what anyone else says. Besides, we're discussing and looking at both games from a modern perspective, not from a 1994 perspective, so you get my point.


On the other hand, Doom 2 offers a similar difficulty curve to the classic Doom 1 episodes, while having the most inconsistent level design that is only matched by TNT Evilution. And i love Doom 2, but there are few maps there that make it very hard for me to go back for a replay. Maps like Downtown are not just boring, they are game killers for me. Doom 1, i can replay anytime and have fun from start to finish... hard, easy, it doesn't matter.

I played doom a ton as an 8 year old in 93 - with iddqd and idkfa on, and I didn't remember the layout of any of the levels, outside of the first one. I played a bunch of Quake 2 and 3 in the late 90's, and through like 70% of Doom 3 a few times in the mid 2k's. In 2020 I began playing classic Doom wads, and I started from the top, Doom 1 and 2. Ultra-violence pistol starts, because that's what the cool guys were doing, though now I appreciate it for real reasons.


I laughed through Doom 1 until Thy Flesh Consumed, I don't know what else to say. The game was not difficult. e4m2 beat me up a bit, I died more than twice despite what I possibly said up there. I know I died at least once on e4m1 as well - but that was it.


I found Doom 2 right afterward much more difficult. I feel like I died like every 2nd map, and I remember like map 27 busting me up pretty good. I'd imagine it'd be no trouble now that I've played much tougher wads, but I know Doom 2 provided more trouble. 


I don't hold any of this against Doom, those double Barons were hype as fuck - but a ton of mancubii and arachnotrons are simply much more threatening than 2 Barons. And they aren't even close to the scariest additions from Doom 2.


I just don't remember anything like the mancubus room in monster condo in Doom 1. I'm really surprised that my experience with these 2 games seems to be unique. Revenants by themselves are just such a threatening addition. Chaingunners. I think you guys are forgetting just how limited the Doom 1 bestiary is.

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11 hours ago, Doom64Myfav said:

especially if you're a fan of legit gaming like me.


OK, reading through your posts in this thread, your attitude sucks.


If you do not like Doom 2, no one particularly cares. Even it's fans know the base game has issues. However, making statements like the one above will very quickly rub people the wrong way. You say you are not angry or looking to insult anyone, but you are absolutely coming across like either a troll or a douche looking to start a fight. Try and find more constructive ways to state your points without making comments like the one above, or will find your stay here will likely be a very unpleasant one.

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Just now, Murdoch said:


OK, reading through your posts in this thread, your attitude sucks.


If you do not like Doom 2, no one particularly cares. Even it's fans know the base game has issues. However, making statements like the one above will very quickly rub people the wrong way. You say you are not angry or looking to insult anyone, but you are absolutely coming across like either a troll or a douche looking to start a fight. Try and find more constructive ways to state your points without making comments like the one above, or will find your stay here will likely be a very unpleasant one.


I just don't understand how people can hate revenants and archviles. Their mechanics are so cool, they definitely fit the tone and style of the Doom franchise, they're iconic as hell, they look great, sound great, fun to fight.



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10 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

And they said I was a madman...



By Grabthar’s hammer - holy crap!


You really are DW’s Zappa, huh? Awesome.

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I was going to comment but I am put off by the picture linguica put


I like Doom 2 more than Doom 1 but Doom 1's episodic structure is much better with overall better level design



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