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Doom 1 or 2?

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Which one is your favorite?  

440 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one is your favorite?

    • DOOM/The Ultimate DOOM
    • DOOM II: Hell on Earth

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Linguica said:

If you're playing Doom for realistic level designs, you're so far off the mark it's not funny.

I prefer levels that are somewhere in between the extremes of fun and good looking.
It's fairly simple.

for christ sake, i cannot understand for the life of me your criticisms, i dont think your arguments are very convincing at all. I like both games, they're both got different levels and themes, and you said something about doom2 levels being surreal in design? Mt Erebus anyone? how about the whole third and fourth episodes in fact? Every critical point you have made is also a trademark in Doom 1. I assume you are a level designer so you should take a closer look at the levels I mentioned and appreciate their design.

I don't give a shit about Doom 1's E3 level designs, because yes, they're surreal too, but they don't look nearly as ugly imho as most of the Doom 2 Hell maps. There's a reason why I rarely play E3 maps - I play Doom 1 in E1 and E2 and yes, the level design is more "convincing" there - it looks a whole lot more like a doomed space station than Doom 2's maps look like a doomed star port and a ruined city.

Oh I have taken a closer look at the levels you like and they're just not my taste, kthxbye.

It's fine enough for me that you like Doom 2 better than Doom 1, but I reserve my right to say my opinion on Doom 2, and my opinion is what I have stated countless times in this thread.

To sum it up: I like the general atmosphere in Doom 1 better because of the specific level design in Doom 1, which imho has a more "close-quarters-enemy-around-the-corner" feel to them, because of the music and because of the monster placement.

what does hell look like? what does a spacestation look like?

Dumb questions both of them. For the space station, I suggest you look at either of the first two Alien movies(I haven't seen the third so I dunno about it.
As for Hell... well, we all have our own interpretation of Hell, plus there is also the general Hell interpretation. My point is that there isn't much in Doom 2 that looks like the Hell I experienced in Doom 1. When I first started playing E3, my first impression was that I was in a really smelly, disgusting, hot place. Disgusting, writhing intestines as floors and ceilings, death everywhere in the form of corpses and piles of skulls, souls of the damned, spooky sights (the floating "evil eye", corpses that were still writhing on the spears or from the chains).

Most of Doom 2's Hell levels are nothing like that at all. Where is all the spookiness? Scattered throughout the whole goddamn game, but barely present where it is needed in Hell. The Doom 2 Hell maps mostly look like some odd mishmash to my eyes and nowhere like id interpreted it in Doom 1. I just missed all the few good things from the Hell in Doom 1 in Doom 2.

I like the Hell sky in Doom 2 though.

Someone please bury this thread before I go crazy.

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Can`t you see what Ling is doing!
He`s playing us against eachother! He obviously wants us to argue amongst eachother in some twisted (divide and conquer like) plan to destroy the Doom Community!

It wouldn`t suprise me if this was his plan from the beginning... Think about it: what better way to get rid of the Doomers. Gather them all by building a home for the community (=Doomworld). Then provoke arguments which will lead to the destruction of the community from the inside out!


Fear the one called Linguica...

PS: this post was intended as a joke... :-P

or wasn`t it...

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The Ultimate Doom r0><0rs because of it's stylish themes--futuristic bases; the hell of '93, more hell. Doom 2, well I just don't know anymore. :P

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m0l0t0v said:




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My apologies for disputing with you DSM, as you are obviously the leading authority on the discussion at hand. In one final defense of doom2's levels, I will say two things; firstly, I believe a greater proportion of the custom levels released today can be compared design-wise to one or more of the maps from doom2. Secondly, I will say that I have been inspired to create levels by far more doom2 maps than doom1 maps. And you are wrong about me favouring doom2 over doom1, as that is not the case and I never said so.

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[HEADSHOT] said:
strange, it says poll closed but still I can post??

Yes. the POLL itself is closed for voting but the thread itself is still open for posting.

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nothing beats a quick run through of ol' doom on UV. hordes of enemies, still have to be quick, but nothing slightly complicated like the new monsters in doom 2.

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nobbjob said:

My apologies for disputing with you DSM, as you are obviously the leading authority on the discussion at hand. In one final defense of doom2's levels, I will say two things; firstly, I believe a greater proportion of the custom levels released today can be compared design-wise to one or more of the maps from doom2. Secondly, I will say that I have been inspired to create levels by far more doom2 maps than doom1 maps. And you are wrong about me favouring doom2 over doom1, as that is not the case and I never said so.

Well, actually I need to apologize because obviously, it seems that people have taken my rather aggressive argumentation against Doom 2 as implying that Doom 2 sucks (which it doesn't, I just like Doom 1 better for the reasons I've mentioned several times). And I get pissed off if people imply that the very first game, the one that actually started the whole Doom "craze", sucks.

And I agree that the custom maps for Doom 2 are better than the ones you get from Doom 1, but those are not Doom 2 itself, therefore it is kinda irrelevant.

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Like DSM, I cannot understand how you people like doom2 better than doom1. I can list MANY MANY reasons, most of them covered by DSM, but many more, but it seems the criteria upon which you judge whether or not it is better is fucking illogical. Go play doom1 and doom2 simultaneously and I assure you, doom1 will leave you with a distinctivly reflective mood, it was definately more subtle than doom2(bang on the face action), which to me was more appealing.
Doom1>doom2, although doom2 is still fucking amazing.

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Doom one is better than Doom 2,the soundtrack is much better and i think there is more realism in Doom1.Although there are more enemies in Doom2 i think it isn,t as original as Doom 1(boht games rule anyway)

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dsm said:

And no, Doom 1 does NOT just have two types of music.
It has three:
* Metal (which as of rule of thumb ALWAYS goes well with action)
* Ambience (which is far more badass than anything in Doom 2 imo)
* Hellish music - dunno what category this goes under, but it's not metal and it's not ambience. What I'm talkin' about here is the like of E3M1, E3M2 and E3M3.

E3M1 = Pantara - Mouth for War
E3M3 = Slayer - Behind the Crooked Cross
Both of which, are metal.

I know someone probably already brought this up and I just didn't see it, but still, dust it off dsm, dust it off...

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  • 5 weeks later...

Which one did you like better, the original Doom or Hell on Earth? I appreciate the new things you can do with the Doom 2 engine, but I liked the original Doom a lot better. I thought the atmosphere was great, the music was awesome, and the theme at least somewhat there. While with Doom 2, I didn't really feel an atmosphere too well (except for levels 28 and 29--quite possibly my favorite levels ever), most of the music, to me, was bland and uninspiring, and I generally could not figure what the general theme of the levels were supposed to be (i.e., what it is that the level is [Toxin Refinery, Base, etc.]). How do you people feel about it?

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First of all, Doom and Doom 2 use the exact same engine. The only real differences are more enemies, a bigger shotgun, and some new levels and music.

As for the maps themselves, Doom did have a lot more atmosphere to it. A lot of people seem to like episode 2 the most. I tend to like the third episode the best, mainly because of the Hell atmosphere, but they could have done a little better with some of the maps (better layout of the Unholy Cathedral, more enemies in Limbo, etc.).

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Same topic here: [THREADS MERGED]

By themselves, I liked doom better than the sequel, but I appreciate the massive number of quality wads created for doom2. Most doom2 maps were either too gimmicky (23, 24, 31-32) too bland (12, 21) or just plain shitty (19, 25 :). I like some maps though (11, 14, 17 being my personal favorites).

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Another reason Doom 1 is better. Doom 2 took out many of the original textures and put in a good many shitty texs. This was one bad choice. That, and they should have put a little bit more effort in the maps area. C'mon. Look at The Ultimate DOom's maps. They look much better in comparison.

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Doom1 is a little better as a game. But those 30 or so levels isn't much compared to the thousands of user made levels so it doesn't really matter which is better. Doom2 has more good user made levels made for it and is also superior in deathmatch.

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Well i guess we can all agree on one thing: That Doom2 has better customization, and that doom is better as it is. In Doom it's more like: "What are you doing here?!?", whereas in Doom 2 it's more like "Here he comes, let's get him!"

I guess what those sentance fragments were supposed to say is that doom was able to have levels that seemed realistic (Monster placement, architecture) whereas doom 2 tried to create a more action-packed game...realism be damned.

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TheHighestTree said:

I guess what those sentance fragments were supposed to say is that doom was able to have levels that seemed realistic (Monster placement, architecture) whereas doom 2 tried to create a more action-packed game...realism be damned.

I HOPE the same thing won't happen again with the Doom 3 engine. I'll friggin' kill myself if I see a retelling of Doom 2 in the Doom 3 engine with focus placed exclusively on making it action packed instead of making it immersive with a good-looking environment.

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dsm said:

I HOPE the same thing won't happen again with the Doom 3 engine. I'll friggin' kill myself if I see a retelling of Doom 2 in the Doom 3 engine with focus placed exclusively on making it action packed instead of making it immersive with a good-looking environment.

episode 1 and 2 (maybe 4) was goodlooking in doom. But episode have all the different themes in one episode, I don't like that. If they would just used the marble and skin textures in ep3.

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Torn said:

episode 1 and 2 (maybe 4) was goodlooking in doom. But episode have all the different themes in one episode, I don't like that. If they would just used the marble and skin textures in ep3.

What does this have to do with Doom 2 and a possible retelling of it in the Doom 3 engine?

An episode consisting of exclusively marble and skin textures would be boring - the red brick walls and the intestine surfaces should be there alongside the wooden walls and doors - have I forgotten something which fits Hell? - Hah! I just got an idea for a fitting Hell theme: Wooden planks of clearly rotting wood.

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  • 1 year later...

I liked the Original Doom 0.99 because, well it was the first Doom I played and for me the first is always the best (I think).

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Final Doom was my favourite, but ive never played Doom 64, and that one looked pretty bad ass...

i liked final Doom because it was so much more of a challage than the others...

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