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Doom 1 or 2?

Guest Mariner

Which one is your favorite?  

440 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one is your favorite?

    • DOOM/The Ultimate DOOM
    • DOOM II: Hell on Earth

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Why would 0.99 be better than 1.666 or 1.9? It's the same, but with more bugs and also there's no Nightmare skill.

TNT is my favourite "official" Doom. Plutonia is good too, but all the levels seem to use the same textures over and over with little variation. Then again, it has been awhile since I played all the way through it.

Doom 2 and Doom episodes 2 and 3 are for the most part pretty ugly and boring. Come to think of it, pretty much everything ever made by Sandy Petersen is ugly and boring. McGee's and Romero's contributions to Doom 2 are the only good levels in the whole set. In fact, The Abandoned Mines is one of the coolest levels in Doom 2 I think.

Thank god for excellent PWADS.

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I personally enjoyed DooM episode 1 because that's what I played with for 18 months(i switched from upgrade to upgrade) and eventually i had enough money to buy the full version, and then i got doom 2, which is my second favorite. I never really liked final doom for some reason. But 2 years ago i bought Doom collectors edition at wal-mart and that's what i use today. Favorite level? Ultimate Doom ep 4 level 2. Designed by John Romero.

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Heh, I just wish that the first 7 intro maps of DOOM2 were more similar to some of the maps which are found in TNT:Evilution.
That way, they would've actually been worth looking at.

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Hehe, i've been playing Shareware Doom 1 non stop the past few days. Got an old 486, installed the shareware from some disks (bought them years ago at a computer fair) and played. I've lost two days to replaying E1 over and over.

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Wah, Joe has my old avatar! Now I'm gonna think he's me...

Anyway, I really enjoy E1. So many memories.

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Doom 64. I have more nostalgia for the original Doom, but 64 had the most consistantly good level design IMO.

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Final Doom, 'cause it's the first one I played that wasn't shareware. I remember i got it at the same time as warcraft 2... those were the days.

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Original (not Ultimate) Doom version 1.666. I think it's the best Doom for these reasons:

- Excellent clear, straightforward, flowing level design (especially E1).
- Not overly difficult.
- Unique boss creatures for the end of each episode.
- The map view in the intermissions between levels (anyone else notice the gradual building of the Tower of Babel in Shores of Hell? - Brilliant).
- 1.666 was the last patch to Doom which kept the original title theme music (short, but sweet), much cooler than the Ultimate Doom theme which replaced it in version 1.9.
- The best storyline of the bunch.

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I definitely always keep coming back to E1-- E2&3 just didn't have the kind of atmosphere I was looking for, and I got frustrated at some of the puzzles. E4 was more of the same, but I enjoy E4 for its architecture.

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It's probably Doom 2 for me, not because it looks or plays any better but because of the memory it holds. It was the first version I've ever played (and Ive never actually played the original doom (cept shareware) on PC. I did play it on the playstation but apparantely thats quite different. I know the Doom 2 levels on the playstation were different and there were doom 2 monsters in doom 1. And the arch vile ceased to exist.

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I like DooM and DooM 2 about the same. Maybe the original DooM slightly more than DooM 2 just because it came first and has more historic value for me.

Though I do like DooM 2. Though it doesn't have the same feedback or "feeling" as the original shotgun, I do love the supershotgun. It's as powerful as 1 rocket! Plus I really liked the new enemies in DooM 2 that required you to develop new strategies. I liked the new textures, like the waterfall/bloodfall/slimefall texture. I also liked the level design. It didn't have a consistent theme, but I didn't care. The levels were "fun" and that's all I needed.

Plus, where in the original DooM can you see a Cyberdemon and a Spider Mastermind duke it out? :-D

DooM 2 definitely is up there. But like I said, the original just barely... BARELY beats it out.


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oh and how could i forget my other favourite Action DOOM! long, hard, fast... that was a cool game

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Alpha 0.5. I wish they'd made use of some of those weapon graphics in the final version - especially the starting rifle.

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Episode One without doubt. It's the first thing that enters my mind when I think of Doom.

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I like The Ultimate Doom, because the episodes kinda spaced out how much I play at one time.

Lets see, do E1 in about 15 minutes come back and do E2 in an hour or so... etc.

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WildWeasel said:

Alpha 0.5. I wish they'd made use of some of those weapon graphics in the final version - especially the starting rifle.

Word, plus the 0.4 Alpha.

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Darkbolt said:

my favorite was doom II except for all of the city levels they kinda got on my nerves.

Definitely agree on that one

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