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Doom 1 or 2?

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Which one is your favorite?  

440 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one is your favorite?

    • DOOM/The Ultimate DOOM
    • DOOM II: Hell on Earth

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CapNapalm said:
Why does everyone hate the city levels?

They're not bad; I don't think they had any strong precedents, and their use of varying heights makes them pretty good in some respects.

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SupremeGeneral said:
Final Doom
Best Portrail of orig. Doom environment

Ehmm... wouldn't the best portrail of the original Doom enivronment be found in ... the original Doom? ;-)

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In terms of gameplay, Plutonia is my favourite, because it has the perfect difficulty for my tastes.
Nostalgia- and leveldesign-wise, Doom is of course my favourite.

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E1 of Doom was my favorite. Maybe its because back when i first played it on the SNES there was no save, and so i was stuck playing it over and over, but either way, i still like it best.

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I like Doom I the most, and more specific episode 1 and 2.
Why? The levels are much darker (well not in the first couple of maps but when you move on) and look more frightening than episode 3 and 4.

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Knee Deep in the Dead, The Shores of Hell, Inferno, and Hell on Earth.

They are, and define, DOOM and DOOM II.

Thy Flesh Consumed and Final DOOM are very cool, but as games they take from the orignals expanding from them, and stand aside in the general design. Plutonia and Episode 4 beef up and explore some left over nooks and crannies and do it quite well; but basically most of the gameplay is already defined by the original stuff.

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I'm not talking about any additional WADs or anything, so no Alien Vendetta or such. Just the Doom games played as-is.

So, what's your favorite for single player? Personally, I can't get enough of Doom 64... I absolutely love the atmosphere and the level design is constantly high quality. Right after that is Doom 3, with the original Doom trailing VERY close behind. Doom 2 comes in last due to the sometimes awful level design. If I was including all available WADs for each game this list would be very different, but I'm not, so meh.

Oh, and I really haven't played either of the Final Doom WADs enough to judge them well, but I'd most likely put them above Doom 2 and below everything else.

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It is a share between Ultimate Doom and first "episode" of doom2.
But most likely Ultimate doom, I feel it wasn´t as rushed as doom2...

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I'd put DOOM II on top because overall it has more intense gameplay and maps with more varied challenges. Then DOOM episode 1, because the many smaller monsters work very well with the available arsenal to produce fast and addictive play. After that, DOOM episodes 2 and 3 for being relatively smooth and entertaining to race through.

Final DOOM and Thy Flesh Consumed have good playability, although less refined overall because the extra difficulty sometimes slows them down.

Torn said:
But most likely Ultimate doom, I feel it wasn´t as rushed as doom2...

How's this? It's in DOOM that you have the retextured maps; and where does DOOM II's design feel unfinished? Most of the maps are pretty solid, and even the weaker ones stand their ground overall.

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myk said:

...and where does DOOM II's design feel unfinished? Most of the maps are pretty solid, and even the weaker ones stand their ground overall.

Think about Barrels o´fun. The idea with the many barrels was new at that time and the wide open areas where impressive at that time. But this level would never be called a superior level if it was released today as a pwad.

As to the ranking:

1- Knee deep in the dead (great levels with lots of atmosphere)
2- Shores of Hell/ Inferno (Also great original levels)
3- Doom2 (Epic fight with lots of monsters)
4- Final Doom (Very decent level design and high skill)
5- Thy Flesh Consumed (I dunno, this is not my favorite bunch of levels. It´t too cramped and full of monsters, somehow)

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I still love PSX Doom for a single player experience, tough I play more PWADs than IWADs these days.

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Plutonia... with pistol starts. I love the demos that play in that game too. They were the first I saw to inspire me to play differently... quicker, less methodical.

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What are you talking about? That's exactly what I wrote. Just read it again more carefully. ;)

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Doom, followed by doom2 (only because of the double shotty). Doom3 comes close behind. But fails it the run-and-gun area. I never liked final doom. And I cant decide whether or not I love doom64 or hate it.

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-The Ultimate DOOM, Final DOOM, Master Levels (on the same level)
-DOOM 64

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