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Doom 1 or 2?

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Which one is your favorite?  

440 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one is your favorite?

    • DOOM/The Ultimate DOOM
    • DOOM II: Hell on Earth

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Deathmatcher said:

Think about Barrels o´fun. The idea with the many barrels was new at that time and the wide open areas where impressive at that time. But this level would never be called a superior level if it was released today as a pwad.

None of the Doom levels would be called that today.

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DOOM 1.7a - before ultimate.

ep2 - where it all starts to happen
e2m4 - not a hard one, but I still really enjoy this level.

I personally rarely even like the map designs in current games, infact I have trouble playing some fps's, mainly ones on consoles, my DOOM instincts are so imbedded that I expect to find more items and enemies etc. and also expect to see things like landmarks and points of reference. Games like Serious Sam are like one big stone texture to me, I don't want to move from where I am incase it's going to take too long :)

DOOM really did have an enormous amount of time spent on making the levels (I think the doom2 stages averaged 40hrs completion, someone correct me on this thou) I personally still think the original DOOM games have the best level design ever, but to todays standards they couldn't be looked at like that, considering that levels in games today arn't limited to a maximum heightdef etc.
it's been a while since I loaded up DCK or similar, what's the max height of a ceiling in DOOM? well anyhow that basically makes the levels to our eyes today that are used to more "true to life" gfx precieve them as being squarish or blocky (as in everything based off squares rather than curves etc. blah blah

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1-Ultimate doom(has some of my favorite level designs, better than D2, i liked Spider MM. boss beter than head boss in D2, mostly evrything better than D2)
2-Doom 64(great atmospheric fx, good weapon designs, really good levels)
3-Doom 2(1 better weapon super sgun)
4-doom 32(didnt really like it too much)

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boris said:

None of the Doom levels would be called that today.

I'd say that e4m6 would recieve very good critique even by today's standards.

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So would E1M1, the only downside I can think of for that particular map is that it has next to no detail...and yet it still looks good, 11 years after it was made.

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Not really, no. It's way too small for one thing, and for another it was probably done in 10 minutes.
Oh and what's up with having to find a section of wall that's really a door to exit the level?

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  • 3 years later...

So, which of the two games do you guys prefer? The Ultimate Doom (or original 3-episode Doom if that's what you're running) or Doom II?

I find that the Ultimate Doom is a lot more replayable and has more interesting level design, and it's just a lot more fun to play.

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I prefer the Ultimate Doom. But only Episodes 1 to 3. 4 is just too hard. I'd take Doom II's Map29, Map 07, Map04, etc, over Episode 4 anyday.

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I think the original Doom and Ultimate Doom had better maps than Doom II, but Doom II had a better monster selection for use in custom maps. Yes, a lot of people can be annoyed by Doom II's monsters when they're not used properly, but the availability of mid-level enemies like the Hell-Knights and Chaingunners, along with the introduction of some more tougher enemies (again, when used appropriately), offers some better game-play opportunities.

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Captain Red said:

Doom 1 because it actually had a go at having some ambiance.

That's one of the reasons why I really liked Doom 64, but I think the first Doom's gameplay is what really puts it ahead of Doom II; the ambience and atmosphere is just a bonus.

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I don't really take them as separate games, so I just like them both as parts of the same thing. DOOM II is basically episodes 4-6 of DOOM.

There are more thing types in the last 3 episodes, but then again, there are similarly more thing types in episodes 2-3 than in the 1st. That increase in juiciness makes progress through the game more interesting in general.

I tend to judge level design more by author rather than by episode or game. Thus overall DOOM and DOOM II have about equal quality, with DOOM II having a more refined challenge on its side, as Romero and Petersen did get a bit more demanding as they got more experienced.

For DeathMatch, DOOM II is definitely more intense, but again, I don't mind some matches in DOOM levels once in a while.

It's true that the first episode has the most concentrated mood or ambience, but part of that charm in my case also has to do with it being the first part I played (and the 1st FPS game as I wasn't familiar with Wolfenstein 3D yet). But after that, the individual levels may vary in that respect, but either game has its share of more (or less) moody levels.

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With the games by themselves, The Ultimate Doom, though I usually only play Episode 1. Otherwise, Doom 2, since it has the larger and better collection of wads.

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For the challenges -- Doom 2.

For the episode progression -- Doom 1.

Doom 2 has many cool monsters, like Archvile or Revenant, that Doom 1 hasn't. You'll hardly know the tensions of guided missiles and GETTING-OUT-OF-SIGHT if you don't play Doom 2 enough.

Doom 1 can have better megawads than Doom 2 -- there are more levels, twice more secret levels, arranged regularly, and better endings -- no Spitters, but 1-shot-kill Cyberdemons or health-dropping Spiderdemons. Also there's more Dehacked potential if vanilla Doom is used -- there are the free missile and monster frames from Doom 2.

I find Doom 1 and Doom 2 to be different games. Doom 1 is more traditional, similar to Wolfenstein 3d in weapons and monsters, whereas Doom 2 gives more firepower (super shotgun) against more aggressive and healthier enemies.

Doom 1 has "episode 4: thy flesh consumed" as expansion, while Doom 2 has "the master levels" and "final Doom".

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I agree with printz. Whenever I play Ultimate Doom I find myself wishing for the SSG. Killing demons, hell knights, barons of hell and cacodemons is a real pain without it. Aside from that though I rank them pretty equally.

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icecreamsoldier said:

hell knights

Thats a Doom 2 monster.

Other then that, I'd play Doom 2 over Doom 1 unless Doom 1 gets more KDIZD based stuff... Wonder when SoZD will be unleashed.

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BJ Blazkowicz said:

He probably meant Baron of Hell.

He already said that in his post, see? >_>

icecreamsoldier said:

I agree with printz. Whenever I play Ultimate Doom I find myself wishing for the SSG. Killing demons, hell knights, barons of hell and cacodemons is a real pain without it. Aside from that though I rank them pretty equally.

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I pick Doom 1 because I like the level design better. I don't miss the super shotgun because it's overkill without revenants and mancubi to use it on.

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I think it's pretty agreeable that Doom 1 had the best maps, and Doom 2 had better monsters and a better weapon, and shitty maps to play them in. Undoubtedly Episode 1 is the best Doom mapset in the world.

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