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Doom 1 or 2?

Guest Mariner

Which one is your favorite?  

440 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one is your favorite?

    • DOOM/The Ultimate DOOM
    • DOOM II: Hell on Earth

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Doom 2 has some good ones, but I think Doom 1 had better levels overall. As for gameplay though, I like doom 2, mainly because it's more diverse. The new enemies and the double shotty added alot to it. I think my favorite episode though is probably E2 or E3 of doom 1. I'm really not that big of a fan of E1...in fact I like E4 more than it as well. Oh well.

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Grazza said:

ravage: Let me be the first to congratulate you on your 1000th post. However, DOOM Anomaly beat you to it by less than an hour.

Haha in your face, big disgrace :P ...ahem...

I find both Doom and DoomII to be great to me, I don't actually have a favourite.

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Doom 1 is the greatest! :() and for those who want to make TCs its best to start with doom1 especially if you plan on replacing sprites.

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Like I've said before, I prefer Doom1 levels. Especially E1 is exellent, though too easy obviously. I would like it more if there was less healt: there's practically a healt box in every corner :) I didn' like the rest episodes that much, but there were some nice levels in the E3 and E4. I think E2 was the worst.

The only good levels in Doom 2 are those between maps 1-8. Most of the maps after that are awful. I liked the monster condo though.

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Doom1's maps are generally better although a lot of 2's maps have a certain surrealism, which is really good inspite of their 'rushed' appearance. I prefer the gameplay of Doom2 though, more exciting, challenging and varied.

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Doom 1 (meaning that E4 isn't included). The level design rocks and I even think the gameplay is better in the first game because of the atmosphere and because there isn't too many enemies like in Doom 2.

Killing stuff in D2 gets repetitive really quick - my guess is that it's because it becomes more obvious in Doom 2 that the monsters are easy to kill. I prefer the sneakier gameplay in Doom 1 to Doom 2's "aim-into-crowd-and-press-fire" gameplay.

And the level design in Doom 2 is horrible imho - the overuse of brown textures sure as Hell doesn't make it better (Quake 1 anyone?).

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I like both DooM 1 and DooM 2 designs, as they're both meant to be something different, and they both succeed at doing what they're meant to do.

Gameplay is better in DooM 2 though, as it's much faster and harder, with more than 2 types of monster that need more than 3 shells to kill.

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Trasher][ said:
Doom1's maps are brilliant, but I play Doom2 far, FAR more, as I have more mods and stuff for it.

Actually, there's many WADs for DOOM. There might be more for DOOM II, but not by that much. As for mods... I hardly touch those. So I play both games (this includes the PWADs) more or less equally.

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For Death Match, I found I liked Doom 2 stages better. For single player, nothing tops Doom 64 on my list. Dark Citadel was one of the best Doom levels ever made.

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Grazza said:

However, DOOM Anomaly beat you to it by less than an hour.

In three months? Oh dear god.

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doom 2-shit hot
alien vendetta-unbeatable in single player, mutliplayer, design, gameplay, replayability, lay out, size, asthetics and every other area of wad construction.

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Ultimate Doom maps are good, but Doom II is much better for outside/city areas.

And I'll get back to you on Final Doom. =P

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Nanami said:

Ultimate Doom maps are good, but Doom II is much better for outside/city areas.

Pfft, Doom2's "cities" are retarded.

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The Widow Maker said:

Yes, the cities certainly do exhibit extremely 'retarded' behaviour. Like being commented on by total shit heads.

Haven't you been banned yet?

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Archvile46 said:

Pfft, Doom2's "cities" are retarded.

Well, it's a bit silly, but UD didn't really have any city areas ('cause it wasn't on Earth!). And the outside areas were smaller.

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The "city" maps (12-16) aren't bad, they play well enough and they don't look ugly. Nanami, the only open map sort of like those in DOOM is e3m6.

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myk said:

The "city" maps (12-16) aren't bad, they play well enough and they don't look ugly. Nanami, the only open map sort of like those in DOOM is e3m6.

I know, UD didn't actually have cities. It had short bursts of being outside (as in E1M1), but that's about it.

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Grazza said:

However, DOOM Anomaly beat you to it by less than an hour.

Archvile46 said:
In three months? Oh dear god.

True, but remember, I didn't start posting till a couple months ago.

Besides, when did we start competing posts?

/me spanks

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