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Doom 1 or 2?

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Which one is your favorite?  

440 members have voted

  1. 1. Which one is your favorite?

    • DOOM/The Ultimate DOOM
    • DOOM II: Hell on Earth

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1 hour ago, Pegg said:

Are we still pretending all Doom 1 maps are from E1 and E4 (Which came after Doom 2) and the horrible looking maps in E3/E2 don't exist? 

Looking at most of these comments, evidently. I groan internally anytime someone says that Doom II’s maps are ugly and poorly made but Doom 1 was mapping perfection. I love them both and they both have flaws.

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in fact, this is a big addon because nothing changed and we were given new monsters and super shotgun to replace episodes we have a full game and we have 32 levels than 36 in ultimate doom, the levels themselves are interesting, but in, for example, map28 you would never guessed a   passage with pinky demons is an advance in map and not a secret or a trap and ios in doom 2 is worst boss in doom series for me, I think it would be better if they released it as I said as an addon.

Edited by Wad overdose

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Doom 2 is fucking awesome and I wouldn't want it any other way. Well, maybe one more new weapons? *wink*

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At it's time, Doom 2 was pretty fun when all I had was it, Ultimate, and Final Doom. I also got exposed to Hexen and Quake. In fact, I think because of the lack of the super shotgun and newer monsters, back then I might have played Doom 1 the least..!


As a bigger boy these days, I might put 1 above the rest because of some level idea quirks and the way they're progressed, they really appeal to me. Mind you, this victory is by just a few hairs: These iwads are my babies and each one has something cool going for it.

Edited by BGrieber

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Doom 2 was everything I liked about Doom 1 expanded, personally I love episode 2 so I am biased towards doom 2 as it's Sandy at his most experimental.  Hell even the worst maps such as Nirvana and Barrels are on the same quality of episode 3.  I would rather play the handful of mediocre doom 2 maps rather than episode 3. 

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Doom 2 is a great game feature wise even though the map design (07, 21, 22, 25) was average at times. But still there were many memorable maps, the urban and city maps, castle, the tightrope walks, platforming, Barrels O'Fun, living end and so and so. It always had that fun factor. The extra enemies and super shotgun gave Doom 2 more flexibility for custom maps and megawads, etc. The majority of megawads (and custom maps) over the last 20 years were for Doom 2. Even though I have slowly been working on an UD megawad since 2017 I also released a Doom 2 megawad this year because you can just take advantage of all the extra features, SSG, plus the new challenging monsters such as the Chaingunners, Revenants, Fatsos, Pain Elementals, Arch Viles and so so.

Edited by pcorf

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23 minutes ago, pcorf said:

Doom 2 is a great game feature wise even though the map design (07, 21, 22, 25) was average at times. But still there were many memorable maps, the urban and city maps, castle, the tightrope walks, platforming, Barrels O'Fun, living end and so and so. It always had that fun factor. The extra enemies and super shotgun gave Doom 2 more flexibility for custom maps and megawads, etc. The majority of megawads (and custom maps) over the last 20 years were for Doom 2. Even though I have slowly been working on an UD megawad since 2017 I also released a Doom 2 megawad this year because you can just take advantage of all the extra features, SSG, plus the new challenging monsters such as the Chaingunners, Revenants, Fatsos, Pain Elementals, Arch Viles and so so.

That's what I like most about Doom 2, 1 new powerup, 1 new weapon, and a few new monsters add so much from both a mapping and gameplay perspective. I still love Doom 1 and it's wads, but Doom 2 stuff is generally more fun. Archviles are so awesome and evil. They really added more the variety of enemies.

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The levels in Doom 1 (ep 1 at least, which is 100% of what I played with Doom 1 at the time) were convincing that they could be military buildings you were roaming around in. It set up a certain realism and logic for the Doom world. You would have to progress far into the game to get exotic weapons like the plasma rifle, and 2 barons of hell are more than adequate to be a boss, what fearsome creatures! 


Doom 2 felt like Doom 1 cranked up to 11.  It used a lot of the same graphics, enemies, weapons, etc. but any sense of realism or logic you got from Doom 1 was exaggerated.  Even though the levels sometimes used the same graphics as the military buildings in Doom 1, the layouts didn't feel like they were trying to represent realistic buildings.  You would also get significant weapons much faster, and then you were expected to use them!  Significant enemies came frequently and in large quantities and you were expected to dispatch them. If you were conditioned to think 2 barons of hell was a tough boss when you first played Doom 1 shareware, and then 6-12 months later you're playing Doom 2 and you're thrown into a room with 12 of them simultaneously, just in a regular level, it would blow your mind.  


Doom 1 kind of felt like a survival horror game at times, I'd hoard my rocket ammo and only rarely encounter a few significant monsters, whereas Doom 2 seemed designed to thrust you into significant action very regularly, in bizarre fantasy/unrealistic looking buildings/stages, while giving you significant armament to deal with the monsters.  It felt more like an arcade game than something that was going for a degree of realism.  It was icing on the cake to get the handful of new items/weapons and enemies as well, that, combined with the new feel to the levels, gave it enough to feel fresh and not just a rehash of Doom 1.


Edited by sirlynxalot

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For me at least, the good levels are some of the best Doom levels ever, but the bad ones (city levels IMO) are some of the worst.

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I loath Doom 2. Doom 1 and Plutonia are way better.

The levels are way too gimmic orientated or City Level™.

Also bloody 32 levels? It's not like Doom 1 where you play one episode an afternoon or commit the same time to pass one Plutonia level, this is a level of commitment I don't know how to handle.

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Ladies, gentlemen, pray rise for the What Do You Think of Doom Game X Thread number 612381238171912. Or was it 612381238171913? I forget.


Thank you.


Doom 2 as a game falls short in the map department. A few gems, but a lot of "meh" with a side order of "huh?". At the time of release though my thought process was mostly just "Woo! More Doom!". Time has highlighted it's shortcomings. The additional weapon and enemies, however, provide a more well rounded gameplay experience. This has made it a superior platform for community maps and mods going forward than the original.

Edited by Murdoch

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My first experience with Doom 2 (And Doom in general) was with Doom 2 GBA, as such I experienced the split maps. However, I'd say the best maps in Doom 2 are the first 9, then it slowly starts to deteriorate with MAP10 and becomes boring during the city and most hell levels. Notable exceptions to the two secret levels which I always liked, MAP16, as well as MAP29.

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I've played more Doom 2 than Ultimate Doom but both have their flaws. Doom 2 has new enemies and weapons which make it fun, but the levels get tedious towards MAP17 and by the end it's just dull. Ultimate Doom has some better maps than Doom 2 but I prefer Doom 2 overall. It is also way more fun to make maps for.


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I've thought of Doom 2 as somewhat ugly, gimmicky and soulless in comparison to the first game, but yesterday I booted up and randomly decided to warp to Tenements and I really enjoyed it. I think I developed a bad habit of replaying the first several levels too much. There's a lot of variety and character later in the game.

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  • 2 months later...

I came here cause, just finished doom1/2/64 and I'm a gamer who started on shooters with turok, goldeneye, and quake. I never really got into doom much, I enjoyed doom3 but never had an urge to play the old ones till now. Mainly cause I bought nightdives doom64 remaster and really enjoyed it. The music, atmosphere, and gameplay was way better than I expected. I watched friends play and praise doom1/2 for years and I never really got it. Wolfenstein as well, I actually owned that for some time on xbox cause of return to wolf and I tried to beat the first wolf but its dull. Shoot dogs and nazi guards, ok I get people love these old shooters but I don't have to share the same opinions I think for myself and have my own thoughts not popular agreements. I really loved doom64 however and it got me interested in playing 1 and 2. Here's the thing I have way more respect for both now. But, doom1 from a late fan of quake and other older shooters, is WAAAAAAY better than 2. Sorry 2 fans just an opinion, Iam not saying doom2 sucks or is a bad shooter. Good last boss, 2 levels stick out in my mind, citadel and the spirit realm, both great levels. But the rest? Gimmicks, barrels of fun, tricks and traps, monster condo? What is this a halloween party? Doom1 was creepy and had real weird atmosphere. Doom2 seems like a convoluted joke. Also hell on earth? Wow you'd think that'd be absolutely horrifying right? Nope, not unless you think broken down cars are horrifying. The thing is in doom1 many of the scenes were nightmarish and some of the best horror scenes in gaming of the time next to splatterhouse. Doom2 is an expansion, it just repeats the same marine torture decals. I'm not saying I want to see women, kids, animals, elderly, etc etc all tortured but i mean, it is hell on earth right? Horror isn't suppose to be badass, fun, or goofy its suppose to be gripping and sick, and hell on earth? Yea hell on earth would be a lot more disturbing than halloween joke levels. Doom64 now that was a disturbing space void and very well done. Doom2 felt silly honestly. It was all action, all custom doom1 levels.
Also to the fans saying doom2 is better than 1 cause of the super shotgun, what the hell? Seriously that's your go to, a double barrel shotgun? Did none of you grow up with a crazy dad or uncle? Did none of you shoot a double barrel in real life? I have so what... What the hell makes a double barrel shotgun superior to rockets and miniguns? I don't get that point at all we are basically talking about a gun any civilian in the world with a license and money could own. That point does not make doom2 superior to 1 in anyway. Its certainly not better in level design, story, atmosphere, level progression, or fun. Many of the levels are confusing circles, and I've named only 2 levels I really enjoyed. Even the last boss who looks awesome is basic as hell as far as boss battles in shooters go. Turok1/2, Quake1/2, Duke, and many other shooters had more well thought out bosses.
As a late gamer to both doom1/2 the doom2 praise is surprising since I loved the gameplay and level design in doom1. But 2 was just irritating, especially barrels of fun that crap got on my nerves real fast. Not fun in anyway and if you do like those that's your opinion. I don't hate doom2 its ok, decent shooter, on the level of doom1/64 or 3? Hell no. And 3 is a good damn shooter and you oldschool doom2 fans trashing doom3 yea right whatever you think man. Its funny all the doom fans im reading saying doom64 is the real doom3. Doom64 is the real doom2. An actual sequel with the same atmosphere and creep factor as doom1. I would honestly place doom2 as the weakest doom I've played so far. And people saying its good cause its challenging. Well I don't buy that thats the same point as mario lost levels. Who cares how good you think you are a shooter is suppose to be fun not boring. Also doomed city scapes? Maybe that was original in 94.. Just saying its very obvious from any new fans perspective which doom is superior. And honestly my fav doom is doom64 just for its void creepy atmosphere and after playing doom1 I can see what influenced 64. Doom2 was kind of a painful exp, it wasn't that fun, switches are hidden in bs locations, the levels are dull... It just wasn't that fun to me it felt like challenge mods more than anything else. And the double barrel shotgun is not exclusive to doom, or even gaming, you can go buy a double barrel shotgun for hunting anytime you want not a valid point.

Just my opinion all this doom2 praise I don't get at all and its not cause its old. I really enjoyed doom1, they didn't even add new decals or trimmings to 2, they ported out a clone with edited levels. And hell on earth? Didn't look like it, looked like trick or treat.

Just my view the thread asked which we liked more, doom1 all the way I enjoyed my time with 1 and all the episodes didn't bother me at all. 64 was even better but doom1 is very impressive especially for its time. A game like doom2, which had years ahead of doom, made to be basically an expansion, yea noway in hell its better than 1. But I'm glad I went back and played all 3 and I will be buying doom3 bfg cause I'm not a doom3 hater cause its cool to hate on sequels or something. Didn't want to hate on doom2, went into doom2 with excitement and interest thanks to doom1. Doom2 killed doom2 for me, had nothing to do with anyones popular opinion.

My final point, doom2, other than the super shotgun added NOTHING new. Ok well it did add a few new soldier types and 2 undead dudes, or maybe 1 undead dude and one alien rip off. No those monsters were not cool they were generic crypt keeper rip offs. Undead fantasy monsters inserted into a demon theme? What would of been wrong with more demons? Hell even a huge imposing female demoness would of been more badass than skeletor. Was not impressed in the least by the new enemies besides the minigun dudes they were fun to kill, probably the best update in doom2 was the mini soldier.

Overrated as hell and the popular praise of doom2 is probably nostalgia more than an actual grounded opinion. I wasn't `raised on doom, so why do I enjoy 1 more than 2?

Edited by Doom64Myfav

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^Who are you angry at? If you're so pissed of by Doom 2's level design, then write a letter to id Software... it'll be 28 years too late, but you seem crazy enough to do it, so go ahead. 


PS: Hate to break it to you, but the original Doom was never a horror game, you got your genres mixed up.

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The expanded enemy roster & Super Shotgun give Doom 2 the edge for me personally.  Definitely some nostalgic bias in there though, I owned Doom 2 long before I got my hands on the full 'Ultimate Doom' experience, though I do remember running through Doom shareware quite a bit during the 90s.

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Doom 1 has better textures, music, levels, atmosphere & episodic format.

If this is strictly about vanilla, Doom 1 wins.

Doom 2 wads that make use of Doom 1 resources are the best of both worlds, although blasting away through a E1 inspired map and suddenly running into a revenant messes with my brain sometimes.

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I think of the doom 1 levels as being more iconic than the doom 2 levels but I love both

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3 hours ago, Zaxxon said:

^Who are you angry at? If you're so pissed of by Doom 2's level design, then write a letter to id Software... it'll be 28 years too late, but you seem crazy enough to do it, so go ahead. 


PS: Hate to break it to you, but the original Doom was never a horror game, you got your genres mixed up.

Its about as close to a horror game as you're gonna get in 93 outside splatterhouse and if you deny this you are denying gaming history and what was out at the time. What was horrifying about 2 that wasn't in 1? And why would I be angry at 2? I'm expressing my opinion and just cause I put more of an explanation than just, doom2 has good customs, or doom2 is a useful iwad, I'm angry?

Barrels of fun, monster pad? The games goofy and hell on earth? Compared to house of pain in doom1 the games childish at best. I'm not angry I'm not blatantly insulting anyone. Doom64 is probably the best oldschool doom there is, but its unfair to compare that game to doom1 as doom1 was one of the most revolutionary games ever made next to mario and zelda.
Now I'm in noway saying doom2 is a bad shooter its not, its a great game I had a lot of fun with it and there are some good themes and levels. But I feel like not enough was done that was original compared to 1. And bashing 3 in favor of 2 makes no sense and I've seen that bullcrap online many times. You seem to think I'm angry, but no its just objective honesty and for some reason you don't want an honest opinion just agreements. I've made my points, can you please explain to me how skeletons fit into a demon theme? Other than dead bodies and aftermaths?

Edited by Doom64Myfav

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48 minutes ago, rzh said:

Doom 1 has better textures, music, levels, atmosphere & episodic format.

If this is strictly about vanilla, Doom 1 wins.

Doom 2 wads that make use of Doom 1 resources are the best of both worlds, although blasting away through a E1 inspired map and suddenly running into a revenant messes with my brain sometimes.


Same here... I really like the Revenants, the Pain Elementals, the Arch-Viles (okay, not really), but they were used with measure in Doom 2. Seeing how some wad makers go completely bonkers with them, sometimes makes me wish they never existed... especially the Arch-Viles, having multiple of them in every single map can get old and tired very fast. Revenants are also best used with measure, and in combination with other enemy groups. Having two or three Revenants together with couple of Hell Knights and a few Chaingunners on screen, can make for an interesting scenario depending on the level layout. On the other hand, opening traps that spawn 20-30 Revenants at once is total bs. I'm eagerly waiting for the master himself, John Romero, to release Sigil 2 and show how these monster types are supposed to be used in a map.


As for the poll, i voted for Doom 1 as well, solely for the level design and setting. I much prefer the industrial facilities on Phobos and Deimos, over whatever these "suburban" levels in Doom 2 are supposed to be. The Hell levels are also ten times better in Doom 1. Thy Flesh Consumed is still my favorite out of all Doom, closely followed by Sigil. 

Edited by Zaxxon

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