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Empyrion_v39 - 14 UDMF Coop Maps With Single-Player Support

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Empyrion is my long-running (technically, since the 90s) mapping project. The maps have gone through many revisions and occasionally a new map is added, with an explosion of activity last year when I added 4 new maps in one year, unheard of for a slow mapper like me. The oldest have been upgraded from Doom to Boom to Doom-in-Hexen and now to UDMF. The maps are MAP01 - MAP12 and MAP31 - MAP32, with secret exits in maps 10 and 31.


Feedback is always welcome because this project is never finished.


Version without BFGs in coop: empyrion_v39.pk3

Version with BFGs in coop: empyrion_v39_bfg.pk3

Both versions have the BFGs in single-player.


The maps contain Skulltag weapons. Here is an add-on that will change those into standard weapons for game-play mods that don't know what to do with them:



Screenshots are in the second post.


Complete txt file here, and in the WADINFO lump.


Advanced engine needed  : UDMF used by ZDoom and its children
Primary purpose         : Single + coop play
Title                   : Empyrion
Filename                : empyrion_v39.pk3
Release date            : December 24, 2017
Author                  : Larry Collins (Empyre)
Email Address           : empyre65@gmail.com

Description             : Fourteen single-player/coop maps, and three really
                          old versions for comparison. In this version, the
                          BFGs are available in single-player, but not in coop.
                          To get the BFGs in coop, use the version with _bfg
                          in the name.

Additional Credits to   : the unknown creators of the midis used,
                      and the creators of the textures from Community Chest 4,
                      and the maker of the sky I used from IU-Part5,
                      and the unknown creator of firebr.xm, which was also
                          used in Unreal Tournament, and renamed D_EMP01 here,
                      and Peter Hajba, aka Skaven of Future Crew for
                          Mercury Rain, originally MERCRAIN.S3M and renamed
                          D_EMP09 here, released February 20, 1994,
                      and Claymore for Arm of Ebony, originally arm_of_ebony.xm
                          and renamed D_EMP10 here,
                      and Peter Hajba, aka Skaven of Future Crew for
                          War in the Middle Earth, originally WAR-REM.S3M
                          and renamed D_EMP12 here,
                      and Peter Hajba, aka Skaven of Future Crew for
                          Realm of Chaos, originally CHAOS.S3M,
                          and renamed D_EMP31 here,
                      and Ceekayed for Plains of Despair, originally ckpod.it,
                          and renamed D_EMP32B here.

* What is included *

New levels              : 17
Sounds                  : No
Music                   : Yes
Graphics                : Yes
Dehacked/BEX Patch      : No
Demos                   : No
                          ANIMATED, WADINFO
Other files required    : None

* Play Information *

Game                    : Doom 2
Map #                   : EMP01 - EMP12, EMP31, EMP32, OLD01 - OLD03
Single Player           : Designed for
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : Designed for
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : No
Other game styles       : None
Difficulty Settings     : Yes

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch
Build Time              : many many hours, over the span of more than a
Editor(s) used          : DoomCad, Doom Builder, Doom Builder 2, Slade, XWE
Known Bugs              : none known, but please tell me of any you find
May Not Run With...     : non-ZDoom-based ports, Odamex, ZDaemon

* Copyright / Permissions *


Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or
reuse.  Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of
their resources modified or included in this file.

You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no
modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS,
Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.  I have
received permission from the original authors of any modified or included
content in this file to allow further distribution.


* Changelog *


Howdy, everybody!


I no longer consider this a beta, so starting with empyrion_v25.wad, there is
now a version number rather than a beta number. However, it may never really be
finished, so you will likely never see a empyrion without a version number.

As always, I am open to ideas to improve the maps.  Please send suggestions to


 Changes in empyrion_v39.pk3:


 - Custom textures are now in the textures folder, rather than using patches,
PNAMES, and TEXTURE1. This means that this pk3 can be loaded with other map-sets
that also use custom textures.
 - The EMP## map names are back! The map names all start with EMP instead of
MAP, to further facilitate loading this with other maps.
 - Made a custom skill level, replacing Nightmare with Slaughter as skill 5.
Slaughter has double ammo, and many more monsters than Ultra Violent.
 - Added the Skulltag weapons into the pk3 and in the maps, with no Skulltag
content pk3 required.
 - Camera switches no longer takes away Invulnerability if you already have it.
 - Fixed the bug with the rail at the exit in EMP08 that was allowing the player
to jump down into the computer pit, getting stuck down there.
 - In EMP04 and EMP09, changed each switch behind a locked door to just a locked
 - All things appear for all classes, and all skill 5 things also appear in
skills 6, 7, and 8, but no things appear in Deatchmatch.
 - Made bumpy floors not so bumpy wherever possible, because I read that bumpy
floors cause problems with player movement.
 - Made multi-sector lifts linked so they act like one sector.
 - Fine-tuned texture alignment in several places.
 - Made an add-on (empyrion_no-st_v1.pk3, not included) that replaces the
Skulltag weapons with their standard counterparts for mods that don't know what
to do with Skulltag weapons.
 - Made an add-on for OPWeapons (opweapons_st_v1.pk3, not included) that
replaces the Skulltag weapons with some of the OP weapons, instead of having
some weapons randomly replaced by one of two weapons, so each weapon has exactly
one replacement.




 Changes in empyrion_v38.pk3:


 - In MAP01, Wheel in the Sky, put a deep water thing in the lift to the secret,
so it is the same as the secret itself.
 - In MAP07, Dungeon, fixed the line executing the undefined script 0 instead of
a named script, which was breaking the map.
 - In MAP08, Temples, used 3D floors to improve the rails at the exit.




Changes in empyrion_v37.pk3:


 - Tried once again to fix things moving with moving floors. It was happening
only on a server, so I didn't see it when testing the maps. This time, I tested
on a server to be sure.
 - In all maps, made monster-blocking lines in many doorways no longer block
monsters, but not every doorway.
 - Made many of the torches and lamps not solid so they won't hamper the
players' movements.
 - Made all the hell skies rotate faster.
 - In MAP01, Wheel in the Sky, added deep water in the secret to simulate
floating in space. Made the sky scroll to simulate the station rotating, but
kept it slow so the player is less likely to notice that it is rotating around
him, and not the center of the station.
 - In MAP06, Castle, made the door frames that stick out into the rooms at the
end of the balconies not solid, so they will no longer get in the players' way.
 - In MAP08, Temples, Made the top steps in the little octagons near the exit
into lifts as a shortcut. Re-textured the computer walls at the exit so they
make more sense. Made the bridge to the exit teleport a real 3D bridge.
 - In MAP09, Descent, made the monster closets on the lift octagonal. To impove
performance, made the floating platforms only bob in single-player.
 - In MAP12, Infernal Tower, made the floating cubes only bob in single-player.




Changes in empyrion_v36.pk3:


 - Rotated flats on diagonal bridges, lifts, and rooms, and fine-tuned texture
 - Made lots of lifts and other moving floors or ceilings move faster.
 - Since GZDoom doesn't support the old tradition of holes in floors and
ceilings being invisible when there are no textures on the walls of the hole,
used transfer heights to patch the holes.
 - In MAP02. Spaceport, removed the unwanted holes over the bars that block the
yellow key. Made the top stair that lowers as a lift easier to use, working from
two sides rather than just one.
 - In MAP05, Cave, fixed the waterfall platform which was sometimes showing the
ground instead of water once lowered.
 - In MAP09, Descent, removed unused WATERMAP texture. Fixed ring of ground
around floating islands. Fixed HOM in skin building. Made the floating platforms
bob a little bit faster.
 - In MAP12, Infernal Tower, made the floating cubes bob a little bit faster,
and made the script that starts them bobbing an OPEN script. Added a scrolling
effect to the bars that block the exit switch.
 - In MAP31, Hypercube, fixed some visible lines the the box where monsters
teleport from. Replaced the annoying song.
 - In MAP32, You Gotta be Kidding, added more plasma cells to help kill the
cybers that spawn in the endgame.




Changes in empyrion_v35.pk3:


 - In MAP02, MAP04, and MAP08, Made exit pads be the exit instead of revealing
an exit switch.
 - In MAP03, MAP05, MAP08, MAP12, and MAP31, Made monster teleport closets more
reliable, and in most of those, added some randomization.
 - In MAP08, Temples, Fixed unwanted water textures in the Ankh.
 - In MAP09, Descent, Made the platform floating in the air bob up and down.
Added 3D floors to keep players from landing on the 1-unit ledges around the
floating islands. Monsters that teleport into the underwater base now appear in
mid-air, and it is no longer so hard to see while swimming under the water. In
the skin building in Hell, the monsters no longer start underground, and the
blue armor is no longer in the ceiling.
 - In MAP09 and MAP10, The weapons that come up from underground in the starting
areas are now 8x as far underground, so they no longer can be seen in software
 - In MAP08, MAP12, and MAP31, Added weapons that appear in the starting area
as the map is explored, like the ones mentioned above in MAP09 and MAP10.
 - In MAP12, Infernal Tower, The floating cubes now bob up and down, and they
are now solid.
 - In MAP31, Hypercube, The secret exit can no longer be activated before it is
raised up from the floor.
 - In several maps, put proper teleport flats on teleports that had solid colors
because they weren't aligned to the 64-unit grid, and adjusted the flat to fit.




Changes in empyrion_v34.pk3:


 - In  MAP06, Castle, added a second trigger line in the gatehouse to open the
fake door and the outside switch for the bars, so they get opened when somebody
enters the gatehouse from the courtyard.
 - In MAP08. Temples, changed the camera view for some switches in the octagon
to show the bars lowering to reveal the final door.
 - In MAP09, Descent, made the under-water area look better.
 - In MAP10, Into Hell, fixed a couple switches that were still using 5 lines to
activate, rather than 1 line with a script, which was causing the rear-most line
to not always activate when the player wasn't close enough.
 - In MAP32, You Gotta Be Kidding, made the exit a little bit fancier. Fixed a
bug where the cybers were spawning only in coop at GameSkill 3 and 4. Changed
the formula for how many cybers to spawn to 2*GameSkill + 2*PlayerCount. Added a
kill-all-monsters cheat switch that appears after 3 minutes in each phase to fix
it being impossible to exit if something goes wrong and the monster count never
reaches zero.
 - In several maps, fixed switches with non-repeating cameras.
 - In all maps, sadly reverted all the 3D floor liquids back to transfer heights
because they were causing bad FPS lag for some players.
 - Made the Hell sky scroll in each map in which it appears.




Changes in empyrion_v33.pk3:


 - Converted all maps (except the old maps from the 90s) to UDMF.
 - Converted the whole file from a wad to a pk3.
 - Replaced the UT 2004 music for maps 10 - 12 with public domain music.
 - In MAP01, Wheel in the Sky, fixed a problem where monsters were being
awakened in the next quadrant of the outer ring before the door was opened.
 - In MAP02, Spaceport, edited the about a minute of silence out of the midi.
 - In MAP10, Into Hell, fixed wrong flats in a narrow strip at the teleport to
the octagon. Removed a BFG in the ankh, where it should not have been. Fixed the
first switch in the rocket lowering so much that it made a hole.
 - In MAP12, Infernal Tower, fixed the tiny patch of ceiling in the sky. Fixed
vertical texture alignment in all doorways. Made the stairs solid with 3D floors.
Added some monsters, now that they can walk on the 3D floors because there are
no longer bridge things inside them. Added more of those floating cubes, and
fixed them going dim when shot through.
 - In MAP32, You Gotta be Kidding, added a surprise that happens when all the
monsters are killed.
 - In all maps, changed the transfer heights liquids to 3D floors. Removed all
midtexture-and-bridge-things bridges so that they are all 3D-floors-only.
 - In all maps, made sure that any monsters that are in front of the players
when they first spawn are facing away from player 1.
 - Corrected MAPINFO so that the next map after MAP32 is MAP11, not MAP01.




Changes in empyrion_v32a.wad:


 - In MAP09, Descent, fixed force field texture animation.
 - In MAP12, Infernal Tower, fixed bridge things above the tower entry steps. If
you somehow manage to get beneath the bridge-thing stairs, which should no
longer be possible, you will teleport just like when you hit the lava. Blocked
the exploit of jumping/flying to a higher bridge, skipping some rooms. Made the
secrets in the spawn building open up instead of down, and retextured them, too.
When you hit each switch to reveal the exit, some monsters will now teleport in.




Changes in empyrioin_v32.wad:


 - Added a NEW map, MAP12, Infernal Tower.
 - Fixed the typo (parr instead of par) in MAPINFO.
 - Drastically reduced the ammo in single-player in all but the first 2 maps,
which already didn't seem to have excessive ammo. Tested and confirmed playable.
 - In several maps, fixed missing power-ups in single-player.
 - In MAP08, Temples, Made it easier to grab the plasma gun.
 - In MAP09, Descent, Fixed the texture alignment on the portals. Fixed the
transparent fireblu in the portals from being a square shape in an octagon.
Fixed the transparent UAC sign extending the texture into the floor.
 - In MAP10, Into Hell, fixed the secret teleport facing you the wrong way. Made
the secret in the ankh easy to find with an arrow pointing to it. Fixed an HOM
that was visible from behind one of the secrets.
 - In MAP11, Hellkeep, Fixed the same transparent texture problem in the portal
that I fixed in Descent. Changed the secrets in the throne room from lifts to


Changes in empyrion_v31.wad:


 - In MAP06, Castle, Fixed the weird error with the cliff walls behind the lake,
which was caused by the control sector having the wrong ceiling height. Fixed
seeing the wrong color underwater in the lake.
 - In MAP09. Descent, My previous fix for the monsters visible in the air made
them take a long time to appear in coop (but not single-player, which is why I
didn't see it while testing). I fixed it a different way that doesn't have
that problem.
 - In MAP11, Hellkeep, Added supports to the door frames just like all the other
maps. Made the big lift just inside the castle door work in a less awkward way.
Added a teleport from the cave with the switch to cave with blue key, but it
is available only if you went to the blue key cave first. Added a roof to the
building and a foundation to the wall. Added windows to the bedrooms that open
when you enter the room. Changed one of the stairways to the caves so that they
look different. Added more monsters outside the castle. Added even more monsters
that teleport in when you enter each of the caves, except the exit cave because
you might exit the map and therefore not come back out.




Changes in empyrion_v30.wad:


 - Added a NEW map, MAP11, Hellkeep.
 - Renamed all the maps from EMPxx to MAPPxx because with the custom textures,
this wad no longer works well with other wads that also have custom textures.
The EMPxx names were to make it easier to load the wad with other map wads.
There are enough maps now that adding another map wad isn't needed any more.
 - Replaced sky1 and sky3 with new sky textures.
 - Added a new glass texture for windows.
 - Made arrows disappear when what they point to is no longer needed.
 - In MAP01, Wheel in the Sky, added Berserk, Invisibility, Invulnerability, and
a chainsaw, for the mods that use those things. Added player starts 5 - 8. Added
a GLDEFS skybox so even if you look straight up or down, you still see stars.
 - In MAP02, Spaceport, enlarged the ledges on the cliff walls so the monsters
now have room to move.
 - In MAP03, Basement, added a red arrow in the hallway, pointing to the room
where the red key is, and another one pointing to the room with the switch to
raise the bars blocking the red key.
 - In MAP09, Descent, replaced all the skies, bringing the total to six. Added a
few buildings visible from the starting area. Added a larger skybox for the
underwater area, showing other underwater bases in the distance. Changed once
more the method used for deep water because ZDaemon broke the method I was
using, making things invisible in the water, like monsters, projectiles, and
power-ups. This forced me to use an ACS script to make underwater areas blue.
I hope that script 1 never steps on the toes of any weapons or monsters mod. It
is no longer possible to see the monsters below the sky area in software mode.
 - In MAP31, Hypercube, moved the map one last time, to MAP31 as a secret map,
complete with a new secret exit leading to MAP32.  Added exit signs to both




Changes in empyrion_v29.wad:


 - Added a new map to the front of the list: EMP01, Wheel in the Sky, which
bumps all the other maps one slot later.
 - In all maps, arranged it so that most of the torches won't get in the
player's way. Made some of the monsters not deaf, so they will come at you from
around corners. Added more rockets for rocket launcher fans. Added lots of
custom textures.
 - In EMP02, Spaceport, made the inside windows with zombies in them less dark
(128 instead of 112).
 - In EMP02, Spaceport and the water area of EMP09, Descent, added 3D floor
"glass" to the skylight. It turns out that all of the other skylights looked
better without it. Of course, those skylights will look unchanged in ZDaemon.
 - In EMP03, Basement, added some windows.
 - In EMP05, Cave, greatly shortened the stalagmites that were interfering with
combat. Changed the ceiling texture so the stalactites can be seen more easily.
 - In EMP08, Temples, made the decorative marble demon faces in the rooms on top
of the pyramids no longer block the player.
 - In EMP09, Descent and EMP10, Into Hell, fixed the weapons that weren't
raising up with their platforms near spawn.
 - In EMP10, Into Hell, Shrunk the areas around all the buildings, and moved
them a little bit closer together. Removed the swimmable blood in one of the
secrets that might have been causing FPS lag.




Changes in empyrion_v28.wad:


 - Added a NEW map, EMP09, Into hell, bumping Hypercube once again to EMP10.
 - Retextured the cliff walls in the hell section of EMP08, Descent to match the
ones in EMP09.
 - I made minor tweaks to several maps, but the excitement of releasing the new
map has driven the memory of what those changes were from my mind. I guess I
should make a list of changes and update it as I go so that this changelog can
be more complete.




Changes in empyrion_v27c.wad:


 - In all the maps, made doors not activated by monsters. The monsters were
opening secret doors, giving away the secret.
 - In all maps with teleporting monsters, improved the teleport system slightly.
 - In EMP02, Basement, fixed some monsters not teleporting in at all.
 - In EMP03, Fortress, fixed a mis-aligned texture.
 - In EMP08, Descent, fixed (for real) players teleporting to the wrong place
when falling in the area with the islands floating in the air. Fixed a harmless-
but-embarrassing error message that was showing at map start. Made a teleport
from the storeroom at the top of the lift down to the lift itself, so you don't
have to fall or fly all the way down. Fixed an odd ZDaemon-only HOM effect.




Changes in empyrion_v27b.wad:


 - In EMP02, Basement, fixed the jail switch so you won't get stuck on it.
 - In EMP05, Castle, made the lifts to the towers a little bit bigger so certain
classes in certain mods can fit more easily.  Fixed a mis-aligned texture.
 - In EMP07, Temples, replaced the green armor behind the lightning pyramid
(black pyramid) with invulnerability.
 - In EMP08, Descent, fixed a problem where the players were getting stuck in
the portals, and made them look better as a bonus.  Fixed (I hope) players
teleporting to the wrong place when falling in the area with the islands
floating in the air.

There might have been another change or two that I forgot to mention.




Changes in empyrion_v27a.wad:


All changes are in EMP08, Descent.

 - Removed the doortrack texture that mysteriously appeared in a doorway between
 when I tested the map and when I released empyrion_v27.wad.
 - Fixed a line that was blocking the player from entering a secret.
 - Made some lines block monsters in the tower because they were dropping down
to lower floors when played with custom monsters that can jump from high edges.
 - Because they were seeing the player through some bridges in ZDaemon, hid some
monsters below the floor so they pop up. Because the activating line is around
a corner, this should make gameplay the same in ZDaemon as in Zandronum, while
making no noticeable difference in Zandronum.
 - In the water area, changed it so that some monsters teleport into the central
room when you grab the key, rather then when you enter the key room.




Changes in empyrion_v27.wad, including changes in Descent from descent_b1.wad:


 - Added a new map EMP08, Descent, bumping Hypercube to EMP09 because it makes
 more sense there.
 - Made almost all of the switches show you what they do. To return to your own
 view, just move. You can use the switch again to see where it did something.
 For this reason, instead of disappearing, they now change from glowing to dim.
 - Made many of the secrets a little bit easier to find, if you are observant.
 - In EMP05, Castle, there is now a bit of dry ground under the bridge, allowing
 me to use a 3D floor for the bridge, making it look better in ports that
 support 3D floors. The lifts that bring you out of the water now go all the way
 to the bottom of the water. Made the battlements taller so that you now can
 jump while on top of the towers. Made it no longer possible to open the gate
 before the bars are opened. Fixed the compartment in the spawn cave that was
 failing to open when you first enter the gate house.
 - In EMP08, Descent, corrected an error that allowed players to get a BFG in
 the non-BFG version. The teleports that bring you from the bottom area to
 previous areas will now work more than once each. Monsters should no longer be
 able to enter the pyramid. Players can now get on top of the sphinx. In the air
 area, you no longer have to fight all the outside monsters at once. Reduced FPS
 lag in the inside of the tower, while at the same time making it look better by
 replacing floors in the middle with bridges.

As always, there are bound to be numerous minor changes that I don't remember.




Changes in empyrion_v26.wad:


 - Converted all the maps from Boom format to Doom in Hexen format, except for
 the OLD maps, which are still in their original Doom 2 format.
 - Added sloped supports to all the doors in all the maps.  If you see a door
 without those supports, it's not a door but a lift.  Some of the doors'
 textures have changed to better fit their map.
 - Added window panes to most of the windows, and the few I missed were on
 purpose for gameplay reasons.
 - In EMP01, Spaceport, the stairs build a little bit faster.
 - In EMP02, Basement, added slopes to the cave-ins.
 - In EMP05, Castle, the water in the moat is swimmable, the bridge is always in
 place, there are bars blocking the gate, and the stairs build faster.
 - In EMP06, Dungeon, got rid of second door behind yellow door, made two really
 tall lifts faster, made some stairs build faster, and added secret switches to
 build some stairs in case the usual switch to raise them was missed.
 - In EMP08, Hypercube, added translucency to caco closets in the final cube.
 - Added a WADINFO lump that will contain the same text as the txt file.

As usual, there may be other minor changes that I don't remember.




Changes in empyrion_v25a.wad:


Made several small fixes to bugs and annoyances.
 - In EMP01, Spaceport, two monsters on one of the platforms outide were stuck
 in each other.
 - In EMP02, Basement, two switches were not lowering all the way to the floor
 if used before the wall in front of them had finished lowering.
 - In EMP02, Basement and EMP06, Dungeon, made the door frames of the prison
 cells non-solid to make exiting the cell easier for the player.
 - In EMP03, Fortress, made the BFG and SSG appear in the same pace in all skill
 levels. Made the BFG platform blood instead of lava so it won't look like it
 should hurt the player.
 - In EMP04, Cave, there was a one-unit line with no texture.
 - In EMP05, Castle, there was a sector outside that was still full bright.
 - In EMP05, Castle and EMP06, Dungeon and EMP07, Temples, made the secret lifts
 lower when used from the side as well as from the front.
 - In EMP06, Dungeon, there are six switches that stick one unit out from the
 wall that were preventing players from moving smoothly along the wall.
 Unblocked the players' view as they cross through the moat on the way to the
 - In EMP07, Temples, Improved the design of most of the secrets, and upgraded
 their contents.

There may be other minor changes that I don't remember.




Changes in empyrion_v25.wad:


Made it harder by adding lots of monsters as follows: the new Easy has the same
monsters as the old Medium, the new Medium has the same monsters as the old
ard, and the new Hard has many new monsters. As before, at all skill levels,
there are many more monsters in coop than in single-player.
To balance this, I also did lots of things to make it easier:
 - Added lots of health, armor, and ammo.
 - Tweaked the placement of some weapons to be more convenient.
 - Made it so that no sectors hurt the player (like slime, for example). To
 reflect this, I changed all the lava to slime.
 - Sped up most of the slower lifts.
 - In EMP02, Basement, made the collapsed ceilings crossable without jumping.

In addition, I added lots of detailing in all maps, including, but limited to
the following:
 - Added new secrets in 6 of the maps.
 - Dimmed the lighting a little bit in all maps to make the outside not
 full-bright, and to make the atmosphere more Doom-like. Don't worry, you should
 still be able to see.
 - Made all one-use switches vanish when used.
 - Added (subtracted?) missing tiles/bricks/boards from floors and ceilings.
 - In EMP01, Spaceport, added a foundation and an overhang to the building, and
 made the ground no longer flat.
 - In EMP03, Fortress, made the arrow pointing north much more obvious.
 - Renamed EMP04 from Lava Cave to just Cave because there is no longer any
 lava. Added more stalactites and stalagmites.
 - In EMP05, Castle, added puddles like the ones seen in EMP01 and EMP07.
 - In EMP05, Castle and EMP06, Dungeon, moved the walls the lower to reveal the
 windows to the "throne" room below, so that they are now inside the windows
 instead of taking up some of the width of the hallways.
 - In EMP07, Temples, revamped the teleport system to use a convenient hub near
 the spawn.
 - In EMP32, You Gotta be Kidding, added rubble piles scattered all over.

There are probably other changes that I don't remember.




Changes in empyrion_b24a.wad:


Fixed a problem with ZDaemon not processing the MAPINFO lump.
In EMP08, Hypercube, set the sky to use SKY3 instead of the default SKY1 because
it looks better as the floor of the exit. Widened the openings into the
teleports leading up to the cube above.




Changes in empyrion_b24.wad:


Renamed the maps. Now they are EMP01 - EMP08, EMP32, and OLD01 - OLD03.
Added a new map, EMP08, Hypercube
In EMP05, Castle, and EMP06, Dungeon, replaced a texture that was causing
tutti-fruitti effect.
In EMP07, Temples, added a second spawn to reduce the bottleneck that the cave
entrance was causing. Removed the inactive elevator button at the spawn that was
confusing players.
In EMP08, Hypercube (changed from hypercube_b1.wad), added lots of ammo and
health to make it playable in single-player.
In EMP32, You Gotta Be Kidding, added a midi, instead of using the default MAP32




Changes in empyrion_b23.wad:


In MAP01, Spaceport, it was possible to jump out the window of spawn room and
then find yourself locked out. Made the outside of spawn room door usable to
open the door.
In MAP02, Basement, there were some texture alignment errors on some crates.
Fixed them.
In MAP05, Castle, there were 2 megaspheres stacked together. Fixed it. Made the
exit from MAP05 transition into the beginning of MAP06 better.
In MAP06, Dungeon, I added more stacked bonuses for health and armor, and got
rid of the teleports to the doors "back" to last map, which were confusing
In MAP07, Temples, there were problems with the monsters teleporting into the
octagonal temple incorrectly. Fixed it.
In MAP32, You Gotta Be Kidding, I didn't change anything. There's nothing to see
here. Move along.




Changes in empyrion_b22a.wad:


Deleted embarrassing Doombuilder 3D mode start thing from MAP07.




Changes in empyrion_b22.wad


In MAP04, Lava Cave, I added a new secret.
In MAP07, Temples, I made the exit a little bit fancier.
In MAP32, You Gotta Be Kidding, I made platforms for the ammo and spheres that
were submerged in slime and hard to see before.
I may have made some other minor tweaks that I don't remember. As far as I
know, there are few or no changes yet to be made before I release the final




Changes in empyrion_b21.wad:


I fixed a few glitched textures. I added some ammo to some areas where ammo was
scarce. I changed some archviles into mancubi in areas where there is no cover.
In other areas, I added some more (mostly coop-only) monsters to make a fight
tougher, including some that teleport in behind you when you open the door to
the exit in MAP07, Temples. In MAP05 and MAP07, there were some simple steps
that were set to block monsters, which is necessary for gameplay but looked odd,
so I added "force fields" that look like they should block monsters. There may
be some other bug or gameplay fixes that I don't remember.




Changes in empyrion_b20a.wad:


I added more to the MAPINFO lump, especially specifying the next map for each
map, because in single-player, it was going back to the same map every time.  I
named this ending with _b20a instead of _b21 because it is a quick hotfix, and
no changes were made to the maps themselves.

A couple changes I forgot to mention in empyrion_b20.wad:I added impassable
lines next to the doors into the jail cells in MAP03 and MAP06, so you should no
longer get stuck against the door frame when leaving a cell.  I also made sure
every map has a berserk pack because some mods use them.




Changes in empyrion_b20.wad:


I fixed a missing texture on a door frame in MAP06, and fixed some misaligned
detailing in MAP05.  I changed the behavior of almost all of the doors and many
of the lifts to make gameplay better.  Last, but not least, I added a MAPINFO
lump to give the maps names, and added total infighting in MAP32.  If I did
anything else, I don't remember it.




Changes in empyrion_b19.wad:


The problem with working on the wad once in a while over the period of several
weeks is I tend to forget what changes I made.  The changes are mostly small
things you might not notice.  Here's what I do remember:I reduced the number of
sound-blocking lines because they were causing problems.  I made the ammo appear
in coop once again, in case I want to run this with a wad that won't work with
infinite ammo.  I made it possible to get out of the channels that drain the
lava lakes in maps 05 and 07 without jumping.  I added ammo backpacks in a
couple maps.  I added puddles of water to map07, and did some minor texture




Changes in empyrion_b18.wad:


There are three words for the changes in this version: detailing, detailing,
detailing!  Here is a partial list of the detailing I added.  I made sure every
room has an apparent light source, be it a light fixture, torches, a skylight,
or a combination of these.  In order to leave the gameplay unchanged, most of
the added details are on the ceiling, like beams, skylights, light fixtures,
and cracks.

I did make a few gameplay tweaks, too.  Some of the mods I have run on my
Skulltag server replace the monsters in such a way that they do not inherit
flags, like deafness, so when you shoot a gun in map07, all the monsters all
over wake up.  I put in lots of blocks-sounds lines in most of the maps to
combat that problem.  In map05, I replaces a megasphere in one location with a
soul sphere and a blue armor, so there could be something to pick up in a place
where there was nothing in coop before.  In map07, I rearranged the rooms in the
octagon temple to more closely resemble the corresponding pyramid or temple
location in the map (rotated 90 degrees), and I changed the monsters in the star
and ankh rooms in octagon temple.




Changes in empyrion_b17.wad:


I made lots of small changes to several maps, mostly fixing errors.  I don't
even remember what all I changed. The only change worth mentioning is in the
castle, MAP05.  Leading to the armor room was a lift and a short space and then
a door.  This proved to be awkward for gameplay, so I moved the lift to where
the door and small space were, so the lift itself now serves as the door.




Changes in empyrion_b16.wad:


In the spaceport, MAP01, I did a whole lot of vertical adjustments and squeezing
the stretching the panels (both inside and out) so that the windows and doors no
longer cut through the middle of them

In the spaceport's dungeon, MAP02, I did a lot of texture alignment and other
texture changes.

In the castle, MAP05, I put a green armor that appears only in coop when the
blue key is revealed in the spawn room.

In the castle's dungeon, MAP06, I fixed a bug that allowed players to exit
without opening the yellow door, by adding another door behind it that has the
other actions on it that were on the yellow door.   I also polished up the
texturing in that room.

In the valley of temples, MAP07, I fixed a bug where it was possible to lower
the first switch in the star without activating the switch.




Changes in empyrion_b15.wad:


I converted all maps, except the early prototype version, from Doom2 format to
Boom format.  Boom format is almost as portable as Doom2 format, and allows me
to do things I can't do in Doom2 format.  Most, but not all, of the changes I
made in the maps are to take advantage of the capabilities of the Boom format.

I flagged virtually all the ammo as "not coop", because I was told that the
strange behavior when loading the maps are because of the huge number of
"things" in the map being sent to the player all at once, and coop is almost
always infinite ammo anyway.  Unfortunately, infinite ammo is now a must in
coop.  I hope this helps with that problem.

All the BFGs are now "not coop", so I don't have to block anything.  In each
case, something nice is there instead in coop.

In the spaceport, MAP01, I changed some floor textures to better show the light
effects, and so the floors are not all the same.  I made the light shining in
the windows hit the floor and not the ceiling, using a Boom format feature.

In the spaceport's basement, MAP02, I changed the floor textures to better show
the light effects.  I used another Boom feature, linedef pass-through, to make
it possible to get rid of those awkward triangle-shaped doors.  The slime in the
slime pit is now about knee deep.

In the Nazi fortress, MAP03, the walls that lower and the doorways that close to
become pillars, will do so at the same time, not several seconds apart as
frequently happened until now.

In the lava cave, MAP04, the brightly glowing lava no longer makes weird bright
areas on the ceiling and walls (also in the copies of the cave in MAP01 and
MAP03). The lava is now about ankle deep.

In the castle, MAP05, the lava in the moat is about waist deep, and the lava
lake gradually goes from no depth to waist deep.  You can no longer jump through
the windows into the little nooks in the gate house where the chaingunners are.

In the castle's dungeon, MAP06, all the lifts now work in a more intuitive way.
The stairs in the towers are now easier to raise, with only one switch involved
in raising each set of stairs, instead of two.

In the valley of temples, MAP07, both secrets are marked as such now.  The first
switch in the star lowers right away when you use it, instead of waiting until
you enter the first point of the star.

In You've Got to be Kidding, MAP32, the slime is about knee deep.  The powerups
are more neatly arranged in the supply room behind where you spawn.




Changes in empyrion_b14.wad:


In the spaceport, MAP01, I fixed an embarrassing error where I had an armor
bonus and a health bonus on the same spot.

In the spaceport's basement, MAP02, in empyrion_b13.wad, I fixed the diagonal
walls on the outer edge so that you won't get stuck on them as badly, but I
forgot to mention that change before.

In the valley of temples, MAP07, I moved the area from which the monsters
teleport into the octagon so hopefully the player won't hear them through the
wall, and I added teleport shortcuts, but you (or a coop teammate) have to visit
the destination of the teleport before you can use it.




Big changes in empyrion_b13.wad!


I added an all-new map, Temples, MAP07!

As an extra bonus, I threw in the prototype versions of the maps as they were
over ten years ago, so you can see how much they have changed since then. At
the time, I thought they were done. The early versions of maps 1-4 were
originally all 1 map, now map 21, followed by the early versions of maps 5 and 6
in slots 22 and 23. I got
the music from heroes2.wad, just like all the rest of the music, but they were
never before used for these maps.

In most of the maps, I stacked most of the armor and health bonuses, so when
you pick one up, you get two.

In the lava cave, MAP04, I moved the Invulnerability out from behind the
lowering wall in front of the switch, so you can get it while you still need it
to fight monsters, and improved the stepping stones to make them easier to use.

In the castle's dungeon, MAP06, I changed the final area at the exit to make it
better match the starting area of the new MAP07 by making it a little bit darker
and changing the earth texture on the walls outside the door.

Changes in Temples, MAP07, since temples_b1.wad:

All the signs on the ground are now also floating in the air overhead so they
won't be obscured by monster corpses.
Players were getting confused by the sighs that show what is down the path, so I
added arrows to make the signs more clear.
I added monsters that spawn into the octagon as you hit each switch.
The plasma gun is now in the open outside the entry cave, in the fountain I
copied from my castle map.
I added the ammo inside the star, which I had forgotten before.
I made it easier to grab a weapon once the wall was lowered, and impossible to
grab it before.
I moved a tree that was in the way.




Changes in empyrion_b12.wad


In the spaceport, MAP01, I tried again to fix the problem of health and ammo
floating in the middle, correctly marked the secret areas, and made all the
lifts lower when you use them, rather than when you step onto them, to make them
more coop-friendly.

In the spaceport's basement, MAP02, I modified several lifts to make them more
coop-friendly, better marked the secret area, and added medikits to the prison
switch room.

In the Nazi fortress, MAP03, I made the only lift more coop-friendly.

In the lava cave, MAP04, I turned the spawn point so you're facing right at the
zombie in front of you, and made a couple more rad suits appear in
single-player. In the previous beta, b11, I added a couple more stepping stones,
but forgot to mention them in the txt file, so I am mentioning them now.

In the castle, MAP05, I made several lifts more coop-friendly, move the nook
with the red key and plasma gun in front of you as you respawn, marked several
secret areas, made certain medikits and armor easier to grab, made the raising
stairs easier to trigger, and made the front gate notched into the wall to look
more secure.

In the castle's dungeon, MAP06, I made a lift I overlooked before more
coop-friendly, made some secret doors undetectable in Skulltag's automap, marked
some more secret areas, moved a couple lift switches, made the final lift look a
little bit better, and changed when a certain lift is revealed to make it easier
to see where to go next.

In You've Got to be Kidding, MAP32, I made it so you have to enter the supply
room behind you before you can get to the door leading outside.




Changes in empyrion_b11.wad:


Changed the name of the final wad from empyre2 to empyrion, and reflected this
change in the beta's name.

In the spaceport, MAP01, I fixed the problem of the health and ammo still
"floating" next to the central column in some ports, made it so you can't crouch
and jump through the windows into the cave in ports that allow crouching, and
made the yellow and blue keys easier to grab.

In the spaceport's basement, MAP02, I made the red key easier to grab.

In the Nazi fortress, MAP03, I made it so you can't crouch-jump through the
windows into the cave, and made the yellow and red keys easier to grab.

In the lava cave, MAP04, I made it so you can crouch-jump through the windows
out of the cave, and made the "timer" wall the blocks the switch a little bit

In the castle, MAP05, I added a soul sphere as a consolation prize for being
unable to get the BFG in coop mode, similar to what I had already done in MAP03
and MAP06.

In the castle's dungeon, MAP06, I made it so you can't crouch-jump through the
windows from the balcony, and made several lifts lower from the top with
switches instead of walking over the edge to avoid player being stranded.

In You've Got to be Kidding, MAP32, I made the "timer" column with the exit on
top a little bit shorter.




Changes in emp2b10.wad:


In the spaceport, MAP01, I fixed the problem of the health and ammo "floating"
next to the central column.

In the spaceport's basement, MAP02, I made the color doors blocking the regular
doors into an odd triangle shape. This was necessary because with the flat door
in empyr2b9, you could not click through to open the regular door without the
key after all. I am not so wild about the triangle-shaped doors, but it works,
and in this case, it has to be function over form.

In You've Got to be Kidding, MAP32, I made it so you can see the entire height
of the column that becomes the exit as it descends, and added exit signs.




Changes in empyr2b9.wad:


In the spaceport, MAP01, I made the light coming in from the windows look more
realistic, hid the "caves" the pinkie demons come out of, and made it
impossible to get the blue key early by rocket jumping.

In the spaceport's basement, MAP02, I set it up so that whenever anybody opens
any locked door, that key is no longer needed by anybody, and tossed in a few
multiplayer-only monsters in the computer room.

In the Nazi fortress, MAP03, I made the keys available in the spawn room
whenever somebody gets them, and made the "North" arrow easier to see.

In the lava cave, MAP04, I blocked the early exit by rocket jumping, and fixed
the arrow not lowering with the lift at the switch.

In the castle, MAP05, I moved the moat flush with the castle, which makes the
castle look taller, made the red and blue keys available at spawn when unlocked,
made several lifts easy to see, unhid the hidden hallways, added more ammo
outside, and added more monsters inside the castle. I added detailed shadows
that looked great in local mode, but the map wouldn't load in client-server
mode, so I had to lose the shadows.

In the castle's dungeon, MAP06, I unhid the hidden hallways, made the red key
easier to see, put a yellow key in the opposite window, added more monsters, and
made the final lift not lower when you walk off of it, which was stranding other
players until the slow lift eventually got back up again.

In You've Got to be Kidding, MAP32, I blocked the BFG from rocket jumping, and
made the exit delayed to prevent an early exit before players have time to kill
all the monsters.




Changes in empyr2b8.wad:


In the spaceport, MAP01, I made 8 better-looking, easier-to-find exits,
eliminated the hard-to-find switch that was needed to get the red key, added
lots more monsters, and added lighting and detailing.

In the spaceport's basement, MAP02, I re-purposed a switch, un-hid the prison's
back door, added more monsters, added a hidden weapon stash in the spawn room,
added lots more monsters, and added lighting and detailing.

In the Nazi fortress, MAP03, I added lots more monsters, added a hidden weapons
stash in the spawn room, and added some lighting.

In the lava cave, MAP04, I blocked the switch so you have to stay and fight all
the monsters before you can get out.

In the castle, MAP05, I only added a hidden weapons stash in the spawn room.  I
plan to make many changes to this map in the next version.

In the castle's dungeon, MAP06, I didn't make any changes, until next version.

In You've Got to be Kidding, MAP32, I didn't make any changes, until next
version.  Map32 is not meant to taken seriously.  The idea is to enjoy making
the monsters fight each other. It's actually playable, and it does have an exit.

Empyre_wad walkthrough.txt is increasingly out-of-date with each new beta of
empyre2.wad, so I finally decided to leave it out.  I am trying to make the maps
easier to navigate so a walkthrough will no longer be needed anyway.


- Larry (Empyre)

Edited by Empyre
Added link for empyrion_no-st_v1.pk3

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Here is an abundance of screenshots (from v33):


MAP01 - MAP07









































MAP11, MAP12, MAP31, and MAP32











Edited by Empyre

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5 hours ago, bioshockfan90 said:

Screenshots look cool, kinda empty/arena looking maps. I might play at some point.

I had the nomonsters flag on for the screenshots. Skill levels are supported, with lots of additional coop-only monsters.

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This? I played this once without realizing what it was (version 2b8 I think). Doomseeker downloaded it so I didn't know where to find it again. Is this project finished?
MAP08 is my favorite PWAD map at this point in time.

Edited by Zulk-RS

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The project is never finished. Even now, I am working on the next version. There are always more tweaks, more details, and occasionally a new map.


I still need feedback on whether v33 has significantly lower fps than v32a on slower PCs. If there is a problem, then I might have to very sadly revert all the 3D floor liquids back to transfer heights.

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"Slower PCs"? Would a Intel Core i5 PC at 2.20 GHz (with GeForce 920M Graphics card) Laptop work?

EDIT: Is this balanced for continuous play or was it meant for pistol starts only?

Edited by Zulk-RS
An additional question

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4 hours ago, Zulk-RS said:

"Slower PCs"? Would a Intel Core i5 PC at 2.20 GHz (with GeForce 920M Graphics card) Laptop work?

EDIT: Is this balanced for continuous play or was it meant for pistol starts only?

Slower than my Core i7 at 3.4 GHz with super cheap Gfx card because my nice one died and I can't afford a nice one right now. Since Doom is mostly cpu-bound, your system is slow enough for such a test, but an even slower one would be a better test.


I try to make it work for both continuous play and pistol starts, which means that the beginning of each map is easier if you're playing continuously, but by the end of the map, it no longer matters. It also means that if you are playing single-player and you die and start the map over with a pistol start, you are not screwed.

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I played this in the times it get hosted in LadySlash's server in Zandronum, it is awesome for me because it reminds me the old times of the stupid coop matches i played in ZDaemon with Coopbuild or Drown in Blood with supergun2, though being alot better because the maps are actually detailed, have a flow and is not literally tiled with monsters in their entirety.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A new version has been released!


Version without BFG in coop: empyrion_v34.pk3

Version with BFG in coop: empyrion_v34_bfg.pk3


The complete changelog is in the first post.


 Changes in empyrion_v34.pk3:

 - In  MAP06, Castle, added a second trigger line in the gatehouse to open the
fake door and the outside switch for the bars, so they get opened when somebody
enters the gatehouse from the courtyard.
 - In MAP08. Temples, changed the camera view for some switches in the octagon
to show the bars lowering to reveal the final door.
 - In MAP09, Descent, made the under-water area look better.
 - In MAP10, Into Hell, fixed a couple switches that were still using 5 lines to
activate, rather than 1 line with a script, which was causing the rear-most line
to not always activate when the player wasn't close enough.
 - In MAP32, You Gotta Be Kidding, made the exit a little bit fancier. Fixed a
bug where the cybers were spawning only in coop at GameSkill 3 and 4. Changed
the formula for how many cybers to spawn to 2*GameSkill + 2*PlayerCount. Added a
kill-all-monsters cheat switch that appears after 3 minutes in each phase to fix
it being impossible to exit if something goes wrong and the monster count never
reaches zero.
 - In several maps, fixed switches with non-repeating cameras.
 - In all maps, sadly reverted all the 3D floor liquids back to transfer heights
because they were causing bad FPS lag for some plaeyrs.
 - Made the Hell sky scroll in each map in which it appears.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's another update.


Version with BFG only in single-player: empyrion_v35.pk3

Version with BFG in coop, too: empyrion_v35_bfg.pk3


 Changes in empyrion_v35.pk3:


 - In MAP02, MAP04, and MAP08, Made exit pads be the exit instead of revealing
an exit switch.
 - In MAP03, MAP05, MAP08, MAP12, and MAP31, Made monster teleport closets more
reliable, and in most of those, added some randomization.
 - In MAP08, Temples, Fixed unwanted water textures in the Ankh.
 - In MAP09, Descent, Made the platform floating in the air bob up and down.
Added 3D floors to keep players from landing on the 1-unit ledges around the
floating islands. Monsters that teleport into the underwater base now appear in
mid-air, and it is no longer so hard to see while swimming under the water. In
the skin building in Hell, the monsters no longer start underground, and the
blue armor is no longer in the ceiling.
 - In MAP09 and MAP10, The weapons that come up from underground in the starting
areas are now 8x as far underground, so they no longer can be seen in software
 - In MAP08, MAP12, and MAP31, Added weapons that appear in the starting area
as the map is explored, like the ones mentioned above in MAP09 and MAP10.
 - In MAP12, Infernal Tower, The floating cubes now bob up and down, and they
are now solid.
 - In MAP31, Hypercube, The secret exit can no longer be activated before it is
raised up from the floor.
 - In several maps, put proper teleport flats on teleports that had solid colors
because they weren't aligned to the 64-unit grid, and adjusted the flat to fit.

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  • 1 month later...

Another update!


Version with BFG only in single-player: empyrion_v36.pk3
Version with BFG in coop, too: empyrion_v36_bfg.pk3


 Changes in empyrion_v36.pk3:


 - Rotated flats on diagonal bridges, lifts, and rooms, and fine-tuned texture
 - Made lots of lifts and other moving floors or ceilings move faster.
 - Since GZDoom doesn't support the old tradition of holes in floors and
ceilings being invisible when there are no textures on the walls of the hole,
used transfer heights to patch the holes.
 - In MAP02. Spaceport, removed the unwanted holes over the bars that block the
yellow key. Made the top stair that lowers as a lift easier to use, working from
two sides rather than just one.
 - In MAP05, Cave, fixed the waterfall platform which was sometimes showing the
ground instead of water once lowered.
 - In MAP09, Descent, removed unused WATERMAP texture. Fixed ring of ground
around floating islands. Fixed HOM in skin building. Made the floating platforms
bob a little bit faster.
 - In MAP12, Infernal Tower, made the floating cubes bob a little bit faster,
and made the script that starts them bobbing an OPEN script. Added a scrolling
effect to the bars that block the exit switch.
 - In MAP31, Hypercube, fixed some visible lines the the box where monsters
teleport from. Replaced the annoying song.
 - In MAP32, You Gotta be Kidding, added more plasma cells to help kill the
cybers that spawn in the endgame.

Edited by Empyre

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  • 2 months later...

Updated again!


Version with BFG only in single-player: empyrion_v37.pk3
Version with BFG in coop, too: empyrion_v37_bfg.pk3


 Changes in empyrion_v37.pk3:


 - Tried once again to fix things moving with moving floors. It was happening
only on a server, so I didn't see it when testing the maps. This time, I tested
on a server to be sure.
 - In all maps, made monster-blocking lines in many doorways no longer block
monsters, but not every doorway.
 - Made many of the torches and lamps not solid so they won't hamper the
players' movements.
 - Made all the hell skies rotate faster.
 - In MAP01, Wheel in the Sky, added deep water in the secret to simulate
floating in space. Made the sky scroll to simulate the station rotating, but
kept it slow so the player is less likely to notice that it is rotating around
him, and not the center of the station.
 - In MAP06, Castle, made the door frames that stick out into the rooms at the
end of the balconies not solid, so they will no longer get in the players' way.
 - In MAP08, Temples, Made the top steps in the little octagons near the exit
into lifts as a shortcut. Re-textured the computer walls at the exit so they
make more sense. Made the bridge to the exit teleport a real 3D bridge.
 - In MAP09, Descent, made the monster closets on the lift octagonal. To impove
performance, made the floating platforms only bob in single-player.
 - In MAP12, Infernal Tower, made the floating cubes only bob in single-player.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This release is mainly to fix the broken MAP07, but I changed a couple other things, too.


Version with BFG only in single-player: empyrion_v38.pk3
Version with BFG in coop, too: empyrion_v38_bfg.pk3


 Changes in empyrion_v38.pk3:


 - In MAP01, Wheel in the Sky, put a deep water thing in the lift to the secret,
so it is the same as the secret itself.
 - In MAP07, Dungeon, fixed the line executing the undefined script 0 instead of
a named script, which was breaking the map.
 - In MAP08, Temples, used 3D floors to improve the rails at the exit.

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  • 1 month later...

This version has lots of changes, but some of them will not be immediately obvious.


Version with the BFGs only in single-player: empyrion_v39.pk3
Version with the BFGs in coop, too: empyrion_v39_bfg.pk3


Changes in empyrion_v39.pk3:


 - Custom textures are now in the textures folder, rather than using patches,
PNAMES, and TEXTURE1. This means that this pk3 can be loaded with other map-sets
that also use custom textures.
 - The EMP## map names are back! The map names all start with EMP instead of
MAP, to further facilitate loading this with other maps.
 - Made a custom skill level, replacing Nightmare with Slaughter as skill 5.
Slaughter has double ammo, and many more monsters than Ultra Violent.
 - Added the Skulltag weapons into the pk3 and in the maps, with no Skulltag
content pk3 required.
 - Camera switches no longer takes away Invulnerability if you already have it.
 - Fixed the bug with the rail at the exit in EMP08 that was allowing the player
to jump down into the computer pit, getting stuck down there.
 - In EMP04 and EMP09, changed each switch behind a locked door to just a locked
 - All things appear for all classes, and all skill 5 things also appear in
skills 6, 7, and 8, but no things appear in Deatchmatch.
 - Made bumpy floors not so bumpy wherever possible, because I read that bumpy
floors cause problems with player movement.
 - Made multi-sector lifts linked so they act like one sector.
 - Fine-tuned texture alignment in several places.
 - Made an add-on (empyrion_no-st_v1.pk3, not included) that replaces the
Skulltag weapons with their standard counterparts for mods that don't know what
to do with Skulltag weapons.
 - Made an add-on for OPWeapons (opweapons_st_v1.pk3, not included) that
replaces the Skulltag weapons with some of the OP weapons, instead of having
some weapons randomly replaced by one of two weapons, so each weapon has exactly
one replacement.

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