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[RELEASE] - Nightlife, A GZDoom map with a synchronised light show.

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Well. I tested the map...and here's my review. And sorry that you don't have more likes Dragonfly :D


  • First of all, the music. I realized that the music MUST be in unison or syncronized with the "skybox script" in order to do the job of making that awesome trick. But this has a disadvantage. The music doesn't loop and that's sad (at least in my case, idk for the rest). Changing to another track will probably lose the purpose of the map, for the best or for the worst. That's my two cents.
  • Next it's the layout. The layout is unique because it's not linear at all. You can go to whatever place that you want, picking up the keys or getting more firepower. The enemies in higher places acts like a turret, especially the cyberdemon, so I had to be careful. I liked the red key trap while spawning enemies one-at-a-time...as well as the SSG.
  • Ammo was on point, that plasma gun can be easily forgotten if you haven't saw that teleport. Some infighting between the cyberdemon and the barons or the hell knights can be done but it's tricky. The chainsaw helped me for saving a good amount of ammo, especially in the red key trap.
  • Overall, it's a great-looking and fun map. Awesome textures used and good gameplay. Surprised that no PE's or archies or a mastermind are not used (I think it's better). The only problem here is the music but still is a solid map. Thumbs up!!!

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I agree with leodoom85.


I liked the music, and I was kinda sad that it stopped repeating after a while, so I just loaded YouTube with the same music. :D

Also, I liked those speed-ramps a lot and nice lightings, not too heavy, just good :)

Edited by rodster

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The music stopping is definitely a bug that shouldn't occur. I'm not sure what the cause is on that, and quite frankly, testing it to try and find a solution isn't really a quick fix if I have to wait for a few loops of the song to experience the error, which is a shame :(

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Amazing.  I've been drawn to this visual style ever since that teaser in Sunlust, a proper map has me tingling with anticipation.  Downloaded.  May be some time before I get to playing this since I'm making my way through Deus Vult 2.  Or it could be sooner if I want a break from it.

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  • 10 months later...

Good point. I'll probably have to do a spree of idgames uploads at some point. Skulldash, Nightlife, Atmosfear, other crap. Heh. :P


EDIT: I'll probably do it alongside the 2018 vinesauce map, once it's been shown on stream. :)

Edited by Dragonfly

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  • 1 year later...

i've got a map coming soon, might need some testers @phade102, the name for now is freakyweex it will be out in 1 month hopefuly less,

you can email me for screenshots and to keep posted as it gets done :) weexibit@gmail.com


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Good point. I'll probably have to do a spree of idgames uploads at some point. Skulldash, Nightlife, Atmosfear, other crap. Heh. :P


EDIT: I'll probably do it alongside the 2018 vinesauce map, once it's been shown on stream. :)


I was going to ask why not slap it up on idgames, but


Perhaps after a round of bugfixing?

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