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Yay, more DooM art

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its cool.. but you have a LOT! of sperspective, proportion and anotomy issues.. and why the hell did you make it so big..

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its cool.. but you have a LOT! of sperspective, proportion and anotomy issues.. and why the hell did you make it so big..

About the perspective, proportion and anotomy issues, what's wrong? Me personaly, I think DooM guy's head is too small and his legs are a little too long. And about the size, my scanner scans everything to an insanly huge size. Resizing an image on Paint Shop Pro to a smaller size usually gets rid of a whole bunch of detail.

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Me personaly, I think DooM guy's head is too small

There's nothering small about that pic.

And about the size, my scanner scans everything to an insanly huge size.

With all the scanner programs I've seen, every one has had it's own re-size option, I have one of the oldest scanners ever and it has one. Just look around for it.
I'd say something about the picture if I could see everything...

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You could alweys shrink the image after scanning it into a reasnoable size using a program like photoshop or paint shop pro.

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KingKill33 said:

About the perspective, proportion and anotomy issues, what's wrong? Me personaly, I think DooM guy's head is too small and his legs are a little too long. And about the size, my scanner scans everything to an insanly huge size. Resizing an image on Paint Shop Pro to a smaller size usually gets rid of a whole bunch of detail.

No1.. The head is to smal.. you notised it your self
No2.. The waist of the doomguy is to narrow.. like he is wearing a corset
No3.. The arm muscle anotomy is wong.. you have created muscles that arent even there in a human's arm
No4.. The hands are to small and therefore dont fit with the huge heavy arms
No5.. the background buildings dont even have perspective.. I would suggest working on that area.

I am not bashing your drawing.. so dont start to cry :P. I am just giving you some pointers so that you can work on them and therefore improving your skills

What I like the most of your pic is the skull.. I dont see any direct flaws with its perspective.. and the flames are very nicly done. Keep practicing while I keep working on my bad spelling =]

and look @ polykarbon.com for a tutorial about scanning drawings.. so you can resize them without losing to much detail

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Yes.. The perspective is quite wonked.. Hmm. If I knew a site that had tutorials or something I'd link you. Like Hammmer Stroke, I'm not bashoung your drawing either. It's a nice concept, it just has some bug ya gotta iron out to make it better. And scanning something not so big is a good Idea too. Perhaps resize it, while constraining the ratios, and make the width like 800 or 750 or something so nobody has to really put effort into scrolling to see the whole thing. I have never used paintshop pro, so I don't know if it can do that or not. Maybe even try MS Paint and being careful with the resize.

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