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Favorite Song in Doom/Doom 2?

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doom 1


e2m8 nobody told me about id

e3m8 facing the spider

e3m1 untitled

e1m9 hiding the secrets

e1m1 hangar


doom 2


map 23 bye bye american pie

map 30 running for evil


tnt (well is another doom 2)


map 14 steel works

map 5 hanger

map 31 pharaoh

map 1 system control

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It comes to down to which tracks still sound the best despite being listened to numerous times.



E3M2 - the synth lead is just as badass as any guitar riff in the game.

E2M6 - capitalizes upon the creepy aspects of Doom, and it has always been the quintessential Doom track to me.



MAP18 - soothing and with the game's focus on distorted guitars, the acoustics are quite refreshing to hear.

MAP28 - stands out as one of the most ominous tracks in the game, and has a great affinity for the hellish level it accompanies. Though it moves at a slower pace, it sounds eerily similar to the theme music from Tales from the Crypt.



MAP04 - an exquisite and sweeping piece that occasionally plays in my head even though I might go years without hearing it.

MAP08 - lotta fun, it would be great to hear this covered with more frenetic drums and no palm mutes diluting its intensity.


and because I can't help myself..



MAP20: Breakdown - such a sublime track in that its theme coincides well and close to the peak of the earth to hell progression that defines Doom. Human vocal sounds that would usually spark some sense of empathy in most people are twisted to such a demented state that one could only determine something must be very wrong. A sample of a Tuvan throat singer pitch-shifted upwards a few octaves makes for one of the most jarring and unsettling noises that not even the shrill strings could quite match.

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