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Favourite Episode in Doom?

Favourite Doom Episode?  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Favourite episode?

    • Knee Deep In The Dead
    • The Shores Of Hell
    • Inferno
    • Thy Flesh Consumed

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The Shores Of Hell because it doesn't do just one thing, instead it's more like a mix of several styles and ideas, and that usually gives the most interesting results in art.

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23 minutes ago, Job said:

You'd think fucking a mancubus would be more memorable

Pass me some eye bleach, oh god.

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The year is 2017, and it feels like we've had this question 2017 times despite these forums existing for only a fraction of those years.

That said, Inferno. It's Sandy-licious.

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12 minutes ago, Memfis said:

The Shores Of Hell because it doesn't do just one thing, instead it's more like a mix of several styles and ideas, and that usually gives the most interesting results in art.

Yes, Ep2 has the best atmosphere because of this, it also has the best music in the game, and the Cyberdemon for the final battle.

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I like the episode where pinkie finds out impsy is preggers and then cyberdemon shoots a rocket at them to explode them into bits. A true classic. I didn't think they could make a two-parter out of it, but those writers proved me wrong. Then when they cliffhangered with spidermastermind falling into that coma I lost my mind. Will he ever wake up? Yes... at the end of the next episode.

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You're not the only one to select E1. IMO E1 is more consistent, hence more fun. Not to mention E1M3's amazing map design and music, both of which go well together.

E2 is great and all, but it lacks something. I can't say what, but it just doesn't feel that great compared to E1. It's still pretty good though. E2M1's music is neat, and the E2M8's Cyberdemon fight is the icing on the cake of E2.

E3 could've been better. What really makes it unappealing is E3M8. Mediocre music with a terrible boss fight in a ridiculously big arena. Talk about a boner killer. Although maps like E3M2 and E3M9 were certainly enjoyable.

Edited by Voros

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I love Thy Flesh Consumed's random craziness and it's stylishly halfway wicked, halfway awkward texture choices, combinations, etc. For some reason, the unbalanced difficulty weighing on the hard side even adds to its charm.

Runner-up (and a sure favourite limiting to Registered Doom) is Shores of Hell, particularly for the same reason. It's similarly a sort of mixup (probably because of the premise, but it doesn't make it any lesser), only with a higher impact on techbase stuff, and of course, drastically lower difficulty.

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35 minutes ago, antares031 said:

Before I cast my vote, judging from the replies, I sincerely hope that I am not the only one who voted Knee Deep In The Dead.

No worries. It's my favourite too

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my favorite episode is season 1 episode 14 knee deep in the dead


10 minutes ago, DoomGuy II said:

No, Thy Flesh Consumed is impossible. You probably play it on ITYTD and then brag about how cool you are because you can beat it.

stop being a freakin' dingdong, there's plenty of people who can go through e4 on UV

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The good, rock-solid, vintage, isolated, obscure, gritty, atmospheric and Fiorina 161 -like Shores of Hell.

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-Most run-and-gun oriented, with lots of ammo, low-tier monsters, and upbeat music in half the maps.

-Decent amounts of non-orthogonal architecture, non-linear layouts, and colorful visuals.

-A distinct, cool style that never gets old (to me, that is), and while it does limit variety, there is actually more than enough variety to make me consider the episode good both in variety and unification.

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I will go with Episode 1 for the following reasons:

1) E1M1 is my most played map of all time. It seriously never gets boring.

2) E1 contains E1M4, which is my favourite Doom 1 level.

3) E1 is the Martian Base 101.

4) It is so fun to blast through all its levels at one sitting!


(thoughts about rest of the episodes)


E2 didn't make me go crazy, but I found it ok overall.

E3 is a close second, but it has Unholy Cathedral in it (probably my least favourite Doom map of all time), so get it out of my sight! I like the rest of it, however.

E4 I played only once in HMP, so I am replaying it on UV properly, without any saves (only at the start of a level I save and I am half-way there in beating it), to remember what it is like.

Here is some progress:


I am currently at E4M6 and I got to say, that the lava is annoying (I know how this map works though, so I am going with an organised plan next time). And of course there is a Cyberdemon on a 256x256 room, from what it looks like. I will see about it later. That said, I liked E4M3 very much and E4M2 was also challenging, until I got in with a plan (then it was fun). And from what I remember, the last map, I also liked a whole lot and I was satisfied with it, as an ending (for some reason, the floor teleporter at the end, with the sky texture is stuck in my mind forever).


So far, I think E4 is a nice episode, although it is more challenging than your average Doom 1 level and that is why I think it is special. It easily gains the second position on my list coupled with E3 (yes I know I didn't have to talk about all the episodes, but I wanted to).


My final order is something like this:  E1>E3=E4>E2


Edited by ShotgunDemolition

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Before giving my opinion, you guys need to calm down. If anyone can't clear the first level then practice until you get the hang of it, it's simple.

Now...my choice. 

The Shores of Hell is my favorite because:


  • I like the levels and the layout of the maps. Not too much complicated, a mixed architecture between tech-based maps and the progressive "hellification".
  • Gameplay is great. Even in UV, the levels are easier if you practice enough from doing a pistol-start or going Tyson or speedrun. The barons are a constant here but they are not a major threat.
  • The music. There are some of my favorite tracks there, like the one in M4 and M6 and the iconic M8 with the cyberdemon battle.
  • This episode has some changes depending of the version of the game involving the secret level (Refinery on SNES, Command Center in PC and Spawning Vats in the PSX) and that's interesting.

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the hot dogged fuck happened to this?


Anyways, E4 is meant to be the hardest of the four episiodes. Yes, E4M1 is gonna be one of the harder ones, especially if you wish to max it on UV. But even I can do it. And E4 has tons of memorable maps, M2 and M6 being the best of the bunch.


(even though I voted E2, but that's because of M2 and the lovely berserk pack that gets used in every map).

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Knee Deep in the Dead, hands down. With the original release of Doom, I find that each episode is slightly weaker than the one before it, but they're all excellent. Thy Flesh Consumed is a noticeable step down from the preceding episodes. The ammo and enemy counts are a little unbalanced in the first two levels, and it generally lacks the polish of everything that comes before it, but it's decent enough. 

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The Shores of Hell.


The first episode has too much similar maps in their design and gameplay and some iconic monsters are missing : Cacodemons , Cyberdemon...


Inferno is my least favourite episode in the game. Some maps are really annoying to play . For example , "The Unholy Cathedral" is my least favourite map in the game because of its very confusing layout. And like the first episode , a lot of maps are really similar and not so interesting.


All my favourite maps come from the second episode. Also , there are the spookiest maps in the game : E2M4 , E2M6 , E2M7.  There are a lot variation between each level and lot of creativity. I think about , the fake exit in E2M6 , the crate maze in E2M2... There are so many highlights in the second episode.

Edited by Roofi

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1 minute ago, Job said:

There's absolutely no way that there are two people in one big neighborhood who like Doom enough to register here on DW. I'm pretty sure there's probably an average of about .68 Doomers per 100 square miles.

Also, I don't have problems beating TFC on UV, but Plutonia just owns me left and right. Go figure. My guess is that the X factor is a lack of chaingunners and revenants.

And archviles...Thy Flesh Consumed is without a doubt, the most divisive episode in all of Doom because of the difficulty and the levels.

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