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Theory: Betruger is actually the devil all along

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According to game lore Betruger made a pact with the demons in exchange for power. But I have the theory that the Betruger we see in the game is actually the devil itself all along and that Betruger was killed/consumed by hell the first time he visited it, with Satan merely using him as a vessel for himself. Consider for example the fact that:


-He is reported to have not behaved in the same way after returning from his first hell trip.

-When the player first visits hell Betruger says it's time for "the forces to hell to escape it's prison" and calls the demons his "children". Something which would not make sense for him to do if he was merely a human working for hell.

-Is not punished for failing after the events of Doom 3 but instead merely becomes an even scarier demon.

-In RoE tells the marine during the final fight that he "has something that belongs to him", even though the artifact doesn't actually belong to Betruger but rather belongs to hell.


Do you think it's possible that Betruger is actually the devil all along?

Edited by hardcore_gamer

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1 minute ago, hardcore_gamer said:

-He is reported to have not behaved in the same way after returning from his first hell trip.

I don't think anyone would... except Doomguy. And the devil.


2 minutes ago, hardcore_gamer said:

-When the player firsts visits hell Betruger says it's time for "the forces to hell to escape it's prison" and calls the demons his "children". Something which would not make sense for him to do if he was merely a human working for hell.

Unless he started keeping demons for pets!


2 minutes ago, hardcore_gamer said:

-Is not punished for failing after the events of Doom 3 but instead merely becomes an even scarier demon.

This could happen if Satan rescued him from justice and rewarded him for his service.


3 minutes ago, hardcore_gamer said:

-In RoE tells the marine during the final fight that he "has something that belongs to him", even though the artifact doesn't actually belong to Betruger but rather belongs to hell.

It belongs to Doomguy now! Finders Keepers!


4 minutes ago, hardcore_gamer said:

Do you think it's possible that Betruger is actually the devil all along?

Could be. All the junk above is mostly just me playing the devil's advocate (oh, gosh, what did I just do there!?).

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When Betruger returned, he still looked the same, but he behaved differently. This suggests that Betruger may have been possessed or corrupted by a demonic force, though it is never clearly stated exactly what happened to him. What is clear is that he had made a pact with the demons of Hell in which he agreed to provide a portal that the demons could use to invade the facility, in return for great supernatural power, including a degree of omnipresence and the ability to command armies of demons.


That's what the wiki says about him and to me it makes more sense, than him being the devil himself. But then I see the "devil" the same way as "god", it's unclear in which form he exists, if even. So basically the devil used Dr. Betruger as his tool.

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When a man gains more power than he can handle, he can lose his mind. He might fall into the delusion that he is the mightiest among everyone else.

He might starting acting out of character.

He might consider certain objects as his own, without giving any reason why.

He might call others his children, even if they really aren't.

Betruger's a delusional guy who couldn't control himself when the power of Hell was with him. He is no Satan.

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Now that line is the most confusing aspect of Doom 3. How did he build the Devil's cage? Why did he even do it? Surely there must be good reason behind this intriguing comment.

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9 hours ago, torekk said:




That's what the wiki says about him and to me it makes more sense, than him being the devil himself. But then I see the "devil" the same way as "god", it's unclear in which form he exists, if even. So basically the devil used Dr. Betruger as his tool.


The wiki said he may have been possessed. That is in line with my theory that Betruger could in fact be satan who has taken over Betruger's body and replaced his soul with his own. Betruger just sounds too devilish during the opening act of the first hell level. It's also worth noting that when the player destroys the first portal Betruger mentions the new hellhole and says he can send millions of his "children" to earth with it. He calls the demons his children too often for it to be pure chance.


8 hours ago, Voros said:

He might call others his children, even if they really aren't.

Uhm, why? That sounds really far fetched. The word "children" is far too personal for somebody who is merely in contract with hell rather than actually being satan.

5 hours ago, Voros said:

Now that line is the most confusing aspect of Doom 3. How did he build the Devil's cage? Why did he even do it? Surely there must be good reason behind this intriguing comment.

What I want to know is what he even means when he uses the word "cage". Are the teleporters the "cage"?

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You know something, you might actually be onto something. Personally, though, I don't think Betruger is Satan himself in disguise, but rather "brainwashed" by Satan. Or something along those lines.

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I've always thought this exact same theory as well. To me (ever since the first time I played) Betruger was always Beelzebub/Satan/Lucifer in human form.


But technically I guess we'll never know for sure (same with that whole 'devils cage' comment). And that's the beauty of it. The best horror storytelling is that which is left open-ended and up to the imagination and interpretation of the viewer. Just look at Alien (1979) and The Thing (1982) for example. The off-screen death scenes were the best ones! So dark and mysterious. Like what happened to Fuchs in The Thing? Remember when he goes missing and they find the charred body? "Did the monster burn him? Or did he burn himself before The Thing could get to him? How did he even burn himself?" So many unanswered horrifying questions.


If you've seen the movie you'll know what I mean. Total shivers down the spine, just a brilliant scene that was. Also, when Lambert is killed in Alien. People still speculate to this day whether or not she was raped, and how she was killed. There is an alternate outtake scene where her body is hanging from the ceiling and there doesn't appear to be any clothes from her waist down. And we know that H.R. Giger liked to embed sexual imagery/feelings into his work, especially within the Xenomorph. Also, there are many other references to rape in the film.


Creepy shit.

Edited by RUSH

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On 2017-6-23 at 10:17 PM, RUSH said:

I've always thought this exact same theory as well. To me (ever since the first time I played) Betruger was always Beelzebub/Satan/Lucifer in human form.

Same here. I just assumed it.

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I would also like to add that during the hell boss battle betruger says "my guardian will destroy you". While Betruger was given the ability to command demons the guardian still doesn't actually belong to him. Unless of course, he is satan.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know if this helps in any way, shape or form, but I have found a video of one of the PDA videos within Doom 3. Specifically, it is of a character who worked with Dr. Betruger and he details some of the events prior to the invasion, including a brief mention of the doctor after his trip.



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2 hours ago, WarLeopard said:

I don't know if this helps in any way, shape or form, but I have found a video of one of the PDA videos within Doom 3. Specifically, it is of a character who worked with Dr. Betruger and he details some of the events prior to the invasion, including a brief mention of the doctor after his trip.


Yea I already knew about that since I have played the Lost Mission which this clip is form so it doesn't really give any new information. But my theory is that the demons lured him into hell with false promises of power and then Satan took over his body.

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On 22.06.2017 at 11:24 PM, hardcore_gamer said:

Is not punished for failing after the events of Doom 3 but instead merely becomes an even scarier demon.

When I finished Doom 3, it looked to me like a satisfying outcome to see him become trapped as the tongue of some hell creature. Too bad that he didn't break his mind and came back with a vengeance in Resurrection of Evil.


I always thought Betruger was a typical ugly, crazy but serious, well intended doctor. I felt sorry that he fell so easily to the whims of satan. I guess he just chose to survive, and was too curious to refuse anyway.

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People going insane after coming back through the portal always reminded me of Stephen King's The Jaunt. A story about teleport experimentation, pretty freaky stuff that would fit right in with Doom.

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On 19.7.2017 at 5:48 PM, Piper Maru said:

People going insane after coming back through the portal always reminded me of Stephen King's The Jaunt. A story about teleport experimentation, pretty freaky stuff that would fit right in with Doom.

The Jaunt isn't very similar to Doom honestly except that both involve teleportation. One thing that kinda bothers me about these type of stories is that nobody ever seems to care/notice all of these horrible side effects. Like, when the research staff in Doom 3 discovered that the portal was leading to hell (it's confirmed in the PDAs you discover that they knew this) did nobody care? Why is it that once they discovered what was on the other side that they did not instantly destroy the portals?

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11 minutes ago, hardcore_gamer said:

Why is it that once they discovered what was on the other side that they did not instantly destroy the portals?

Because corporations don't have consciences.


What I've always wondered is, why would the UAC recognize this new place (or "dimension") as hell? Usually corporations try not to get mixed up in religious issues, so I'd expect they would call it "Dimension 4" or "Plutonia" or ANYTHING other than hell. The creatures there would all get fancy scientific names in Latin, and not be just called "imp," "arch-vile," etc.

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6 hours ago, 42PercentHealth said:

What I've always wondered is, why would the UAC recognize this new place (or "dimension") as hell? Usually corporations try not to get mixed up in religious issues, so I'd expect they would call it "Dimension 4" or "Plutonia" or ANYTHING other than hell. The creatures there would all get fancy scientific names in Latin, and not be just called "imp," "arch-vile," etc.

Because Doom lore.

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  • 1 month later...

Yes... but... those the devil has hair ? Because... maybe demons dont have hair, maybe all UAC members are demons allready... you know, the truth is out there.




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On 9/3/2017 at 2:00 AM, Anidrex_1009 said:

Yes... but... those the devil has hair ?

Only on his back and shoulders :P

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I've always wondered if Betruger's lines and body language could be redone with a different tone to set something more frantic and determined, instead of an evil guy.  Like an obsessed scientist that is used as a pawn. It would have made for a much better twist, than "here is bad guy lol" right at the beginning.

But I have to wonder if they were wary of being accused of "ripping off half-life" if they did that.

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2 hours ago, Csonicgo said:

But I have to wonder if they were wary of being accused of "ripping off half-life" if they did that.

They were already accused of ripping of HL with the energy hook thing (can't remember the name) in Resurrection of Evil.

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4 hours ago, KVELLER said:

They were already accused of ripping of HL with the energy hook thing (can't remember the name) in Resurrection of Evil.


The grabber? Yea that was pretty much a direct response to the gravity gun from Hl2. It never made sense to me since there are very few objects you can actually pick up in Doom 3. In fact I hate using the grabber.

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On 25.07.2017 at 0:12 AM, 42PercentHealth said:

What I've always wondered is, why would the UAC recognize this new place (or "dimension") as hell? Usually corporations try not to get mixed up in religious issues, so I'd expect they would call it "Dimension 4" or "Plutonia" or ANYTHING other than hell. The creatures there would all get fancy scientific names in Latin, and not be just called "imp," "arch-vile," etc.

Well, the place already looks inhospitable and hostile to you specifically in an overt way, so they called it "hell" due to that pop culture similarity. And so followed the naming of the monsters. Corporations can always choose catchy internal names for stuff they work on.

Edited by printz

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8 hours ago, printz said:

Well, the place already looks inhospitable and hostile to you specifically in an overt way, so they called it "hell" due to that pop culture similarity. And so followed the naming of the monsters. Corporations can always choose catchy internal names for stuff they work on.

I wonder if the hell in Doom 3 (or the doom games in general for that matter) is actually hell in the traditional christian sense, or if it's merely some kind of twisted dimension that for some reason got fucked up in the ancient past.

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2 hours ago, hardcore_gamer said:

I wonder if the hell in Doom 3 (or the doom games in general for that matter) is actually hell in the traditional christian sense, or if it's merely some kind of twisted dimension that for some reason got fucked up in the ancient past.

That seems too much plot for id.

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Hell *wasn't* officially acknowledged. It was just another "dimension". It was many of the people who went through the portal or saw the effects on the ones who did who came to their own conclusions that it was in fact Hell - Ian McCormick says as much in his audio log above, and furthermore says "we were stupid for not shutting it down as soon as we realized what was on the other side." But, the official denial from the higher ups, most importantly Betruger who knew exactly what he was getting into, kept it running despite those peoples' growing reservations.


Note in the Lost Mission, Richard Meyers does go so far as to try to get EnPro staff to conspire with him to blow up the Exis teleporter with a massive energy surge. So he'd clearly had enough and was ready to take action into his own hands.

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