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mouse restriction.


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Say, I'm honestly don't know shit about scripting and stuff. But seeing some authors can put a restriction and permanently blocked jump and ducks (and sometimes freelook) on GZDoom. I just wondering if they can block the entire mouse options so we can go keyboard only as a challenge.  

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Heh, I doubt such a feature exists. You're better off disabling freelook instead. Although you might be able to do something using CVARINFO.

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What I was trying to say is can we disable the mouse feature entirety like no freelook, no steering, no firing and no mouse strafe. But yeah. Those might don't exist. 

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Maybe something like this?


server float mouse_sensitivity = 0;
server bool use_mouse = false;

Can't check it out right now, but why disable firing :P

Edited by Voros

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Because I found playing keyboard only on non slaughter maps are more challenging (well duh it's impossible to keyboard only on slaughtermap anyway). Say if I make that kind of map, using mouse is kinda cheating. It goes the same way as jumping and ducking at most vanilla or boom wads that didn't require the players to do so when they playing it with ZDoom source ports. 

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I'd like to point out that id both recognized and adopted mouse in gameplay as legit.

I remember something about the winner of one of the first Doom tournaments was using ESDF + mouse to play the game. Yes, ESDF, not WASD.


Honestly, I'm a vocal supporter for letting the users do what the fuck the users want. Outside of the Doomworld world, everyone uses GZDoom and mouselooks everywhere.


While I can understand and get behind not letting someone mouselook up and down, not letting people use the mouse to turn is just plain evil to the players.

Edited by Albertoni

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I didn't say using keyboard + mouse is wrong entirely, I'm using it as well most of the time even jumping and ducking. I just think it should putting more challenge to it. 


42 minutes ago, Albertoni said:

While I can understand and get behind not letting someone mouselook up and down, not letting people use the mouse to turn is just plain evil to the players. 

That's what meant. To be evil, (I can't really call out DW mappers because me too relatively new so instead) that's what I think most of modders/map designers on any game nowadays are lack of. The feeling of imagining the players rage on frustration over a game. The salt, man. I remembered raging over trying to get pass a rock man 5 stage. I just want people to feel that. 


Or maybe because I'm am Asian and already used to evily hard stuff haha

Edited by R1ck
grammatical errors

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I guess forgot to mention this; of course, the map layout have to be suitable for that or else it'd be a shit idea. 

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Blocking mouse movement is easy: Don't touch the mouse.


Seriously. If people want to feel the pain of the restriction, they can just try without the mouse. And, if that frustrates someone, they can grab the mouse. Problem solved. I mean, yeah, if you're competing, there should be some trust between the people you're playing the game with. Or, maybe an environment where each player tries to get away with using the mouse discreetly would be fun. Kinda like bluffing in poker. You can always analyze demos and determine if someone used the mouse.


I'm not big on messing with player controls. Those should belong to the player, exclusively, I think.


EDIT: Re-reading my response, it sounded condescending - sorry about that. All I meant was that, if you were playing with honest people, you can play with such rules, without a software solution.

Edited by kb1

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Never take control away from the player just because "you think it's better". When you have something that could be broken by jumping or crouching that is a slightly different matter, but forcing somebody into a control scheme they might not find comfortable and fun/usable is just bullshit.

Edited by FuzzballFox

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Essentially you're re-proposing what I have been for a long time: create separate "leagues" by control method. Several classes are possible: keyboard only (freely configurable), keyboard-only (non-configurable, mandatory layout for everyone), mouse-only (single-handed), gamepad only (strictly with DOS limitations, aka 4 buttons and no thumb controls for gamepads) etc.


The problem is that you won't find many players willing to handicap themselves and devote time at getting as good as possible within a given set of limitations, at least not when those limitations are only due to crippling the controls themselves. Making maps harder or victory conditions more restrictive, yes, but not introducing fake difficulty in the form of less capable/stiffer controls.


The fact that Doom players, speedrunners, deathmatchers etc. have never held back when it came to upping the ante for what regarded purely gameplay/mapping aspects but nobody, ever, said "Gee-wheez, now how cool it would be if we tried to reach 100 frags by using nothing but keyboard, huh?", should be telling us something.

Edited by Maes

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