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Wads where the objective is to be stealthy?

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I've been going through wads that I don't want to commit a lot of time to by using the mdk/one hit kill command on enemies, and since I've been sneaking up on them, I thought hey, maybe there's a wad where the objective is to one hit kill them or somesuch before they have a chance to alert other enemies?

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enjay made a level in the early 2000s based on the game Thief, you could try that (sorry I'm not sure of the wad's name)

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There's Doom 2 Reloaded MAP18, but only the first part, and the objective is not to attack at all during that time.



Once you leave the starting area, which warns about "sentries," any noise at all - even a fist - will cause archviles to teleport into where you are by something about the 32-load. (Even on God mode clearing these takes ages and probably also the use of Boom's ammo cheat to refill cells multiple times ...)


Eventually, around the time you find the red key, you get to a switch that crushes all the AVs, and after that it becomes a normal Doom level ...


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20 hours ago, joepallai said:

enjay made a level in the early 2000s based on the game Thief, you could try that (sorry I'm not sure of the wad's name)

I'm guessing it was this Heretic wad you're talking about.


I sorta designed a lot of Project Einherjar maps so that utilizing sneaky tactics was beneficial. Map03 and Map06 come to mind: they both feature sprawling offices where one sound alerts everybody in the area, and they all come gunning for you from all directions. Same goes for all of Map18, which is a huge city.

Edited by Impie

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Nex Credo's map10/Freedoom's map31. You fire your gun even once in the map, and the Cyberdemons awaken.

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Doom 2 reloaded map 18 warehouse siege. Already mentioned I see, thx slow phone. I liked it despite I'm not a fan of stealth games because the switch can be deactivated and the monsters killed

Edited by Pirx

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Just found out Blade of Agony Episode 2 starts off with a stealth level, but I'm also told it sucks, so try at your own risk.

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