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Yet another poll by me :-)

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What's the worst thing about Doom?
What's the best thing about Doom?
What's the worst enemy in Doom?
What's the best enemy in Doom?
What's the worst Episode/Level in Doom?
What's the best Episode/Level in Doom?

Answer these if you dare! Muwhahahaha!!!

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What's the worst thing about Doom? seriously...nothing comes to mind, some people might say "cant look up or down" but that doesnt bother me i guess the graphics too but again that doesnt bother me

What's the best thing about Doom? i will reply seriously again by saying everything!...from the gameplay to the enemies to the guns

What's the worst enemy in Doom? dumbest:pain elemental cheeziest:arch-vile

What's the best enemy in Doom? baron of hell tough, strong and packs a wallop if you get in close

What's the worst Episode/Level in Doom? ultimate doom:none doom II:the first four levels why? you ask they are small and barely a challenge...my favorite kind of levels are wide open or difficlut ones 1-4 is neither and i would have included level 5 but that contains my favorite doom II music...the level doesnt really deserve it though
final doom:TnT my second favorite set of levels after ultimate the only level i dont like is the first and the same reasons apply for doom II
plutonia:when i say i like to play difficult levels...these are overstatements all of them are ok levels but far too hard even for me

What's the best Episode/Level in Doom? ultimate doom:all of it
doom II:i like levels 28 and 29...hell themed, hard, and best of all fun
final doom:tnt level 21 is one of my all time favorite levels, large, numerous difficult enemies, just the kind of level for me

final doom:plutonia level 30 is an excellent hell themed level but why oh why did they stick with that stupid wall boss??

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What's the worst thing about Doom?




What's the best thing about Doom?


It's gameplay, genius in it's simplicity. Shoot tons of monsters, find some keys, and stay alive long enough to exit the level. Fun forever.


What's the worst enemy in Doom?


If by worst you mean most annoying, it's a tie between pain elemental and chaingunner (I can deal with the archies most of the time)

If by worst you mean stupidest, then there is none. All the demons were cool in their own way :)
[quote]What's the best enemy in Doom?[quote]
I've never really had a definite answer to this (almost every time somebody has asked i've had a different answer). Let's say that this time I like the spider mastermind.


What's the worst Episode/Level in Doom?


Doom 1: Fortress of mystery. I always thought this was a very boring level.

Doom 2: The chasm. I frigging hate that level in single player and coop and in deathmatch you might as well set my frags to -100 and be done with it if the game is on the chasm.


What's the best Episode/Level in Doom?


Doom 1: All the inferno levels, phobos lab, containment area, deimos lab.

Doom 2: Dead simple, Tricks and traps, Downtown, The courtyard, Gotcha!, Barrels o' fun, The spirit world, The Living End.


Answer these if you dare! Muwhahahaha!!!


Shut up.

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What's the worst thing about Doom?
What's the best thing about Doom?
What's the worst enemy in Doom?
What's the best enemy in Doom?
What's the worst Episode/Level in Doom?
What's the best Episode/Level in Doom?

1.Well nothing really, maybe its out dated, but I dont mind.

2.Doom itself is, the levels, the monsters and everything.

3.Them Nazis, no not because of there bad reputation which they are bastards either way, I mean they just dont fit in with Doom! I rather be killing demons and zombies, instead of blasting cartoon looking nazis!

4.The imp damn you, dont ask me why, there just so cool !

5.Tenements, doesn't even look like a tenement !

6.All of Episode 2 for Doom !

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O yea, I fergot about those nazis while i was answering the question. O and I thought tenements was a cool map even though it doesn't look like tenements (I was thinking the other day, maybe those rooms you climb the stairs up to in the beginning of the level are tenements? And those two rooms that look into the big nukage pit room via a window that are connected to the yellow key room are tenements? just a thought).

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3.Them Nazis, no not because of there bad reputation which they are bastards either way, I mean they just dont fit in with Doom! I rather be killing demons and zombies, instead of blasting cartoon looking nazis!


Dude, they're there because they got sent to hell, why WOULDN'T the nazis be in hell? (And the various wolfenstein references as well)

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Dude, they're there because they got sent to hell, why WOULDN'T the nazis be in hell? (And the various wolfenstein references as well)

Yeah, your right, I just thought about it and remembered it now.

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>What's the worst thing about Doom?

Um.... Well. Some graphical issues, obviously; it's not 1994 anymore and FPS games tend to age faster than others. On the other hand, that's a problem with all FPS games - they will all lose their realism with time, until someone finally manages to create 'real' virtual reality.

>What's the best thing about Doom?

That it's Doom.
That it's the First.
The gameplay.
The enemies.
The levels.
The weapons.
That its source is released and source ports are available.

>What's the worst enemy in Doom?


>What's the best enemy in Doom?

The coolest: a tie between Commander Keen and John Romero's head on a stick.
The funniest: a tie between Cacodemon and Mancubus.
The toughest: aside from the bosses, the Baron of Hell
The most scary: Spectre.

>What's the worst Episode/Level in Doom?

Episode: Doom2, especially last non-hell levels.
Level: Icon of Sin. Chasm goes next.

>What's the best Episode/Level in Doom?

Episode: not sure...
Level(s): E1M1, Containment Area, Deimos Lab, E3M2, Dis,
Dead Simple, Circle of Death, The Courtyard(because of the music), Gotcha, The Living End.

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What's the worst thing about Doom?


DooM 2


What's the best thing about Doom?


The potential of the whole franchise


What's the worst enemy in Doom?


That would be the Pain Elemental. Infinite Spawning is a no-no for FPSs, too arcade-ish.


What's the best enemy in Doom?


Baron of Hell. They represent the best part of DooM : fear.


What's the worst Episode/Level in Doom?


The whole DooM 2. I could save some of the levels, but you asked "episode".


What's the best Episode/Level in Doom?


E1 and E2. E3 could be good if they had used more linedefs, but I know they had gross limits back then.

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What's the worst thing about Doom?

- Imbecile doomers like you...

What's the best thing about Doom?

- The best thing is that it exists.

What's the worst enemy in Doom?

- Commander Keen, if that counts as an enemy, because it looks so damn stupid.

What's the best enemy in Doom?

- Arch-viles look cool (or should I say hot).

What's the worst Episode/Level in Doom?

- Evilution. the worst map, I think it can be found from Evilution too, but they're almost all so crappy that I can't pick just one.

What's the best Episode/Level in Doom?

- Episode 2, E2M4.

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Why House of Pain? That was one of the more decent levels. E3M1 was probably the worst.

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Every level is the worst level of Doom2. I'd go more with Map15 and Map16. Map15, the "Industrial Zone". WTF is that? And why on earth is there a castle building in that zone?? That whole level was just silly.

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Yeah, I agree. A lot of things don't make sense in Doom2. Take the crusher thingy in the corner of the Downtown. What's it there for? It serves no useful purpose. And another thing-how come the Entryway is so small?

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And another thing-how come the Entryway is so small?


Because it's the first level?


Mess with me and you're gonna get a Shotgun Shell between your eyes, buddy!-DooMBoy


A shell? isn't that the thingie that the shots come in?

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Nothing made ‘sense’ in Doom, it's a fantasy game. Remember the Condo? You needed to run over the pool at a certain angle to open the secret door behind ... I can’t explain that, and it worked only ones. Anyway, Even the very first map did not make sense. But I got my chain saw and the shotgun. And it was kinda fun from there on in.
The worst part was where you shot hung kids so you could exit.
The best part was Downtown. Not your typical town though :D

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Arrgh, doom2 is not supposed to be a realistic game. For what it's worth, they did a decent job on the doom2 levels given their limitations. The city levels were and still are very fun, if you ask me. However, I can definetely agree that doom2 was a waste of a perfectly good sequel.

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The worst part was where you shot hung kids so you could exit.


In map 32? That was commander keen, an apogee game character from a few years back. It was ID paying apogee back for something, I forget exactly what.

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The worst part was where you shot hung kids so you could exit.


In map 32? That was commander keen, an apogee game character from a few years back. It was ID paying apogee back for something, I forget exactly what.


Well, it was an iD game, not Apogee... Apogee just published it.

BTW Lost Soul is also from an earlier iD game, Dangerous Dave in a Haunted Mansion.

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What's the worst thing about Doom?
The damn city levels, which look nothing like anything.

What's the best thing about Doom?
What's not?

What's the worst enemy in Doom?
Pain elemental.. that is by far the dumbest enemy ever created.

What's the best enemy in Doom?
Look at my face.

What's the worst Episode/Level in Doom?
map01 in doom 2... just horrible and had no sense to it.

What's the best Episode/Level in Doom?
Map28 in doom 2.. I think it's called the spirit world. Man that level is fun.

Yet another pointless post brought to you by me.

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The worst part was where you shot hung kids so you could exit.


Too much CNN for you...


I don't have a TV. Any idea how long it took me to figure out to shot the already dead? Make at least fun of me for the right reason!

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You don't have a TV?


Is quite weird that you actually have Internet and not a TV.

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What's the worst thing about Doom?
Too short

What's the best thing about Doom?

What's the worst enemy in Doom?
Lost soul it just doesnt belong...it sucks

What's the best enemy in Doom?
All the humans...they give you much needed ammo

What's the worst Episode/Level in Doom?
Thy Flesh Consumed cause it was easy

What's the best Episode/Level in Doom?
Knee-Deep In the Dead cause I got the DOOM shareware first so Knee-Deep introduced me to the world of DOOM.

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You don't have a TV?


Is quite weird that you actually have Internet and not a TV.



Before I go again, the Internet was originally and still is now a way of communication.

When I first came to America bla bla bla watched TV bla bla bla how can anyone stand watching bla bla bla bla .....

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What's the worst thing about Doom?
What's the best thing about Doom?
What's the worst enemy in Doom?
What's the best enemy in Doom?
What's the worst Episode/Level in Doom?
What's the best Episode/Level in Doom?

Answer these if you dare! Muwhahahaha!!!


The transition from DOOM II to Final DOOM was sort of disappointing. However I love DOOM so naturally I loved the level design and storyline.

Simplicity. No weapons that you have to memorize calibur numbers to tell the difference between them. Also the amazing stupidity of the enemies.

Annoyingness: Revenant. He honestly has my respect and fear.
Overall idiocy: Mancubus. This dumb fat bastard is a nice wide target.

Any enemy that can be deemed a target-practice enemy, i.e. any former human or it is slow and uses an aerial attack (Imp, Cacodemon, Baron...)

E2M9: It's just stupid and pointless.
E3M4: Not so much for its stupidness but for its moodiness and atmosphere... often times I just want a level to kill enemies and this one requires my full attention.
Map08: Just don't like it.
Map12: This is the map in which I was first defeated in deathmatch.
Some of those large open area levels on Earth: I don't like putting up with snipers.

All of E1, E2M1-2 (M2 is one of my all time favorites), all of E3, E4M9 (cool level design)
Map01-06, Map26, Map30

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Worst thing??
There exists no such thing.
EVERYTHING. I find this game the most fun shooter EVER.
Worst Enemy?
The Son of a Bitch (chaingunner)
The Cyberdemon ( hard enemy and fun as hell to fight )
as well as a soccer teams worth of imps. That's fun too!
Best Episode/Level?
E1,E3. and form Doom 2? The Spirt World, The Pit, The suburbs.

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What's the worst thing about Doom?
What's the best thing about Doom?
What's the worst enemy in Doom?
What's the best enemy in Doom?
What's the worst Episode/Level in Doom?
What's the best Episode/Level in Doom?


worst thing about doom is doom 95. what a waste of hard drive space

best thing about doom is the people that keep it alive and going with mods, ports and useless questions in the forms

the worst enemy in doom is Romero's head on a stick. God i hate that thing

Best enemy in doom is the archvile. Think about it, he has a totally different way of attacking you (compared to every other enemy) and he makes life hell in reserrecting all freshly killed baddies.

worst episode in doom2? the refuling base gets irritating.

best level in doom2 its self is thricks and traps, i could play that thing for hours.

um yeah

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