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@SaladBadger 0mfg thank you, I'm an idiot, it was KMQuake II's crap being cross-read despite not using it. Delete your KMQ2 files and Yamagi will use the normal Q2 HUD and crosshair (and main menu!) graphics.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/29/2020 at 5:38 PM, Avoozl said:

I am about to start a blind playthrough of Gibbous: A Cthulhu adventure, I am hoping that I will enjoy this game.

Well I just finished Gibbous for the first time, it was a surprisingly well done adventure game.

Edited by Avoozl

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KOTOR 2 baby, I love ruining planets haha.


But damn, this game is a little temperamental, had it crash on me a few times and VSync doesn't really work right in this game, presumably due to its texture manager, I see this game originally used GL 1.x, that's never going to play nice with it ON and modern drivers.

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Back playing Ninja Gaiden Black. I must have spent 300hrs playing that game. One of my favourites. Despite being from 2004, that game is still insanely good, addictive and crazy difficult in a good way.

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5 hours ago, PeterMoro said:

Back playing Ninja Gaiden Black. I must have spent 300hrs playing that game. One of my favourites. Despite being from 2004, that game is still insanely good, addictive and crazy difficult in a good way.


By far the greatest game of its kind, to a point my attitude became about others "why play this when I could be playing Ninja Gaiden Black (or Sigma which was an acceptable take)". Although I did like the Onimusha series and God Hand enough to play them. 

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Finished KOTOR 2 today, had a blast with it. With the Restore Content mod, naturally.


Good thing I placed this game in my list of favorites of all time, it will stay there. This is how SW should really be, without the black and white worldview, mature, and no fluff. This game definitely takes itself serious and I love that, it succeeds, and quite convincingly.


As for what I think regarding its polish, I must admit that I do not know how this game actually plays like without RCM, but what I keep hearing constantly is that it noticeably lacks polish without it. I've already seen a let's play with it, so my journey was not truly blind, and I am glad I did so.


With it, this game feels quite complete to me, but the ending is a bit unfulfilling because it leaves so many questions unanswered. I still don't understand where Bao-Dur went. He also planned the destruction of Malachor V at the end, but when or how he did it isn't explained, or I didn't pay attention.


Kreia was a bit unsatisfying at the end, because she didn't have much else to share at that point, and left the impression that for once, she just wanted to get all this over and be done with it for good, straight to the point, in fact the player can even skip the entire dialogue after they arrive at the core. Except for the future prediction, which was pretty neat, but it doesn't help with anything at that point.


I don't think there's less content in this game as the player goes, things just serve their purpose and don't outstay their welcome. Korriban was the shortest of all but for its purpose it didn't need to be any longer. And with all the commotion that can happen at the end, no, maybe there's less in vanilla and potentially more glitches, but with RCM there's enough.


Which brings me to my main gripe with this game. It definitely benefits from a guide, or a walkthrough. For one, buffing HK-47 is necessary since RCM forces the player to go through the factory before the end of the game, and if he's too weak, they're done for. That factory is tough, I struggled a bit through it, until I managed to find a huge defense upgrade, which seems to have been deliberately placed, without it I'm not sure this can be finished legitimately, and definitely not without cranking down the difficult another notch, to Easy. But, this factory really should have been after the end of the game, not before. Similarly, the civil war questline on Onderon cannot be started if the player goes too early there from what I understand.


Influence can be a bitch sometimes, and getting it can be tricky. For one, Kreia typically likes DS choices obviously, but she also finds excessive brutality upsetting, so if the player just mindlessly murders everyone, they will lose plenty of influence with her and it's difficult to tell when she will find it too much. It's also easy to miss influence opportunities sometimes. My biggest regret in this playthrough was that I failed to train Atton into a Dark Jedi - didn't care much for others, Atton and Brianna are what I really wanted - I missed the last opportunity where he taught me to play pazaak, as a result I failed to defeat Sion with him in that brief battle before arriving at the core, and got the cutscene with him dying after defeating Kreia in her Sith form. I've only managed to train the Handmaiden since I knew an easy route by rescuing the kid from the Exchange on Nar Shaddaa.


It also has some balancing issues. Most of the game is actually pretty easy but some parts of it can be quite tough, maybe I didn't go for all the right choices, I'm sure I've made mistakes somewhere, but there you have it. From my experience, the HK factory and Goto's ship were quite a noticeable spike in difficulty. Also, some bosses were strange - why the hell is Talia so damn resilient, wtf?


This game also becomes... actually quite depressing at the end. After revisiting the Enclave, it changes tonally quite a bit from that point onward and starts feeling a lot more hopeless. This game was never Happy Land, but the tonal shift is still noticeable. Especially on the Ravager, its atmosphere is really depressing and even scary at times due to that melancholic music, and of course, Tobin is just nightmare fuel due to the way Nihilus' influence zombifies him. No, it was way more than "just corruption", and that scene literally gave me chills.


But, overall I enjoyed this game, a lot, and looking forward to replaying it in the future, but I may go for Easy next time since there's parts of it that were upsetting, Normal still proves to be a challenge later on.


No, I don't think I'll ever go for a LS playthrough myself though, I might watch such a let's play, but won't play as such, doesn't fit me. And besides, in short, let's say I agree with everything Kreia, Atton, and the people who harbor bitter resentment against the Jedi order and the Republic in general say. They got what they deserved.

Edited by seed

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I decided to buy Griftlands and Gordian Saga, I was gonna wait till they were out of Early Access but I really wanted new things to try.


But I would say both are very good and I was surprised by a lot of aspects of Griftlands. Both are RPGs designed around the concept of card based battles, and with roguelite elements. However both succeed I think at feeling like RPGs despite the different core gameplay approach because most of what you get in RPGs are present in the games 


Gordian Saga is very classic D&D. The general game flow feels heavilly like a D&D module, there's skill checks, the class system is fairly similar. It's what I expected and what it pretty much looked like and it's pretty fun. 


Griftlands is a lot like classic Fallout. Surprisingly and effectively so. Aside from a fantastic soundtrack inspired by John Carpenter and Ennio Morricone - 



the general atmosphere of the game channels that post apocalyptic feel but on a weird alien world. It has two seperate battle systems, one for physical combat, one for negotiation. And there's a lot of emphasis on taking different approaches to complete quests. It also treats the act of killing as a mechanic in itself.


It's all pretty simple and executed within a fairly short campaign but it's also pretty damn effective. Also, really cool game. 

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Beat The Hell (Diablo Hellfire mod) with my Gladiator on the first playthrough for him, but only because of the shared stash that I rightfully abuse as a game mechanic added to the mod by giving them gear they can use that I obtained through other classes in order to give them a nice head start. Apparently this shared stash was removed from The Hell 2 not too long into TH2's existence for "balance" reasons. Wow, all I can think is I will never play TH2 now because of this. TH1 used to be a pretty great hard mod when I played it in 2012, by that point I think the mod was about four years old? The health orb on the status bar was orange instead of red (as evident by many TH1 videos on YT for the old versions of the game).

But now, it's so unbelievably and horrifyingly grindy as to essentially be Diablo themed Runescape, as said by a TH player. The drop rate is simply utter garbage, and the so-called normal difficulty mode now is extremely difficult to clear, mainly due to really badly designed bosses (looking at you Lazarus, the Defiler and Uber Diablo). I can just barely win the game with melee characters, as I've only finished the current TH1 now with my Paladin prior, and that was months ago. My Scout and Mage either get hung up on Lazarus or the Defiler, neither have even seen the last area of the game yet, and this is after 2-3 playthroughs. It's not really my fault either, I can't get my classes the drops they need in order to get the resistances and equipment necessary to survive.

I try my best to optimize my characters with whatever I have in my shared stash over time, because counting on drops is practically unreliable. The grind is really bad still but it's not "this is a waste of my time" level of grind, yet, and this is only on normal difficulty need I remind. Learning Mordor (mod author) removed the fucking shared stash from the other, more up-to-date I suppose version of the mod just makes me cringe thinking of having to get every character their stuff on their own. I may never see Purgatory difficulty at this rate, and I hear the percentage rate of drops only gets worse on higher difficulties. Idk, maybe I am wasting my time playing this mod! All I know is, I need a long ass break.

Edited by Lila Feuer

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Technically, this isn't actually playing a game, but I have been watching a lot of competitive Brood War games lately, along with playing it. 



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I'm currently in chapter 3 of yakuza 0, it's a pretty cool game that is full of content, i really recommend it if you have the time.


I'm also near the end of persona 3, though "near the end" in rpgs usually mean "there's just 50 hours left".

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The Videogames I am currently playing are: (this is gonna be a long list)

  • Doom (1993)
  • Doom II (1994)
  • Doom (2016)
  • Quake
  • Half Life
  • GTA III, Vice City, San Andreas
  • Tomb Raider Series
  • Uncharted Series
  • ProgressBar 95
  • Quake (1996)
  • Call Of Duty series
  • Goldeneye 007
  • Perfect Dark
  • Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
  • Plants Vs Zombies 1 and 2
  • Hitman (2016)
  • Metal Gear Solid series

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Working my way through the side quests of Control


Emil Hartman fucking dies, and Alan Wake 2 confirmed

This game really shines the most in sidequests with some really cool moments and boss fights, then you get to the AWE sidequests which are boring filler of the "do this X times do that X times" kind with a few exceptions.


Playing Among Us, very addictive despite looking so silly, especially when you get a few buddies to play it with.

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Playing Blood on Well Done with start saves only via the NBlood source port. Not nearly as brutal as I thought it would be, halfway through episode 2 now. Really can't wait for the Death Wish update w/ new episode!

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I'm playing Alien Isolation at a pace of an hour a week, if that. This kind of game is the worst for enjoying in chunks! Hide under some tables, traverse two rooms and session over.


But I am enjoying it.  It has enough of the TTLG immersive sim DNA to do it for me, and it looks great.  One of my favourite sci-fi settings, and despite obviously not being on the actual Nostromo, it makes me think how I'd love a game that let you roam around The Overlook Hotel.


The only thing is how basic the levels are, at least so far. Primitively horizontal for the most part too, but I guess that's the cost of cleaving to logical design. It's a shame that Thief/2 have still (as far as I've found) never been eclipsed for level complexity in a stealth game.

Edited by holaareola

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Obsessed with Torchlight II, chewing through the third act with my lightning-focused Embermage. Five levels left in Doom II on Switch via UV+, great fun! Looking forward to Plutonia on UV+.

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