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My #1 fan on twitch suggested that I played the Half-Life series. I just finished the first one and it was amazing. I could definitely feel the Quake mechanics, but overall I was surprised on how large and expansive the game was, especially for '98. 10/10 for me, but I have yet to try the second game.

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I was playing the most recent update for Silent Hill 2 Enhanced Edition, which is absolutely stellar. I then got sidetracked and am playing Doom 3 for the third time in a row, for the zillionth time. I don't know what it is, it's certainly not a perfect game but every time I play it, I HAVE to finish it. Then I have to play it again and again and tweak every little parameter until I'm sick of it. Oddly addictive, for some reason.

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I watched someone play System Shock 2 and got annoyed with little things the player was doing, like wasting bullets on small fry and refusing to drink alcohol because he thinks it hurts him (it doesn't, booze heals a point and removes a few psi points and it's not like he was gonna use them when going full Marine anyway). I think it was around the Hydroponics deck when I got tired of his complaints about the lack of nanites, ammo, health and patience on Normal, and decided that playing the game myself would be better.


Well, a modded version of the game anyway. I use a tacticool weapons mod, a hi-res texture mod, a subtitles mod, and a really old gameplay balance mod. I pussed out and also got a no-spiders mod that can be used with any gameplay mod, so maybe now I can actually go past the Operations deck.


I read about doing a thing in the Engineering deck just outside of the cargo bays. Find the hazmat suit and hack the security to disable the turrets in that area. Hack the bullet turret first and place the hazmat suit directly between the laser turrets. When you hack one of them, both will try to target each other but unable to shoot past the hazmat suit. Hack the other one and you have a safe zone that shoots down any hybrids and droids that wander in.


I also started playing a rom hack of Zelda 2 that came out last month called Redux. I'd been waiting for it for about a year, maybe longer but didn't want to play the beta even though it was 99% done. It tries to smooth over the rough edges and add some quality-of-life fixes to make the game more enjoyable to play. Having the Link dolls increase the number of lives you start with when continuing or loading a saved game is so nice to have. It also includes a retranslation and an edited text box to allow more words. Unfortunately, no more "IF ALL ELSE FAILS USE FIRE."


I was kinda wary about the difficulty being lowered by halving the magic cost and slightly increasing the frequency of enemy drops. So far, I've noticed I use the magic spells much more liberally instead of always saving up for the Life spell. See that collapsing bridge with gargoyle heads flying in a wavy pattern? Fuck that noise, I'm using the Fairy spell and flying past the bullshit. Kid-me would have been aghast at wasting magic and choose to push on. I still die plenty from not having played the game in so long. I do wonder if the final temple with the goddamn Eagle Knights and the death march leading to it is as difficult as I remember. I still find it hard to believe kid-me beat Shadow Link without camping in the left corner.

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Got myself a capture card. New PC build is on hold until after the holidays due to a DOA mobo, so I threw it into the old rig and will be running a few tests over the next few days (HDCP can go eff itself):


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I attempted to play Rogue Warrior, but the game crashes every minute or two on modern hardware and there doesn't appear to be any fixes. Oh well.

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I had a crack at MudRunner last night, as it's free on Epic Games Store and seems interesting. Apparently it's an indie game and a spin off of another game by the same studio called Spintires. The graphics aren't the best, even maxed out, but the game runs smoothly, the visual effects and terrain/water stuff is very passable and the simulation aspect seems pretty strong. I did the tutorial and five challenges of the nine, as they're meant to continue teaching you before you get into the single player properly. It's kind of fun, and has some decent challenge when you're doing fiddly off-roading or trying to meet a deadline, but I'm not sure it'll draw me back in too much - not when there's some properly great stuff to play still and plenty of maps to make/play for/in Doom still.

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Aside Doom (hell revealed, boss battle bonanza, and other forum maps) I started playing SiN:gold for the 1st time.

Is one of those old school shooters I never had the chance to play or complete,

(same goes for the original Rise of the triad, only have completed the reboot),

and after 3 levels im kinda having fun. I surely love how the quake2 engine works with gibs, the shotgun is awesome.

The game has that mid late 90s flavour for sure.

Its on steam for 2€.


Edited by Soulless

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  On 12/2/2020 at 12:43 AM, Chopkinsca said:

I'm currently on my second playthrough of Avernum 5. The first 3, I've played 3 times so far in my life. That bundle is such a good deal if you can get into those types of games. 


You know, it's such a shame that they seem so arcane and forbidding, but it's nothing we haven't all done a million times before. It took me maybe an hour to get comfortable with all the standard rpg activities (looting, sleeping and healing, leveling up, etc.) and now I have this giant game world to look forward to.


I immediately went down a Spiderweb Software rabbit hole and started learning everything I could about the company. I downloaded the original Exile (which runs effortlessly for me, in Wine) (and which is free on the official site if anyone's interested), and I find it extremely appealing and charming, but the 2000 version has such an excellent interface I think I'll be sticking with that.


I only wish I had more time to play!

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Well, I got a new PC finally. 


I got some options, most of the last few days I spent testing stuff I had out that I had to leave due to my old computer not being good enough. So all these games work great now:


Doom Eternal 

Deus Ex Mankind Divided

Dishonoured 2

Hitman (I also got Hitman 2 in the Steam sale so now I have both games)


Xcom 2


So now its like; what do I play. Too much choice now really. 



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Currently on the last chapter of Blood, after that I need to do shadow warrior and ion fury,


What is the best way to do shadow warrior?

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Started a new game of Death Stranding after resetting my PS4. I completed it last year and thought it was brilliant but I seem to be enjoying it more on this second playthrough.

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  On 12/2/2020 at 10:50 AM, HLRaven said:

Currently on the last chapter of Blood, after that I need to do shadow warrior and ion fury,


What is the best way to do shadow warrior?


I've played through the Classic Redux version last year without any problems, but I've seen a lot of people complaining in the reviews, so YMMV I guess. It's also quite pricey, especially since the Classic Complete version is completely free.

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  On 12/2/2020 at 10:50 AM, HLRaven said:

What is the best way to do shadow warrior?



Shameless plug ahead.


  On 12/2/2020 at 11:46 AM, Rathori said:

It's also quite pricey, especially since the Classic Complete version is completely free.



If I recall correctly, Redux also came out at a time when SW classic was not a free game, that happened only afterwards, I think.


But, yeah, with ports around, and the full game going free, Redux is redundant now.

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  On 12/2/2020 at 2:21 PM, seed said:


Shameless plug ahead.



If I recall correctly, Redux also came out at a time when SW classic was not a free game, that happened only afterwards, I think.


But, yeah, with ports around, and the full game going free, Redux is redundant now.


does raze support cutscenes?

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  On 12/2/2020 at 2:31 PM, HLRaven said:

does raze support cutscenes?



Of course, in all supported games that do have cutscenes.


The sole temporary exception is Blood: FS' videos, as those come in a different format that is not currently supported.

Edited by seed

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Well, I just finished the entirety of Quake 1, on skill 2 (hard). Episode 4 starts off normal but eventually you get like a dozen slimes in the same room, which happens twice, and often find two slimes together. That's what sticks in my mind right now. I used save states and played with a controller, believe it or not, instead of mouse and keyboard. I played blind too.

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I bought Duke Nukem World Tour for a couple of dollars when it was on sale and played through Episode 5 over the course of two days. It was a great episode. Loved the soundtrack and the flamethrower in particular. Unfortunately, World Tour's controls and mouse aiming felt a bit floaty, which made aiming more difficult than it should have been. I wish they had used Eduke32 as the game's engine instead of this inferior version. I know that Eduke32 has partial compatibility for the episode, but there's still some stuff that doesn't work properly. I'd gladly play through this expansion again, just not with the World Tour engine. 

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  On 12/4/2020 at 1:11 AM, Ajora said:

I bought Duke Nukem World Tour for a couple of dollars when it was on sale and played through Episode 5 over the course of two days. It was a great episode. Loved the soundtrack and the flamethrower in particular. Unfortunately, World Tour's controls and mouse aiming felt a bit floaty, which made aiming more difficult than it should have been. I wish they had used Eduke32 as the game's engine instead of this inferior version. I know that Eduke32 has partial compatibility for the episode, but there's still some stuff that doesn't work properly. I'd gladly play through this expansion again, just not with the World Tour engine. 



Try GDX or Raze, both support Episode 5 natively.

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Mortal kombat 11, doom eternal dlc and ion fury. The latter didn't quite gel for me on release but now i seem to be enjoying it more.

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I've just started to explore community WADs and it's quickly become a clusterfuck. Downloaded dozens of wads that I played for a couple of maps before trying something new. 


As a rule, I'm only going to download stuff that I intend to complete. I will not jump on to another WAD, even if it's for just checking out a map or two, unless I finish the one I'm currently on. 

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I have played 2 hours of Empire of Sin and filed a refund request - the controls and UI feel really awkward, and the game just doesn't feel like fun.


@paturn I highly recommend going through the "DWMegawad Club" and "DWIronman League" threads in "WADs & Mods" section of the forums as good starting point for community WADs exploration.

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