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Recently picked up Clone Hero again (free guitar hero for custom songs on pc) after playing for a while in 2019 and I've been grinding the hell out of it. Finally playing with a guitar rather than the keyboard has increased how fast I get better at the game, and every day I 100% FC harder and harder songs. I love rhythm games and I'm a skilled musician myself so I don't ever see myself falling out of it anytime soon, but I am planning on coming back to doom speedrunning and exploring new wads soon. Right now in doom I'm trying to get 12.97 on E3m2 NM Speed, my best time is 13.09 after 5000 or so attempts.

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I'm learning to play Civ 3, it's certainly an interesting experience having only played 5 and 6 so far. I'll have to check out 4 too since I've seen many people say it's their favorite.

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Been re-playing doom 3 actually, currently at recycling and i got reminded how much the revenants in this game freak me out.

Edited by Mayomancer

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1292651816_Nyttkuva(57).png.ba9f57d019d0805e8754f6fca20e2a8b.pngCurrently playing through a childhood favorite of mine; Treasures of The Deep for the Playstation 1.

It's an absolutely fantastic action game. Missions range from looting old sunken ships full of treasure to stopping terrorists and saving the ocean from oil leaks.

Player can use their amassed loot to buy weapons and upgrade their gear. Game does come to a halt halfway through though since grinding of earlier missions is required so the player can afford the more expensive submarines that are able to dive to the bottom of Mariana Trench (This grind however can be skipped through the use of cheat codes). The game can also be played from either first or third person.

Give this one a go if you enjoyed Subnautica. Controls take some time to get used to but they're not the worst I've seen.

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Picked up Age of Empires Definitive Edition again - can't remember why I stopped playing, to be honest. I'd already gotten past the part I was stuck on for a while and was on the cusp of winning in my saved game. Nearly finished the Babylon campaign now and would then be ready to continue with the other 7 campaigns, I'd assume. Also still grinding away Forza Horizon 2, although all of the online features don't seem to be working, so my cash income has become restricted to what I win in races and what I get from levelling. Maybe they'll come back, but I can work without them to get there anyway.

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I grabbed X4: Foundations, played for about 15 hours but found some of the features really annoying. Although I liked the 1st person aspect of it, walking around space stations/ships is pretty cool and it looks great. But eh, the UI seems a massive step backwards.


So I've gone back to X3 with the Babylon 5 TC, happily zipping around in a starfury selling data crystals.   

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Taking a couple of days break from Doom since I grinded out some speedruns of it this month like constantly and I don't want to go burning myself out.

So going through some of the SNES emulator games I got that I forgot to play. Some beat em ups like Knights of the Round, might have another go at beating Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (very hard and troll-y platformer but you got as much continues as you want so it's not super punishing unless you accidentally back out).

Got some steam games as well that were gifted to me, I do like making that achievements unlocked number go up. Playing FTL, a kinda turn-based space ship combat rogue-like (or is it rogue-lite, I dunno I got some of both). Though the runs are long, like almost an hour at times so it is hard to motivate myself to do a run, but it is satisfying to win. Not sure I'll ever get that medium and hard difficulty win achievement though cause any difficulty but easy ain't fun.

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Tekken 7. Been playing this game for I think a week now with my younger brother (he chose Lars). After trying a couple characters, I finally chose Dragunov and he's fun to play. I like his character and design and also his very aggressive playstyle. I'm trying to get good at him but unfortunately I don't have PS Plus so I can't play online yet.

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On 4/9/2021 at 3:12 AM, BaileyTW said:

Been cycling between doom and Morrowind (Skyrim negative 2) these days since a friend gifted me Morrowind, which is nice because before that I was playing Daggerfall (Skyrim negative 3) and it's a nice game but definitely nice to play a newer game, well 2002 is new-ish.

Did you play Daggerfall Unity? I like Daggerfall heavily modded.



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1 minute ago, Aaron Blain said:

Did you play Daggerfall Unity? I like Daggerfall heavily modded.

I haven't really modded Daggerfall, I did recently switch to a version that has a bunch of fan patches (partly so I wouldn't have to do dosbox shenanigans to open daggerfall each time), but I'm unsure my laptop would be able to handle daggerfall unity if it is at all demanding.

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started Titanfall 2 this afternoon.  i've been playing the mp a little bit here and there with friends.  imagine CoD gameplay but there's an actual element of execution(movement), so good! 


of course pubg is my mainstay but a little diversification never hurt.

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Postal 2 : Paradise Lost I have also been trying out Friday night funkin not the biggest fan of the music but it does help me with reaction skills and i do like the games art style

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I go back and forth between playing an FPS and a visual novel....


For FPS, been playing a lot of Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force. I played it a lot as a kid, but finally got the expansion pack.


For visual novels, been replaying one of my favorite indie horror mysteries, Doppelganger: Dawn of the Inverted Soul. It's still just as good as when it came out. Almost have unlocked all 29+ endings again (I did back in 2013 when it came out, almost done it again!) 

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On 4/23/2021 at 2:35 PM, BaileyTW said:

I haven't really modded Daggerfall, I did recently switch to a version that has a bunch of fan patches (partly so I wouldn't have to do dosbox shenanigans to open daggerfall each time), but I'm unsure my laptop would be able to handle daggerfall unity if it is at all demanding.

I can't handle any of the graphics upgrade mods, but there's a lot of cool stuff to make the world and gameplay much richer. With the lowest possible graphics settings, it looks more or less like the DOS version and runs quite smoothly. The controls are hugely improved, and there are a lot of little kinks and bugs worked out. Enemies will back away in melee a little  it, making it so you can't just walk backward while hitting them indefinitely. That kind of thing.

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A couple days ago, the PS Store made Horizon Zero Dawn free for a short time as part of their Play at Home campaign and I managed to grab it just in time. I'm enjoying it so far, the combat is good and the story is nice. I heard the Sony is going to continue the campaign for a few months so I can't wait to see they're going to turn free.




One thing I like about the story is that Bast and Vala dies pretty early, it caught me off guard. When I first saw them I thought they were going to be main characters and will be following Aloy throughout her adventure, especially Bast since he appears in Aloy's childhood. When I saw them get shot at the Proving I thought "They're unconscious, they're gonna live." but then I woke up at the Mountain and got told "Those two are dead." I was like "Damn, I wasn't expecting that." It was a nice twist IMO.


It was nice to see Bast and Vala put aside their dislike towards each other and actually fight together before getting killed off, I thought that was cool. Can't wait to see what's next for the story.


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Nier Replicant. I think I like it more than Automata so far. The world is more enjoyable to explore and has an atmosphere I vibe with more. Also, despite being super into fast paced games, I sometimes like a slowburn, and I love how this game spends so much time immersing you into its world before doing anything super exciting with it. This game is just risky in every regard and it pays off big time. 


 Also... the soundtrack. Good lord the soundtrack.

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Gonna starting getting into other wads other than the original 4. Gonna play Sigil, so that should be fun....once I figure out how pwads work.

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38 minutes ago, BaileyTW said:

Gonna starting getting into other wads other than the original 4. Gonna play Sigil, so that should be fun....once I figure out how pwads work.

Easiest way? Drag and drop the .wad file on your source port .exe of choice.


Or just associate .wad files with that source port and double click.

Edited by Jello

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I am currently running on Baldur's Gate 2 again, playing the Viconia romance route and intent on actually getting through Shadows of Amn (something I have only managed once before with restartitis becoming a problem)


My half orc berserker dual wielding Daystar and a Drow Long sword + 3 and being buffed to shit managed to solo the Balor that the Deep Gnomes ask you to kill in the under dark. Currently just arrived in Ust Natha, and I love this part of the game given I like the concept of the Drow and I like all the role playing opportunities the city provides.

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playing Through Dark Souls 3 Cinders Mod. Loving all the new content but what i really love is the fact that I can make a tank build again, which was hard to do in the base game.

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