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What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

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While going through TNT Revilution, I'm also playing Yugioh Master Duel.  I wasn't initially interested in playing a game from Konami, but its free, and my friends were getting into it, so I figured I'd jump in.  Constructing a deck is fun and does let me relive some nostalgia, but my God, the meta's brutal.  I know it's been bad for about a decade, but until I was able to construct a competent deck, I was getting obliterated.  It feels so easy for the player to bring out a powerful card that stops the opponent from taking action.  I've made a lot of adjustments to my deck so I can hold my own now, but getting to this point was a struggle.

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Finally finished Star Wars: Dark Forces for the first time on hard (except for medium on Jabba's Palace) and started Dark Forces 2. Almost made me like Star Wars again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fallout 3 on Xbox game pass, 20 hours in, loving it despite playing New Vegas first and having close to 300 hours in that. Also playing BioShock Remastered on Steam, currently at Fort Frolic, pretty good game. Finally I'm going through Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition on the Switch, think I'm on mission 13, it's longer and harder than I remember it being but it has been 12 years since I last played.

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On 2/22/2022 at 3:32 PM, Mr. Freeze said:


Still on Path of Exile 8 years later. 

Are you still enjoying it, or is it just something you feel like you have to do now?


I tried it for a couple of months, but aside from not running well on my laptop, researching builds and trying to wade through what items you needed and deciphering the skill tree - everything was just completely overwhelming for me to be honest. I felt I had to put so much mental effort in just to get anywhere at all. I suppose it's something that after extended play becomes... not necessarily muscle memory, but you can filter out a lot of the noise and focus on the goal of your build. I'll probably go back some day, but I definitely needed a break from it.

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Elden Ring, already got all major bosses down and beat the game so now i'm just hunting for unexplored corners of the map. I missed a few npc questlines so looking forward to picking those up in Ng+

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Way too much Elden Ring (PS5).  Posted in another topic about releasing an update to a level editor for a game nobody cares about and this game dropped and there goes all of my free time into the void.

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Burnt myself out on doom so switching over to other stuff for a bit. Downloaded yugioh duel links which is a mobile game and it's thing is that it's a lower power yugioh format that is closer to how it is in the shows for the rules, so like half life points, 3 monsters, and spell/trap zones, and you have characters with their voice lines animations for their ace monsters and most importantly special skills based on the stuff they do in the show (which is called cheating). Got this instead of Master Duel which is a newer yugioh game similar to hearthstone's presentation and very much not a lower power format, my laptop cant run that shit though so got duel links.


It is very much a pay to win game. To get the best cards for the best decks requires pulling cards from boxes and this takes a shit ton of the in game currency if what you want is in multiple boxes and rare in those boxes. Having money means you don't need to settle for lesser versions of a deck and more importantly means you can have more decks in general. Still need to do like actual research to figure out what the best way to go about getting the cards for a certain deck are to minimize the in game currency spending. I got one deck that is pretty good and can get some wins against the best decks but like it's an uphill battle in those cases. Still having fun for now but definitely a pay to win. I'm just tolerating that cause I haven't played yugioh in a long ass time.

Edited by BaileyTW

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9 hours ago, Daytime Waitress said:

Are you still enjoying it, or is it just something you feel like you have to do now?


Still love it, although I did take a break last league and returned to this one but this league is absolutely amazing, they reworked the endgame so it's far less tedious. 


POE's appeal is the complexity, and the game is made for the audience that doesn't mind that. It can seem overwhelming, but the intention for the developers is that POE is meant to be played for a very long time- at some point you just know what to do efficiently. Also POE2 is removing some of the tedium from gearing which should enable more builds. 

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4 hours ago, Mayomancer said:

Elden Ring, already got all major bosses down and beat the game so now i'm just hunting for unexplored corners of the map. I missed a few npc questlines so looking forward to picking those up in Ng+

Damn I'm 60 hours in and only have one main boss down. I've been off exploring. Beat a ton of bosses and done a lot of side content, but haven't done much of the main stuff.

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3 hours ago, Mr. Freeze said:

Still love it, although I did take a break last league and returned to this one but this league is absolutely amazing, they reworked the endgame so it's far less tedious. 


POE's appeal is the complexity, and the game is made for the audience that doesn't mind that. It can seem overwhelming, but the intention for the developers is that POE is meant to be played for a very long time- at some point you just know what to do efficiently. Also POE2 is removing some of the tedium from gearing which should enable more builds. 


I think the problem for me initially was that years of playing other RPGs had trained me to pick up and evaluate every piece of crap item on the ground, but even with an item filter, that's absolute death in this game. The notion of blitzing through the campaign so you can "start playing" also seemed completely counter-intuitive. But like you say, it's about playing it enough that everything becomes second nature.


The lore and the environments themselves are such fun to soak yourself in, though - aesthetically the game is so on point that it's ridiculous. And watching dev commentaries on how they've built the game has been fascinating, particularly the challenges of creating an always-evolving online envrionment and the procedural generation tools.


But above all that, I'm just glad to hear that you're still getting a lot out of it after all these years. What's your current build?

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41 minutes ago, Daytime Waitress said:

What's your current build?


This build, a low life strength stacking Ice Crash Inquisitor. I've invested about 20ex so far and am crushing endgame content for the first time. 

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Mirrors Edge, I'm trying to see if I can beat the whole game in one go without dying. I've only been able to make it to chapter 2 so far

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On 3/8/2022 at 8:53 AM, Mr. Freeze said:


This build, a low life strength stacking Ice Crash Inquisitor. I've invested about 20ex so far and am crushing endgame content for the first time. 

The skills on the body armor alone make it sound fun as heck.

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I've been flailing around in Civilization 3, pretending that I know how to actually play. I did get one win on the easiest difficulty, so I have that. I tried the next difficulty up and it's a leap up in difficulty. I feel like I need to engage with more of the systems, which is good. I kind of steamrolled with my victory on the easiest skill.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is an absolute goddamned delight.


When I first slapped eyes on it back in the whenever Direct, I was very underwhelmed by the gameplay, and not sure about the "realistic" environments contrasting with the Kirbyness. But the demo converted me on the spot, because it feels like the proper evolution of N64 platformers - the focus is not on collecting a million macguffins, but on using your unique powers to overcome challenges and doing a bunch of stupid cartoony stuff because this is a magical fantasy land. I think Kirby's combat abilities play a huge role in that, because nearly every one of the moves he steals from enemies makes you feel like a giant pink wrecking ball: for example, you get the Poppy Bros. bombs in one of the opening areas and just start... massacring everything. It's brutal.


My fave part of it is definitely how every single level feels unique, and while I'm trying to pace myself with it because I know I'm going to be thoroughly upset when this ride is over, every stage is like unwrapping a present from the devs. I still feel like each individual section for every new super power could breathe a little more: it seems they slap a new power on you and then take it away after a single puzzle. But I have just hit the stretch (winter zone) where the new powers are popping up more in concert, as opposed to the "tutorial" stuff, so here's hoping those interactions get more complex and fleshed-out. And I'm hoping for more driving levels because holy hell that just feels so right.


I think the only negative I can think of is that it will eventually end. Oh, and that the depth of field effect can fuck right off: it's this generation's brown n' bloom.

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72 hours into Fallout 3 on Xbox game pass, I unwittingly went to DC very early on but as a result leveled up a ton. Chewing through the DC area and the seemingly endless Super Mutant army was kinda exhausting so early in the game, but contrary to what some redditors think I've been finding Fallout 3 to be much easier than New Vegas and kinda wished I bumped it up to Hard. That said the gameplay is just as engaging as ever and the Capitol Wasteland is fucking huge, I've probably only seen a little under 50% of it. I kinda screwed myself on the story however, by going to Rivet City early on and talking to Dr. Lin who is just like "oh your Dad's over THERE!" and thereby bypassing the GNR quest where you're assisted by Brotherhood of Steel so I had to fight a Super Mutant Behemoth by myself, and who knows what other goose chase related story quests I had to do so now I can't really engage the story at all without the presumed risk of ending the game (at the time it would've been at like the 40 hour mark!). And I was extremely confused when I learned Bethesda thought it was a good idea to cap the player at level 20 without the Broken Steel addon so I still have a shit ton of base game to explore and I've already reached "max" at only 72 hours. What were they thinking?

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1 hour ago, Lila Feuer said:

Chewing through the DC area and the seemingly endless Super Mutant army was kinda exhausting so early in the game

I remember that area being a slog even partially leveled up, so dealing with that many bullet sponges early on sounds agonizing to be quite honest. Although I might be biased there, because I always ran sniper builds, and was therefore always pissy when I couldn't one-shot something from a mile away. What were you plinking them with?

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Recently got a new laptop with some good specs for the budget I had. Could probably run doom eternal or something like that on it now when it struggled with games like morrowind before at times. So I'm taking advantage of this power by finally getting around to playing the gba Metroid games which I had not played before. Currently on Metroid Zero Mission.

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3 hours ago, Daytime Waitress said:

I remember that area being a slog even partially leveled up, so dealing with that many bullet sponges early on sounds agonizing to be quite honest. Although I might be biased there, because I always ran sniper builds, and was therefore always pissy when I couldn't one-shot something from a mile away. What were you plinking them with?

At that point I was at least in the teens for my leveling and had access to all the main small guns, so regular and Chinese assault rifles, combat shotgun, hunting rifle, .44 magnum, 10mm machine pistol, and the .308 sniper that often ends up in poor condition due to its low item health. Sometimes I used the minigun because I was positively flushed with ammo but dismayed at how underpowered it is FO3 without the damage threshold effect from NV, and the missile launcher which encouraged me to up my investment in big guns despite initially thinking I wouldn't bother with them. Oh and frags, lots and lots of frags. The average Super Mutant wasn't really too bad, but the Brutes and Masters could take a beating and they weren't that uncommon. But now it just means when I go exploring elsewhere I mainly have to contend with Raiders who are barely a threat even at level 2.

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I've been playing The Ants, a mobile game for filthy casuals. It's a strategy and resource management game wherein you construct and upgrade a colony of ants. I never had an ant farm as a kid, so this game allows me to pursue that once noble pastime. Also I work too much, so a game like this that I can mess around with for a few minutes at a time is a welcome little diversion. 

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I am playing a lot of duskers atm. It's a cool game and it's a shame that nearly nobody knows it. You basically have to program drones to explore abandoned spaceships overrun by aliens or other drones. It's pretty hard and requires some strategy. It's also very creepy. Just over all a nive game I really recommend it if you like anything programming related. Don't expect to be writing scripts or anything. You just have a couple of commands you need to type in the console to make the drones do what you want.

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