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Take No Prisoners with some rigging to get it running on Win10. I haven't played, let alone ever beat this relatively unknown top-down shooter Raven title since I'm guessing 2003 or 2004. Never played it on Commando (default, hard mode) difficulty either so that's been an interesting experience so far. Still pretty fun, good music albeit tracks are way too short (2 min on average) given you can be on a level for up to 20 minutes sometimes. Enemies are spongy and dish out the pain, especially with certain weapons, but the player doesn't hold a lot of ammo for any of their guns and you're often facing mobs of any given enemy type, so combat can feel stilted as you unload round after round into a single person, or creature, or cyborg, this also applies to throwables like grenades which aren't as effective as they should be, unless it's implosion grenades. Also sometimes it can be difficult to determine where you're suppose to go or do next since the levels can be played in almost any order as level exits typically offer up to two areas to choose from, add in some of Raven's less-than-optimal solutions to problem solving and you got trial and error progression sprinkled throughout. Very much a PC game for the time it was released, with the assorted jank like ladders and unforgiving fall damage, and lopsided balance in some of the fights, but it's absolutely brimming with personality and charm, with good sound design and occasionally cool lighting, pretty gory too with big comical blood spurts upon enemy deaths and you can destroy things in the environment to similarly satisfying degree.

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18 hours ago, hybridial said:

what I've put my time to typically is WWE 2k22 (which I think is fine and enjoyable, kind of helps it's my first WWE game in like almost a decade)

Nothing can convince me to move away from Fire Pro World, but I'll be genuinely happy for folks that enjoy the 2k series if this one turns out to be anything other than a raging dumpster fire.



15 hours ago, Yumheart said:

Currently having a lot of fun with Mega Man Maker...

Haven't tried your level yet, but your lovely write-up convinced me to install the thing. Gonna give your stage a provisional 5/5 because there was no disappearing blocks shittery in the screenshots. Really surprised this hasn't been razed by Capcom yet, to be honest...

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21 hours ago, Daytime Waitress said:

Really surprised this hasn't been razed by Capcom yet, to be honest...


Interestingly enough, Capcom is pretty supportive of fangames, they even promoted one called Street Fighter × Mega Man. They didn't do that for MMM, but I think it's fair to hope they won't take it down that soon.

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Chrono Trigger. I never finished it in the past, probably because I didn't learn the system when I was a kid.

Edited by SilentD00mer

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1 hour ago, SilentD00mer said:

Chrono Trigger. I never finished it in the past, probably because I didn't learn the system when I was a ki


Oh don't remember me, started it two Months ago and stoped at the prehistoric Phase.


I currently started Legacy of Kain and it is much better as anticipated.

Also started a Run in Diablo through Devilution X, the Controller Support makes it easy to play lazy :P


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11 hours ago, SilentD00mer said:

Chrono Trigger. I never finished it in the past, probably because I didn't learn the system when I was a kid.

Stick with it, it's a really good game. It's not the god tier game some people make it out to be, but it was an amazing RPG when it came out. The graphics are absolutely beautiful, and it has a good combat structure.


Of course when it came out people argued about Final Fantasy 3 (6) being better. And I do agree that FF3 was better, it doesn't mean that Chrono Trigger was bad by any means. It's a beautifully made game, and well worth a playthrough.

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Finally beat TNP, actually a very short game. The puzzle on Hook Star Nuclear Works completely threw me off without a walkthrough, and it's mandatory to see River City Park and Mastamall. I didn't understand the puzzle at the beginning of the Dome either. I highly recommend this game to Raven fans if they've never played it before, but it is a bit on the mediocre side.

Now I'm playing Heretic for the gazillionth time again, but using International Heretic for the first time.

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Started to play Hitman: Contracts

Never loved this game, because it repeat the firts part. But sometimes I think that this game is much better than first or second part.

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Im late to the party on Cruelty Squad by a light year but I got it a few days ago and heres my thoughts.


Wonderful, actually amazing. Its absolutely not for everyone and its one set difficulty is brutal. I still think that the whole aesthetic of the game is incredibly well done with the fucked up art. Its also really, really crammed with extra stuff to do, new weapons to find in little corners of previous missions that you never thought of going to. I would rate the game 8.5/10

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I've been playing a lot of 'old and nostalgic' games by my generation's standards recently, and in this case, the Contra games. So far, I have beaten the original and Super C, as well as Operation C. I haven't beaten The Alien Wars yet, it's too hard for someone who grew up during an era of overly easy video games, but I'm getting good.


Games in the franchise I haven't beaten yet: Contra 4, Shattered Soldier and Neo Contra—my computer isn't good enough for a PS2 emulator, Contra Rebirth, I don't think I'll ever play this one, the Wii's store is dead, and I don't know anyone who could've possibly bought it when it came out. And for the last two, the original arcade versions of Contra and Super Contra, mainly since MAME is kind of hard to setup correctly, but I'm getting there.


Oh! And one final thing, I went back and played the PAL Probotector versions, which I found very humorous, especially in the final stage—which is clearly an alien hive, but there's robots instead of aliens.

Edited by Okej5722

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On 4/23/2022 at 5:18 PM, Azuris said:

Oh don't remember me, started it two Months ago and stoped at the prehistoric Phase.

Oh, you're doing better than me. I just arrived in the future, but I never got past that part :P


23 hours ago, Jello said:

Stick with it, it's a really good game. It's not the god tier game some people make it out to be, but it was an amazing RPG when it came out. The graphics are absolutely beautiful, and it has a good combat structure.

Everyone says that Chrono Trigger is very good and I'm enjoying it so far! Maybe the problem is, I didn't take the time to learn the mechanics of the game in the past. I guess I was a little lazy at the time :P

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5 hours ago, SilentD00mer said:

Oh, you're doing better than me. I just arrived in the future, but I never got past that part :P


Everyone says that Chrono Trigger is very good and I'm enjoying it so far! Maybe the problem is, I didn't take the time to learn the mechanics of the game in the past. I guess I was a little lazy at the time :P


Maybe if we both play about 50% of the Game, we could count it together and say we played through :P

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Playing Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord - it's early access but it has come a long way from it's original state. I'd say it has all the core mechanics and stability to be considered a complete game (putting current standards into consideration).


It's missing some extra features like the ability to join and host feasts at time of peace to mingle with fellow nobles, basic cut scenes like when you marry, option to build your own criminal syndicate in towns and some additional dialogue options from NPCs but none of these are integral to the game.


I added Diplomacy mod as unfortunately late game becomes a never ending war with all of your neighbour kingdoms if yours expand the status quo. The mod gives you options to ensue non aggression pacts, alliances etc that balances it. Also got a decapitation mod because violence is fun.


I'm really liking the sieges and combat in the game.

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On 4/25/2022 at 12:35 PM, Okej5722 said:

I haven't beaten The Alien Wars yet, it's too hard for someone who grew up during an era of overly easy video games,


Contra III is some bullshit, birthdate be damned.



Some Old Fuck That Never Finished It After a Bunch of Rentals Back in the Day


PS: It's mega-rad that you're playing through the whole series. Don't let some masochistic take on True Gaming Scotsmen sour your experience. You beat the original Contra: your reflexes are better than those of like 70% of Earth's population.

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On 4/24/2022 at 11:44 PM, SilentD00mer said:

Oh, you're doing better than me. I just arrived in the future, but I never got past that part :P


Everyone says that Chrono Trigger is very good and I'm enjoying it so far! Maybe the problem is, I didn't take the time to learn the mechanics of the game in the past. I guess I was a little lazy at the time :P

That happens to all of us. I keep trying to "git gud" at the Souls series, and I just get sick of dying.


But Chrono Trigger is worth sticking with. Combat isn't hard at all, it's probably easier than using Espers in FF6 and you'll get the hang of it quickly. And it's a beautiful game.


When I think about it, I believe my older brother's biggest problem with it was that you could see the enemies before engaging in combat. He preferred the random encounters, and disliked the more active combat in Chrono Trigger.


Then again, he stopped playing FPS games at Quake 2, because he shouldn't have to use the mouse to look around. I told him to try Half-Life, and he asked me if he would have to use mouse aim. That was a no-go.

Edited by Jello

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1 hour ago, Jello said:

When I think about it, I believe my older brother's biggest problem with it was that you could see the enemies before engaging in combat. He preferred the random encounters, and disliked the more active combat in Chrono Trigger. 

Funny, Secret of Mana was easily my favourite Square title back in the day, so on my first playthrough of Chrono Trigger I ended up being disappointed that the combat system simply wasn't lifted from there. These days I can appreciate the middle ground the system occupies; and totally agree with you about sticking with the game. The cast, the narrative, the soundtrack, the constant thematic changes and the way it all wraps together: I just find the whole package effortlessly endearing.


But at the same time, if a game bounces off of you, don't feel pressured to like it just because it's highly lauded.

Edited by Daytime Waitress

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28 minutes ago, Daytime Waitress said:

Funny, Secret of Mana was easily my favourite Square title back in the day, so on my first playthrough of Chrono Trigger I ended up being disappointed that the combat system simply wasn't lifted from there. These days I can appreciate the middle ground the system occupies; and totally agree with you about sticking with the game. The cast, the narrative, the soundtrack, the constant thematic changes and the way it all wraps together: I just find the whole package effortlessly endearing.


But at the same time, if a game bounces off of you, don't feel pressured to like it just because it's highly lauded.

That is very true, I never tried to pressure him into games with mouselook. It just would've been really fun to play Quake 2 DM on a LAN when he came back on break from college.


It is kind of funny that you mention Secret of Mana though, because that was also one of my favorite SNES RPG's. I really enjoyed the story, the game wasn't hard by any means, unless you were really bad, but the combat was fun. I thought it would be fun because it had coop, so we could each play a character. It was nice having completely active combat, it felt more like A Link to the Past where you were stuck into combat, you could escape or aggress at any time. And of course my brother hated it, because it wasn't built on stats.


I still remember him sitting down and writing stat sheets on graph paper for each character in FF6 and perfecting each of them, but that's him. I figured he should just have fun with the game. 


And then once he found out about the Lethe River cheat in FF6 all of his calculations went out the window.

Edited by Jello

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6 hours ago, Jello said:

That happens to all of us. I keep trying to "git gud" at the Souls series, and I just get sick of dying.


I finished 1 and 2 and concluded I don't like them and I mostly wasted my time. The difficulty was less consistently an issue (moreso bullshit spikes I'd call unfair/poor design) but whilst I enjoy aspects of what they did, as a whole, no, not worth it; I kind of get the reason people do like it but that doesn't really justify the attitudes they often have. 


I'm finally back to playing a series I did enjoy with the Ninja Gaiden collection; I love 1, like 2 a lot, but never really played 3:RE (3 standard is an infamous turkey) because the demo for it was kind of offputting. So I decided to focus on it for now because it's the one I played the least. And I have some issues with it (and no doubt more will crop up) but I probably shouldn't have outright rejected it. It's still certainly a fast and frenetic game with tight combat. The camera is a mess but if you finished any of these you learned how to work through it. 


The first two I still see as untouched when it comes to 3D combat. 

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Currently playing some Icewind Dale (and Baldur's Gate). I also learned you could make your own custom soundsets to use for the characters, so of course I went and recorded my own and ask some of my regular voice overs if they'd like to make a set too xD

Also taking advantage of being able to add custom portraits. Found a couple of nice fan packs. Anyway, I hadn't played this game in a LONG TIME, and being able to use my own soundsets from my team really makes the experience feel fresh! (Both screenies have different leaders since I was shifting everyone around to make sure their "becoming leader" snippet worked)





Edited by Kokoro Hane

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5 hours ago, Kokoro Hane said:

Currently playing some Icewind Dale (and Baldur's Gate)...



I don't think I have the energy to play through BG for the umpteenth time, and ID always bounced off of me for some reason.




I think it was because I was one of those kids that spent just as much time in the character creator as actually playing the Black Isle games, and probably burnt myself out on making a full party for ID each time.



But I'm thrilled to see folks still getting enjoyment from them. Is it your first rodeo? And have you got a link for the portrait packs?

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On 4/25/2022 at 5:35 AM, Okej5722 said:



Oh! And one final thing, I went back and played the PAL Probotector versions, which I found very humorous, especially in the final stage—which is clearly an alien hive, but there's robots instead of aliens.


But i have to admit, i ever liked the Robots more than the Rambo Style Characters.


The Cover Art has some strong Terminator Vibe,

sad that i can't find any of those Pictures from Konami / Tom duBois in a pure State and good Quality.



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I have just begun The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and am already hooked. The only other Zelda I've played and beaten was the original NES title.

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I'm playing Counter Strike 1.6, I was going to play Tomb Raider II but my steam controller needs Battery's :/

(also I'm new here lolz)



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Just recently started playing Metro 2033 Redux again.  The game still surprises me how good it is, particularly the nuclear winter atmosphere.  Being a first-person shooter helps, but the atmosphere really helps sell the survival horror side of it. 

Once I'm done, I'll be changing over to Last Light, and then Exodus after that.  Beaten Last Light before, also an amazing game.

Also just tried out ActRaiser Rennaissance, also really liking it, pleasantly surprised how much the strategy side of the game has been fleshd out (all aspects of it have been).  For anyone who has never played Actraiser, it's an action RPG fused with a city-building god simulator.

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Currently doing an OG Tomb Raider marathon (I - Chronicles) on my modded PS Mini, these are games I haven't touched in over 20 years. Right now I'm at the Venice stage of TRII. What I've come to realise so far is just how much modern games feel the need to spoon-feed the player. OG Tomb Raider doesn't even give you a spoon.


Also, Natla remains one of my favourite video game antagonists, at least in the original timeline. Nothing beats a villain with impeccable dress sense.

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