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Still playing Fallout 1. Now that I am done with my melee character run, I have started a new one as a diplomatic non-fighter who likes to gather allies.

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1 hour ago, Rudolph said:

I have started a new one as a diplomatic non-fighter who likes to gather allies.

When I played Fallout 2, I did a dog playthrough where I had 3 dog companions. You can actually get up to 4 different dog companions in Fallout 2, but the fourth one has really nasty side effects on your character that aren't worth it.

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Speaking of Dogmeat, poor dog did not last long in my previous playthrough: I made the mistake of giving Dr. Morbid an unprompted visit and Dogmeat took a SMG burst in the scuffle, dying instantly. The whole event felt so cinematic that I resisted loading a save and carried on.


Oh yeah, and I got so absorbed by my current playthrough that I stayed up to 4 AM in the morning, which must be a record for me. XD

Edited by Rudolph

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Just beat the new mw2 campaign




Im very excited for the return of Vladimir Makarov


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13 minutes ago, The BMFG said:


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Im very excited for the return of Vladimir Makarov




I thought the 2019 Modern Warfare was supposed to be a reboot.





Oh god, they really are going to remake No Russian, huh? Fucking hell...


Edited by Rudolph

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Replaying Judgment on PS4, I finished it once when it released but I'm replaying as some sort of "refresher" before playing Lost Judgment. Beside that, Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition on the Switch. Easily top 3 best musou games, if not the best.

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I am playing blood: fresh supply again. In my opinion one of the best fps games ever made. It's on the same place as blood for me personally. Good the death screams of the cultist are so satisfying


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Quake II. Just finished my YouTube playthrough of it, thinking about doing the mission packs next.

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1 hour ago, MrFroz said:

Quake II. Just finished my YouTube playthrough of it, thinking about doing the mission packs next.

Oh snap, I’d like to see that playlist! The expansions are fun, they start to improve the enemy AI and their moves. The first expac may have a rough start and the turrets in the second can get tricky but they’re still worth it.

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5 hours ago, BGrieber said:

Oh snap, I’d like to see that playlist! The expansions are fun, they start to improve the enemy AI and their moves. The first expac may have a rough start and the turrets in the second can get tricky but they’re still worth it.


It's here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcfRO1z6Sfa3ohSMyh1MWzqfV2f7i6apw.


I still haven't published all of the videos (I'm releasing three per day). I am playing the game with the Yamagi port just because I wanted to try something different than KMQuake which I always used, and I'm actually having some of the same problems that GalleyUK had back when he still had his channel and was playing through Quake II, issues with the videos being a little bit too dark in places in spite of increasing the brightness in-game, although its definitely worse in some sections (like the powered-off Warehouse) than others. Despite that I had a blast playing through it, and Unit 8 is my favorite set of levels of the game. Curious to play the mission packs as I have owned them for years but never even played them once.


Thanks for the interest, by the way. Sometimes recording a playthrough can be rather demanding for me and hence it's why I'm so relieved whenever I wrap one up.

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12 hours ago, SFFlowerBoy said:

I am playing blood: fresh supply again. In my opinion one of the best fps games ever made. It's on the same place as blood for me personally. Good the death screams of the cultist are so satisfying



Are there any big differences between Blood and Fresh Supply. Blood passed me by on release, I was more of a PSX guy back then. I bought Fresh Supply a year or so ago after beating Duke Nukem, something I'd never managed on PSX cause the controls kinda sucked with on d-pad.


Blood: fresh supply was awesome, feels a little like a mix of Duke and Doom. I assumed it was just a remaster for higher resolution and no dosbox, controller support, so on. Is classic Blood different? I've heard Blood 2 was a bit crap which is a shame.

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47 minutes ago, Wyrmwood said:


Are there any big differences between Blood and Fresh Supply. Blood passed me by on release, I was more of a PSX guy back then. I bought Fresh Supply a year or so ago after beating Duke Nukem, something I'd never managed on PSX cause the controls kinda sucked with on d-pad.


Blood: fresh supply was awesome, feels a little like a mix of Duke and Doom. I assumed it was just a remaster for higher resolution and no dosbox, controller support, so on. Is classic Blood different? I've heard Blood 2 was a bit crap which is a shame.

I'm guessing Fresh Supply probably has issues with some mods and I believe it still has some bugs and inaccuracies that won't get fixed due to Atari owning the property and not wanting to pay anyone to fix them. A lot of sprites were converted to voxels for it so those aren't in classic, but I think they can be modded in. Pretty much the same though. I prefer using the sourceport NBlood myself, there are a few to pick from. Check out the mod Deathwish if you enjoyed the game, it's well worth it. I know at least older versions of the mod were playable with Fresh Supply. Blood 2 wasn't just crap, it was broken beyond repair. Pretty much unplayable unfortunately. 

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26 minutes ago, StodgyAyatollah said:

Check out the mod Deathwish if you enjoyed the game, it's well worth it. I know at least older versions of the mod were playable with Fresh Supply. Blood 2 wasn't just crap, it was broken beyond repair. Pretty much unplayable unfortunately. 


Oh it's cool to hear there's some mods out there, never checked. Pretty sure there's one at least included in fresh supply, I should check that out too sometime. Shame about Blood 2, sometimes someone will fix these broken games, Diakatana, Gothic 3 and Vampire: Masquerade were all made playable by their communities. 

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@Wyrmwood As counterproductive as it may sound, I wish failed games like Blood 2 and especially Deus Ex: Invisible War could be given enhanced remakes. Especially the latter, which I thought it was much more compelling than the original despite being a worse game in almost every respect.

Edited by Rudolph

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2 minutes ago, Rudolph said:

@Wyrmwood As counterproductive as it may sound, I wish failed games like Blood 2 and especially Deus Ex: Invisible War could be given enhanced remakes. Especially the latter, which I thought it was much more compelling than the original despite being a worse game in almost every respect.


Yeah I guess studio's don't want to risk them failing again, it's much safer to remaster successful games.


I only played a little of invisible war, think it was on the first Xbox, that version wasn't great anyway, it was all kind of cut up into small areas not big maps like the first one. They did the same thing with Far Cry, the PC maps were just too big.

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13 minutes ago, Wyrmwood said:


Oh it's cool to hear there's some mods out there, never checked. Pretty sure there's one at least included in fresh supply, I should check that out too sometime. Shame about Blood 2, sometimes someone will fix these broken games, Diakatana, Gothic 3 and Vampire: Masquerade were all made playable by their communities. 

There are a few mods but Deathwish is one of the best I've seen for any game. It feels like an official expansion. Blood 2 would almost have to be redone from the ground up sadly. From what I've played it's not broken like Diakatana or Vampire. It's broken like Big Rigs.

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Been binge playing some Blood mods myself. Trauma Therapy especially made me feel. Currently halfway through Fleshed Out and having a blast. Also seconding the Death Wish appreciation, nothing really comes close to that one. just reinforces my decision to name Blood as my favorite game lol

also re: Blood 2, yeah i would kill an entire dark god cult for a proper remake/reimagining/Blood 2 the way it was always meant to be. Never really played it myself bc every time I tried to run the damn thing, it crashed 5 seconds in, but from what I've seen it's just an extra janky pre-beta work in progress that was forced out wayyyy too soon to have any sort of substance in both gameplay and storyline. and I'm not really all about the generic future cybertech 2028 city setting either, it's just not the same without the haunted victorian mansions and ambiguous old tech bits, yknow. at least we got more Caleb voice lines from that, can never get enough of those

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Started playing .hack//Infection on the PS2 about two weeks ago. It's a game about playing an MMORPG (The World) in which a weird series of events starts happening as soon as you start diving into it, you get involved against your will in this mystery and you get a power to surpass the limits of the game (you're not the only one to surpass it, but you posess a certain power that nobody has). That power is actually beneficial to the game's well being since you're disinfecting enemies from an unknown virus (hence the name of the game).

You have your own OS apart from that game (Altimit OS) in which you can check emails, news, customize your desktop and background music... Oh yeah and the game has it's own forum board in which you gather information about the game mechanics and events that occur, pretty cool!

The hub area has quite believable players (of which you can trade items and equipment). Some of the chat that you can have with these players are products of their era (early 2000s) but most of them could be seen in today's MMOs too.

I get why people say that it's clunky to play. Imitating an PC MMORPG on a console has it's limits: it's not an action game, it's a menu diving game appart from your basic attacks and interactions to get items, loot, etc. Those menus pause the game, which break the pacing BUT, I find it helpful for tense situations where you are at 1 second to death so I don't mind it.

The game has Japanese and English voices so I chose Japanese because first and foremost I'm a weeb, and also I imagine what kind of dub a game like this could have in 2002 so if I can surpass that, better for me.

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1 hour ago, Wyrmwood said:

Yeah I guess studio's don't want to risk them failing again, it's much safer to remaster successful games.


I only played a little of invisible war, think it was on the first Xbox, that version wasn't great anyway, it was all kind of cut up into small areas not big maps like the first one. They did the same thing with Far Cry, the PC maps were just too big.

Oh no, the gameplay and level design are not great, but as a continuation of Deus Ex's events, I thought it was pretty cool.

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1 minute ago, Rudolph said:

Oh no, the gameplay and level design are not great, but as a continuation of Deus Ex's events, I thought it was pretty cool.


Ah I see, I thought maybe the PC game was different, happened a lot back then. I should play the first one at least properly, I played 5-6 hrs of it years ago and enjoyed it but I'm pretty bad for starting a game and then getting distracted by another and that happened then I guess. I also received the 2 more recent ones through Humble bundles and both are unplayed so far.

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At the very least, it is worth playing - or watching a Let's Play - just to experience the continuation and conclusion of the Deus Ex story.


It made me care about the Denton brothers more than the original game and I particularly enjoyed the finale, even if the location felt a bit fanservicy. 

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Steamworld Heist is great, gets like really hard though by the time you meet the British type robots, keep getting my ass kicked now.


I put off buying Mario Maker until I'd bought all the other main Mario games but ended up playing that one most. Some really cool power ups you wouldn't see elsewhere like the Link suit and I was impressed it let people make full length games with Super Mario World style maps, I was expecting single levels.  

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Might and Magic VI

Tried to get into it 2001 and it didn't click with me, tried with the upcoming on gog, but no again.
But now i am over 10 hours into it and i don't know, i have some strange relationship with this game.
There is something about the style, that lets me come back again and again, even if i wouldn't consider this game really good, as you run into many situations where you can't win
and you wander around until you find a spot where you can proceed.

Music is really great.

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White Hell. A Retro fps set in an apocalyptic Finnland where Neo-Nazis and Communists took over and you have to face them. Exceptional level design and Enemy design. Can't wait for the remaining levels, when it's out of early access.

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I got addicted to this eat venture phone app game while I'm waiting for things it's pretty fun I get to be a chef

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