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I've been on another DS pilgrimage. recently replaced my broken 2DS with an old DS lite and played through Mario and Luigi: Bowser's inside story. Probably the best rpg game for people like me who can't sit through rpgs, lol.

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Decided to head back down the Fire Pro Wrestling World rabbit-hole, finally installing it on my new PC. Had been putting it off because I knew that once I got a fresh install, I'd have to manually unsubscribe from workshop items so I can start enjoying mods.


Thirty minutes have past and it still hasn't found all my subscribed items.





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  • Doom
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Edited by Geniraul

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On 1/27/2023 at 12:46 AM, Wyrmwood said:

Heroes of Might and Magic VII (or Might and Magic : Heroes VII for some reason). It's not as good as the almighty Heroes III but different enough to warrant a play, the graphics, sound and music are sublime, the stories are fairly well told and the battles are definitely a touch more tactical even if they do take a little too long sometimes. Special mention for the death animations, in fact the animations are pretty good all round, it's a little like watching that holo-chess game in Star Wars.


Heard it's pretty buggy but 3 maps into the Haven campaign and no problems so far, fingers crossed for the rest.


Played it a lot with my Wife, i think the buggy Status was at the Launch.

I have it on Disc (bought for a few Euros a few Years after Release) and after installing, it loaded a Patch as big as the Game itself, so it exchanged just everything.


So said, it is a pretty good Game and i like it much more than Five.


A fews Weeks ago i played through two of the Chronicles Games.

As cheap as they are, perfectly fine Campaign Additions to Three and good for Noobs, as you can play every Map on easy :P


Imo Might and Magic X was also fun.

They should have kept those Devs and Series ongoing.

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Goldeneye 007 thanks to the Switch Online release. This is my first time playing it and it's not too bad a version IMO once you rebind the controls.

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1 hour ago, Azuris said:

A fews Weeks ago i played through two of the Chronicles Games.


Same actually, though I only played half of the first game, that was what inspired me to try VII, it had been waiting in my pile of shame too long. Yeah not really noticed any major bugs, Haven campaign is done now (the the last map took two full evenings!) and halfway through Dungeons. Good game, only complaint is its too easy really and I've played it all on Heroic difficulty. Though that's not a major problem either, it's a nice chill out game.

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Alright, for anyone that cares, I finally finished Blood 2 on Homicide without cheats (aside from two instances where a leach or a tick latched onto my face while quicksaving, and it completely fucked up the run because they gradually change the brightness while they're choking you. But if you reload, the level will be permanently black aside from fullbright textures, so I just restarted those levels and turned on god mode to get back to where I was). 


Anyway, aside from those two instances, it was all done on Homicide, and it was absolutely miserable. I would not recommend it, there wasn't anything that was enjoyable about the experience. They recycle levels constantly, and dumping ammunition into the same boring enemies over and over again is tedious at best. Quick saving after every fight is necessary, because you don't know if you can kill the next enemy with four flares, or if you have to hit them five times with a Howitzer.


And the boss fights at the end were just, under-cooked. The last decent one was fighting Gideon at the top of the Cabalco building, because he could float in the air and teleport around the area, hitting you with either an earthquake/tornado attack, or a direct missile attack. But it was easy enough to stay away from him and shoot him with the .50BMG rifle, and at one point he got stuck in the floor of the building, but I could still shoot his head. I took out about a fourth of his health that way until he got loose.


Then you fight the three other Chosen one on one in an arena, the first one being Ishmael, then Gabriella, then Ophelia. The game gave me an .mfc crash the first time I went through this, but I had already noticed there were weapons and powerups in the arena around the center, since the fight doesn't start until you pick up the life-seed. And Ishamel spawns in at the front of the circle, so after I restarted my computer because of the crash, I just placed my remote bombs where he would spawn. That took most of his health, then I ran to where the 3x damage was, and used the double MAC-10's to kill Ishmael and the other two.


The second form of Gideon is when he transforms into a giant spider and spits acid at you. I ran a few circles around him and he managed to get stuck in the center of the arena, with no obstacles whatsoever, and sit there while I unloaded everything I had. It reminded me of the second boss of the game, that got permanently stuck and I just kept shooting it. Although honestly I don't see how you could kill them if they didn't get stuck, you can't dodge their attacks when they're moving at full speed. Anway, eventually he died.


Then it was one of the most impressive, well designed levels of the entire game. Going through an old city in the rift world, with branching paths, it was great. Except for the tedious enemies. And eventually you get to the Ancient One.


And the Ancient One is bullshit. It has a hitscan explosive attack that you can't avoid. I was lucky enough to go into the level with 293 health and 74 ward points. And it took me a few tries to figure out a strategy. There's nowhere to dodge the attack from where you start, or anywhere nearby, you're going to get hit with it. And it takes away around 100 health each time. So I died, and then I saw a ledge along the right side by the blood pool the Ancient One was in, and I saw a 3x damage powerup on a little raised rock ledge. So I ran over there, lost 100 health, and got the powerup. Unloaded everything I had while it was active, and managed to get him down to 75% health. And then spent the next fifteen to twenty minutes dodging in and out between his blasts until I killed it. And even after the on-screen health-gauge was empty, I still had to walk up to it and hit it with my dagger at least ten times to trigger the final cutscene.


But oh, what an amazing cutscene it was! The four Chosen together at last, and only Caleb can close the Rifts! So he strains, and he groans, and he lifts his pelvis in the air and screams! And then they all stand there looking around, confused as Hell. Because the game glitched again, and it was supposed to go to the credits, but nope, they're just standing there. So I reloaded my last save, killed the Ancient One again, and the cutscene finishes. And then it's just the four Chosen walking through ankle deep blood while credits play.


Alright, this is way too long. But I will just add: The Nightmare Levels are Crap. I actually had hope for them, but they're just crap. I finished them in one hour after finishing the game last night. I can understand why people were pissed when that was released as an expansion. 


But I will say this: Blood 2 might be worth playing on Genocide, because while the Nightmare Levels suck, playing them on Genocide was kind of fun. Because it was a power trip. Killing Drudge Lords and Drudge Priests with the pistols or the rifle in a few seconds after spending minutes on each one on a Homicide run feels good. It feels like vengeance.


So in the end my verdict on Blood 2 is: Don't play it. If you have to, stick to Genocide. I'm just glad that after 20 years of trying to get through it, I'm done, and it lived up to my worst expectations.



/Oh, and now I can get back to Hades. I've taken more than a few breaks from Blood 2 in the last week or so to play Hades. Because a futile attempt to get out of Hades is more fun than playing Blood 2




Edited by Jello

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I’ve been playing Hitman World of Assassination and wow, this is how they should’ve released the game in the first place. 

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10 hours ago, Jello said:




Was about ready to pull the trigger on getting this one, glad I read this.  Sorry you hurt yourself in this way, but good writeup.

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20 hours ago, Daytime Waitress said:


I did enjoy the read, but I'm sorry you put yourself through that.

Thank you very much for reading it, I appreciate that. I've been trying to get through the damn thing for over twenty years, and the first thing I thought of when I read *a particular form of masochism* was this:

And this is in no way a dig at Johnny Cash, I loved him, I still love him, and this song came out around the third time I tried to get through Blood 2, back in 2002. And I was still drawing Cabalco soldiers in my notebook. So in my mind the memories meld together. And after finishing the game, the song is perfect.


I love Monolith, and Blood is in my top five for FPS games, and I'm really sad that they were forced to push Blood 2 out early. I can see that it could've been a good game, maybe not perfect, it had Unreal and Half-Life to contend with, but if they were given the additional six months they asked for, it could've been good. But GTI wanted to push it out the door before it was ready, and it failed. But Monolith kept going, and they made the NOLF games, the FEAR games, the Condemned games, and the Mordor games. They're really good at making games, and it's a shame that Blood ended the way it did.

15 hours ago, vyruss said:

Was about ready to pull the trigger on getting this one, glad I read this.  Sorry you hurt yourself in this way, but good writeup.

I suffered so you don't have to. Even at five dollars, it's not worth the trouble getting it to work. 


Here's what I expected Caleb to look like at the end of Blood 2:




And this is what I got:



Edited by Jello

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3 hours ago, Jello said:

And this is what I got:




Jello, why tf can I hear "I've tried so hard and got so far / But in the end, it doesn't even matter" blaring in the background of this screenshot?

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14 minutes ago, Daytime Waitress said:


Jello, why tf can I hear "I've tried so hard and got so far / But in the end, it doesn't even matter" blaring in the background of this screenshot?

Alright, I started laughing my ass off. That song would fit perfectly with the credit sequence.




The credits never end, it's just the Chosen walking through endless blood and the credits start over again until you exit.


Seriously, In the End is the perfect song for the end of Blood 2.

Edited by Jello

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Serious Sam 4's done, and it was great. After recently playing through Doom 3 and enjoying it, I thought I'd give Doom 2016 another try before digging into some Siberian Mayhem.




It's been surprisingly fun. It feels like the seventh generation version of Doom 3 with the tone and setting, but with an emphasis on larger fights like the originals. The gap between it and Eternal wasn't as wide as I thought it would be: The alt fires and overall combat isn't as crazy, but it's the same solid "combat loop" with the dynamic replenishment I've enjoyed from Eternal. I even ran out of shells during a fight before I got the chainsaw, and a possessed soldier dropped some pity shells on death; I never noticed things like that when I first played through it! Still looks cool, too.

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Just started playing Prey, the newest one. I skipped it on release because I thought it looked pretty generic compared with the earlier game. I was wrong.


Loving it so far, nice combination of Bio-shock, Half Life, Doom3, Groundhog Day, The Freeman Show and Total Recall. Played 4 hrs straight with no smoke break, that's not like me.

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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. I'm so glad that I'm finally able to play this on the latest experimental release of PCSX2, this was one game that I played on the console but was never able to finish back when.

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On 1/30/2023 at 11:45 AM, Wyrmwood said:


Same actually, though I only played half of the first game, that was what inspired me to try VII, it had been waiting in my pile of shame too long. Yeah not really noticed any major bugs, Haven campaign is done now (the the last map took two full evenings!) and halfway through Dungeons. Good game, only complaint is its too easy really and I've played it all on Heroic difficulty. Though that's not a major problem either, it's a nice chill out game.


I should start it again, is i only touched the campaign a bit.

We only played Scenrarios (here i've learned that it is fun raising undead armies haha)


To the Topic:

This Week my Brain was destroyed because i had the early Shift (weaking up at 3 AM).

So i played Blade Runner, as i normally wanted to play Cyberpunk.

Nice detective Adventure, nice Graphics.

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I picked up the Dead Space remake after hearing people rave about it and so far I'm really enjoying it. It's not scaring me as much as I thought it would but I'm getting a kick out of the world and the combat. I didn't play the original Dead Space so I can't speak to how good the original is vs the remake but I'm having a blast.


At the same time I've been playing Pizza Tower, it's fun if you're into Wario Land-style platformers.

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On 2/2/2023 at 11:51 PM, MrFroz said:

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. I'm so glad that I'm finally able to play this on the latest experimental release of PCSX2, this was one game that I played on the console but was never able to finish back when.


Still at it, I managed to get farther in the game than what I did when I played it back in 2010 on a PS2. I'm really liking the game, I find it a refreshing take on the series' formula.

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On 2/1/2023 at 12:12 PM, Wyrmwood said:

The Freeman Show

The Truman Show!


Unless there is a Half-Life spin-off I am not aware of? :P

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11 hours ago, Rudolph said:

The Truman Show!


Unless there is a Half-Life spin-off I am not aware of? :P


Yeah its the one where Jim Carey hits some high tech machinery with a crowbar to repair it and ends up finding out he's just a character in a video game.

Edited by Wyrmwood

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Played Warsim on Work, hadn't to do much, so i loaded my evil save Game to conquer the Lands for the Demon Lord.

I destroyed the Demigods living in the Swamps and killed their God King by forcing him to drink Poison.


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On 1/31/2023 at 5:42 AM, Jello said:

Alright, for anyone that cares, I finally finished Blood 2

You actualy had to say only that...

Finishing Blood 2 is an achievement of its own.

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1 hour ago, DeathWalkerGT said:

You actualy had to say only that...

Finishing Blood 2 is an achievement of its own.

Well thank you... it is. Even if you cheated through the entire game I would imagine you would just get so damn bored of it before the end. This was a labor of love and pride; so I had to vent to the only group who might even know what finishing Blood 2 entails.


"I just finished Blood 2, after trying for 20 years."

"What the hell is Blood 2?"

"It's this videogame that came out in 1998, it's so terrible, and it's buggy, and it's a complete mess. It took me 20 years to finally get through the game."

"If it's that bad, why didn't you stop playing it?"

"Because I love Blood!"

"I'm calling HR."


Oh, and on topic, I'm playing through The Way of Ira right now. I have been playing Hades, and it's very enjoyable, especially for a rogue-like, I don't usually enjoy them that much. But it is just charming as... Hell.


But I thought I'd take a break from it and play some classic Blood. I cant believe I hadn't heard The Way of Ira until a week ago.

Edited by Jello

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Currently, playing Disco Elysium finally, it's been in my library for years now. Good so far but you really have to be in the headspace to read, concentrate and go through loads of dialogue. It's a slow game but it's been fun so far


Also been playing Hitman 3, I've been playing the trilogy since the first one got a "game of the year edition" back in like 2017 or something. Stellar trilogy, some missions are better than others but I highly recommend it if you enjoy stealth games, or Immersive Sim-like games.


Also, slowly getting addicted to Factorio. I can't stop thinking about conveyor belts... send help

Edited by Mr Masker

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10 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

@Jello I just wanted to let you know that your advice on installing Death Wish was invaluable, it works great (although I haven't had time to play it yet). Sorry I never replied to you about that. Have you ever played Fleshed Out?

You know, I was wondering for a bit if you had ever tried it out, but I'm really glad to hear that you did give it a try, and it works for you. It's an excellent expansion for the game, and if you're anything like me, and I kind of think we are, you'll have an absolute blast with it. And yeah, absolutely no worries about not responding, I do that myself. 


I haven't played Fleshed Out*, but that's next on my list after The Way of Ira. But yeah, go ahead and do yourself a favor and play Death Wish. And if you still feel like more Blood, The Way of Ira has been really good so far.


*Edit: Out of curiosity, I did try Fleshed Out, and got through the first level. It looks really good so far, and it's using a few visual tricks and some scripting that reminds me of Death Wish. So it seems great. Although the first level is a beast, and I can only see it getting harder; you're getting Tesla Cultists thrown at you within the first few minutes, Gargoyles, and armies of zombies. I am really glad that it gives you more flares, since I did complain about that with Ira, but it's hard finding a Cultist out in the open, so flares aren't as useful. And finding the Black Widow key seemed extremely obtuse, at least to me.


All told, it was a really good level, if a bit hard, but I think it should be fun. I'll probably get through Ira first though, because Fleshed Out seems like it's going to be a fun challenge.

Edited by Jello

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I just beat Silent Hill: Origins with PCSX2. The game was a lot more better than what I remembered it to be.

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@Jello The early (first three or four) maps in FO are actually by far the weakest. The second map, a train station, is probably the worst, but it's still fun. The later levels (giant mushroom forest, flying citadel-thing, Silent Hill style town) are awesome though. They're all long, big levels, but I didn't get lost once. Most of the maps aren't much more difficult than the original game, but the first map is kind of irritating mainly because of enemies attacking you from underwater. The mushroom forest is probably the best map I've seen in Blood. I also played French Meat 1, which was pretty decent, but the first half is better than the second one. I never played French Meat 2 because the tropical island theme, while fun, just isn't what I'm looking for when I'm In The Mood for Blood.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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