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I am playing various games on and off, probably looking to finish Amid Evil for the first time, given I've finished 4 out of 7 worlds. The only issue I have with the game is the occlusion culling being a bit noticeable and distracting at times but I love the game. I also think its one of the two prettiest games ever made (the other one is Dragons Crown), and its no slouch when it comes to creative level design, The Arcane Expanse just had many wow parts to it.


I also probably need to actually go back to Dusk, Ion Fury, Forsaken and Overload and finish them. I also plan to finally get through Planescape Torment and Fallout 2 sometime in the near future.


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I decided to continue playing Destiny 2, last time I stopped playing it after finishing the few early quests because I didn't know what else to do and felt like my progress came to halt, this time I've gotten into it properly and figured out how to actually ignore the side-distractions and start the campaigns. I really like the story and the lore, and how varied the environments can look, very gorgeous.

Edited by sluggard

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After cloning my HDD to a WD Blue overnight, I finally got Skyrim Legendary Edition installed. Been having fun with that, the combat and menus are vastly improved over Oblivion and it feels like I need fewer "fix" mods out of the gate to add a few helpful features.

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I bought The 13th Doll today. It's a fan-made sequel to The 7th Guest. Which I loved when I was a kid, even though it gave me nightmares. Because I was 7, and ghosts freaked me out.


So far, I'm on the fence about it, I've only done three puzzles, and tried a fourth, but they seem oddly obtuse. The first one was a word puzzle with the clue 1-2-3. So I kept trying to eliminate letters by using 1 2 3, first letter, then the second letter, then the third letter, and kept failing. The answer was to just select letters that appeared 3 times in the puzzle. The second puzzle was one with a dollhouse, and you had to get the figures out of the house without them killing each other. Some had swords, some had shields, one had two swords and one had two shields, and the last didn't have any weapons or defenses. It made sense after solving it, but not while I was doing it. The next puzzle was a Chess puzzle where you had to swap the places of two white and two black knights on a 3x3 grid. Which made sense, but I still think the Chess puzzles from the 7th Guest were a weak spot. 


And now I'm stuck on a spiderweb puzzle, where you have to move the spider through various webs, and there are numbered spots on them that you have to stop on. Ranging from 1-4. I figured if you landed on a 1, you would be able to move one more space. If you land on a 4, you can move 4 more spaces. That doesn't seem to be the case. It still seems arbitrary how many spaces  you can move in the puzzle, sometimes I'm on a 4 space, and I can only move 1 space. Sometimes it's the otherway round.


It's not bad, I'm enjoying it quite a bit; the atmosphere and music are great. But the puzzles, so far, seem to lack reasoning. And the voice acting and FMV's aren't anything to call home about, even compared to the original 7th Guest.  I'm hoping it gets better. For $13 on a GOG sale it'll probably be worth it, but the $30 Steam price tag seems way too high. We'll see if it improves. I hope it does.

Edited by Jello

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On 2/2/2020 at 11:58 AM, 4everDoomed said:

AM2R 2016


The unofficial Metroid II Remake.

I still can't believe how well it has been done,- I enjoyed it more often than the original one. Mission Accomplished! 


Kudos to DoctorM64 and his team! 




Do you have a link to the download?

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4 hours ago, Yourfacedotcom said:


Do you have a link to the download?



I uploaded the file myself. Damn. It seems I don't have the latest update yet, it should be something around 1.4.X. It's only version 1.1 

But it worked fine, never had any trouble with bugs. Simply unzip it and run the .exe file from the extracted content. Happy hunting !

Edited by 4everDoomed
removed link, didn't work

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Well, the next round goes to Castlevania: The Lecard Chronicles 2....

I'm not the biggest Castlevania expert, I only got in touch with CVII NES+GB, Super CV IV SNES; Circle of the Moon GBA, CV N64 (->a fuckin' short disappointment) , Symphony of the night PSX and Order of Ecclesia NDS.....


CV LC2 is another fan-made game. Beautiful graphics, awesome soundtrack, lovely details, RPG elements, some smart riddles here and there and a veeeery lot to explore and discover. Although it's a classic 2D side-scroller game, it doesn't feel too linear or dumb at all. 


I'm going to give it a 10 out of 10....





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Last summer (2018 to 2019) i started collecting as much JRPGs in old consoles (NES,SNES, MASTER SYSTEM, GENESIS, GB, GBC, GBA, NDS) as i can, why? Because i like to spend a good time with good stories. Strangely, i found in a long research thru specialized books about rpgs, forgotten pages, and unknow and undiscovered wikis, that, aside of the more popular entries (Dragon Quest serie, Final Fantasy, serie, Megami Tensei serie, Persona serie, Pokemon serie, etc.) there isn't much to play.
THERE ARE SOME REALLY OBSCURE GAMES, but nothing too amazing to mention.
During all the collecting, i played an indie RPG made in RPG Maker called '' The Way'' divided in 6 chapters. I highly recommend to everyone to play it, and don't get fooled by the cluncky and weird approach of the first two chapters. If one persist with it, you will find that this is probably the most wonderful indie RPG EVER made to this day, and i don't say this because just i liked it a lot.

Its a game full of ''humanity'' to put it in a simple word, something i see a lot of RPGs lacks or try to overuse sometimes, resulting in the opposite effect. With ''humanity'' i mean problems of everyday and the struggles of normal people but in a fantasy setting (the setting is probably one of the most amazing concepts that i found in a game) with a lot of humor, quests, gorier scenes, and getting more and more dark with the approach of the last chapter. Also, the game is pretty philosophycal too, something that i only found in games like Xenogear, Chrono Cross and Vagrant Story (Final Fantasy Tactics is satyrical comment on religion an fanatism). The 6 chapter is almost a whole game on its own. I spent, roughly, 40 hours in this game, with 15 hours solely playing the chapter 6.
Again, do yourself a favor and play this amazing game.

Right now i'm playin one of the weirdest entries of all the game i found during my research, its is calles ''Great Greed'' and it was released for the original Gamo Boy. Its pretty funny, with character's name that refferences diferent foods, like cabbage, candy, cookie, salt, and soo on. And its somehow about making aware of the problems of pollution and toxic hazzards. Its good, not amazing, but enjoyable soo far.
I really like to get into the first Final Fantasy Legend for the original Gameboy, later rereleased with its original name, Makatouishi SaGa and with a few enhancement for WonderSwan Color, but i played it until the middle, and then i get distracted.
My problem is that i get distracted pretty easily while playing anything, distracted with urges to play Doom, and that a shame because i played it more than anything else and i want to play more RPG that i couldn't play during my chillhood.

Edited by P41R47

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2 hours ago, 4everDoomed said:



I uploaded the file myself. Damn. It seems I don't have the latest update yet, it should be something around 1.4.X. It's only version 1.1 

But it worked fine, never had any trouble with bugs. Simply unzip it and run the .exe file from the extracted content. Happy hunting !


Thank you!


EDIT: Actually seems the download isnt working. Has some DMCA copyright issue. :(

Edited by Yourfacedotcom

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38 minutes ago, Yourfacedotcom said:


Thank you!


EDIT: Actually seems the download isnt working. Has some DMCA copyright issue. :(


Yeah, shit. Author got into trouble with Nintendo....they couldn't accept any "rivals" out there. Nobody earned money with that.

Instead of being flattered, kill 'em of. What a bunch of arrogant idiots. 

try that....or find it elsewhere. I'm sure it's not completely offline.


Edited by 4everDoomed

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I finished the Red War Campaign of Destiny 2


Liked the atmosphere in final mission, and being able to fly from one rooftop to the other while murdering some baddies was fun, having some other players fight alongside me in the lobby early on in the mission was cute. The Final Boss wasn't tough at all, I just had to wait for some platforms to magically light-up so I could use them to recharge super then spam it on him to damage him.

The gameplay reminds me so much of Halo with the grenade shortcut and that overpowered melee, even the First-person weapon view resemebles that of Halo's with how close the guns feel to the camera, it even has vehicles (can't say I'm surprised, it's Bungie after all) Dashing towards enemies after a long sprint is fun. The game also has those moments where you're trapped in an area and are forced to kill a number of enemies or destroy or deactivate a number of objectives before you progress but thankfully it's not so repetitive, the game keeps them varied by not requiring you to kill all enemies and instead makes you focus on specific enemies instead (and sometimes other targets that you have to deactivate or destroy), add that to the fact that the areas are usually large so they don't feel very restrictive.

Edited by sluggard

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17 hours ago, 4everDoomed said:


Yeah, shit. Author got into trouble with Nintendo....they couldn't accept any "rivals" out there. Nobody earned money with that.

Instead of being flattered, kill 'em of. What a bunch of arrogant idiots. 

try that....or find it elsewhere. I'm sure it's not completely offline.



Yeah I heard about that. Fuck Nintendo. One of the many reasons I will use emulators and custom firmware to play their games whenever possible.

Anyhow, thanks for the new link! It works!

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I've started up replaying a lot of Diablo 2 lately. It is fun, but feels mindless at times. I've seen how the game can get a bit addicting and I'm trying not to go down that road. I'm not too worried.

I also started replaying another game, Deadly Rooms of Death. Journey to Rooted Hold, to be exact. I have to say this is the best puzzle game I have ever seen. I feel smart playing this, though it can get stressful not seeing a solution to a room and banging my head against non-working solutions. 

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I finished Far Cry Classic on Xbox One (it's an Xbox 360 arcade release). I'm playing Far Cry 2 now. I know these games don't go in any order but i already had it installed on my HDD from when it was free with Games With Gold.


So far it's pretty fun. I like the environment a lot and the freedom that the player has. What i don't like is the weapon jamming, the overuse of the malaria gimmick (look it up if you want to know more), and only being able to carry one weapon of a certain type (aka 1 primary, 1 secondary, 1 special, ect.). There are plenty of safe houses where you can keep another weapon but you have to buy crates for them with "diamonds" (they are used as currency). The way the weapons are "organized" is a little weird too. A sniper is a primary but so is an AK-47 so that means that i can't have both on me at the same time. What gives??


Weapons also degrade so you have to actually buy weapons. Once you buy one you can just go back to the shop and pick it up again for free if it degrades. Every gun you find on the map is a degraded one and there is no way to upgrade it. It will jam, constantly! The immersion is real but maybe a bit too real imo.


There is also no on screen mini-map like in Far Cry Classic although i read that was based off of Far Cry 3's mini-map. You have to pull out an actual map to see where you are and use it. I find that i have to keep it out while driving too. You can switch between 3 different zoom modes since the map is so big. The cars do have a little GPS in them but i can't really make out whats on it as it's so small and the actual map shows a lot more. Trying to steer in first person mode (since there is no third-person mode) while looking down at the map can be a bitch! The roads do have signs on them and while on a mission they are a certain color which basically tells you to go that way so that does help a bit.


Also, enemies tend to be bullet sponges (at least on the easy). They do act realistically though so that's a plus but they constantly respawn in places i've already been/previously drove through even after i have killed them all. Overall the positives do outway the negatives even if it doesn't sound like it in my post. For me it's just fun driving around, using a boat, hang gliding (when available) and doing missions and exploring.


I have read that Far Cry 3 is a bit better and is also supposedly the peak of the series so i'll be playing that one next hopefully.

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Far Cry 2 is my favorite of series. Mostly because it is so ridiculously punishing. Although I do agree the malaria thing gets old pretty quickly, especially if you're right in the middle of something and you start getting sick. Also, the story is just so damn bleak and depressing. There's very few, if any characters who are morally superior to anyone else.


All of your criticisms are spot on though. The respawning checkpoints are incredibly frustrating. Once you get to the second area the gunboats are merciless. And there are times when it really feels like hell getting through the game. And yet I still have 65 hours in it according to Steam. So it did something right. Far Cry 3 was enjoyable, felt way too easy, and once you get to the halfway point it felt like it lost it's drive. By the halfway point in Far Cry 4 I just rushed to get through the game so I could free up space on my SSD. Far Cry 5 is still sitting there, half finished.


One piece of advice for Far Cry 2, just find a Golden AK. They don't suffer the same degradation/jamming issues of any rifle. Apparently they do degrade over time, but I'm pretty sure I used the first one I found up until the end of the game every time. If you buy a primary weapon crate you can store them as well, in case you need to use a different primary for a certain mission.

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Getting stupidly addicted to Magic: The Gathering Arena despite having never touched MTG before in any form. I seem to be best with green and blue magic.

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Done with the Curse of Osiris Campaign of Destiny 2, he's a good fella.

I'm having fun with it so far, plenty of things to do and things to grind for, but it never feels boring, incoherent or non-cohesive, and no tedious arenas, I'll settle with this one for a while.

Edited by sluggard

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I'm playing Strafe, the most misguided game ever. A game that tries to look like Quake and advertises itself with "shoot like it's 1996", yet is nothing like it.


It DOES look like an oldie, but the gameplay is so badly designed I can't believe it. It COMPLETELY MISSES THE POINT.


Remember how in Quake you barely found any health or armor?

Remember how you had to make every bullet count because there was no ammo?

How you had to use one weapon only because other guns were extremely rare?


Me neither!


But this is what Strafe has to offer. Contrary to what its title suggests, DO NOT STRAFE. "Strafe" means "go guns blazing and manoever around enemies". You'll be dead in a second.


Here, you have to carefully peak around every corner and take out enemies from afar, or wait until they come to you one by one. You can't outrun them anyway - the basic enemy is faster than you, so you have to take him out before he gets to you.


This is NOTHING like 1996 shooting.


Ammo pickups are non-existent. You have to buy ammo and it's extremely costly, you can barely afford it once per level - IF you find the shop, which is also hard to find (because the levels are randomly generated). And if you buy anything, you lose precious cash that you're supposed to use to buy parts of some device (that's the point of the game).


Health? It appears once per level, IF YOU'RE LUCKY, with 50 points worth of health IN TOTAL. You'll probably won't be able to replenish it fully. Yeah, you go and STRAFE!


Oh, did I mention that health doesn't regenerate from level to level? And that, due to the random nature, sometimes there is no way to replenish ammo and health when you start another level?


Sometimes the start of the level is a long corridor, and if the enemies spawn close, you can get blocked in this tunnel before you even start playing. This means huge loss of health.


There is a "low difficulty" setting, but it's stated it's not the way to play this game, the achievements are locked, and besides... it's not that much of a difference. You can still get screwed by an enemy generated in some stupid place. Especially these puking wall... things, that puke a substance that stays on the ground and hurts you. It can literally make it impossible to progress without losing health.


I don't buy the excuse that it's supposed to be hard. It's not hard, it's badly designed. One of the problems is the rogue-like nature. I don't like rogue-likes too much because they often feel so soulless, there is no flow to the levels. But here it's not only that, it's enemies getting spawned in idiotic places that block you or make you get hurt no matter what.


You know, this still COULD be fun, perhaps, if the game didn't try so hard to be a light-hearted retro shooter. It isn't. It's designed by someone who maybe saw a screenshot of a retro shooter, but never played one. It's slow and sluggish. And the single music track you'll hear again and again gets real old real quick.


Oh, and I'm playing on PS4. On this platform, which runs Doom 2016 in steady 60 fps, this ultra-simplistic, low-poly, low-res game BARELY keeps 30 frames, freezes for a couple of seconds, has laggy controls (to make it even harder) and loads longer than any game I can think of!


This is just inexcusable, this is pure garbage.


If you want to get a good rogue-like retro shooter on PS4, get Ziggurat. It does the same thing PERFECTLY. It's smooth, fast, movement-based, and doesn't screw you. It still gets boring due to repetition, but it's fun in short bursts.


Stay away from Strafe. I won't be playing it much longer.


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I agree about Strafe. I remember they made a really ridiculous commercial for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KY0WqDZea54


They promised quite a bit more than they could deliver. I had heard about it before that commercial, so I was interested in the game, but I usually wait for user reviews before buying something. I'm glad I did, it turned out to be a piece of crap. I ended up getting it in a humble bundle and played it for maybe an hour before I realized that it is just a really bad game. Procedural generation rarely works, especially in an FPS. It can work in a dungeon crawler like Diablo or Torchlight, but an FPS needs a concentrated level design to make it fun. Look at Slige, it's not bad at what it does, in fact it's pretty impressive. But it can come anywhere near a human designing each part of a level by hand, with the knowledge of what will be fun, what will be difficult, what will surprise the player.


And I agree about Ziggurat, it actually was fun in short bursts. Because it wasn't trying to be Quake, and it didn't take itself nearly as seriously as Strafe did. Immortal Redneck was the same. It's fine if you want to make a cheap, cheap FPS game with random level generation, just don't call it Quake. And Strafe is just so ridiculously punishing that it's not fun to play. At least Ziggurat and Immortal Redneck felt somewhat fair, even when I lost. Strafe really sucks, and I'm glad I got it in a bundle instead of paying for it outright.


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I've started playing Thief 2 properly, and enjoying it so far. I played and finished the original like 6 or 7 years ago, its took me a while to get to 2 but I think I'll enjoy it more, they clearly had a lot of new ideas on how to design levels compared with the original. 

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STRAFE was trash at launch but the updates redeemed a lot of its problems. It's not a perfect game by any means however, and the advertising was very misleading, it isn't like an old FPS at all, it's a rogue-lite FPS with an old FPS aesthetic. Once you get into it and take it for what it is though it's not that bad. DUSK gave people exactly what they wanted in the end anyway, and then there's the upcoming WRATH which looks even better.

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Playing "Death Wish" mod for Blood (just completed E1 of it). Damn, the level design kicks ass. Especially the secret carnival map blew me away. 


I have never come across any episodic mappack for Duke 3d that rivals DW. A must play for fans of build engine games in general and Blood fans in particular. 

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8 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:

Playing "Death Wish" mod for Blood (just completed E1 of it). Damn, the level design kicks ass. Especially the secret carnival map blew me away. 


I have never come across any episodic mappack for Duke 3d that rivals DW. A must play for fans of build engine games in general and Blood fans in particular. 


DW has by far the best combat but it really isn't the best looking mod out there honestly :p. Bloody Pulp Fiction, Dark Times, CWHHROT, parts of Bloodlines TC beta, and more that are skipping me right now have better looking levels.

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7 minutes ago, seed said:


DW has by far the best combat but it really isn't the best looking mod out there honestly :p. Bloody Pulp Fiction, Dark Times, CWHHROT, parts of Bloodlines TC beta, and more that are skipping me right now have better looking levels.


Wot. Well now I really need try out all those Blood mappacks that you mentioned.

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4 minutes ago, ReaperAA said:

Wot. Well now I really need try out all those Blood mappacks that you mentioned.


You have a list on my channel ;).


Note, however, that Dark Times is very cryptic - don't even think about playing that blind, you'll never get anywhere that way.

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