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I highly recommend the first two Metro games, @Chezza. Especially the Redux editions. They're much more tightly focused and refined than Exodus with a better and more challenging resource management system that should scratch your S.T.A.L.K.E.R. itch.

Edited by Biodegradable

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48 minutes ago, Chezza said:

I've never played any Metro before but a really big fan of S.T.A.K.E.R and I would judge metro as a less ambitious, overly linear, script reliant copy


Hard to look at them that way, especially since 2033 was meant to be based on the book with the same name. They have certain elements in common, but they're fairly different otherwise. The Metro games play completely different from Stalker, and are far less punishing - that is, if you don't play on the highest skill, then yeah, they can get pretty brutal.

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Finished both DNF and its DLC in Insane difficulty and while getting the last achievement necessary for 100%, I decided to celebrate with something I discovered back in 2011 - you can drown yourself in the first level's jacuzzi. It's what Duke would have wanted.


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4 minutes ago, SuperchargedEuthanasiaDiv said:

Finished both DNF and its DLC in Insane difficulty and while getting the last achievement necessary for 100%, I decided to celebrate with something I discovered back in 2011 - you can drown yourself in the first level's jacuzzi. It's what Duke would have wanted.



Honestly having seen a full let's play recently, the DLC for DNF is actually pretty nice. Definitely what the base game should have been, it's far better written, with only occasional cringe moments - they kept that obnoxious guard sadly... -, and the levels are also fairly good.


It's just a shame that the DLC is held back by the fundamental design flaws the game has. The combat is still quite clunky.

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9 minutes ago, seed said:


Honestly having seen a full let's play recently, the DLC for DNF is actually pretty nice. Definitely what the base game should have been, it's far better written, with only occasional cringe moments - they kept that obnoxious guard sadly... -, and the levels are also fairly good.


It's just a shame that the DLC is held back by the fundamental design flaws the game has. The combat is still quite clunky.

The DLC is pretty much only redeemed by not having a 30-something minute intro cutscene and somewhat by the Duke clone "stealth" level. Fun fact: you can kill the multilanguage clones by throwing weights at them over the wall.

Dr Proton fight is absolute dogshit thanks to these hovering suicide ball drones. Unless you have pinpoint accuracy with the chaingun cannon and good rng, you will absolutely want to punch a wall, because even at max Ego they kill you in 2 hits.

Then there's Magic Carpet Ride, which is basically praying that the collision detection doesn't fuck you over.

In general the key to completing the game on Insane is sticking with the pistol and the freeze ray in Duke3D mode. Just remember to switch back to the shitty DNF version to regenerate ammo. The Devastator is surprisingly shit outside of boss fights because it can't score headshots.

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still playing Lunar Silver Star Harmony, I've reached end game! 19 hours play time, all that's left is two dungeons. after this, back to finishing Corpse Party Blood Drive.

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Reached Delta Labs Sector 3 in Doom 3, excited for the Hell level. I forgot how big the majority of these maps are, they're anywhere from medium to large in size and there is a lot of them. To say there was no care put into Doom 3's design is reaching, plus every section of the game is distinct and has its own texture set and atmosphere. Really enjoying it!

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The main thing that makes The Doctor Who Cloned Me better than the base game is the lack of those turret sections. I like DNF, aside from those, which are just needless frustration on high difficulties.


I'm currently replaying every Serious Sam game in Fusion 2017. I started a couple of nights ago, and got up Oasis, via Moon Mountains, last night, playing on Serious. It's basically the same experience I had last time, as it's been a while since I last played it, but I feel like I'm finding less secrets as I can't remember from which my maps my vague memories of the secrets is from. Plenty of deaths, but plenty of saving, too - it'll take more than a counter going over an arbitrary number to stop me from save scumming my way to victory! Particularly when there's a Kleer ready to knock 50hp off of me around every other corner.

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Just finished Blake Stone, which I had been halfway done with and got reminded to finish it after the recent wolf3d thread. It's way better than wolf. Still crappy in many respects though. Once you have seen the mutant guards that get up off the bloody operating tables, you've seen the last surprise the game has to offer. And that's in episode 2 or 3 I think, so you get to play around 30 levels with no new enemies, including the bosses which are all complete garbage. They look kinda cool but they all seem to go down just as quickly as the previous ones, and they never have an interesting attack (most of them just have the same stupid pistol attack possessed by everyone else). I do love certain aspects of the game, the aesthetics are pretty cool throughout and I feel like making a Blake mod in GZDoom would be awesome.

Now I'm playing Abuse. Which I just learned is supposed to have music, but I have the wrong version or something. Some people feel that the music actually takes away from the atmosphere so I guess I'll just continue with no music... it is quite eerie. The artwork in this game is just stunning:

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Done with the new season quests of Destiny 2, overall better starting quests،, even decided to make the effort of creating a whole new area for it this time, mote banks are better than those seraph towers of the last season, not interested in Umbral Engrams grinding so I went back to CSGO.


Halfway through Darksiders 3, got the storm hollow, Fury feels like a more relatable protagonist than War and Death, she's just as over the top as her brothers but more charismatic. It's also refreshing to see them try a different formula after 2 Zelda-esque games, it feels slightly more punishing.

Edited by sluggard

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I finished TFE last night on Serious difficult in Serious Sam Fusion 2017. I'm tempted to go on to the Karnak demo next time I'm playing on my PC, as that's the next item on the list of episodes.


Pretty tempted to plug my Xbox 360 back in and make more progress on Perfect Dark first, though. I really want to to be done with that console, and I think it's just that (due to the saved game) and the remaining games on the Sega Megadrive Ultimate Collection to beat before I run out of stuff that isn't supported on Xbox One, one of which I'm probably being given by my brother soon, for free!

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As part of my Quake playthroughs, I decided to compare and contrast Quake 2, since Quake 1 is still fresh in my mind... God, I honestly love the quake 2 aesthetic and some of its ideas, but each time I play the game, it feels just that much more bland. I put the game on Hard and I don't think I came close to dying once. Nightmare probably wouldn't even be that much worse, I should try it sometime...


The Reckoning was short, but it was actually more interesting. Even those damn shielded gladiators weren't near as bad as I remembered, if anything they worked a lot better than the other bullet sponge-y enemies like Tanks because they actually were mobile and put up some level of a threat.


I'm now on Ground Zero, which is where I gave up last time. It was so brutally unfun. This time, I decided to be cheesy. I poked at a disassembly of the game's dll file and found where the turret health was stored. I reduced it to 150 (I might play around with it some, 150 makes them vulnerable to a single railgun shot). We'll see if it actually makes things more fun or not.

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44 minutes ago, SaladBadger said:

As part of my Quake playthroughs, I decided to compare and contrast Quake 2, since Quake 1 is still fresh in my mind... God, I honestly love the quake 2 aesthetic and some of its ideas, but each time I play the game, it feels just that much more bland. I put the game on Hard and I don't think I came close to dying once. Nightmare probably wouldn't even be that much worse, I should try it sometime...


It's funny you mention this as I am playing Q2 also just now and I've just came from the original game where I play on nightmare using the keyboard only and Quake 2 seems easy compared to Quake, even on hard. I enjoy the more open-ended nature of the sequel and its levels but I prefer the aesthetic and soundtrack of the original game.

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Just finished 2 playthroughs of Amid Evil for the first time (first on Medium, then on Evil). Really an absolutely amazing game, highly recommend it to anyone who likes classic shooters even a little bit. I did find Medium a little easy, but Evil was far more exciting. If you're experienced with difficult classic shooters, I'd probably recommend you just dive in on the hardest difficulty (which is hidden a la Quake btw).

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Duke3d World Tour. First time playing this port and at first I hated the shit out of it due to the insane mouse lag. 3D off + forced v-sync off through the Nvidia settings did the job. Now it controls pretty ok though not as good as EDuke32.

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I've been having a blast with the most recent Trackmania. Gotta go fast! Just reached TOP100 in Finland last evening.

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Completed Darksiders 3, probably my favorite out of the 3 mainline games, combat had a more tactical approach to it with enemy prioritization and demanded more focus for dodging rather than simply mashing buttons, specially with how much more damage enemies can deal here, so satisfying to hit that evade in the right moment and follow it with a flurry of attacks, that coupled with a large connected world and losing souls on death almost made it feel like a Souls-like with metroidvania elements here and there.


Probably going to do Darksiders Genesis next, the top-down view kinda does not sit right with me, but I've had my fill of solo games for now.

Edited by sluggard

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for the rest of the weekend, it's gonna be Dreams for me. I'm planning on building a first map in like a week, I still have a bunch of tutorials, though. If you want to check out my profile (although, I have nothing on there) my PS account is MrHankey123_zamj. Peace!

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Almost a decade later decided to give Torchlight another spin and actually finish the damn thing instead of dropping it after getting to that green aztec-like zone.

When I launched it today Steam found a mismatch between cloud and local saves and affter loading into the game it set me back 4 stages and 6 levels. 

Great start.

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I was playing Deus Ex, in the same manner I was playing System Shock 2, as in using a controller and using antimicro to allow me to do that. I also used GMDX v10 with the graphics options turned off (Deus Ex looks fine whereas System Shock 2 benefited a lot from the graphics mods people make for it)


And I was really enjoying it at first but as I continue into it (finished the NSF warehouse) problems with playability just start to compound. And I am not blaming the game because it wasn't designed for a controller, although that said I can't tell if that's outright the issue or if its weapon accuracy system is the issue or if its both. But I played Human Revolution years ago, I thought that game was great. That game wasn't like Bioshock or Thief 4, it was a game that managed to keep what made Deus Ex clearly great, but also made it a lot more polished. So the simple fact is whenever I confront enemies in Deus Ex, I make a plan, to deal with them before any alarm can be hit. But I cannot rely on making a one hit kill headshot. I cannot rely on anything other than a stealth melee hit dropping an enemy in one shot. Maybe if I levelled up pistols again, maybe it would but I don't know, and that's the problem. I kinda realise stealth is hurt in the game by the way the weapon system works and the fact weapon damage and accuracy is tied to also needing to be levelled up. Or maybe its not that at all and I should be using a mouse, I can't tell and it really hurts playing it. Also lack of maps in most cases makes the game a bit of a nightmare to navigate and I never feel like I know where to find anything and I wander a lot. Some games can get away with no maps, like lack of a map oddly enough was never an issue for me in Dark Souls. It had pretty well done levels, now screenpic this because I almost never say anything positive about Dark Souls. Also @seed I actually prefer System Shock 2's movement physics :P


System Shock 2 had none of these problems anyway, it has maps, it doesn't base weapon accuracy on stats, just damage, enemies have visible health bars, and enemies are giant hitboxes so precision isn't an issue using the controller.


But again, I can't blame my problems too much on the game itself, it just doesn't play particularly well doing the controller thing, and I can't really be bothered trying to do the PS2 version. I would rather just play HR again. 

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