Alfonzo Posted July 1, 2017 (edited) July, 2017 > Download Insertion > 2017 Season Standings Leaderboard # Survived [01:12:39] Bloodite Krypto - Sometimes I wonder what a Bruce Willits Diehard sequel would look like. # Survived [01:37:21] Veinen - There's a fine line between getting crushed and getting made. Chalks up his 4th green for 2017. # Survived [02:31:50] Alfonzo - Got lost in the nineties for almost half an hour. Mr. Shaw knows how to craft 'em. # Map11: WH-Wilou84 - It begins. Kneaded into the floor by the BOSS CRUSHER. # Map11: Beginner - Yes, it's everyone's favourite BOSS CRUSHER! This time within 128 units of the exit. Nice. # Map10: Roofi - Died to the nineties. What is this trap even— # Map09: Demon of the Well - A rare slip down the ladder by DotW as he tries and fails to trick his way out of a freak accident. (DNF) # Map08: Ancalagon - He was on 22% health and then he was dead. That's all our forensic team has been able to figure out. # Map08: DoomLover234 - Blundered his way into a corner to be splayed apart by hell knights. # Map08: an_mutt - Went jousting with a revenant and with no room for error. Fun times. # Map08: dt_ - Wore one in the cage fight. # Map07: lupinx-Kassman - Welcome to the shitshow, Kassman! Nice dodge. # Map05: bonnie - Pressing buttons in a desperate bid to remove yourself from danger is always risky business. Good death cam. # Map05: AnimaZero - Fascinating stuff. Took a road less traveled and suffered an outrageous journey of bad luck and blur spheres. # Map05: Archi - Caught off-guard by a Hell Revealed. # Map05: Rathori - Textbook beat down at the RK pickup. # Map05: Dime - Was so wary of the potential softlock that he... (DNF) # Map05: Aquasa - Good demo. Plenty of drama. Spectre denies our hero the ultimate Great Escape. # Map05: stewboy - Harsh induction for stewboy with another SLADWALL lockout. (DNF) # Map05: Doomkid - "Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in" # Map05: Suitepee - Shades of regret and bitter acceptance the moment he picked up that key. # Map05: RjY - In the five challenges he's attempted this year, RjY has died precisely zero times. He's also failed to finish four. (DNF) # Map04: SSGmaster - Ah, inescapable pits; the cornerstone of every'90s masterwork. Tough luck. (DNF) # Map04: NoisyVelvet - Remember, folks; pacifist archviles are the most dangerous demons around! This is my favourite death. # Map03: Bashe - It's the silent efficiency with which the BK crusher does it. A few grunts; a few spats of blood. One dead Bashe. # Map03: rodster - This time it's the other other crusher. The first one. Sort of embarrassing. # Map03: Sparktimus - Oh but this is just cruel. So, so cruel. He knew what to avoid! # Map03: Eris Falling - THE CRUSHER'S NAME IS NOT WATSON. IT'S JUST CRUSHER. Also rip # Map03: DaIcemann76 - Quick draw chaingunner has ice in the veins. # Map03: JudgeDeadd - The crusher is Judging your performance. It deems you unworthy. # Map03: bzzrak - Manages to skip the crusher trigger with a cute little jump, but runs around to meet his certain fate. Guilt trip? # Map03: cannonball - The old spectres in liquid trope. It really works! # Map03: 2016-12-32 - A revenant is revealed! # Map03: dobu gabu maru - Lifts and revenants are spooky, but it's a rogue imp that gets the chocolates. # Map03: rehelekretep - Cornered by an ambush of hell knights and bone heads. Didn't die to the crusher, though, so there's that. # Map03: loveless - Well that's one way to get out of the BK room. Well played. # Map02: Crusader No Regret - *raises glass* What is the Doomworld Ironman League? The DWIronman League is a monthy competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given mapset, preferably in one sitting. Click the spoiler tag below for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome; it could change the way you play Doom! In July 2017 the DWIronman League dies to Insertion, -complevel 2 (Doom (strict)), a classic episode from 1998. It was assembled by a few of the guys involved in immortalizing the standout megawads of the era — David Shaw and Adam Williamson, to name a couple — and continues to enjoy standing as one of history's hidden gems; a kind of swansong episode for the nineties. You can expect the sorts of unnerving experiments and design that defined some of the most notorious levels in MM and Requiem and so on... and continue to this day to catch players unawares! Lock and load... for the last time? Warning!: Potential DNF (Did Not Finish) spots: map04 has a demon-filled pit at the north side of the big marble room to the east. This pit actually rises up to come level with the rest of the room once you trigger it by picking up one of two key items in the center, but if you drop down beforehand you'll be stuck. The same room has a small nook that you can slip into next to a SS, but don't worry; that one you can actually get out of. Just spam spacebar! map05 has a very dangerous DNF spot. If you turn left after entering the RK door and descend the lift (mandatory), you'll come across a STONE3, oval-shaped room with a small catwalk. Once you enter this room, keep moving forward! A fast door closes behind you, and if you back out too soon you'll be locked out of progression. Happy 1 year anniversary, DWIronman League! prboom-plus -file insrtion -complevel 2 -skill 4 -record my_demo Spoiler One attempt per month. Good luck! Demos (PrBoom+ and GLBoom), stream highlights and single-take video recordings are the only accepted proofs. UV only continous; no pistol-starting. No auto-loaded wads unless they are purely cosmetic. No hard-coded cheats or features that result in behaviour beyond what is possible in the intended source port (e.g. freelook, jumping and crouching in a boom set). If streaming or recording videos using an advanced source port with compatability options, you must not enable any flags that result in behaviour beyond what is possible in the intended source port. In most cases, this will mean that you can comfortably use "Doom/Boom(strict)" behaviour in ZDoom, for example. You must also display these settings on-screen before your run. If you choose to stream your run rather than provide a demo and you die before completing a single level, either on map01 of a set or because of a single level being selected for the month, you must display the number of monsters killed/remaining in the level before you quit. The number of kills registered will determine your ranking versus other players who died on that level. You do not have to play the secret levels in order to register a complete run. However, a player who finishes the game having completed more secret levels will rank higher than his competitors. You do not have to complete your run in a single sitting. Such runs are considered to be "hardcore" runs. For stream and video recording users, you need only load a savegame that has been shown to be set during the previous segment, and again displaying the same compatability options. For demo users, you may continue using the same recording using a save file linked in the thread alongside the demo, assuming the -complevel allows for this function (e.g. -cl 9). Otherwise, the run must be completed in a single sitting or in segments separated by forced pistol starts (mandatory death exits) and episodes. You cannot load a game having progressed past the save point. This includes "scouting ahead" for map details "just to check on something." You cannot consult Doom Builder during your run to check for map details. Your viewers may, however. If you die for any reason, tough luck! Your little brother snuck into your room while you were paused and getting tea and walked your marine into an inescapable pit? Brilliant. You went to answer the doorbell but knocked over your mug of hot chocolate and a baron ripped your arm off? Walk it off, hot stuff! You're through. If your operating system fails during the run such that the stream/recording becomes irretrievable, you are permitted a second or subsequent attempt offline. Technical difficulties during streams or recordings that present as merely an impediment (i.e. the run is still observable, in the case of a stream) do not count as system failures. In these instances, you should save the game, if possible, and resume when the issue has been resolved. Death exits do not disqualify a run (duh!) but accidentally restarting the level before the tally screen appears will. Stay frosty! In the event that the leaders are tied having died on the same map, the player to have arrived at the map of death in the fastest time will be deemed the winner. Previous Threads 2016Jenesis (winner: Demon of the Well)Crusades (winner: Ribbiks)Nilla Doom (winner: Demon of the Well)Khorus' Speedy Shit (winner: Bloodite Krypto)Perdition's Gate (winner: Bloodite Krypto)UAC Ultra (winner: Bloodite Krypto) 2017Jade Earth (winner: Bloodite Krypto)Legacy of Heroes (winner: Bloodite Krypto) Back to Saturn X E1 (winner: dew) Mapgame (winner: Bloodite Krypto) Vae Victus 1 & 2 (winner: Demon of the Well) Disturbia (winner: Bloodite Krypto) Edited August 1, 2017 by Alfonzo I am an update. 8 Share this post Link to post
Ancalagon Posted July 1, 2017 (edited) Died in map08 at around 50 mins, blind run. Edited July 1, 2017 by Ancalagon 0 Share this post Link to post
Anima Zero Posted July 1, 2017 (edited) I just love wads where you have to blast through narrow corridors chock full of monsters you have to kill (not!). I also love how map 5 gives you a secret where you kill two enemies, lower a wall, kill two more enemies, lower another wall. Keep doing this like five times until you get to an invis sphere that release like two dozen imps. That's good and all, but me being on 18 health when those imps got revealed and making it harder to dodge those fireballs as a result of being invisible didn't exactly end well for me. Not exactly a fan of this wad honestly, especially the secret hunt in map 4 that almost made me ragequit. Edited July 1, 2017 by Anima Zero 0 Share this post Link to post
SleepyVelvet Posted July 1, 2017 <insert insertion jokes here> Anyways, this is yet another mapset I haven't played nor heard of: do I take the time to prepare myself or do I bite down on something and take it blind and dry? 1 Share this post Link to post
DeletedUser Posted July 1, 2017 (edited) I love me some David Shaw and Adam Williamson mapping ;) Very fond of the Memento Mori megawads and Requiem. I discovered this nearly a decade ago, on Andy Olivera's youtube channel funnily enough, when he was uploading TAS runs of Twilight Zone, Darkening II, Eternal and this cropped up :D It has a nice, classic feel with it's cavernous outposts and subterranean excursions. I don't recall it to be difficult at all, it's on par with the aforementioned megawads they went on to manifest, played it a number of times, guess I'll have to wait till next month for another megawad I hope :D The last was March with BTSX, although not exactly the whole 32 levels, so that would be a partial megawad :P Edited July 1, 2017 by Bloodite Krypto 0 Share this post Link to post
Alfonzo Posted July 1, 2017 (edited) I've completed my run but will stream the playback with commentary in about 5 hours ( before uploading it to the OP. the an_mutt method from last month worked rather well, I reckon. 50 minutes ago, Bloodite Krypto said: I'll have to wait till next month for another megawad I hope :D You will get your just desserts :) Edited July 1, 2017 by Alfonzo I am not a double post. 0 Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted July 1, 2017 (edited) Been playing about an hour, after a serious case of the "WHERE THE FUCK DO I GO"s on map04 I got to map05 with loads of health and armor, then I grabbed a yellow key that released 99999 Barons, Pain Elementals, Cacos and more while simultaneously lowering the floor under me into a pit of nukage. Infinitely tall actors prevented me from getting to the (hidden!) exit from the slime until I was basically dead, and of course the "exit" just gets you back to a zero-protection, zero-cover platform directly in the center of the fray. What an absolutely filthy, rotten trick to pull on the player. I loved it! This whole set so far has been right up my alley, surprised I've never heard of it before. Edited July 1, 2017 by Doomkid 2 Share this post Link to post
NaZa Posted July 1, 2017 Played this before! I will be sad if I dont get to MAP07. I have a nasty feeling MAP05 will take most deaths this month. 1 Share this post Link to post
Suitepee Posted July 1, 2017 Well an_mutt goes first in this month's edition of the Britbowl. (currently tied at 3-3) Here's hoping I can.....not die too fast. 0 Share this post Link to post
Havoc Crow Posted July 1, 2017 I think I'm doing pretty gooWHY IS THERE A CRUSHER HERE FUCK YOU MAP03 1 Share this post Link to post
rehelekretep Posted July 1, 2017 (edited) no excuses - i completely panicked after most of map01 & 02 had lulled me into a false sense of security and got cornered on map03 by revs/HKs. an imp applied the finishing touches :( Edited July 1, 2017 by rehelekretep 0 Share this post Link to post
Bashe Posted July 1, 2017 1 hour ago, JudgeDeadd said: I think I'm doing pretty gooWHY IS THERE A CRUSHER HERE FUCK YOU MAP03 Same 0 Share this post Link to post
Paul977 Posted July 1, 2017 5 hours ago, Bloodite Krypto said: I love me some David Shaw and Adam Williamson mapping ;) Very fond of the Memento Mori megawads and Requiem. I discovered this nearly a decade ago, on Andy Olivera's youtube channel funnily enough, when he was uploading TAS runs of Twilight Zone, Darkening II, Eternal and this cropped up :D It has a nice, classic feel with it's cavernous outposts and subterranean excursions. I don't recall it to be difficult at all, it's on par with the aforementioned megawads they went on to manifest, played it a number of times, guess I'll have to wait till next month for another megawad I hope :D The last was March with BTSX, although not exactly the whole 32 levels, so that would be a partial megawad :P Congrats on winning this month ironman league 6 Share this post Link to post
BigDickBzzrak Posted July 1, 2017 1 hour ago, JudgeDeadd said: I think I'm doing pretty gooWHY IS THERE A CRUSHER HERE FUCK YOU MAP03 24 minutes ago, Bashe said: Same Same 1 Share this post Link to post
Sparktimus Posted July 1, 2017 Was fully prepared for the crusher in map03, still fell victim to it in the most unceremonious fashion. Get a load of this shit. uh_oh.7z 2 Share this post Link to post
SleepyVelvet Posted July 1, 2017 (edited) Map04 archvile spook prboom-plus.exe -file .\insrtion.wad -skill 4 -complevel 2 -record noisy.insrtion.lmp -nomusic edit: I figured out how to upload a gif, here: edit: completely blind run, except for the opening shot of the first map to see if I liked the music. Edited July 1, 2017 by NoisyVelvet 3 Share this post Link to post
Anima Zero Posted July 1, 2017 Three people dying to crusher shenanigans in map 3....Alfonzo, you might have to think up a name for those crushers at this rate, heh. 3 Share this post Link to post
Alfonzo Posted July 1, 2017 I should! Only, there are other crushers later in the set that may... steal some of the limelight :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Aquasa Posted July 1, 2017 I had a pretty interesting time with this one. I got fucked up by The Crusher in 03 but lucked out with 2 health to spare. Then I seemingly stucked myself with glide powers in 04, but narrowly escaped. And finally, an unexpectedly brutal YK trap in 05 tore me up, which would've been okay if I didn't get blocked by a spectre on my way out. I liked the direction this wad was going in towards the end, gonna have to give it a shot with pistol starts. 0 Share this post Link to post
Alfonzo Posted July 1, 2017 Survived [02:31:50] Head's rockin' with tiredness so I may write up a little more tomorrow, but damn it's good to be alive. Getting lost will cost me places at the end of the month, I'm sure of it. 3 Share this post Link to post
SSGmaster Posted July 2, 2017 I thought it was a good idea to go into that pit but I forgot it was a 90's wad. The radsuit just make the death more painful. 2 Share this post Link to post
Alfonzo Posted July 2, 2017 (edited) Just a quick heads up for those wanting to know where potential DNF spots are (SSGmaster just discovered one of them. whoops!): map04 has a demon-filled pit at the north side of the big marble room to the east. This pit actually rises up to come level with the rest of the room once you trigger it by picking up one of two key items in the center, but if you drop down beforehand you'll be stuck. The same room has a small nook that you can slip into next to a SS, but don't worry; that one you can actually get out of. Just spam spacebar! map05 has a very dangerous DNF spot. If you turn left after ending the RK door and descend the lift (mandatory), you'll come across a STONE3, oval-shaped room with a small catwalk. Once you enter this room, keep moving forward! A fast door closes behind you, and if you back out too soon you'll be locked out of progression. Edited July 2, 2017 by Alfonzo I am a grammar. 0 Share this post Link to post
WH-Wilou84 Posted July 2, 2017 (edited) Here's my attempt. I died at map 11, in front of what I believe was the very last switch... Had I been Dhalsim from Street Fighter II, the switch would've been within my grasp, but alas, that bullshit square room entirely made of crushers got the best of me. This, along with map 10's annoying square lift / switch puzzle area, are a plague straight from 199* that I'm glad we don't see anymore. Other than that, the wad's pretty damn good :)Edit : and yeah, I watched some of you guys' submissions before diving in, as I really didn't know what to expect. Edited July 2, 2017 by WH-Wilou84 0 Share this post Link to post
Alfonzo Posted July 2, 2017 (edited) 17 minutes ago, WH-Wilou84 said: Here's my attempt. Spoiler Haha! That final crusher room is probably the number one reason I decided to pick Insertion for Ironman, this month! My apologies. Sort of :D In my experience, the most you can hope for versus this BOSS CRUSHER is a lucky roll of the dice and to enter the room with a great deal of health and armor. Trying to forge a direct route through to the switch is a total guessing game, unless perhaps you're supposed to move to the far side of the room first. I haven't actually checked, and I sure as Hell wasn't going to start experimenting with the exit less than 600 map units away. Anyway, with some good timing you can at least minimize the damage. I managed to duck through without getting smooshed more than once! Good run, otherwise :) Edited July 2, 2017 by Alfonzo 1 Share this post Link to post
rodster Posted July 3, 2017 Died to a crusher on map03 2 Share this post Link to post
NaZa Posted July 3, 2017 Here is my demo, died on MAP08. What a fucking cheap trap that was. I believe I saw a megasphere too. Nevertheless, fuck it. I knew I'd die here since this map is full of nasty surprises, but that was a bit too cheap imho. I was rather erratic from MAP01 thru MAP04 to get the most time if I die on MAP05 (and to place a bit higher). I'd say that the nastiest maps in the WAD are 03, 05, 07, 08 and 10. MAP03 is very unforgiving to blind players because of three piles of crushers, and without foreknowledge it's easy to get stuck in any and die. Leaving an area filled with monsters can also be very hazardous. Long time ago, I left the yellow key room without killing anyone, and when I got the blue key, the horde pushed me to the crushers. Same can happen with the red key horde of Revenants if you go to the exit too quickly. It's the first nasty map in the set. MAP05's nastiest encounter in my opinion wouldn't be the yellow key trap because, as I showed, it can be escaped very easily, and monsters can't trace you back because of the switch lifts. It would rather be the whole blue key area, complete with the catwalk. The moment the catwalk lowers, those two chaingunners can shred you apart. If you manage to cross it, the two barons can, and will, corner you. But that's not it. The next room has a lot of dangerous monsters in a very cramped area. The pain elementals will flood the area with lost souls, and if you flip the switch, the chaingunners can shred you. It's incredibly tricky. The exit is trivial and piss easy to avoid. MAP07 has nasty traps with hitscan enemies, such as that corridor to the arch-vile area. When the computers open to reveal shotgunners, you'll die if you don't have the megasphere. And the quartet of revenants when you return to the epileptic room is also scary. The rest of the map is a bit easier though. MAP08 is full of very cheap traps and it's definitely one of the hardest levels in the set. The teleporters (without any sign as to where they lead to) will trap you in the nastiest of traps, including a trap inspired by MAP13 of Hell Revealed, complete with Chaingunners and Pain Elementals. It's not that bad, but there are a lot of cruel traps. MAP10... well, I won't spoil you everything ;) But it's not that bad of a mapset. I really liked it before, and I still do. It's impressive and challenging. I'd suggest everyone to continue playing it after the challenge - it's full of challenges (and dickish crushers) 1 Share this post Link to post
guineu Posted July 3, 2017 Last time in January I messed up and played with mouselook. Now I'm using PRboom+ for the first time and hopefully didn't mess anything. Did better than I expected, reached map 03 and then got fisted. Not surprising when you play Insertion ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). 2 Share this post Link to post
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