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Perdition's Gate Resurgence (Midis needed)

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9 hours ago, Jaws In Space said:

Would anyone be interested in making a secret map? I'd be willing to replace my own map with something better if somebody wants to give it a shot. Just let me know & I'll give you the details for what I'm looking for.

I can try, tell me what to do.

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Hey everyone quick update. 2 maps by Scorpius are being removed from this wad, one from episode 1 & one from episode 2. If anyone wants to fill in either of these spots let me know.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everybody, just a quick update today. There's been lots of activity going on behind the scenes as far as development goes. For some sad news Soundblock has ask for The Divide to be removed from the project as he isn't completely happy with the map & felt the map doesn't capture that PG style. However Purist & A.Gamma have joined the team & have filled out the last 2 open spaces in the Egyptian episode. Wraith777 has joined the team & is very near to completing a map for the 2nd episode & that will be the last map needed for E2. Having just finished up the Egyptian map A.Gamma is now moving on to make a Mackey McCandlish map.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi everyone, another small update today. Quite a bit of mapping has been accomplished in the past month, as of today there are only 3 unfinished maps! A.Gamma is working on the last Mackey McCandlish map for E3. Also AD_79 has come onboard once again, but this time as a midi composer, currently he is going through the wad & picking out which maps he wants to make midis for. As far as maps 29 & 30 are concerned Eradrop still hasn't been on Doomworld for the past few months. As I said previously if has not returned by July I will re open up those 2 maps.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello everyone, it's time for another update. Today it's an important one! As of today we now have the first 28 maps of the wad completed :) Now all we need as far as maps are concerned is map 29 & 30 from @Eradrop. He has logged onto Doomworld recently & I have sent him a pm asking if he is still able to work on the final 2 maps, hopefully he is able to respond soon. In the meantime I have started contacting a few artists on Doomworld in regards to making a few Hell to Pay style CWILV graphics for the end of each map. I figure that this will add quite a bit of development time to the project, but this is something that needed to be done once all the maps were set in stone. I'm going to run through the wad a few times this week to make sure everything is polished & then next weekend I'll release an alpha of the wad for testing.

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Out of curiosity I loaded up map 01 and found these bleeding midtexes:




I then tried map 08 and got to a fight with teleporting spectres, a pain elemental and chaingunners (oh, and one cacodemon long after everything else was dead). I didn't immediately drop into the fight so it quickly got flooded with infinite height and figured that waiting for the bars to reopen was my only chance. My bad in part, though by doing this not only I "locked" myself out of the fight but also trivialized it, so maybe that's worth looking at.


That said, I'm very curious about the final product. 

Edited by galileo31dos01

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Just played through the first 11 maps and it's good so far.


A few noteworthy things to mention coming from my session:


MAP01: The gate/fence in ^ screenshot is not marked impassable and can be walked straight through.


MAP05: You can strafe off the exit sign into an inescapable pit (sector 226). You can also skip the red key entirely using this method, intentional speedrunning trick?


MAP09: The hanging body above the yellow key is blocking completely, it's not a major issue.


MAP10: Linedef 1057 requires red key, but there isn't any indication of it.


Quick side note:




This "bouncing" animated texture, is it an original PG texture or is it new for PGR?


I really liked MAP04, MAP07 and MAP11. I'll be sure to try the rest of this out at some time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just spent all morning streaming up to map21, and it seems like there's something wrong with my twitch setup





No problems so far, aside from on some of the teleporter mid wad maps it's easy to fall into the water/void area around the map and remain stuck there

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Sorry it took so long, just finished the second episode (11-20, 31, 32) and I personally think it's better than the first episode.


A few noteworthy things to mention coming from my session:


MAP13: The beginning railing in front of spawn point "clips" into the ground, I would make a very thin HOM pit to hide this. The three pillars (sectors 88, 122) are not marked as monster blocking, meaning the imps/chaingunners can be knocked off the platforms.


MAP14: Nothing major, but sector 11's ceiling is a tad too low, archviles and barons' heads are being cut off :D


MAP32: Similar to MAP14, the cyberdemon can be knocked off its platform, allowing it to roam around.


MAP19: The final switch in the exit room took me FOREVER to find. In retrospect, it's quite visible but I just didn't see it.


I really enjoyed MAP14, MAP16 and MAP20. I'll try the last episode out soon.

Edited by Scorpius

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On 7/1/2017 at 4:48 PM, Jaws In Space said:

Perdition's Rejects


You have 14 (+2 secret) maps in the Reject pile, organized in some sort of rough order.


Had you developed a plan for these maps?

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18 minutes ago, Pegleg said:

Had you developed a plan for these maps?

There really is no plan for these maps. Of the 16 maps 6 are already intended for use in other projects. Of the remaining 10, five of them are mine & I have no intention of releasing them publicly. So really there are only 5 maps for a reject wad, I could just compile them together & release them, but I would suggest that the authors of those maps repurposed them for other projects instead.

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Hey guys. So Eradrop has been missing from Doomworld for a few weeks again so I'm going to open up map 29 & 30. Does anyone want to make them? I'll leave them open for a little while longer, but if no one want's to I'll just make them myself.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey everyone just a quick update. It's unfortunate that this project & Switcheroom 2 are finishing at nearly the exact same time. I'm going to focus mostly on Switcheroom 2 for the time being as it's pretty much finished, that being said the CWILV graphics for PGR are being worked on as are some new midis. All 32 CWILV graphics will not be finished until December at the earliest so the project is at a standstill for the time being anyways.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Feel need to get this topic up for a while.


Gut run trough few maps and I found what I've found quite good, also pretty challenging in times.


I'll wait for whole .wad to be finished just to take a look at some nice things I heard were planned.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Jaws In Space said:

Hey everyone, the first round of CWILV graphics have been completed! Here's what each one looks like. We should have the next round of these finished in one month.


Map 1


Map 2


Map 3


Map 4


Map 5


Map 6


Map 7


Map 8


Map 9


Map 10


Map 11


Holly molly!
They are amazing, pal!
This is going to be soo awesome :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Jaws In Space said:

Next round of CWILV graphics from Wereknight is here!


Map 12


Map 13


Map 14


Map 15


Map 16


Map 17


Map 18


Map 19


Map 20


Those are amazing patches, Jaws!


Weteknight art style is really unique and awesome!

Edited by P41R47

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On 10/20/2020 at 9:33 AM, Jaws In Space said:

Next round of CWILV graphics from Wereknight is here!


Map 15



Hot damn that looks good! Just in time to update my submission: shadows.zip


Feedback is appreciated as usual.




+ Significantly updated yellow key arena.
+ Fixed cacodemons and elementals stuck.
+ Revamped red and yellow key adjacent corridor.
+ Slightly updated red key area, removed secret.
+ Improved texture alignment and usage.
+ Added (and replaced) new secret.
+ Updated access to secret exit.
+ Many other small changes!


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This is pretty cool. I have a lot of very mixed feelings about Perdition's Gate, there's a lot of really cool ideas in there, but I also feel that gutting half of the levels out of the original would have improved it, as a lot of them are horrible cookie cutters which murders the pacing.


Seeing these screenshots and the graphics being worked on, this makes me interested and excited, it looks kind of like what I was dreaming of what PerdGate.wad could have been. Looking forward to the finished megawad.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm very excited for this project! From what I played from the Alpha it's pretty good, so I have high hopes for the finished Perdition's Gate Resurgence.


Thanks for your hard work everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The final round of CWILV graphics are now finished!


Map 21


Map 22


Map 23


Map 24


Map 25


Map 26


Map 27


Map 28


Map 29 & 30

Guess you'll have to play the wad to see them :)


In other news as of last month Wraith has started working on the final 2 maps for the project, outside of the 2 maps the only big need for this project right now is midi's, which I'm going to start pursuing in the coming weeks. If all goes well Perdition's Gate Resurgence will see it's final release by spring 2021.

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awesome pics by Wereknight!

They are stunning!


3 hours ago, Jaws In Space said:

the only big need for this project right now is midi's, which I'm going to start pursuing in the coming weeks

Bucket may want to lend a hand with this.

He is quite active recently and working on different projects just for fun : )

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