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ProjectBrutality or BrutalDoom?

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1 hour ago, eharper256 said:


I'd recommend using this fork to the unofficial '20c' version. Fixes all the 20b bugs, since a fair few people disliked v21, myself included, due to the feature creep.


Occasionally its good to bring out Brutal Doom. Maligned as it is here, it did bring alot of people back into the community. Myself included; I'd forgotten about doom ports for a good while after finding Doomsday rather meh, way way back, even though Doom was a big part of my childhood.

Same here. I thank Brutal Doom for letting me replay Doom again, and giving me a better Doom port that is better than my crappy Doom 95 version. 

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I mean, while PB is very impressive and can be fun, I find that it just has too many weapons for my liking, and a bit too much going on in general. Personally I prefer regular BD as it's a more balanced experience and find that it runs better overall.

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4 hours ago, eharper256 said:

since a fair few people disliked v21, myself included, due to the feature creep.


You can turn off a bunch of the features, like the map enhancements and new weapons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. I haven't see that much salt as in this thread even in my grandma's pickles. But oh well, I expected this much, actually.

So, to add insult to the injury on topic:

Well, PB sure is stupid fun, but yes, it's kind of too much over the top (meaning: even comparing to already over-the-top BD). But my main gripe is weapons - you never knew what kind of gun you'll get next, as in - I'm expecting very much needed RPG, but instead served grenade launcher. I mean, yes, there is an option to play strictly BD-style, and even Classic option (with quite cool "new" guns), but then what's the point? If I want BD, I'll just play it. Same with Classic.

Another problem is my rig - it's almost potato now, so I get lag on modern huge maps with tons of enemies. Sometimes to unplayable margin.

So, I'll choose you, Pikachu BD, but PB is right next to it (when I upgrade my PC).

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