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Todd Hollenshead video interview


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Todd Hollenshead said:
John [Carmack] has capped the fps to 60.

Interesting. Wonder why he moved it down from the 90fps that was standard in Quake 3.

I'm sure it's just a cvar though, and if you want to run Doom III at a higher fps for some godawful reason, you could change that.

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90 fps isnt nessecary for a mainly focust singleplayer game.. I think the fps will be set higher by a pointrelease, once faster 3d cards get on to the market that could give a 90 fps on doom.

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Hmm I wouldn't want to start the whole fps debate over again, but it's clear to everyone that a constant steady 60fps is better than a framerate that fluctuates between 90 and 30 all the time. And as Carmack says, there's no real value past 60 frames per second.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When there's no value above 60fps, why put your video card and CPU trough all the extra work to get to 90fps ? Also this prevents a jumpy high framerate on high-end systems - a steady 60fps is easier on the eyes than something that jumps from 60 to 90 to 70 fps all the time.

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You don't need 120 fps when there's plenty of physics calculations to be performed. The game will rather spend that extra CPU processing power for other relevant aspects of the game (sound, AI, etc).

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RailGunner said:

After seeing the first doom III movie i noticed something...
Carmacks a nerd!


Your brillant powers of observation are indeed unsurpassed...too bad the rest of the world noticed that around 1992-3.

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RailGunner said:

After seeing the first doom III movie i noticed something...
Carmacks a nerd!


watch it, that's my idol you're talking about

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