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What Is Your Favorite Weapon?

Your favorite weapon??  

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  1. 1. Favorite weapon...????

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On 7/23/2017 at 5:22 PM, TootsyBowl said:

Unberserked fist: you are man enough to punch demons in face

Pistol: shit gun is shit

Pistol only runs are right behind pacifist runs on craziness (You can run out of ammo, fist can't run out)

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If there's an arch-vile, a zombieman or a chaingunner, you don't need to worry about bullets.

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Zombiemen can help with ammo but they are almost never alone with a vile. A chaingunner would probably kill you or the vile before you get any remarkable amount of ammo. 

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I like explosions and blowing shit up, Rocket Launcher, fire a rocket and watch those delicious looking gibs fly, very satisfying.

Honorable mention to SSG, that's my boomstick and BFG because i love big weapons and i cannot lie.


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4 hours ago, Pegg said:

Edit : what the hell with unberserk fist beating pistol. 

One time I ran out of ammo in the middle of a close-quarters fight with a bunch of revenants, and finished off the last three of them with the plain fist. It was one of my finest Dooming moments, I actually had a bit of an adrenaline rush afterwards.


I wish I could remember the map. It had water and vines, so it might have been in Scythe.

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The BFG is an elegantly designed and amazingly powerful superweapon, and the RL and PG feel reasonably powerful and nice to use also, but nothing will beat the feel of the SSG to me.

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Totally depends on the situation.


for example

  • Chaingun against revenants
  • shotgun against distant sergeants
  • ssg during close encounters
  • RL for all the bigger ones
  • always keeping the Plasma as a last resort when under pressure.
  • berserk fist and chainsaw against pinkys
  • .... and somehow I suck with the BFG ; ) often when I use it I either miss or I get hurt

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8 hours ago, TootsyBowl said:

Why does the chaingun get so little love? It's beaten in the poll by everything except the chainsaw, which sucks on anything that isn't a caco or pinky, and the fist and pistol which just plain suck.

It's underwhelming compared to its Wolfenstein counterpart. The chaingun however is well suited to hitscanners, preferable over using shotgun shells IMHO and it's useful in a pitch to control a group of lost souls and deny them an attack, but against imps? You're really better using the shotgun there. Same with pinky demons, because 2 shells at a minimum vs. 14 bullets? Yeah. The chaingun 2-shot 'double tap' is excellent at dealing with hitscanners from far away though over anything else in the game.

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10 hours ago, idbeholdME said:

I don't get the people that say they use shotgun for sniping, since chaingun is clearly the superior tool for the job.

In my case it depends on the situation, I'd use the regular shotgun against tall free-moving revenants as much as I'd use the chaingun for chaingunners in equivalent situations. If the map demands a lot of chaingun use, and the shotgun is available too, then I would mostly use it for sniping and keep my bullets for demanding encounters. I remember in Freedoom 1, episode 4, the high demand of the chaingun in instant ambush traps practically obliged me to always save bullets for those situations and rather use the shotgun for "kinder" parts, including sniping. 


Bullets are, in general, more appreciated by faster players. Single shots are satisfactory when top accuracy is by our sides.   

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I'm assuming we're talking vanilla Doom here so my vote went to the super shotgun. It's extremely versatile and it's useful in just about every situation. About the only time I don't use it is when I have no ammo for it (that's when I fall back to the chaingun), for when I need to kill something a little faster than normal (which is when I fall back on the rocket launcher and BFG), or when I need to keep a flying enemy stunlocked (also when I fall back to the chaingun).


Even then, the SSG is just so satisfying and orgasmic to use. <3

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The pistol is strong enough to beat Doom 2 without using any other weapon (Got the chainsaw at the spirit world, where were all the chainsaws!). But you'll have to skip Dead Simple (Not enough ammo, No idea if fatsos can boost you to the exit).


Of course the pistol only run uses sanity as ammo as you'll wish you could ssg all the pinkies everywhere. Doesn't even need to save scum beside at the start of several areas since rng WILL fuck you hard.


Maps worth mentioning were:

1) The Living End: Holy crap the cacos are a nightmare to deal with. You'll have to pistol them into teleports over and over before rushing to each switch. I had 200\200 at the start (Thank you spirit world!) and it still rekt me more times than I can count. I was lucky at the end as chaingunners completely missed me while climbing mount everest.


2) The inmost dens : I was surprised with how damn annoying this map is. All the stupid chaingunners waiting to pepper your health everywhere. It wasn't that hard but goddamn it was annoying as fuck to beat.


3) The pits : Get ready to play hide and seek with all the pain elementals everywhere. The yellow key's area requires so much infighting you'd start cheering for imps and lost souls to solo pinkies.


4) Barrels o fun : It took me ages to get past the pinkies zone. There were hundreds of lost souls everywhere and the pain elementals were all alive because trying to kill them is a one way trip to out of ammo town.


5) Map04 : Not enough ammo to kill all the stupid imps and shotgunners. The exit trap is surprisingly deadlier when you can't oneshot chaingunners.


6) Map02 : Better pray to rng that your pistol rolls high on each hit. Gliding will cost a lot of health and won't even help since the shotgunners in the exit can kill you easily. 


Monsters worth screaming at:

1) Spectres\Pinkies : Sandy Petersen SURE places a lot of these assholes everywhere. They shine the most on Barrels o fun.

2) Chaingunners : Survives so many shots, doesn't get stunned and can zero your health without a flinch? Yep it is the heavy weapon guy.

3) Pain Elementals : Actually aside from barrels o fun pain elementals were extremely useful at distracting entire rooms while I could run past everything.

4) Cacos in abandonded mines\living end : !$@!@$!@#!@





Edit : How did I forget Nirvana, That teleport is really hard to use to telefrag monsters for some reason lol (Requires extreme timing!)

Edited by Pegg

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