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FiringSquad's oveview of DOOM III


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...Tim also demonstrated that the Doom 3 engine has a true per poly collision detection for models, meaning that you can actually graze the shoulder of an enemy with a bullet, bust a cap in someone's knee, etc. While shooting the fat zombie with a pistol, we could see the bullets leaving holes in the exact spots on the body where the bullet was aimed. As the body hit the ground, Tim continued pumping rounds into the body as it convulsed with each shot. It's all reminiscent of the features that Soldier of Fortune brought to the table. One thing that set Doom 3 apart from SoF is that Tim stood on top of the "dead" zombie's body. When it re-awakened and tried to get up from the ground, it could not with the engine detecting the weight of Tim's boots stepping on its chest. Instead, the fat lump squirmed around like a fish out of water. Once Tim stepped off the zombie it could get up again and resume chasing.


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Another point hammered home several times is that the Doom III engine is based on the feature spec laid out by the original NVIDIA GeForce ONE platform.

Thank God. A GeForce 1 is all I can afford.

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Well FiringSquad's round-up is really good. It's to the point and covers a lot of cool new information (primarily about the development tools). Makes me wonder again why Doomworld hasn't had any interviews with id people.

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Lord FlatHead said:

Well FiringSquad's round-up is really good. It's to the point and covers a lot of cool new information (primarily about the development tools). Makes me wonder again why Doomworld hasn't had any interviews with id people.

What about the interview they had with Fred Nilsson & John Carmack? :))

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What I really find exciting is the fact that the levels are imported to Maya and then can be set up with bones, etc...

That's so damn amazing!

That scene with Pinky braking through the pipes really suprised me and made me wonder what other things id have in store for us... :)

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Yeah.. the level importing in maya thing has loads a cool possebility's.. anyone has seen the little thing wher you see a pinky bending arailing in a firy place??.. I bet that the bended railing is imported in maya to

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Lord FlatHead said:

Yeah, I'm sure it is. Let's hope 3D Studio MAX gets a .md5 plugin too, cause I'm not paying $ 8,000 for a copy of Maya...

*Cough! eDonkey, KaZaA !Cough*

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