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What is your favorite room in doom, doom2, or final doom? Not favorite level, favorite room.

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What is your favorite room in doom, doom2, or final doom? Not favorite level, favorite room.

Tower Of Babel, the starting room with all em sacrificed barons.

The spirit world in the one room you get locked in and your ambushed my imps,revenants, mancubi and lost souls.

The Shipping/respawning offices where you find the yellow key in the desk.

Well of souls, the starting area.

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Ok, a poll in the poll: Should polls be considered a disease? a) yes b) absolutely c) hell yeah

And another poll: what is the motive of people that complain and flame innocent people just because they make polls? a) they are bored and tired b) they suck c) they're rotten to the core

I'd say a,a.

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E1: First map, first room.
E2: Deimos Lab, the big round room with marble corridor around it, and a smaller room at the centre
E3: Dis.
Doom2: Right now I can only remember Dead Simple, but there's probably much more. Oh, one more: the secret room in the first Wolfenstein level, the one with the backpacks, BFG, mesasphere and SSG.

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What is your favorite room in doom, doom2, or final doom? Not favorite level, favorite room.


You tard, I said the favourite room, I MEANT the area where the spidermastermind is and you turn ON THE CRUSHER you d0lt, I don't care anywayz, cuzwhen i went to the park with my sis a few mins ago i was walking up a metal slide, lost control and slipped, did a frontwards flip, AND LANDED ON MY HEAD, AND THE BIG LUMP IS STILL THERE AND IT FUCKING HURTS!!!I could give less a crap but I won't bother *OW*

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E1-It would have to be E1M2-Nuclear Plant, it's the secret area where all the lights keep flashing on and off. There's a part of it I really like where the lights keep going to sheer darkness and back to light and it keeps doing that over and over. Very cool.
E2-The starting room of E2M9, with all the dead Cacos and Barons.
E3-The start of E3M6(?)Unholy Cathedral, where's there's a door in front of you, and there's a bunch of crucified Marines hung high up on the wall.
E4-None, really.

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Doom 1-in E3M9 where you go over the teleporter you think is the exit and is actaully a death trap with mr. cybie

Doom 2-in Gotcha where the two big pillars lower and on them is a cyberdemon and TSM

Final Doom (TnT)-level 21 after you beat the inside of the building and go outside in the dark...i love that place...the whole reason i like the level so much...i also happen to like level 30 in the beginning with the "torch maze" it was stupid at first but after memorizing the way i find it a very interesting yet nasty trap

Final Doom (Plutonia)-none to come to mind

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What is your favorite room in doom, doom2, or final doom? Not favorite level, favorite room.


You tard, I said the favourite room, I MEANT the area where the spidermastermind is and you turn ON THE CRUSHER you d0lt, I don't care anywayz, cuzwhen i went to the park with my sis a few mins ago i was walking up a metal slide, lost control and slipped, did a frontwards flip, AND LANDED ON MY HEAD, AND THE BIG LUMP IS STILL THERE AND IT FUCKING HURTS!!!I could give less a crap but I won't bother *OW*


What? I know what you meant. That wasn't edited into the post specifically for you, mac. That's just clarifying my poll.

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Doom: The outdoors of Mt. Erebus.

Doom2: The big spider area in Spirit World.

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