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Atonement [33 Vanilla DOOM II Maps] [Now on idgames]

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@HAK3180 I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :)


Also, be sure to check out the extra level in: Atonement E1 MARS + E2 EARTH (13 levels -- run with -dehlump if using Chocolate Doom).




This is the FINAL release of Atonement E1 + E2; I just submitted it to the idgames archive. Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback and supported the production of this wad. It was a tremendous delight to return and work with the Doom community in the creation of these first few episodes. I'll probably create a new thread to catalogue the production of future Atonement episodes.


The new level, ETERNAL SUFFERING, is on the Map21 slot.


@waverider I did my best to fit the numbers into the dehacked text strings.


EDIT: Forgot to mention: should be compatible with DOOM2.EXE and Chocolate Doom 3.0.0. It was tested on both, and I've also tested it on PrBoom+, GZDoom 3.3.0, and Crispy Doom 5.1.


Edited by The Mysterious Moustachio
The wad didn't make it onto idgames due to a bad symbol in the file name

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9 hours ago, The Mysterious Moustachio said:

This is the FINAL release of Atonement E1 + E2; I just submitted it to the idgames archive. Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback and supported the production of this wad. It was a tremendous delight to return and work with the Doom community in the creation of these first few episodes. I'll probably create a new thread to catalogue the production of future Atonement episodes.


I'm doing a testing run on RC2 right now, got Map09, 10, 11 and 18 left to test. Do you still want the feedback from it? Basically I really liked what I saw in general, great gameplay, nice visuals, great atmosphere and I found myself having lots of fun! I did find a couple of bugs such as a handful of hom's and vpo's, as well as one crash bug though. But overall, I think this wad has far more good than bad stuff in it. 


9 hours ago, The Mysterious Moustachio said:


@waverider I did my best to fit the numbers into the dehacked text strings.




Nice! :) In my opinion, it's better to shorten the name on the automap so the numbers can be fit in.

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@waverider I'm pretty sure I caught all the VPO's with Visplane Explorer and Chocorenderlimits with the final patch, but feedback is always good to have! I'm glad you had such a good time with it! :)

Edited by The Mysterious Moustachio

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10 hours ago, The Mysterious Moustachio said:

@waverider I'm pretty sure I caught all the VPO's with Visplane Explorer and Chocorenderlimits with the final patch, but feedback is always good to have! I'm glad you had such a good time with it! :)


Cool! The feedback will be done by monday night at the latest.

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On 03.04.2018 at 4:58 AM, The Mysterious Moustachio said:


ChaingunnerX (sky)

I don't see any skies by me in wad.

Edited by ChaingunnerX

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5 hours ago, ChaingunnerX said:


I don't see any skies by me in wad.


Yikes!! I knew I forgot to update a credit! Yeah I swapped out the E3 sky for a new one and forgot to credit the new artist. :/


EDIT: Wait, I got the skies from idsky.booru.org, and it says the E1 sky is by you as well as the background I used for the E2 sky. Is that not correct? Ohh, I see. I mistook the uploader for the image source... Shit. I added all the correct sources -- according to idsky -- next to the pictures. How would I go about updating the credits for the idgames upload? Or is this one far gone?


Does anyone know where the E3 sky comes from as well by any chance?


E1 Sky: http://idsky.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=91

46d3997f00acd3b0bf6a6099befa221926bff712 (idsky says 2002ado for source; needs verification)


Part of E2 Sky: http://idsky.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=89

f26b098bfeb78e43206581ca6494d559695ac556 (idsky says Gothic DM for source; needs verification)


E3 Sky: http://idsky.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=45

98a28fcb73c7c8c81f18b6de696dcaf4bcde9081 (Unknown source)

Edited by The Mysterious Moustachio

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Ok, my feedback for Maps1-11+18 is now completed! You can download the .txt here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/btrscw3vrx5scmd/atonement_feedback_waverdr.txt


You also need this .zip where I added pictures of the bugs: http://www.mediafire.com/file/gsiisejis34hacy/atonement_bugs.zip



Hope you'll find the feedback useful! I'm looking forward to more levels/episodes of Atonement!

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@waverider This is legit, thank you! All feedback is useful as long as it's constructive!


EDIT: So it looks like half of these VPOs may still be in the final release, as I never caught them with Visplane Explorer, Chocorenderlimits, or Chocolate Doom. The drawseg overflows I mostly overlooked because they aren't terribly noticeable without Chocorenderlimits' wonderful seizure-inducing purple highlight for HOMs. Great stuff to learn from.

Edited by The Mysterious Moustachio

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@The Mysterious Moustachio  Glad to hear you found it useful! I totally agree that constructive criticism is the way to go! :D


I've never used Visplane Explorer myself but it doesn't seem like it will catch all VPO's from what I've heard, so Chocorenderlimits should be the better solution I think.


While I agree that minor HOM's, especially those far away isn't really worth the bother, I think more visible ones should be fixed. I hope it doesn't sound like I'm telling you what to do of course, I just think you should fix those more visible ones. If not for the visual aspect of it, then for the gameplay aspect, a HOM can make it hard to see enemies and projectiles until it's too late. :) And that major HOM in the blood area in Map18 makes the enemies visible through the wall.


Did you manage to solve the crash issue in Map02?


Alrighty, it's time to sink my teeth into Map21 of the latest release! I imagine I will have a good time with it!


Oh, almost forgot. Did you know of the custom nodes that esselfortium and others used while making BtSX? There's some parameters in that .cfg which limits drawsegs and visplanes so that you can cram some extra detail into your vanilla maps! Just drop it into your Compilers/Nodebuilders directory if you're using Doom Builder, and "Zennode - Vanilla Optimized" will show up as a node building alternative in Doom Builder. esselfortium has told me that I can use this .cfg however I see fit, so here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/file/s4qlf6ldhykhrg8/CustomNodes.cfg

Edited by waverider

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7 hours ago, waverider said:

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm telling you what to do of course, I just think you should fix those more visible ones. If not for the visual aspect of it, then for the gameplay aspect, a HOM can make it hard to see enemies and projectiles until it's too late. :)


This is an inarguable point, so I'll get to work on ironing those out for future releases. Thank you for the custom nodes as well, it's certainly helpful!


I was able to replicate the drawsegs corner crash on Map02 in Chocolate Doom, but not Chocorenderlimits. I wasn't able to replicate the one with the red pillars as of late.


EDIT: Luckily, idgames rejected my file! So I expect that if anyone else can find a VPO within the next few days, the final release should be up to snuff.

Edited by The Mysterious Moustachio

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12 hours ago, The Mysterious Moustachio said:


This is an inarguable point, so I'll get to work on ironing those out for future releases. Thank you for the custom nodes as well, it's certainly helpful!


I was able to replicate the drawsegs corner crash on Map02 in Chocolate Doom, but not Chocorenderlimits. I wasn't able to replicate the one with the red pillars as of late.


I'm glad to hear it, it would honestly be a real shame that such a wonderful wad should have major HOM's! :) It deserves a better fate. :D


That's strange, I was able to reproduce the Map02 crash bug in both Chocolate Doom 3.0.0 and Chocorenderlimits. It may be a safer bet to walk behind the red pillars, also try firing your weapon. It doesn't crash everywhere behind the pillars, you have to stand at the right spots. Thankfully, Choco 3.0.0 now shows an error message, saying this: R_Subsector: solidsegs overflow (vanilla may crash here). I used Choco 1.6.0 before and that never showed the message, neither does Chocolimits.

Edited by waverider

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@The Mysterious Moustachio Indeed the crash bug is fixed now, at least at ground level. It still appears on the new cliffs on the third level, but since you need idclip to get up there, it's now a very minor flaw imo. :)


Now don't shoot me ;) , but I found two new VPO's in sectors 60 and 22, shown here: 




I'm glad I was a good help to you! :) And I hope you didn't find my testing too picky or too painful or so. I really love the vanilla engine, I always enjoy a good HOM and VPO hunt! If you like to, I can continue to test newer maps of Atonement as well, I'd be happy to do so!

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On 4/18/2018 at 8:07 AM, waverider said:


Aww, you shouldn't have! Thanks for catching those. :) They're probably from the extra cliffs I added. I'll have to figure out what to do about that area because it's pretty integral to one of the map's secrets, as well as the general flow of the map...


And yeah, if you have to cheat to crash the game, it's not something I'm TOO worried about. Either way, I haven't had very many crashes no-clipping around, and anyone trying to get good pictures by no-clipping out of the map will likely use a limit-removing source port.


Also, it's a very helpful sort of pickiness that you are providing and also a very helpful amount. Like you said, it's not worth letting a few blemishes tarnish the wad if it can be helped.

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It took a lot of work, tears, and swears but I think I finally got all the bugs worked out. Here's RC4:




Please, anyone, let me know if you find even the most minor vanilla bug (that isn't a savegame buffer or demo size overflow). If no bugs are found within a decent amount of time (I'll just say about a week), I'll submit the wad proper to the idgames archive (ideally with a filename that doesn't get rejected this time).

Edited by The Mysterious Moustachio

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I did a check through RC4, I mainly really liked what I saw! I did spot a few issues but not many. Do you want this feedback? If not I understand, you've done a lot of bugfixing already. :)

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3 hours ago, The Mysterious Moustachio said:

@waverider Heck yeah I want that feedback! Thanks again for giving it a look over! :)

Okay. Using GZDoom.


Music sounds really odd, like it's slightly out of tune in (G)Zdoom (using fluidsynth).


The secret Chainsaw - I had no idea it was a lift to get there. The NUKESLAD texture is exactly the same as rest of wall. I kept trying to figure out how to walk along the 1-pixel wide ledge. Maybe make the lift SLADWALL instead so it's a little different as a hint?



Lindef tag 22 is an obvious wall switch inside a secret which opens a door to another secret. Should that switch be hidden somehow? Never liked two-fers.


Linedef tag 23 switch opens two secrets. That's fine, but the teleport destination of the exit from one secret is inside another secret. Another two-fer.


Invulnerability secret has no hint. Not sure why I should think there's a secret inside the one glowing column when the other glowing column is exactly the same.


No idea how to get to the Invisibility Sphere and two Potions near the Red Key. No lifts or teleports; the window sill above is too high to cross.


Secret Plasma Gun room tagged as two secrets.


Is there a hint for the Blue Armor secret? Wall looks the same everywhere.


Why is there an S1 End Level on the wall past the W1 End Level? Was this originally meant to be MAP15?


Linedef tag 13 is missing so one Caco is never released from his closet.


Is the Backpack supposed to be tagged as a secret? You have to shoot a hidden GR switch to access it.


There's a Box of Rockets (thing 225) on top of a ledge (sector 155). Don't think it can be reached.


Linedef tag 2 has switch textures on visible middle and non-visible lower. GZDoom will animate lower before middle, so switch doesn't visibly animate when used.


Very enjoyable. Good stuff.

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@The Mysterious Moustachio Here is the feedback! Overall, very nice work with RC4, you managed to improve many things!


- MAP01: Nice fixes to the bleeding problems I reported in my txt!
- MAP02: I really like what you did to the outside areas, both near the old crash bug place and in the exit outdoor area! Real pretty! :)
- MAP03: It's possible to get stuck behind the skin button in the new secret. Otherwise, nice HOM squashing techniques on this map! 
  You removed all of the HOM's except maybe the major HOM in sector 447 (HOM4.png in my RC2 bug .zip file, listed below if you've lost it).
  Also "HOM8.png" at sector 144 is still present, although it is a more minor HOM. Both VPO's were fixed, nice! It's also now possible to get all secrets.
  If you've lost the .zip with the RC2 bugs, here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/file/gsiisejis34hacy/atonement_bugs.zip
  Two nitpicks: Linedef 1301 should have a lower nukage texture, right? Also, it's upper texture should be STONE9, correct?
  Also, one more thought, couldn't you have a smaller window connecting sectors 447 and 72 so that you don't have to be completely without 
  the nice view that were there before? :) Or maybe it wouldn't work?


- MAP04: Also really liked the design additions to the first room, as well as to sector 333! Also, the new rooms were nice!
  There is still a quite visible HOM if you stand in sector 377, looking out of the window at sector 168. The other HOM's were either fixed or very much
  minimized imo.

- MAP05: I really like the blood craters you added after version RC2! 
  There is one VPO in sector 119, see pic: http://www.mediafire.com/view/xyq6ntinc6b14n7/atonement_map05_RC4_VPO1.png
  Sector 86 has a VPO: http://www.mediafire.com/view/4tob3o64dst4yhl/atonement_map05_RC4_VPO2.png


  There's a possibly new VPO in sector 375, shown here: http://www.mediafire.com/view/3qhx8i5t138lnfc/atonement_map05_RC4_VPO3.png
  Linedef 1292 has a tutti-frutti effect: http://www.mediafire.com/view/7n8e22602z735vs/atonement_map05_RC4_tutti.png
  And as Huffnagel already mentioned: Sector 4 items cannot be picked up in RC4.


- MAP06: In sector 57, sector 160 is still seen as a tiny line. It goes up in the sky in ports such as GLBoom Plus. 
  There's rocket boxes at sector 115 that goes through the switch.
  Linedef 406 has a BROWNGRN texture, isn't it supposed to have the MARBVRD1 texture instead?
  I unfortunately found a new VPO in the redecorated outdoor area, in sector 251: http://www.mediafire.com/view/dlx1rbianxqinpo/atonement_map06_RC4_VPO.png
  The door at sector 68 is a potential VPO hazard if opened by a monster or in co-op.


- MAP07: The nitpicks were fixed, cool. :) The RC4 imo also looks even better than the RC2 version did.
- MAP08: I was a bit sad to see the Map08 midi being replaced. ;) Also I think the new area is unnecessary, I know I personally loved the RC2 version! :D
  I still really like the map though, it's not like it's turned into crap now exactly. :)


- MAP09: You fixed the VPO here, nice!
- MAP10: You fixed my nitpicks here as well. :)

- MAP11: It doesn't seem possible to get all kills, unless I'm missing something. Sector 331 cannot be opened.
- MAP18: You fixed the most important HOM's here, the one or two remaining really are minor stuff. :)
- MAP21: The VPO that was here is now gone, good work!

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@waverider Excellent stuff! Map05 has sort of become a pain in the ass now that I've switched over to Chocorenderlimits haha, but I'll make sure it's spotless for the upcoming release. For Map08, I wanted to hear what you thought of the other midi I was torn between (since you were the only person to remark on it). I might as well change it to the other one since I was on the fence, and you seem to like it better anyway. I'll have to re-upload the soundtrack one more time, but that's no big deal frankly. I also had a lot of comments that the map was too short, so I added the little ambush at the end cause I thought it would be a neat little fake-out -- which doesn't come without any visual cues either. ;)


I knew adding the detail on Map06 had to tip the scale somewhere, I just couldn't find it myself. Again, excellent work all around, and same to @EffinghamHuffnagel! You two really knocked it out of the park.

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@The Mysterious Moustachio Yeah I can imagine Map05 being hard to keep within the limits because it's so open. :) It is a very nice map though, so try not to cripple the open view too much! I know I was greatly helped with my own vanilla mapping by looking at Back to Saturn X EP1 and 2, to see how they managed so high detail without compromising much on the openness. For instance, if the midtexture detail is high, then chances are you won't have to use much sector detail!


About Map08, it's not that I dislike the new midi song, it's just that I liked the old one better. :) I personally think it also fits the atmosphere of the map better than the new tune. But don't let me be the deciding factor, it's your megawad! You should do what you feel like, always. :)

And about the map size, I totally get why people would think it's too short. It's roughly of the same size and kinda reminds me of Adam Windsor's Requiem maps back in the day, which I also really liked, so this was a nice retro experience for me. :) Not that the map was a ripoff, not at all. Plus I really love a good mix of small, medium and large maps. As well as tiny maps. ;) Anywho, the map is a wonderful one, be it the RC2 or the RC4 version.


It should be noted that I walked around that Map06 outside area for probably about 10 minutes just to find a 134 visplane VPO. ;) So chances are no one will actually be troubled with it. I do those very throughout checks whenever I spot 110-120+ visplane areas, just in case. Obviously when a VPO is very hard to trigger, it may not be worth to sacrifice the visuals or openness.


I'm glad you've found my feedback useful so far, I'd love to give further episodes a spin if you would like to! And I apologize if I've been too throughout when looking for bugs.


Speaking of new episodes, how goes the progress with those?

Edited by waverider

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@waverider If there's one thing I would never ask of you, it is less thoroughness. Your work is exactly what a vanilla project needs to really stand the test of time.


I've had a few maps that I had set to be released for E3, but I was ultimately disappointed with and scrapped a lot of them. I'm actually not really sure what to do with the leftover finished maps from E1 + E2. There are a good few of them built up at this point if anyone wants to try them.


EDIT: I do have some new Hell and Capitol layouts that I'm eagerly waiting to get back to. Since I started Interception II, however, I'm going to finish my remaining maps for that project before I finalize E3, E4, & E5.

Edited by The Mysterious Moustachio

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@The Mysterious Moustachio That's good to hear! :D  It's really nice when your work is appreciated!


Well I for one would love to try out your leftovers for EP1 and EP2, even if you're not gonna use them. So feel free to send them over via PM or post them here, whatever you prefer, when you get the time.


Ah yes, Interception 2, definitely sounds like another promising project! I remember having lots of fun with Interception 1.



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@waverider Glad to see you're looking forward to I2.


I just finished a final DOOM2.EXE test run of Atonement. I think I fixed all the bugs. There's one hour for me to look it over before I try to submit it to the idgames archive.


EDIT: The wad has been submitted to idgames! Thanks to everyone who provided feedback and supported me throughout this journey. If you want to play my heart and soul for the last 11 months, check this wad out.

Edited by The Mysterious Moustachio

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Masterpiece! Awesome level design, interesting monster-place, cool secrets and... BADASS gameplay without stupid monster spam. I love this wad! Playing on GZD with purist settings






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