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Just a little thing, according to DSDA, there should be a hyphen in UV -Fast, but there shouldn't be a hyphen in UV Max, UV Speed etc. I guess because "-Fast" is a parameter, "Max" or "Speed" is not, but I'm not really sure about this though.

Edited by GarrettChan

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1 hour ago, rehelekretep said:

ahem, excuse me madam, but let me correct you there: it should be UV -fast, as there is no capital in the command. g'day to you. *tips*

Wait... I think it automatically considers all parameter as lower case. I tried "-fast", "-Fast" and "-FaSt", and they all work.



2 minutes ago, kraflab said:

DSDA is an archive, not a rule book.

Well, I checked the info, it contradicts with the actual table, so well.

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1 hour ago, fx02 said:

And are only DSDA demos uploaded there? I don't want some shit to appear on that channel 

:thonking: Not sure those statements are aligned :^)

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haha, yeah, but people like to watch something fresh and I'm out of time to upload cn demos :(


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uploaded since last week:


kama sutra uv-speed
d2twid uv-speed
d2twid uv-max
doom core uv-max
congestion 1024 uv-max
resurgence uv-max
alien vendetta uv-speed
italo doom uv-max
going down uv-max
eternal doom uv-max




Will probably upload community chest 1 uv-max today and upload some of the new records.


Also I didn't consider the possibility of there being equal record times on dsda, so I've already fucked up once and uploaded a demo under the wrong name, and I almost did it again not too long ago.. So if someone is aware of there being 2 demos with the fastest time on dsda then please check if I uploaded the right one.

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Uploaded since last week:


Community Chest 1 uv-max
Community Chest 2 uv-max
Community Chest 3 uv-max
Community Chest 4 uv-max
Claustrophobia 1024 uv-max
Memento mori 2 uv-speed
TVR! uv-max


And the complete requiem nightmare table at almost 3 hours will be done later today

I'll update the new d2twid and cc4 demos afterwards.


total: approximately 2335 videos at 206 hours
with 21040 views at 51043 minutes (35 days) or an average of 2:25 per view so far.

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Uploaded since last week:


requiem nm-speed
memento mori 2 uv-max
whispers of satan uv-max
alien vendetta nm-speed
requiem uv-max
deus vult uv-max
vile flesh uv-max
unholy realms uv-speed
doom the way id did uv-max
zone300 uv-max
2002 a doom odyssey uv-speed


total: approximately 2620 videos at 227 hours
with 24646 views at 60997 minutes (42 days) or an average of 2:28 per view.


Also here's several tables that aren't filled incase anyone is up for it (some of them might be impossible):


edit: go to the second page instead for an updated list:



scythe 2 uv-speed: 24,25,27
speed of doom uv-speed: 17,24,25,27,32,33
sunlust uv-speed: 15,16,26,27,29,30
congestion 1024 uv-max: 30
d2twid uv-max: 8,9,10,13,15,16,18,20,25,27,28
ultimate doom pacifist: e4m6 ;)
alien vendetta nm-speed: 13,14,16,27,28
tnt pacifist: 05,08,09,26 (yeah probably not going to happen)
sf2012 uv-max: 15, 20(20 exists but older wad)
hell revealed uv-speed: 20,22,23,29
going down uv-max: 2,14,15,17,21,22,23,25,29
plutonia 2 uv-max: 25
plutonia tyson: 30
tnt tyson: 30
resurgence uv-max: 9,20,29,30
cchest 4 uv-max: 32
memento mori 2 uv-speed: 28
unholy realms uv-speed: 8,27,28,31
whispers of satan uv-max: 12,16 (only zdoom demos exists)
zone300 uv-max: 22,31

dimensions of time uv-speed: 7

icarus uv-speed: 11,16,20,29,30

1994 tune up uv-max: 22,23,25

10 sectors uv-max: 16

2002 ado uv-speed: e1m4,e2m4,e2m7,e2m5,e3m4,e3m5,e3m6s,e3m7,e3m8,e4m2,e4m2s,e4m3,e4m5,e4m7,e4m8,


of course uv-max is also uv-speed, but I don't mix them in the playlists unless uv-max beats a uv-speed entry (and I don't mix uv-fast with uv-max either).


updated the first post and changed the link to the channel at the top to link directly to the playlists instead.

Edited by ZeroMaster010

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well I guess I'm not needed anymore. awesome work zeromaster! I wanna mention that you can upscale the video on the fly by using a commandline option of x264. but this is slower than doing it in two steps since prboom+ and the encoder are waiting too long for each other on higher resolution. anyway, it looks something like this if you wanna give it a try:


x264 --preset veryfast --crf 0 --input-csp rgb --input-depth 8 --input-range pc --input-res %wx%h --fps %r --vf resize:width=3840,height=2160,method=point -o demo.mkv -

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Just a small suggestion, you can disable the demo progress bar thing in the settings. I don't think it's necessary when YouTube already has its own bar.

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8 hours ago, Sp00kyFox said:

well I guess I'm not needed anymore. awesome work zeromaster! I wanna mention that you can upscale the video on the fly by using a commandline option of x264. but this is slower than doing it in two steps since prboom+ and the encoder are waiting too long for each other on higher resolution. anyway, it looks something like this if you wanna give it a try:



x264 --preset veryfast --crf 0 --input-csp rgb --input-depth 8 --input-range pc --input-res %wx%h --fps %r --vf resize:width=3840,height=2160,method=point -o demo.mkv -


thanks sp00kyfox! I'll have a look at it, also, if it wasn't for your videos I probably wouldn't have known I could get a better bitrate (I spent several hours trying to find out why my quality was shit compared to yours) so thanks again :)


5 hours ago, vdgg said:

Requiem MAP25 UV Speed: should be Laszlo Vecsei's demo instead of my TAS

Ah yes, hopefully that hasn't happened anywhere else.


59 minutes ago, Memfis said:

Just a small suggestion, you can disable the demo progress bar thing in the settings. I don't think it's necessary when YouTube already has its own bar.

hmm, I suppose you're right, but I'm 3000+ videos in now, so at this point I think I'll just keep it so it's consistent, heh.


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Besides, I imagine some people are downloading these videos and may or not not be using a player with a progress bar.


I've only noticed thanks to this that my old Stroller is still the UV Speed record on Icarus map05. LOL. And for a few other maps, ideas used for NM or strollers weren't employed in UV.

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Looks like rq25 was a case of using the wrong name, and not the wrong demo. I probably grabbed the name at the top quickly without noticing it said TAS, this might have occured on some of the earlier playlists I made so I'll have to check if I did it anywhere else.


I was wondering if icarus uv-speed was worth the upload when I saw stroller being the fastest for some of them :)

Uploaded since last week:


Deus Vult 2 uv-max
Icarus uv-speed
Plutonia Revisited uv-max
Kama Sutra uv-max
1994 Tune-Up Community Project uv-max
Phmlspd uv-max
The Rebirth uv-max
Rush uv-max
One Bloody Night uv-max
Hadephobia uv-max
Doom 2 Reloaded uv-max
Demonfear uv-speed
Swift Death uv-max
Memento Mori nm-speed
Reverie uv-max
10 Sectors uv-max
Scythe 2 uv-max
Dimensions of time uv-speed
2002 A doom odyssey uv-max

total: approximately 3100 videos at 268 hours
with 30174 views at 75407 minutes (52.3 days) or an average of 2:29 per view.

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Uploaded since last week:


Japanese community project uv-max
Clausthrophobia 1024 2 uv-max
Memento mori uv-max
Fava beans uv-max
Dimensions of time uv-max
3 Heures d'agonie uv-max
3 Heures d'agonie 2 uv-max
3 Heures d'agonie 3 uv-max


total: approximately 3328 videos at 285 hours
with 34577 views at 87980 minutes (61 days) or an average of 2:32 per view.


not too much uploaded this week, mostly because I've had the cycling championship right outside my door for the whole week... I should finish up most of what I have planned in the next 2 weeks, then I will probably focus more on single demos instead of tables.

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