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The "stupid mod idea" thread


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In this little thread we will post doom/heretic/hexen/strife mod ideas that are incredibly ridiculous and stupid!
Here is my mod idea:
A Hexen MMO!!!

Just imagine it,a giant world map with tons of different enemies and weapons with months of content on Zandronum XD

Edited by SOSU

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I've vaguely wanted to make puzzles and doom for zdoom for the longest time, using doom monsters and marines with various weapons as your collectable monsters.


maybe i should, but i have no idea how to lay out the five elements and how to even assign decent stats and skills to the monsters and marines.

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Remaster all those terry crew wads into something playable and tolerable with good story or just combine good parts into one large map. It's just a dream, nothing more.

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Just now, MysteriousHaruko said:

Remaster all those terry crew wads into something playable and tolerable with good story or just combine good parts into one large map. It's just a dream, nothing more.

that's not a stupid idea though :/ it's a cool one :)

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For stupid mod I think about "I can't sleep" simulator. I don't know how I would execute this. Still thinking about it.

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Terry Crews' monster replacement


2 - The "Doom" - Tommy wiseau monster replacement


okay, I can't think any of stupid mods anymore.

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Usually when someone on Doomworld comes up with a ridiculous mod idea, they just make it and release it.

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Zoo Tycoon with Doom monsters.


What about the Doom bowling mods there are? Modify that with Doom shuffleboard or curling with imps and brooms!


Doom-Opoly: a board game where you buy up properties / levels.


Grand Theft Doom where Doom monsters are just NPCs minding their own business.


Silly Bands Doom: Fidget spinners might be the now, but what about the "then?" Silly bands, pogs, boglins, Tickle Me Doomguy.


Gyromite Doom: Play Gyromite and get inspired. There are crushers!!!


Caco Hunt: Its like Duck Hunt, but with Cacos and a pinkie as a dog! You can also go for a Hogan's Alley style game too. Maybe Doomguy Gum Shoe!


Doom racer: It has to already exist right? Its perfect for a race or a cart combat game. You have rockets, BFGs and you leave explosive barrels on the course.


Moonwalker Dance off in place of BFG: All enemies and Doom Guy in 3rd person dance to Moonwalker in a big dance number. Good luck animating it.


Infinite Gunner: Its like an infinite runner.... but in first person without the ability to turn around.


Doom Fu: Melee. All Melee. To close in on enemies some sort of teleport that costs ammo or something. Ammo being replaced by stamina. Hitting an enemy stuns them to keep them from murdering you.


SplaDoom: Paint wars. paint the floor... with blood!!!! Dive into the blood pools to replenish your ammo because typical ammo only gives 1/10th the ammo.


All enemies are Shaila Buuef yelling : Just DO IT!


If there's a Sienfeld Doom and a Home Improvement Grunt Off... why isn't there a Roseanne Laughing audio replacement? Everything is Roseanne laughing!


Arch Vile Golf where arch viles will launching things into the air by how well you time your button presses. Like golf but with launching enemies.


I can keep going, but I'll stop this madness. If anyone can take these ideas and run with them. Go for it!

Edited by geo

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1 minute ago, leodoom85 said:

A trollish idea. Every item or powerup that heals you, instead of healing it damages you. >:)

Or spawns a random enemy behind you. Call it the Doom 3 power up mod.

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4 hours ago, SOSU said:

In this little thread we will post doom/heretic/hexen/strife mod ideas that are incredibly ridiculous and stupid!
Here is my mod idea:
A Hexen MMO!!!

Just imagine it,a giant world map with tons of different enemies and weapons with months of content on Zandronum XD

A Doom MMORPG would also be a neat idea too ;)

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Last idea of the day....if a Crash mod is out there...then try this. Anyone played Megaman X7 and knows Flame Hyenard and his quote "burn to the ground"?

Pretty annoying eh?

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3 minutes ago, leodoom85 said:

Last idea of the day....if a Crash mod is out there...then try this. Anyone played Megaman X7 and knows Flame Hyenard and his quote "burn to the ground"?

Pretty annoying eh?


Because so many of us miss Post Hell... what about a Post Hell reskin of Doom? Full of "If this Banner is flashing you must be in Hell" textures and midis of that ball pushing game, and Captain Jean Luke Picard of the USS Enterprise.

Edited by geo

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Zombieman and imp shoot revenant's rocket.

Shotgun Guy shoots 3 rev's rockets in a row.

Chaingunner shoots rev's rockets rapidly.

Demon "punches" with its mouth.

Lost Soul spits rev's rocket.

Cacodemon also spits rev's rocket.

Bruiser Brothers throw deadly rev's rockets.

Arachnotron shoots super-fast rev's rockets rapidly.

Mancubus shoots rev's rockets in a way it originally did.

Arch-vile summons a storm of rev's rockets.

Spider Mastermind is equipped with a chaingun that shoots rev's rockets.

Cyberdemon is equipped with a launcher that shoots three super-ultra-hyper-extreme rev's rockets.


...Nevermind, this was just stupid.

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Maybe this could be the dumbest of all?Have all the monsters try to hug you, unless you hug them first.If they hug you first, you die.If you hug a monster, it dies.If it's a a BIG monster, just blast the damn thing.There!I've accomplished my stupidness for the day.:D

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1 hour ago, geo said:

Doom Fu: Melee. All Melee. To close in on enemies some sort of teleport that costs ammo or something. Ammo being replaced by stamina. Hitting an enemy stuns them to keep them from murdering you.


Edited by Impie

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