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The "stupid mod idea" thread


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5 hours ago, Big Ol Billy said:

Doomanitarian Aid


Ever wonder how all those medikits and stimpacks ended up in hell? No...? Um, well this mod is going to answer that question anyway. 


Instead of a badass space marine, you start off each level as a humble humanitarian worker (Red Inverted Cross?) with an inventory containing all health and armor items that would have normally been placed in the map. You progress through the map, pacifist-style, avoiding enemies and placing health/armor items wherever you think they would be useful to a player. When you reach the end of the map or die as the humanitarian worker, you restart the level normally as Doomguy, but with health item placements carried over from the humanitarian worker phase (if the humanitarian worker dies, all remaining health/armor items are dropped around the corpse).

That actually sounds kinda fun.

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On 8/19/2017 at 0:12 AM, geo said:

Gentleman Doom: where each enemy has a bow tie and top hat on.


why not all enemies have Doomguy heads?

I'm surprised someone hasn't already created mods like these already.



On 8/19/2017 at 0:12 AM, geo said:

Only killing stops the pain: Doomguy takes damage every second he hasn't dealt damage to an enemy.

Such a mod would suck on maps that aren't chock full of enemies. For instance, imagine playing Doom 2 Map 30 with this mod. You might be dead by the time you got a chance to do some damage.


Maybe this type of mod would also liberally populate maps with enemies and ammo.



On 8/19/2017 at 0:12 AM, geo said:

Bullet reflection: Player bullets cannot hurt enemies UNLESS they bounce off walls. Enemy bullets can still hurt player.... and bounce off walls. Shoot an enemy without bouncing the bullet off the wall and they shoot a rocket at you.


Ultra Nightmare: Enemies regenerate health after 1 second of not being damaged. However, to keep the player from just running past everything, the player is also 25 - 50% slower.

I wonder if any of the legends that breeze through levels on UV and nightmare without so much as a scratch would be interested to try either of these? Or better yet, the combination of both.

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There's this thread

which would require you to never take any damage, which has actually already been done. But later in the thread, there as a short exchange of posts (between myself and @Matthias) pertaining to replacing powerups, armor, etc., with cyberdemons and archviles, removing all weapons except for 1 berzerk pack, and it culminated with this suggestion:


1) 1% of health on start

2) only fists and pistol

3) All things are replaced with cyberdemons

4) Generate randomly damage for some floors


Best mod ever


Hopefully, @Matthias doesn't take offence at this suggestion ending up in the "stupid mod" thread. Although @Pegg did point out that such a mod would essentially be a terry mode for the player.

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On 2/7/2018 at 4:39 AM, Agent6 said:

A wad with hundreds of enemies and barely any room to navigate.



or complex/lca with clusterfuck

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A Doom 1 three episode replacement where mappers make the maps based on their appearance in the intermission screen. Not sure if it was done already or was suggested so I apologize in advance if so.

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29 minutes ago, Akenore said:



or complex/lca with clusterfuck


17 minutes ago, NinjaLiquidator said:

@Agent6Done already

Well I wouldn't have expected this. Wow.

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1 hour ago, Agent6 said:


Well I wouldn't have expected this. Wow.

honestly I wonder what nuts.wad would be like loaded up with complex/lca/cluster.......THIS MUST BE DONE

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2 hours ago, Uni said:

A Doom 1 three episode replacement where mappers make the maps based on their appearance in the intermission screen. Not sure if it was done already or was suggested so I apologize in advance if so.

That doesn't really sound stupid, if you ask me.

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I think I meant it more as a silly idea, imagine someone trying to make "Slough of Despair" or "Spawning Vats" :)


But to be honest, it's kinda similar to something like Doom 2 In Names Only.

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Prudal Room


It's an overly-exaggerated parody of Brutal Doom where you play as Tommy Wiseau. The chainsaw is replaced with an OP water bottle that you can throw rapid-fire, and all the noises are at earrape levels. Basically it over-exaggerates literally every complaint people have about Brutal Doom, and it is developed by St_Nick_IX

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A mod where you drink 5 beers and then turn into a giant salami!


NOTE: In no way or shape was this idea influenced by the fact that I just drank 5 beers and I am about to eat some salami.

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On 1/30/2018 at 0:31 AM, therektafire said:

I was thinking about making a community project based around using only startan after 4800 hell knights ends...

In all seriousness, I would join a community project like that.

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1 hour ago, Pegleg said:

In all seriousness, I would join a community project like that.

Well like I said I want to do one but I am working on my 4800hk map right now and after that I need to make something at least somewhat resembling a hub so I don't really have much time to think through the finer details atm, all I know is that it would involve startan and maybe startan variants like from cc4 tex (but I would definitely want participant input on whether they would want derivative textures to be able to be used or only just the vanilla ones, we don't want a rule fiasco like with 4800hk where they changed a bunch of times and ran some people off :/)

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1 hour ago, MrD!zone said:

FreeHacx lol

Hacx Deluxe Edition. Pre-order now and get exclusive sprites for your weapons!

Edited by KVELLER

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Just now, MrD!zone said:

Although a Hacx 2 would be nice.

Back in 97 (?) they were working on Hacx 2 for the original Quake engine but later on changed to Quake 2 and yada yada yada Duken Nukem Forever but this one got cancelled.

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On 8/23/2017 at 5:02 PM, Royal_Sir said:

Spec Ops: The Line Doom

Spec Ops: The DOOM

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How about a weapon, where doomguy just holds up a single shotgun shell, and it fires shotguns? As well as that, how about also making it so that shotgun pickups (both SSGs and Shotguns) works as the ammo for that weapon?


What a terrible idea.

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Doom 2, only every texture has something to do with the big bang theory, every enemy is a picture of Sheldon Cooper, and every sound effect is either "Bazinga" or a laugh track.

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If your kill anything you die permanently and have to start the level over, but, if a monster kills you, you explode killing everything in the area and you get re-spawned instantly. Either the monsters will have to be placed in hoards or be able to inflict great amount of damage to the player in order for the player to die. Essentially the player becomes a voodoo doll.

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On 2/7/2018 at 6:39 AM, Agent6 said:

A wad with hundreds of enemies and barely any room to navigate.

What about a Room with just a Pistol, 12.000 Demons and 0.1 FPS, wait isn't that Nuts3.wad?

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On 2/13/2018 at 0:45 PM, Halfblind said:

If your kill anything you die permanently and have to start the level over, but, if a monster kills you, you explode killing everything in the area and you get re-spawned instantly. Either the monsters will have to be placed in hoards or be able to inflict great amount of damage to the player in order for the player to die. Essentially the player becomes a voodoo doll.

That would make for an interesting twist on pacifist runs.

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