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The "stupid mod idea" thread


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Weapons mod that visually and audibly replaces the super shotgun with a fusilade of muskets.


And then proceed to fire them at long range at the enemy to simulate napoleonic warfare. Bonus points if the fists are replaced with a bayoneted musket and the chainsaw replaced with a fusilade of bayoneted muskets.


Double bonus points for smog effects from firing fusilade.

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6) A Doom Mod that parodies the Cacowards.


7) A Doom Mod that parodies Doomworld's moderators.   


8) A Doom Mod where Doomguy bakes desserts. 

Edited by Master O

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Chocolate Doom. I'm talking about a mod with the same name as the source port, but where everything is given a chocolatey theme. All the monsters look like they're made of chocolate, like those chocolate rabbits you get at Easter time. All the power-ups and textures are replaced by chocolate eggs, chocolate bars and other forms of candy - the whole game resembles a candy-land children's fantasy (remember Zool?). The weapons are all replaced by chocolatey equivalents: the rocket launcher becomes a chocolate egg launcher; the pistol and shotguns blast the monsters with M&Ms; the plasma rifle fires a stream of melted chocolate; the fist is replaced by your mouth, which you can use to bite off the heads of the chocolate monsters.

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A community project that is based around the idea of recreating a fictional "lost" Doom TC from 1997, based on some media IP that existed at the time and could possibly have inspired a Doom TC (note by "TC" I really mean partial conversion, and it would only be like 8 or 9 levels or so.)

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Final Doomasy: You select 4 Doomarines that have hats to indicate their classes. Mage, Warrior, Black Mage, White Wizard, Ninja Man and so on... but here's the twist. Every enemy you shoot leads to a turn based battle where 1 enemy is really 4 or more enemies since you have a party of 4. There is a shop between each level where you spend your... enemy skulls.


DOOM Battle Simulator 3000: You pick a level, you set hundreds of enemies, then simulate battles to see who wins in Team Blue vs Team Red fashion. Add Doomguys with guns too.


Hop Scotch DOOM: Why not? Toss a bag or helmet on the ground and bunny hop to it. If you want to get more elaborate, make extra hop scotch courses. Why does everything have to be about killing demons? What did they ever do to us?


Daisy Livez: Play as Daisy... the reanimated cannibal bunny! You're short and each pickup is a carrot or berserk. Or play as Doom guy that has his beloved Daisy as a pet! Watch as Daisy jumps and murders for Doomguy armed only with a pistol as all the big cool weapons have no ammo.


The Floor is Lava!: Literally... Not 100%, just the majority of low lying areas. Add stone paths that require the player to jump or sprint across on zig-zagging paths.


Nicholas Cage Doom: You play as Nicholas Cage as he is a crooked cop living in a casino city who must rescue his family by finding the national treasure and disarming the DOOM nukes.


DOOM Duck Tales: You have a pogo stick to pogo over lava while rescuing your nephews and Wendy from the Beagle boys who have guns. Lots of collectables go to your wealth meter that works as ammunition. Firing diamonds through enemies like plasma!


Pirated Doom: A .wad that leads people to believe they have pirated DOOM, but its just 3 episodes of the episode 1 shareware.


DOOM II: Heaven on Earth: Its like Doom 2 but with an angel theme. Mancubus are blonde angels. Clouds everywhere, harps shoot happiness music to the other angels that makes them giggle.


Dragon Fly: Bullets of player fly in circles and continue to fly around a few seconds and can hurt the player. Aim becomes important.


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53 minutes ago, Linguica said:

A community project that is based around the idea of recreating a fictional "lost" Doom TC from 1997

I actually really like this one - especially if it's paired with hoax 1997-style websites about the TC, "hyping it up" but long since abandoned, plus other media to paint the complete portrait of the "lost" TC. I saw a similar thing recently about an "Escherian Stairwell" hoax that someone put together with a fake video and a bunch of websites and lore to back it up.

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Modifying palletes so in normal state everything would be black and you would navigate only by automap, and in radiation suit state you would see normally. So you would have to quickly juggle with rad suits to actually see something

Edited by NinjaLiquidator

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ultimate Shriner Doom: Doomguy wears a fez. That is all. ... orrrrr ... Doomguy visits hospitals and hotels to rescue children from monsters! Said monsters hate fezes!


Insult Doom: Why do things have to shoot projectiles? Can't the projectiles be insults in sprite form? No health, just ego! No death... just weeping on the floor from being insulted too much.


Stealth or be Stealthed: Doomguy must kill from behind enemies. When caught in an enemy's vision cone... other enemies spawn in behind the player.


Doom Daggers: Put Doom into a circle and keep waves of enemies coming!

Edited by geo

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3 hours ago, geo said:

Insult Doom: Why do things have to shoot projectiles? Can't the projectiles be insults in sprite form? No health, just ego! No death... just weeping on the floor from being insulted too much.


Actually... with some nice one liners this could turn out interesting.

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18 minutes ago, Agent6 said:


Actually... with some nice one liners this could turn out interesting.

Even 2 liners. Shot 1: Your mama so fat. Shot 2: She's a mancubus in a dress. Shot 3: Your mama so fugly. Shot 4: She's a mancbus butt.

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A mod based on Felix Colgrave's Man Spaghetti. It would actually be a perfectly good mod idea if it wasn't impossible to kill anyone.

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I've heard of many monster randomizers, but are there any dynamic ones? For examples, monsters randomly swap every minute. Or after every five kills.

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This wasn't a mod idea, but rather some stupid thing i once made were you had had a pistol that made monster explode into hundreds of tiny versions of themselves that you could squish like bugs while they run away scared with high pitched screams

I remember making that and then thinking to myself "what the hell am i making?"

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Hyper realistic Doom. Hideous Destructor, move aside.


You have to clean your guns between levels, manage your stress level and stamina, control recoil and use sights,  zombiemen are a mortal threat because they start shooting when they see you and one or two bullets is usually lethal, you can bleed out from wounds and can be hurt enough to go into shock, imps can and will out fight you in melee, you can suffer a heat stroke when moving around lava and blood in Hell with heavy equipment, bullets can penetrate doors and other thin surfaces, and you have to manage your sanity and mental state or you'll break down and huddle in a corner crying until a zombie walks by and shoots you.

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A doom Shmup in the style of either Gradius or its parody series "Parodius."


Edited by Master O

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7 minutes ago, Master O said:

A doom Shmup in the style of either Gradius or its parody series "Parodius."



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Just now, Master O said:


That's vertical, not horizontal. 

Rotate your monitor by 90 degrees  :P

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@Foofoo has a penchant for these, despite being a creative mapper, but he would rather post random stuff instead, so that makes me sad :(

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Super Doomio Kart: Make it happen if it hasn't happened!


Duck Duck Doom! 99% of the time your gun fires as normal... but its that 1% that turns an enemy into a cyberdemon.


Mario Stomper: Only way to kill enemies is to stomp on them, but you get a freeze ray. If you do not kill enemies before they thaw they're extra dangerous.


Doomguy's Helmet HUD: Its as if you're wearing Doomguy's helmet so 30% of the screen is obscured.


Zelda 1 Doom: Same Zelda 1 overworld and map, but first person. You move a bit more sluggish since you have guns.


Doomcraft: There are no weapons or ammo, instead there's metal and materials. You must craft 3 pieces of metal and 2 pieces of wood to make a shotgun. Ammunition is metal + aluminum + buckshot.


Soccer Doom: Shoot the ball nudges it, but punching the ball makes it move faster. Multiplayer only.


Shadow Gate: Make Shadow Gate in Doom form. Medieval weapons instead of guns.

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ID Software vs Capcom


It's not like Capcom hasn't whored itself out enough already... ;)


*Ryu throws a Hadouken.*


*Doom Guy fires a BFG shot back.*

Edited by Master O

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Doom Snap: You walk around in various places armed only with a cam, sometimes you'll find a monster and you have to photograph it with your cam. The harder is the monster, the rarest are the chance to find and photograph it! The level ends when you photograph all the monsters.


A community projects:

  • With a file size constriction
  • That runs exclusively on social media, like Facebook 
Edited by Walter confetti

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What about a mod where doomguy is clumsy and sometimes incompetant but still relatively playable?


He should randomly make mistakes with his weapons, such as:

- When reloading the SSG, he sometimes misses the hole and drops one of the shells on the floor, leading him to only have a shot the strength of a normal shotgun.

    - Or sometimes, he can drop both shells by accident, which can be a rare event.

    - Chance to accidentally drop the shells is increased when moving.

- His aim quivers with the pistol, instead of the typical pinpoint accuracy.

- With the chaingun, he doesn't know how to withstand the recoil, so he gets flung backwards a lot, as well as a lot of aim shaking.

- He finds it hard carrying the BFG, so the player has to constantly look up while using it, or else he will shoot the floor.

    - Same goes for the rocket launcher, but not as much.

- The normal shotgun sometimes jams, and he has to unjam it by forcibly pumping it before he can continue firing.

- He trips and has to regain his balance if he misses a punch.

- With the chainsaw, he has to restart it every once in a while with a string-pulling animation. Chunkier monsters (Revenants, Cyberdemons) make it jam more often.

- He covers his eyes whenever he uses the plasma gun, so the screen has to turn black every time he fires it.


Or he could be clumsy with other things, such as:

- Sometimes he accidentally puts the key in the slot backwards, so there has to be a short period of time where he re-aligns it.

- Sometimes trips when running up stairs. Causes him to stutter and also interrupts him from shooting or reloading.

    - He could also slip sometimes when treading on liquids.

    - Maybe as an optional thing, but he can also trip on fallen enemies sometimes.

- When putting on armour, it takes a long time to put it on, and he sometimes puts it on backwards, so he has to do it again.

- Sometimes, when the level starts, he could be looking the other way, and the player has to turn around.

- Takes some time to pat the flames off of him when he's hit by an imp fireball, or a mancubus missile (whatever you call those)

- Hesitates before getting on high elevators, and refuses to go on unless the player presses the forward key a second time.

- Around corners, he can sometimes stub his toe on the edge, which makes him flinch and subtracts 1 health.

- He walks slower, and also has more view bob the more ammo and weapons he has.

- Sometimes has trouble with doors and switches, causing them to need a second press in order to function.

- Accidentally kicks over singular rockets, causing an explosion, harming himself in the process.

- Lite Amplification goggles are sometimes put on at a weird angle, and need to be corrected.


Those are just a couple I could name off the top of my head. Terrible ideas, but also could be doable.

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51 minutes ago, Valgilton said:

What about a mod where doomguy is clumsy and sometimes incompetant but still relatively playable?


Some of his incompetence with the weapons reminds me of Extreme Weapons Pack, especially with the Shotgun and Chaingun.

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Just now, KVELLER said:


Some of his incompetence with the weapons reminds me of Extreme Weapons Pack, especially with the Shotgun and Chaingun.

I actually originally thought of the Extreme Weapons Pack, but even more "extreme" as well as some non-weapon "features".


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