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The "stupid mod idea" thread


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1 hour ago, Apaul27 said:

. A Aeons of Death addon for Brutal Doom


This may be crossing the line thrice, but... what about Brutal Doomguy's Warzone?


Or better yet, Brutal Doomguy's Warzone PSX Doom TC Edition, or whatever else makes it effectively stand-alone without adding original content.

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After reading a comment in another thread a stupid idea popped up in my head:


Poor Doom - You're a poor man who can only "win" by begging demons not to eat you alive.

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8 hours ago, FraxGamer314 said:

Doom II but replace every enemy with John Romero's head

Or even activating "bubbies mode" to replace every single sprite with a naked woman!

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4 hours ago, Gerardo194 said:

Or even activating "bubbies mode" to replace every single sprite with a naked woman!


 Or better yet, just plain sparkly bubbles? And each bubble having a cute butterfly inside? That would be much better......wouldn't it?

Edited by grouchbag

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Steals a joke from Evolution of the Wad
A recreation of Eternal Doom but instead of monster fighting you they instead give you tips on how to solve all the puzzles :D

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6 hours ago, Gerardo194 said:

Or even activating "bubbies mode" to replace every single sprite with a naked woman!


This section will list all the art assets needed for Episode 1. They're all classified as V (Vital), D (Desired) or N (Non-vital). Assets classified as Vital are essential and the game cannot be released without them.


Wall graphics:

  • V - concrete walls
  • V - steel walls
  • V - switch texture
  • V - warning signs
  • V - nude wall calendar
  • V - door texture

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I just got an another idea, did you remember Shadow & Rise of the Wool Ball, those two total conversions made by MSPaintR0cks, well i come up a gameplay mod version of those two mods.



There are two classes to choose from, each with different stats.

1. Scott: He can dual wield most of the weapons, that he can used, he also reload faster than Rebecca, he has more health, and coffee give him strength.

2. Rebecca: She run faster than Scott, she also can do a double jump, and she can wall jump too. She can also use a skateboard, and coffee can make her shoot better.



Just like those two TC, which i just told you earlier, the monsters will still be cats, but you also meet new ones, that you haven't meant before.



There are 5 of them.


1. Very Easy (Easy spawn Set, and you take less damage)

2. Easy (Just easy spawn set)

3. Medium (Normal spawn set, and also the way you normally play a doom game)

4. Hard (Hard spawn set, faster monsters, and monsters will respawn)

5. Very Hard (Same as hard, but there is no monster respawn, you'll take more damage, the monsters are stronger than ever, lava can kill you in one hit, and you only have one life. If you die in game, it's game over.)



I'll list them in order:


1. Fist and One Hit Glove (Scott), Foot and One Hit Sneakers (Rebecca)

2. Pistol, and Heavy Machine Gun

3. Shotgun, Double Shotgun, Auto Shotgun, and their gold versions

4. Chain Gun, Nail Gun, and Super Nail Gun

5. Cucumber Launcher, and Pickle Launcher (Wool Ball version of the Grenade Launcher)

6. Bird Gun, and Bird "Pee" Gun (Wool Ball version of the Lightning Gun)

7. BFE (aka the Big F***ing Eagle, also the Wool Ball version of the BFG, aka the Big F***ing Gun)



You can play the mod on any the iwads, not just for Doom, it also play it on Heretic, Hexen, Chex Quest, Strife (All the npcs will be hedgehogs), and every map packs for those games...

Or you play the mod with the remake version of all the maps from Shadow & Rise of the Wool Ball.

Edited by Apaul27
I just change the word "there" to "their".

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A new marine knew he was different...really different. He became a UAC marine, but didn't know why he was stronger and faster than most in his unit. And why he ended up on all the shittiest missions. So he decided to trace his ancestry. Come to find out, some great great etc. grandparent was married to a demon. but the human genes prevailed. He looked human, but had the strength and cunning of a demon. So he traveled back in time to meet his ancestors...the results were not quite what he expected. Now use your imagination....

Edited by grouchbag

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Just now, roadworx said:

doom, but you can talk to the demons and make friends with them

Or doom as a dating sim....

Wait a minute

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Maybe someone looking for ideas will check this thread for inspiration. Who knows?

2 hours ago, Catpho said:

Sorry Catpho, I goofed....one of those days I guess.


Edited by grouchbag

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2 hours ago, Catpho said:

Or doom as a dating sim....

Wait a minute


And thus, HDoom Was born!

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On 3/20/2018 at 2:40 AM, yakfak said:

a conversion where doomguy is trying to parlay his military success into a political run

the crowd is all imps and zombiefriends and they constantly heckle

each scenario sees doomguy deliver a speech during which the player can interject to respond to specific heckles that might be damaging to doomguy's rep

but if you retaliate too much you lose the faith of the crowd

and you have to play a map where you wipe out the crowd so no-one will know your disastrous speech ever happened


cos doomguy is a psycho meathead who worships his own shellshock he starts at the local level messing up council decisions, closing libraries and chopping down beloved trees

and as his political ascendancy gathers speed he's closing in on a spot in the national government where he can fuck up the real important stuff

the success screen is same as the Doom E3 one, except the idea is the factory is on fire because he sold the dev contract to a bunch of cowboys he had stocks in

Could this work if, let's say, Doomguy is a lawyer, and the jury is all made of Imps, and you have to set up a defense, and the judge is an Arch-vile?

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2 hours ago, Catpho said:

Or doom as a dating sim....

Wait a minute


I waited several minutes. Nothing happened.


Sure, some tangentially related mods already exist, but where's all the dialogue?


At least The Imp Encounter (the story) had some complex feelings involved.

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19 hours ago, Scypek2 said:


I waited several minutes. Nothing happened.


Sure, some tangentially related mods already exist, but where's all the dialogue?


At least The Imp Encounter (the story) had some complex feelings involved.

Heh, maybe its because the demons killed daisy? Why would you want to date someone who murdered your pet :P

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Surely not all the demons were responsible for that... plus, who says Doomguy needs to be the protagonist every time? Be a demon, explore the intricate social dynamics of Hell!

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That sounds like the way to create a tear-jerker VN where all the cute anime imps and mancubi you spend so much time getting to know and forming connections with, get mercilessly slaughtered at the end by Doomguy.


Maybe you can use time-travel/Dimension hopping to try and get your hell-spawn friends to put aside their differences and unite against Doomguy and finally take him/her/it down.

Edited by Zulk RS

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52 minutes ago, Scypek2 said:

Surely not all the demons were responsible for that... plus, who says Doomguy needs to be the protagonist every time? Be a demon, explore the intricate social dynamics of Hell!

Get to work marine!

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A mod that replaces hell knights with robots that are immune to damage from normal weapons. The only way to defeat them is using the chainsaw replacement: a paper sheet with a division by zero written on it. You have to get into melee range to show it to them, and then quickly back up before they malfunction and eventually explode into bits (get it? bits?).

Edited by KVELLER

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2 hours ago, Scypek2 said:

Surely not all the demons were responsible for that... plus, who says Doomguy needs to be the protagonist every time? Be a demon, explore the intricate social dynamics of Hell!

A wacky idea I had once was you were one of the barons in E1M8. It went something like this:


You're in a box that's tilted from being carried by a dolly. The box rights itself with a loud BANG as the dolly puts it down. A minute later, another box gets set down with equal care. After a few minutes of grumbling and complaining, you start up a conversation with the other baron, and after about an hour of lively discussions and a failed game of charades, the doors lower and you prepare to fight the doomguy...who has a rocket launcher.



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10 minutes ago, Ichor said:

A wacky idea I had once was you were one of the barons in E1M8. It went something like this:


You're in a box that's tilted from being carried by a dolly. The box rights itself with a loud BANG as the dolly puts it down. A minute later, another box gets set down with equal care. After a few minutes of grumbling and complaining, you start up a conversation with the other baron, and after about an hour of lively discussions and a failed game of charades, the doors lower and you prepare to fight the doomguy...who has a rocket launcher.




That... Sounds like something I'd want to play.

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1 minute ago, Novaseer said:

ROK but American instead of Russian.


You think that is possible? The "mother of all bombs" is just a fly compared to... ahem, you get it.

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1 minute ago, Gustavo6046 said:


You think that is possible? The "mother of all bombs" is just a fly compared to... ahem, you get it.

Yeah, but people meme America as the 'gun country' all the time. It'd be fun to see how the designs differ across the mods.


Russia? Minigun that fires bomber jets.

America? LMG that fires Apaches.

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A Doom mod where you play as Kamen Rider Joker. Your only options are melle with Rider Punch and Rider Kick as Limit Breaks.

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We already visited Seinfeld's apartment in Seinfeld Doom but how about exploring all the living spaces of these great shows too.

  • Friends
  • Family Matters
  • Home Improvement
  • Full House
  • Dick Van Dyke Show
  • Mary Tyler Moore Show
  • The Brady Bunch
  • Step by Step
  • The Nanny
  • Raising Hope
  • Hope & Faith
  • My Name is Earl
  • The Middle
  • Too Close For Comfort
  • One Day at a Time
  • Hot in Cleveland
  • Last Man Standing
  • Fresh off the Boat
  • Whose the Boss
  • Married With Children
  • Growing Pains
  • Small Wonder
  • And many, many more...

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Repercussions of Evil, but it was made in 1918. Silent movie, grainy, sepia tone, cheesy piano music, that sort of thing.

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OK, those ideas are crazy, that those might blow your mind.

 .Project Brutality Shadow & Rise of the Wool Ball

 .Project Brutality HDoom

 .Project Brutality WOW.wad

 .Project Brutality DayTime Drama

 .Project Brutality Memoirs of Magic

 .Project Brutality Aeons of Death

 .Project Brutality HXRTC Project

 .Project Brutality HeXeReTic Fantasy

 .Project Brutality Hedon


But, there's five more, all of which below are crossovers of the BIG five build engine game, and The Wool Ball series.

 .Scott Nukem 3D (SOTWB & Duke Nukem 3D)

 .Rebecca is Hedge Warrior (ROTWB & Lo Wang is Shadow Warrior)

 .Bloody Kitty (The Blood fps game starting the main villain of Wool Ball series "Lord Kitty" as Caleb)

 .Rayman Rampage (Rayman Doom & Redneck Rampage)

 .Bunker Maiden (Bunker Brawl 3D & Ion Maiden)

Edited by Apaul27
Forgot to change that "four" to a "five"

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