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The "stupid mod idea" thread


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1 hour ago, DeXiaZ said:

AI of monsters have randomized pathways


Do they? How do demos work, then? Still, even if they don't, getting a perfect timing for monsters to do the same every time would be no small feat.

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19 minutes ago, KVELLER said:

Do they? How do demos work, then? Still, even if they don't, getting a perfect timing for monsters to do the same every time would be no small feat.


LoL, just try 3 times in a row finish Doom 1 E1M3 level, for example. You will see, that demons will strafe in very different angles.


So, if you're playing the piano (Doom), you're locked with movement. Doomguy must move in only 1 path. But monsters sometimes will avoid him and this will cause problems in future. The main problem - those monsters just block Doomguy and kill him. If you'll try to defeat them - you will ruin the music.

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2 hours ago, KVELLER said:

How do demos work, then?

Pseudorandom number generator.

The recording keeps track of the RNG seeds and stores them away along with your inputs. It's not recording the screen, it's recording the data so when you ask it to play a demo back, the game actually plays itself using the data you put in during the recording.



A demo lump is a sequence of instructions which tells the game engine what actions the player will perform: when he will take a step forward, turn around, shoot, switch weapons, etc. It is interpreted by the engine as keyboard and mouse input, thereby allowing anyone to watch a recreation of the original recorded actions. While some elements of the game (such as damage done by attacks) are typically randomized, the usage of a pseudorandom number generator ensures they stay the same with every playback.


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@Aquila Chrysaetos Huh, I didn't know that demos saved RNG tables as well, I thought it was just the inputs. I'm guessing enemy "decisions" are also stored there?



3 hours ago, DeXiaZ said:

LoL, just try 3 times in a row finish Doom 1 E1M3 level, for example. You will see, that demons will strafe in very different angles.


Yeah, but you're never going to send the exact same inputs.

Edited by KVELLER

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11 minutes ago, KVELLER said:

Huh, I didn't know that demos saved RNG tables as well, I thought it was just the inputs. I'm guessing enemy "decisions" are also stored there?

Yes. Those are part of the tables. If it didn't save them, the demos wouldn't work.

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3 minutes ago, Aquila Chrysaetos said:

Yes. Those are part of the tables. If it didn't save them, the demos wouldn't work.


Ok, I stand corrected. Thanks for the info BTW, and sorry for talking out of my ass, @DeXiaZ.

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On 7/10/2018 at 11:45 PM, Scypek2 said:

This could be a whole mapping genre. Non-repeatable linedef actions only, unavoidable damaging floors and required rocket jumps that are only possible if you never get hit by a monster and collect every health and armor item on the level... path blocked by barrels behind the door into a room where making a noise alerts a thousand of archviles, so you need to close the door, move way back, shoot a rocket at the door, outrun the rocket and open the door to let it destroy the barrels because it's just shooting and not explosions that alert monsters in doom...

I see, you're actually right, this isn't merely one stupid mod idea. (And I could only come up w/ pixel-perfect jump requirements between tiny, 1x1 right angled triangle shaped platforms above insta-kill lava, and having ammunition scarcely enough to beat the level.)

So! Here's an actual one:
What about an extremely annoying mod where every texture has/is replaced with images of canine breeds and also all the .SFX being substituted with yiffs or barks, and even the soundtrack is composed of merely said sounds? Also, it disables the option of volume control. 5 seconds into it players will be begging for something quieter. :]

Edited by Cell

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A mod which allows Doomguy to sit on randomly generated chairs throughout the level. 2% chance of a recliner on every sector with FLAT14.

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A mod where all monsters and their projectiles look and sound the same. You have to memorize who is who during the fight.

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6 hours ago, Memfis said:

A mod where all monsters and their projectiles look and sound the same. You have to memorize who is who during the fight.

I'm going to claim this idea...

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A mod where weapons have a random chance of malfunctioning or jamming, in the case of Rocket Launchers, Plasma Guns, and BFGs, might explode on the player's face resulting in instant death regardless of health, armor and invulnerability power up/cheats. Monsters with mechanical parts also have a slight chance of suffering fatal malfunctions.

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Stupid: 203 is Basically an English Version of Grezzo 2 with Memes, Fetish Art, Czechoslovakia's Pat and Mat, and Satan's Bodyguard, AKA the "Waster" from D-6.GRO, a Russian Horror mod for Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.


This is Meant to Relieve Stress from Things and or their Fandoms you might Dislike or Hate, Like FNAF, GoAnimate and or Undertale, and also Make you Laugh, but mainly the Latter, I am just a Fool Guy guessing, Okay?



You are a Crappy Paint.Net Drawing and you are Sick and Tired of Stuff you Absolutely Hate, Especially, GoAnimate and Religion.


You decide to go Full Exterminator in the City and Kill GoAnimate and Madness Combat Characters, Like Warren Cook, A.A.H.W. Agents and Uolliac. Deviantart and Eka's Portal Fetishists Like Tokobakure, MobiusTheIce, Lollie Narala, Kphoria, and Aelina. Outdated Memes Like Michael Rosen and MR.CATS from that All you base are Belong to us Music Slideshow. Liars Like Pentagrin. Idiots Like the Announcer from Plumbers don't Wear Ties, And basically Julius Caesar's Giant Head and Civil Civilians from Carmageddon and Police Brutality.


After the Massacre, you Decide to Lay Down, when Suddenly you get your Kamikaze Gear on for no Apparent Reason, and Scream AAAAAA!!


Then you go to Hell for Blowing yourself up Like a Serious Sam Kamikaze. Then Generic Doom and Doom 64 Demons Appear, and get Killed, by you, Obviously. But before you can Kill the Waster, and then Satan, you get Ambushed in a Horde of Shotgun Guys and Chaingunners. Then for No apparent Reason at all, you get Sent to Heaven, maybe God is trying to Tell you Something, but you Ignore that for now.


In Heaven, you Fight Angels while meeting Friendly Demons and More Meme Crap, all while, if you get Killed, you get yourself into Terry Like Trap, but without the Rape Jokes and Somemong Textures. Then you Use your Jesus Attack and Kill some More Angels.


Then you meet God, he Tells you that, in Order to get out of here, you must Stay in Heaven and Pray to him Every Day for the Rest of Eternity. Naturally, you go Against this and Shoot him in the Face. and Then, you Kill yourself.


Yeah Stupid Edgy and Laughable Stuff ain't it?


Edited by Unidentified000

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A mod that replaces the level's music with looped audio clips from doom's weapons, and it also replaces the fire sounds of weapons with the level's music.


Imagine using the chaingun.

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* comes running in *...






Replace every enemy with kittens, puppies, dogs, cats, lamas, giant fuzzy animals... and you must pet them all! Stop petting them before they're asleep and they wake up in a few seconds. Do it! I took inspiration (stole the idea) from the dog pet Wolfenstien 3D mod.




Internet Legend Spoony MOD! Internet legend / meth head, Spoony has always needed a DOOM mod. It can cameo Final Fantasy VIII characters, because that's how he somehow got famous a decade ago.


Kill Terry .wad! Finally you get to kill Terry without playing a Terry Wad! That's both the name and plot of the .wad! Wipe Doomworld's halls clean of the vile Terry!

Edited by geo

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A mod where all of the weapon sounds are just someone saying "pew pew" for the guns and "VRRRRRRRRRRRR"for the chainsaw

Edited by FeverDreamer

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@FeverDreamer There are several silly sounds replacements wads out there. Here is one I made in '09: empsndb2.wad. All the sounds are made by me, and not sampled from somewhere else. There are some sounds not replaced yet, mainly the SSG and chainsaw, which require 4 sounds each, but I have no good ideas for them, and no working mic right now. All the monster sounds are replaced, though.

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Hunt Down the Doom Guy.


A parody of Hunt Down the Freeman and the shitshow it was, except translated into the Doom universe. 'Nuff said.


P.S: I think I actually might start working on this. Anyone else wanna join me?

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1 hour ago, BLλZING_DUST said:

Hunt Down the Doom Guy.


A parody of Hunt Down the Freeman and the shitshow it was, except translated into the Doom universe. 'Nuff said.


P.S: I think I actually might start working on this. Anyone else wanna join me?


Doom equivalent of Hunt Down the Freeman sounds about like Doom Rampage Edition.

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8 hours ago, FeverDreamer said:

A mod where all of the weapon sounds are just someone saying "pew pew" for the guns and "VRRRRRRRRRRRR"for the chainsaw

I feel like I've seen that already existing.  There are so many dumb/weird sound WADs though.

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9 hours ago, FeverDreamer said:

A mod where all of the weapon sounds are just someone saying "pew pew" for the guns and "VRRRRRRRRRRRR"for the chainsaw


That instantly reminded me of Text to Doom.

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A mod that replaces the monsters' and weapons' sound effects with ambient music from Brian Eno's 1970s albums, especially Music for Airports and Discreet Music.

Edited by Master O

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9 hours ago, Solmyr said:

A mod wich replaces all graphics and audio for Atari 2600 style graphics and sounds.


There is a mod that does that, but I forget its name.  I think it was a runner up or got honorable mention on one of the Cacowards pages.  


Edit: Voxel Chibi Doom --> https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=58059


Edit 2:  Voxel Chibi Doom was on this Cacowards page, including other Doom 2 low-res graphics mods: https://www.doomworld.com/24years/gameplay.php


Edit 3: 8-Bit Blood


Edited by Master O

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I am a nasty bastard... again.
Get queasy if you want so, I don't mind. Seriously, you know what war jeopardy stands for, dontcha?

Doomguy for some reason forgets to wear a helmet, and now, every projectile that arrives at and hits him in the front has a 2% chance to render one of his eyes blind (depends on whether from the left or the right, too - for example, the premise for the right eye ranges from 45 degrees to the right to 15 degrees to the left and vice versa - however, you can only lose one eye by one attack). Melee attacks are five times more prone to do so. You even can go full blind, and no health restoration can counter this effect, your only chance is to start a new game.

Edited by Cell

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