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The "stupid mod idea" thread


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Have the light amplification visor only increase the brightness by a percentage of whatever the current inhabited sector brightness is. Why is this stupid? No one places the visor in levels.

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9 hours ago, Cell said:
 This is E1M2, and yes, it's a choir of Imps singing into Rocket Launchers conducted by a Sergeant.

For some reason I imagine all the imps singing Longest Time by Billy Joel. 

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On 8/1/2021 at 11:34 AM, ketmar said:

use original vanilla thing placement, but design a completely different map set around it. community project, anyone? ;-)


I tried to do something similar with MAP01 long time ago...


10 hours ago, Cell said:

Doom in OST name only.


That's actually a pretty neat idea, also reminded me of this thing

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On 8/1/2021 at 2:34 PM, ketmar said:

use original vanilla thing placement, but design a completely different map set around it. community project, anyone? ;-)


"Long time ago" there was a suggestion for Doom 2 Map 15 with same idea.


I'd like to see the whole community project around it. The whole Doom 1 and Doom 2 mapset would be insane in a good way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking about it some time ago but.... Speedmapping jokewad sessions are a stupid idea enough?


I wrote about this in another thread,my idea is to make something similar to Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions or other Speedmapping exercises, but doing the worst map you can do or working with bad / edgy themes for the maps.

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I was thinking about an unholy union of pirate doom and monkey island but for GZDoom... so 3d monsters that are civilians, various NPCs, monsters, pirates, ghost pirates, zombie pirates and skeleton pirates


and a doomified version of insult sword fighting... like instead of "How appropiate, you fight like a Cow" it could be "How appropiate, you fight like a Zombieman" etc... and it should allow the player to learn new insults just like in Monkey Island


the game would have both FPS, RPG (like monkey island but also like dungeons and dragons) and puzzle elements, also with some pirates of the caribbian thrown in for good measure... aiii... that be a proper piraty game matey


and then it would need 32 levels that are heavily inspired by the locations in the monkey island series


the UI and weapons would be pirate doom like (because they are awesome) and the weapons would be 3D objects


not sure if there would be cacodemons with pirate hats and eye patches but then again, they could be a part of it and they could look even better in 3D

Edited by CBM

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8 hours ago, CBM said:

I was thinking about an unholy union of pirate doom and monkey island but for GZDoom... so 3d monsters that are civilians, various NPCs, monsters, pirates, ghost pirates, zombie pirates and skeleton pirates 


Excuse me, this is the stupid mod idea thread, the amazing mod idea thread is over there

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8 minutes ago, Albertoni said:


Excuse me, this is the stupid mod idea thread, the amazing mod idea thread is over there

LOL, maybe you are right.

I am tempted to do that mod once all my other projects are finished

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22 hours ago, CBM said:

LOL, maybe you are right.

I am tempted to do that mod once all my other projects are finished


The final boss would be "Icon of LeChuck".

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11 minutes ago, Master O said:


The final boss would be "Icon of LeChuck".

"Icon of LeChuck", A harmless mechanical robot in the shape of the fearsome pirate LeChuck... once placed as entertainment in some unknown amusement park. Now found half-broken but still functional, in some random junkyard, beside an old yellowed picture of a Cacodemon wearing a pirate hat and an eye patch... the piratey Cacodemon in the picture must have been blind. The picture is signed "CBM from DOOMWORLD".





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On 8/19/2021 at 4:45 PM, Albertoni said:


Excuse me, this is the stupid mod idea thread, the amazing mod idea thread is over there


You mean over there? It's been dormant for a while, but it deserves to be alive.

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1 hour ago, Scypek2 said:


You mean over there? It's been dormant for a while, but it deserves to be alive.

Never noticed that particular thread before... but...


"NOTICE: This thread has been dormant for more than three months."


so it might be a bad idea to post something in it now




regarding the pirate mod, if anyone was to do it then it would be easiest to base it on pirate doom and then mod it from there

Edited by CBM

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7 minutes ago, CBM said:

Never noticed that particular thread before... but...


"NOTICE: This thread has been dormant for more than three months."


so it might be a bad idea to post something in it now

The Gods have spoken. People want dumb shit. I want a mod that allows you to get eaten by any enemy and control them from within.

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2 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

The Gods have spoken. People want dumb shit. I want a mod that allows you to get eaten by any enemy and control them from within.

so like.. the player warps in to a player version of the first monster that makes a melee attack?

and then returns to being doomguy when that monsters health is zero?

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A mod where your only weapon is a wrecking ball that has basic physics and moves in a rope behind you, forcing you to run towards monsters and turn away on the last second so the ball cleaves a line through the demons.


11 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

The Gods have spoken. People want dumb shit.


Nah, it's just easier to have ten bad ideas than a single good one. Nice avatar, btw

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10 hours ago, Sergeant G said:

Let's make a Doom mod that makes the game as close to the Doom movie as possible.


A Doom 3 epsiode where the Doom movie settings are rebuild (and re-arranged for gameplay) could actually be nice.

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10 hours ago, Tetzlaff said:


A Doom 3 epsiode where the Doom movie settings are rebuild (and re-arranged for gameplay) could actually be nice.

My only real issue with the film was the demon count. I mean, I wasn't expecting Shakespeare and it was obvious from the poster that the film did not have the highest budget. 

I liked the teleportation scene in the beginning.

The Mars base sets looked fine, and Dwyane Johnson sorta does look like DOOMGUY a bit...

Was there a Revenant in it? No. Okay, can't have it all.

Was there an Archie in it? No. 

Was there an arachnotron in it? No.

Was there a Mancubus in it? No! 

Was there a cacodemon in it?

How about any lost...either the Cyberdemon or even the Spiderdemon Mastermind? 

I could not help feeling a little bit let down.

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23 hours ago, CBM said:

"NOTICE: This thread has been dormant for more than three months."


That warning is just a reminder to make sure you have something relevant to say. It always shows up and doesn't discriminate between short-lived situational threads and more timeless ones. Posting a good idea in a good idea thread is about as relevant as it gets.

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2 hours ago, Scypek2 said:


That warning is just a reminder to make sure you have something relevant to say. It always shows up and doesn't discriminate between short-lived situational threads and more timeless ones. Posting a good idea in a good idea thread is about as relevant as it gets.

okay but stuff like what ideers are good or not could be seen differently by different people and a mod could decide it was not relevant enough to warrent a bump

Edited by CBM

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Then they can go ahead and lock it if they feel like it, but unless the bump is very unarguably pointless (like a single-word comment), I doubt it would merit even the mildest of temporary warnings. Maybe if someone (a person, not an automated piece of forum software) told you not you do it, then it could be considered an offense to continue. But otherwise? Nope. And I've been here for years, so I think I have a good enough understanding.

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On 8/20/2021 at 7:26 PM, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

The Gods have spoken. People want dumb shit. I want a mod that allows you to get eaten by any enemy and control them from within.


So, Kirby Doom?

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  • 2 weeks later...

NSTCP - No Secrets Told Community Project

Your average CP, but with an unusual restriction - you are absolutely forbidden to discuss any secrets in the public development thread.
Got an issue with a bugged secret while playtesting? Private Message the author about it.
What about E*M9 maps or MAP31 and MAP32, depending on the intended IWAD? Strictly between the project leaders and the mappers for said slots.

Ingame premise for bonus points: all the linedefs of the secrets and the subsecrets (e.g. obscure switch alcoves) should be marked "Hidden" and placing any Computer Area Maps is also off-limits.

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The Demons have taken over the Dominos Pizza I used to drive for! 

MAP01 - The Demonsters Out Back

MAP02 - Boxstacks

MAP04 - The Sink

MAP05 - A Frozen Room

MAP06 - Security Cameras

MAP07 - Manager's Chain

MAP08 - The Safe Opens

MAP09 - Fuel Lines

MAP10 - The Oven

MAP11 - Bursting Bottles

MAP12 - Flesh Bins and Gibbs Trays

MAP13 - Death Register 

MAP14 - Stained Tiles

MAP15 The Buzzing Sign

MAP 16 (Secret Level) - Keisha's Perfume Bottle

MAP17 (stupiddumb@55 Level) - Freddy's Serenade


Since I know you're all dying for a preview, simply google any image of Freddy Fazbear and friends and stare deeply into them while playing the following music, that'll be a preview for MAP17!


Edited by Sergeant G

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17 hours ago, Cell said:

NSTCP - No Secrets Told Community Project

Your average CP, but with an unusual restriction - you are absolutely forbidden to discuss any secrets in the public development thread.
Got an issue with a bugged secret while playtesting? Private Message the author about it.
What about E*M9 maps or MAP31 and MAP32, depending on the intended IWAD? Strictly between the project leaders and the mappers for said slots.

Ingame premise for bonus points: all the linedefs of the secrets and the subsecrets (e.g. obscure switch alcoves) should be marked "Hidden" and placing any Computer Area Maps is also off-limits.


Sounds interesting, but of course it can all get averted by opening the map in doombuilder. I'd be down with this project if we were to really commit to it. Design a new map format not supported by any editors, and a sourceport fork that can play maps in this format, and also changes up the cheat codes. Make some kind of converter so you can make your levels normally and then publish them in the weird format. Make the most secret secrets in all of doom history.


Also every map should have at least one secret not marked as secret.

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I had this stupid idea for a mod and this thread seems perfect for it!


I wanted a mod that would change the game's speed every second or so. It could go from anything to about 33% to 300% of the usual game speed.


What purpose would this have? None at all. Then again I had this idea after playing through Episode 1 of Doom while inverting my mouse sensitivity so that the mouse movement would all be backwards. I'm allergic to good and sensical ideas.

Edited by PsychEyeball

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Here's a seriously stupid one I'm seriously considering:




-This project will be in the spirit of DOOM-1. The project's base will be a hub that looks like a museum entrance.  

-Any user can build a room in the museum.

-Each room must contain some kind of sector art creation.

-There is no theme. You can make a dinosaur, a robot, an octopus, characters from movies or games, etc.

-Users can contribute as many creations as they want. There is no limit to how big a room can be, or how many creations it can contain.

-Users are free to add detail to the museum or shift the layout around.

-Users are welcome to take requests from the community to get ideas of what they should build.

-There will be no enemies, no HUD, no weapons.


What do you guys think? The point of this project is that any member, even if they have little experience, can build something.

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