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The "stupid mod idea" thread


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Doom, the mobile game ad version. Complete with "To Hell with you!" taglines and all.


The catch: Since it's a mobile game ad, you need to play like a complete fucking idiot to clear levels; your goal is to die as fast as possible, and the levels are intentionally made so that it's really fucking hard to do so.


MAP30 is wow.wad, but with Commander Keens. Good luck sucking, Marine!

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Team Hotdog Deathmatch  -

5-10 Minute Deathmatch, every kill with a special Weapon will transform the fragged Player into a couple of Hotdogs.
Those Hotdogs will be collected automaticly in a big Hotdog Dispenser, looking like one of those:

After the Deathmatch Round is over, one Player must go and stand ready to "drink" the Hotdogs.
The other Players of the Team must run up to the bottom of the big Hotdog dispenser and Jump onto them, to squeeze them out.

The Players bounce off the Hotdogs to the Ground, so that they have to run back to the Top to jump down again.

Every jump is one drunk Hotdog.


In this Phase every Player has only a Leaf Blower as a Weapon to push back others.
The other Team can try with that to interrupt the jumping Process or the drinking Process.

The Team with the fattest Marine wins.


@Krawa  I want to play that on Sessions :P

Edited by Azuris

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team deathmatch with nothing but shit assault rifles that have the accuracy of an drunk 97 year old man riding a horse and a rocket launcher where the rocket comes straight out the back end and into your face

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Oh i got one that sound really stupid, how about a mod where you have to run through traps and dangerous hall ways without dying, but you die anyways at the end of the level. 


Now i've said it out loud it sounds so stupid i'll see myself out. 

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Fast monsters in every other difficulty setting, but the player moves progressively slower for each difficulty setting, except nightmare! As compensation armor increases its protection value by 10% from HNTR up to UV, also all health related items increase their healing value; 2 hp for bonuses, 5 hp for stimpacks, 10 hp for medkits. Powerups remain unchanged for most difficulty settings except the Soulsphere, Invulnerabilty and Berserk on UV, the former adds 200%, the second lasts twice as much, and the latter grants temporary speed boost that lasts as much as the rad suit.

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Has anyone said this one yet? Forgive me if so.


Sound and music replaced entirely by vocals mod. Every single sound from the music, to the guns, pickups and monsters replaced by someone making the sounds only with their voice.


E.g. instead of vanilla shotgun sounds, it's someone saying "Boom Chk-Chk". The music hilariously is someone mimicing it with "Da-da don da-da don da-da don da-da-da-da-da-da-da" etc

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3 hours ago, Chezza said:

Has anyone said this one yet? Forgive me if so.


Sound and music replaced entirely by vocals mod. Every single sound from the music, to the guns, pickups and monsters replaced by someone making the sounds only with their voice.


E.g. instead of vanilla shotgun sounds, it's someone saying "Boom Chk-Chk". The music hilariously is someone mimicing it with "Da-da don da-da don da-da don da-da-da-da-da-da-da" etc


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@Shepardus haha I'm not surprised!


It's as amazing and terrible as I thought it would be.

Edited by Chezza

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  • 1 month later...

The name of the mod would be Joseph 

SSG It would fire faster and the normal shotgun would be automatic but with less pellets. The punch would release a rocket but it would take time to be able to change weapons or shoot again. The chainsaw you could throw it and it would come back to you and cut through enemies and cut them in half just like in brutal doom. The rocket launcher would have room for 4 rockets you could fire 1 or fire them all at once. Plasma Rifle would not spend the same ammo as BFG. I think that's it for this stupid mod


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Always sunny mod.  Stupid in the best way.  Closest I found was this WIP that was abandoned, hearing the mcpoyles freak out in doom is actually hilarious:



Edited by sandwedge

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  • 1 month later...



A ridiculous mod that honors our favorite plum-eating Jewish toothbrush hunter, and is based on various pieces of media that relate to horror, hell, and the unnatural.


The playable character is Michael Rosen, who is absolutely fed up with supernatural and satanic incidents occurring all around the world, and decides to exterminate as many creatures and demons as he can. Weapons include his fists, kitchen knives that can be thrown, explosive jugs of thick cooking oil, a plum rifle that acts like the plasma gun, and even a book that can summon the Skyfoogle. The shotgun, super shotgun, and rocket launcher remain unchanged, while the chaingun is replaced with a P90. As for the pistol and BFG, they're replaced with a Glock and the aforementioned Skyfoogle book respectively.


The enemies are replaced with randomly chosen characters:


Zombieman: Slowers and Sewmos from Cry of Fear

Shotgunner: Fasters from Cry of Fear

Chaingunner: Suiciders from Cry of Fear

Imp: Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie from Helluva Boss

Pinky: Loona and Vortex from Helluva Boss, as well as the Zombie and Gargoyle from the K-Fee commercials

Lost Soul: Choking hands from Blood

Cacodemon: Gargoyles from Blood

Pain Elemental: Phantasms from Blood

Hell Knight: Gatherers from Amnesia: the dark descent

Baron of Hell: Waster from Dysthymia-6, a Serious Sam second encounter mod that was an atmospheric horror themed walking simulator
Revenant: Slenderman

Mancubus: Brutes from Amnesia: the dark descent

Archvile: The drowning woman of sm666/Username: 666

The Spider Mastermind: Red from the Godzilla NES creepypasta

The Cyberdemon: Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2

The Icon of Sin: Regan Macneil in her scary maze form (and yes, she will do that infamous scream for her sight sound)


The Wolfenstein SS are replaced with Combine Soldiers, whether they are normal, shotgunners, or elite

The John Romero head is replaced with a crucified H. P. Lovecraft

The hanged Commander Keens are replaced with little Cthulhus

Edited by Uni Musuotankarep

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  • 1 month later...

I, for once, would love to see this in a mod someday:


... Well, with the choice of weapon being a BFG, at least.

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I would make a mod inspired by the 1994 Keanu Reeves movie Speed. You take on the role of John Stalvern a grizzled bus driver with a no bullshit kind of attitude. Anyways you stop the bus and a group of delinquent imps and former humans board the bus. Shortly afterwards they start harassing other passengers and you threaten to stop and throw them off. However, a former commando says to you that they have strapped an angry archvile to the underside of the bus and if the bus stops or slows down the archvile will light your ass. You call their bluff but you hear a vile laughter coming from beneath the bus. You know they mean business. As it turns out the group of baddies are addicted to the stimulants in berserk packs and need you to drive them to the UAC Pharamceutical store to stockpile on the stuff.


Goddamn mortally challenged junkies. You think to yourself as you switch the bus onto smart car mode.


You crack your knuckles and reach for your cudgel and sidearm.


Time to teach these degenerates a lesson.



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I have one I like to call "Asshole Doom".


The idea is to take each monster and make it way more annoying to deal with.


Full list of proposed changes:


- Zombieman fires like an SS Nazi

- Shotgun guy has a super shotgun instead (but only drops a normal one)

- Imps fire three fireballs in a spread instead of one

- Demons can jump over short gaps and ledges, and are twice as fast

- Spectres have the same abilities as demons, but are also completely invisible (no outline/distortion)

- Hell Knights and Barons both fire three projectiles at once in a spread, and have a 25% chance of the center projectile being a seeking one like the Revenant

- Cacodemons are twice as fast and shoot fireballs at four times the rate of fire

- Lost Souls have twice as many HP

- Spider Masterminds have 2 super chainguns instead of 1, also 1000 more HP

- Cyberdemons fire homing rockets and have 1000 more HP

- Chaingunners have 100 more HP and fire a minigun instead (but still only drop a chaingun)

- Revenants fire homing missiles 100% of the time, and the missiles can fly through walls (they only stop when they hit you, another monster, or an obstacle like a barrel)

- Mancubi fire continuously instead of in bursts

- Arachnotrons fire plasma at the same rate as the player's plasma rifle

- Pain Elementals deal area effect damage like a barrel when they die

- Arch-viles can resurrect each other and bosses (Cyberdemons and Spiderdemons)

- SS Nazis fire like chaingunners and have 10 more HP



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I would make a bunch of okay sprites in MS Paint of various science fiction characters, throw them all into a wad, have inexperienced mappers make a bunch of 1994-esque maps with no finesse, make it gzdoom only, and then say everybody who dislikes it or makes valid criticisms are extremely jealous of my genius and talent.

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I'd just want to make a mod that requires Brutal Doom or Project Brutality, and then throw a hissy fit when:

  • Said mod doesn't work with BD/PB
  • People pointing out that it doesn't work
  • Others stating why not make a more general mod instead.

Ill post that on Everything Else and then never come back to participate in answering them, because that's what New Good User Inc. does.


We make threads for your boredom.

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11 hours ago, DSC said:

I, for once, would love to see this in a mod someday:


That lunatic must have owned a really, REALLY big tub.

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Aren't the following threads the place to collect your ideas? I'm one of the weird folks who likes these idea-centric threads, but having to wade through various of them isn't so appealing ...


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12 hours ago, Decay said:

I would make a bunch of okay sprites in MS Paint of various science fiction characters, throw them all into a wad, have inexperienced mappers make a bunch of 1994-esque maps with no finesse, make it gzdoom only, and then say everybody who dislikes it or makes valid criticisms are extremely jealous of my genius and talent.

Don't forget also getting so salty you create an entire new forum website just for yourself!


1 hour ago, erzboesewicht said:

Aren't the following threads the place to collect your ideas? I'm one of the weird folks who likes these idea-centric threads, but having to wade through various of them isn't so appealing ...

My thread is a sort of successor or revival of the "stupid mods" thread. It was a nice and funny concept to make jokes around with, and I wanted to bring it back without forcefully necroposting on a dead thread.

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My stupid Doom wad is called "the house of stupid stuff".

based off 1994 wads and terry wads and other horrible wads.

Edited by ElmStreetSlasher1984

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On 8/25/2022 at 2:29 PM, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

I have one I like to call "Doomed Asshole", and it's a terrywad.

Will the Level be named Sphincters of Fun?

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On 8/25/2022 at 4:31 PM, ElmStreetSlasher1984 said:

My stupid Doom wad is called "the house of stupid stuff".

based off 1994 wads and terry wads and other horrible wads.

i'd honestly get a kick out of something like a "terihaus.wad". but only if the house part of it was fleshed out beyond a single room, hopefully with the entire house and maybe even the outside a little bit. keep the "terry" bits to either an attic or basement, as a treat. vanilla compatible, of course.

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  • 9 months later...

Bump cuz i wanted to share this stupid idea i had


The Penis Monkey:

Based off of the creepypasta, The Penis Monkey, you play as a police officer who must stop the titular penis monkey who is accompanied by his varied penis monkey goons


Just imagine that, it would be very NSFW

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So, imagine a mod where there are forty-eight different playable classes.

How do you get that many classes? Well, you have two opposed factions, six primary weapon archetypes, and four gadget archetypes.

Welcome to World War III. This is the world of Frontlines: Fuel of War, translated to DooM.


The two factions are the Western Coalition and the Red Star Alliance. The former is made up of NATO countries, the European Union, and nations allied to those two groups; the latter is led by the Russians and the Chinese, and includes many nations of the former Warsaw Pact.


The six primary weapons are: Assault Rifle(replaces Chaingun in drops and map spawns), Suppressed Sub-Machine Gun(replaces Pump Shotgun), Shotgun(replaces Super Shotgun), Support Machine Gun(replaces Plasma Gun), Sniper Rifle(replaces vanilla Rocket Launcher, pierces multiple enemies), and Rocket Launcher(replaces BFG).

The Gadgets are where this mod gets interesting, with the four archetypes there: Electronic Warfare(replaces Blur Sphere), Ground Support(Repair Tool replaces Chainsaw, other gadgets in this class replace Berserk), Air Support(may spawn on BFGs), and Drone Operator(replaces Night Vision). Where the primary weapons are strictly cosmetically different, the Gadgets are actually different, and each comes in three tiers, though some of the gadgets are either very similar or effectively identical regardless of the faction you choose.

Anyone else here even remember Frontlines? It may not have been the best, but I enjoyed it when I played it on X360 all those years ago.

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