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The "stupid mod idea" thread


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5 hours ago, Walter confetti said:


Aren't a level of Hell Revealed have that title?


Anyway this is a pretty cool idea more than stupid!

Highway Go Go for people playing Doom subbed ;)


1 hour ago, scalliano said:

Mods based off the other two Doom novels that aren't based off Doom I and II.

We need a Hungarian Doom Novel mod too!

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On 7/7/2019 at 12:14 PM, Doomkid said:

Well, I know what my next Doom project is gonna be.


Please tell me one of your levels will be called "King of Prunes".

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heres some random ideas off the top of my head... 


-  a ape escape like doom wad where u capture daisy bunnies with a net while killing demons

and u get new weapons/gadgets to reach daisy bunnies in past levels you missed


- H-Pokedoom   H Doom but with sexy pokemon instead of sexy demons


- Pacman in doom but pacman is a cacodemon and the ghosts are doom marines with differant colored armors


- 32 levels that are all mazes that are 16384x16384 in size tied together with a cluster intermission hub thingy and function as one massive mazey map


-  a doom map inspired by quickman's stage from megaman thats about dodging turrets that shoot red instant kill plasma rifle projectiles


- a doom wad with various maps where u have to deliver a pizza while killing demons but avoiding damage because it also damages the pizza and the music is pizza delivery theme from the spiderman 2 game on the ps2


Edited by Mystic 256

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A Doom mod where you have 8 classes, 1 for each Doom weapon, and the Doom weapon is the protagonist of the game, instead of Doom Guy.   In other words, the doom weapon shoots the doom guy as its bullets.  

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Here's some more stupid ideas I have for this thread:


-A mod that gives Doomguy the ability to stop time that affects everything. But the big drawback is that Doomguy is affected so he's frozen in time too. The time stop lasts about 20 seconds.


-Delicious Buffet Doom, a Doom mod that turns monsters to food and replaces Doomguy's weapons with cooking utensils. I can imagine Cacodemons being turned to  flying red meatballs creatures and Imps being turned to boiling chocolate monsters that throw molten chocolate. Some textures would also be replaced too, like lava being replaced to hot boiling water or dirty water being replaced to gravy or chocolate.


12 hours ago, SOSU said:

Highway Go Go for people playing Doom subbed ;)

Is that a motherfuckin' JoJo reference!?!

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9 hours ago, BrassKnight said:

-Delicious Buffet Doom, a Doom mod that turns monsters to food and replaces Doomguy's weapons with cooking utensils. I can imagine Cacodemons being turned to  flying red meatballs creatures and Imps being turned to boiling chocolate monsters that throw molten chocolate. Some textures would also be replaced too, like lava being replaced to hot boiling water or dirty water being replaced to gravy or chocolate.


Reminds me of Kitchens of Doom


4 hours ago, Andromeda said:

You're likely thinking of MAP23: Ascending to the Stars - but it's close enough ;)


Yeah, maybe is that.

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Oh man, I need to start coming up with some Zappa/Doom crossover pun name thingies..


The Masterminds of Invention

Citadel of Tiny Lites

Don't Eat the Green Nukage

Cacos en Regalia

Willie the Imp

A Big Fucking Token of My Extreme (could make a fun Go 2 It-like map)


There's bound to be loads more!

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9 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

Oh man, I need to start coming up with some Zappa/Doom crossover pun name thingies..


The Masterminds of Invention

Citadel of Tiny Lites

Don't Eat the Green Nukage

Cacos en Regalia

Willie the Imp

A Big Fucking Token of My Extreme (could make a fun Go 2 It-like map)


There's bound to be loads more!

For the soundtrack use midis of songs not made by Zappa for the irony :P

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16 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Oh man, I need to start coming up with some Zappa/Doom crossover pun name thingies..


The Masterminds of Invention

Citadel of Tiny Lites

Don't Eat the Green Nukage

Cacos en Regalia

Willie the Imp

A Big Fucking Token of My Extreme (could make a fun Go 2 It-like map)


There's bound to be loads more!


St. Archvile's Pancake Breakfast?

Doomguy Variations?

Satanic Princess?  

D-Spot Tornado?

Make a Doom Noise Here!

We're Only In It for the Gibbs!

Edited by Master O

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How about our hero character class being the entire Super Sentai, Power Rangers, Kamen Rider, Metal Heroes, and just Tokusatsu heroes in general with their representatives being the Gokaigers.

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Ironically, I suggest stupid ideas for Doom mods, but they might actually not be stupid ideas...


Also, Jojo Doom, where each Doom weapon corresponds to a different Jojo pose.  

Edited by Master O

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  • 3 weeks later...

This isn't a "mod" but a potato sack like arg between multiple doom wads would the fucking coolest thing since sliced bread.


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u play as doomguy 






is skinny lad and his bones are paper


you die in 1 hit BUT


you get the BFG at the start



you run super slow with it




you smell like tacos.


the end 

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  • 1 month later...

Doom but is geographically accurate according to the stock skies


Doom 2 but the music is a song with same title / artist of the level. Is such a stupid idea, that I actually making it lol

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DoomDaddy: the Official UAC Dating-Sim


Raise your compatibility with Doomguy-chan by scoring high kill-counts, using armor pickups efficiently and berserking Cyberdemons <3

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48 minutes ago, Dark Pulse said:

Doom: 4Kids Edition.

EDIT: nevermind. i'm an idiot lol


I said "So you mean Chex Quest?" but then i realized what "4Kids" was. Doh!

Edited by CyberDreams

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On 9/12/2019 at 9:09 PM, Voltcom said:

A mod that replaces Doomguy's assorted groans and grunts with Terry Crews quotes.


Nobody balances the extremes of loving bunnies and slaughtering demons better than this dude.

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3 hours ago, Sgt Nate V said:

BMG: Big Massive Gun!

No, no, guns aren't allowed either. Remember the Pokemon episode that got banned due to one character pointing a gun at our 10-to-12-year-old protagonists?


So it'd be something like a "Big Mesmerizing Gizmo." And in their confusion, it sends them back to their homeworld, where they'll live peaceful and happy lives forever.


Or to the Home For Infinite Losers. You decide.





Edited by Dark Pulse

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A co-op only Syndicate themed mod. Unlock new maps by completing objectives, obtain upgrades by completing secondary goals and obtaining weapons to research.

it's stupid cos getting four people to play coop is kinda impossible. 



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